Monkeygod |

Have I mentioned how much I utterly **LOATHE** The Silver Flame?? It is a faith based around everything I hate about religion. The fact that they went on a genocidal war vs one of my favorite races(Shifters) and one of my favorite "monsters"(Lycanthropes) further makes me hate them even more.
This is really nothing personal against Hugh, I promise. I am hoping once this initial argument is over, we can work on getting along. Maybe he'll see the error of his ways, and come over to the Six, Nine and One.

DankeSean RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4 |

Hah. First of all, no offense is taken. It's roleplay. I knew there'd be the possibility of conflict when I drafted Hugh up.
Now, personally, I LOVE the silver flame. Not so much as an actual institution, (I suspect if I lived in Eberron I'd have similarly negative feelings about it.) but as a fantasy construct, it's awesome. Basically, for pretty much the same reason you hate it: because it's one of the few RPG religions that feels like a REAL religion. I mean, every RPG ever is littered with cute little idealized pantheons that shift 'good' and 'evil' concepts around different gods. Healing God, Forest God, Weather God, Death God, Naughty God, etc. You've got a good character? you can just say 'ok, I follow the Healing God. But boy, I sure do HATE that Naughty God!' Which isn't to say that fantasy pantheistic religions can't be well done, but they're very much old hat.
The silver flame on the other hand? I love a monotheistic religion that actually works out how such a religion would work in a fantasy setting. (For instance, I love that they don't deny the existence of or power granted by the other religions, but just shrug and say that the old gods, while certainly divine beings, are the way of the past.) I love that it's a religion that is based on the principles of virtue, but because of the realities of the world (since it's a state religion, it's obviously going to have a huge number of adherents who just don't live up to those principles, because you know, people=imperfect) can come across as naive idealists at best and bloody hypocrites at worst. (Which, again, is brilliant in my mind because there's more than a few (or maybe all?) real life religions that do the exact same thing.) I like my religions to be complicated and messy, not neat and compartmentalized. I think the Silver Flame section of the original Eberron book was when Keith Baker won me over for good.
Which is a longwinded way of saying that I imagine there's as much chance of Hugh converting to the Sovereign Host as there is of him converting Vorik to the Flame. :-)

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

I personally love the Silver Flame! :)
But I do have something to say --
As you've certainly noticed, I'm really, really slammed with school work at the moment, and should be for the next month. I'm literally pulling more than 12 hours of a day AT school just to stay afloat.
(I'm a triple major, getting my degrees Religious Studies, History, and a BFA in Costume Production for Theatre, if you were wondering.)
Would anyone object if we had a month-long hiatus while I finish up this semester?
I can try to post some, but I don't want to just post crap to post, and decent stuff (and I really like the direction this game is going) will require more time to post, time which I do not have.
I've always wanted to run a campaign with the possibility of kindling something huge (which, due to my rather heavy-handed tactics and railroading I may have set forth -- sorry for being a hind-end DM), and with as long as this game has been going, I'd rather not see it die.
We could take a month-long break, or one of you could step up and run this for a short time.
Let me know. Thanks guys! :)

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Hey everyone! I'm really sorry for my extended absence. As I'm sure you've come to realize, I can no longer run this game.
I moved to Utah the first week of June and have not had (reliable) internet access until now -- and I'm stealing some wi-fi from a local cafe! Due to my work schedule, I just don't have time to run this anymore.
I'm really sorry for doing this to you guys, and I do feel bad about it. Hopefully, we will be able to game in the future, if I ever have the time. I'm really sorry to let you all down. It was REALLY awesome to get as many posts as we did, and you guys are all great! Roll some 20s, and I hope to hear from you all in the future!