4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 2, 1) = 6
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 6, 5) = 17 16
I'll use the second set. Gonna probably build an Aiel character.
Ciaran Patrick Loughlin:
NAME Ciaran Patrick Loughlin (Keyer-on / Lock-lin) BACKGROUND Pureblood (Irish) ATTRIBUTES Finesse 1 Intelligence 2 Spirit 2 Power 2 MASTERIES Creature Expert Enchanting Expert PERKS A Way with Wands Tussel Hardened SKILLS Artificing +4 (Enchanting Expert) Magical Creatures +3 (Creature Expert) Charms +3 DADA +3 Potions +3 Wand-3d10 ⇒ (1, 8, 9) = 18 Beech Erumpent Hair 12&1/2 Inches Backstory/Description:
Ciaran is the eldest son of Seamus Blaise Loughlin, the Author of a well known book titled 'Pagan Rituals and the Rise and Fall of the Shaman', and Anastasia Prewett, a renowned Broomstick Designer. Ciaran is a large child, tall and heavily built with a quiet and shy personality. Ciaran has messy red hair and wears silver rimmed glasses, much to his embarrassment. Despite being pudgy, ginger and nerdy looking, Ciaran is a confident, kind young man, proud of who he is and unafraid of adversity. Ciaran had spent all of his childhood living in Ireland, travelling to London and the United Kingdom only rarely with his parents, as they attended functions at the behest of the Ministry of Magic. He is excited for his trip to Hogwarts but nervous about not being at home in his own country. Pretty sure that is correctly done. Fingers crossed anyway!
Looks like I wandered back in to town at the right time. Praise the Light. I would like to apply to this but since I crapped out on my last games about a year ago, I've learned a bit about myself and in the interest of honesty, I'm a bit of a flake. I don't mean to be and I love playing PBP and Pathfinder in general, I just kinda fall in to a pit of anxiety and run from the boards without meaning to. I feel bad about dropping out of games on awesome GMs after they take a chance on my character so im just gonna be honest with everyone from now on. Anyway, I'd love to apply and try break that cycle.
"If I referred to the man as a priest, I would have capitalized Father. Because the man is old, I have him the honorific of father as in fatherly, elder, senior." You are right. I am sorry if our characters could not see the punctualisation in your voice, when you spoke the word father. This is the part you brought up in your comment, has nothing to do with Metagaming. Also St Patrick being Welsh would have been widely known. Padraic bears his name and would know a lot about St Patrick, due to being raised by the village priest. So it being Metagaming is questionable at best.
So here is my basic timeline. It will need updating but this is it so far minus the pieces me and Erin have agreed on. -2036 Cillian o'Hare is born in Dublin Ireland
I had a similar background idea for my character to JD. Former Irish Ranger focused in Counter-Intelligence. He carries a Heckler & Koch HK416 assault rifle and a Benelli Super 90 Shotgun. He is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin where he studied Mechanical Engineering and Computer Programming. He has a PHD in Robotics. He built a Stealth Drone that is controlled through a neural implant. He can use the Drone for recon, to remotely access closed networks and to act as an emp. He signed up for service after his Degree, joining up as a grunt, even though he had the qualifications to get himself in to a Cadetship. He worked on his PHD during his time in service and got promoted to an Officer position when he finished the PHD. His work with the Rangers is still on a need to know basis and his reasons for joining Overwatch are unknown. His skills have also seen him attached to Blackwatch
I can probably email you the pdf but yeah if you aren't familiar with it, it might not be the right fit. The main reason it jumped out at me is it has rules for building robots that are controlled by characters, and also for magic and stuff. It is more steampunk esq but that is pretty easy to fix. I'm good with whatever though, just happy to be here.
Sol Ji-hwan:
SOL JI-HWAN _____________________________________________ Race Human Gender Male Age 25 Class Mutagenic Mauler Brawler / Level 1 Init +4; Senses Perception +4 _____________________________________________ BUFFS AND CONSUMABLES _____________________________________________ Mutagen ( - ) Torches (10) Trail Ration (5) _____________________________________________ DEFENSE _____________________________________________ AC 18(20), touch 14, flat-footed 14(16), Fight Defensive 21(23), Total Defense 23(25) (+4 Armor, +4 Dex, +2 Shield, +1 Dodge(Fighting Defensive/Total Defense)) Hp 12 Temp hp [] Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +0 _____________________________________________ OFFENSE _____________________________________________ Speed 30ft Melee Tekko-Kagi +4 (1d3+3;x2) Tonfa +4 (1d6+3;x2) Unarmed Strike +4 (1d6+4;x2) Special Attacks Mutagen Tekko-Kagi +6 (1d3+5;x2) Mutagen Tonfa +6 (1d6+5;x2) Mutagen Unarmed Strike +6 (1d6+6;x2) _____________________________________________ STATISTICS _____________________________________________ Str 16, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 11 Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 18 Feats Improved Grapple Drawback Attached Traits Cautious Warrior, Childhood Crush (Ameiko), Heavy Hitter ____________________________________________ SKILLS ____________________________________________ Skills Acrobatics +6 (+4 Ability, -2 Armor Check, +3 Class, +1 Rank) Climb +5 (+3 Ability, -2 Armor Check, +3 Class, +1 Rank) Knowledge (Local) +5 (+1 Ability, +3 Class, +1 Rank) Perception +4 (+3 Class, +1 Rank) Sense Motive +4 (+3 Class, +1 Rank) Languages Common, Draconic, Tien, ____________________________________________ SPECIAL QUALITIES ____________________________________________ SQ Brawler’s cunning, martial training, unarmed strike, mutagen ____________________________________________ EQUIPMENT AND GOLD ____________________________________________ Combat Gear Chainshirt, Heavy Wooden Shield, Tekko-Kagi x2, Tonfa x2, Basic Gear Fighters Kit (This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.), Alchemy Crafting Kit Gold 3Gp ____________________________________________ APPEARANCE ____________________________________________ Height 5ft 9 Weight 155lbs Eye Color Chestnut Facial Hair Color Brown Region of Origin Sandpoint / Tian Xia Deity Yamatsumi the Mountain Lord Phycial Description Ji-hwan is of medium build and height, not too broad across the shoulder but not too slight either. He wears his hair long, tied back into a tight ponytail with a black leather cord. He has a large tattoo of a snow-capped erupting volcano on his back, the symbol of his families deity Yamatsumi, the Mountain Lord. Ji-hwan wears modest monks clothing, loose canvas breeches and a loose fitting sleeveless shirt, both in black, bound at the waist by a white sash. While travelling, Ji-hwan wears a heavy black cloak over his monks clothes, to keep out the rain and wind. Backstory
Okay so this is my build so far. I took the human alternate racial trait, dual talented, which replaces the human bonus feat for another +2 to another ability at creation, so I hope that won't be a problem. His family traveled to Sandpoint and worked for the Kaijitsu family and he has grown up with the girls. He is quiet, kind and well meaning but kind of an idiot when it comes to social situations. Ji-hwan has been raised by his Grandmother and Mother since he was 10, after his father died in a fire. His grandmother is a Priestess of Yamatsumi, hence his worship of the Mountain Lord and his mother is a Healer and Alchemist. Ji-Hwan is protective of both of the Kaijitsu sisters but is especially infatuated with Ameiko. I'll write his full background in a little while.
In Nomine is a game based around the idea that Heaven and Hell are locked in an eternal war and Earth is their battlefield. Players play anything from Angels and Demons to Mummies, Vampires, Werewolves and Mages. In Nomine is such a badass setting. Finally. I have been craving the ability to play a Mutagenic Mauler properly for awhile. Awesome.
So here is my Soldier. I think he is done right so far. I don't have any equipment though. And I am missing a few parts, I think. Soldier: Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D8, Spirit D6, Strength D4, Vigor D4
Okay so I started to build a character for fun and came up with this- Keamba:
KEAMBA MAFIKI OF THE IJO BONUWAT _____________________________________________ Race Suli Gender Male Age 25 Class Dread Thane Skald / Level 1 Init +2; Senses Perception +4, Survival +0 _____________________________________________ BUFFS/CONSUMABLES/SPELLS _____________________________________________ Buffs - Consumables Acid Flask x2 Alchemist Fire x2 Elemental Flux x2 Scroll of Cause Fear x2 Scroll of Cure Light Wounds x2 Torches x10 Trail Rations x5 Spells Known 0- Detect Magic, Haunted Fey Aspect, Light, Read Magic 1st- Cause Fear, Cure Light Wounds _____________________________________________ DEFENSE _____________________________________________ AC 17(19), touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex, +2 Shield) Hp 9 Temp hp [] Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2 Resistances Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5. _____________________________________________ OFFENSE _____________________________________________ Speed 20ft Melee Earthbreaker +3 (2d6+4;x3) Gandasa +3 (2d4+3; x3) Terbutje +4 (1d8+3;19-20x2) Ranged Sling +2 (1d4+3;x2) Special Attacks _____________________________________________ STATISTICS _____________________________________________ Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 18 Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15 Feats Weapon Focus (Terbutje) Traits Axe to Grind, Child of Infamy ____________________________________________ SKILLS ____________________________________________ Skills Diplomacy +10 (+4 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +2 Racial) Intimidate +9 (+4 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +½ Level) Sense Motive +6 (+1 Rank, +3 Class, +2 Racial) Spellcraft +4 (+1 Rank, +3 Class) Use Magic Device +8 (+4 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class) Background Skills Craft (Alchemy) +4 (+1 Rank, +3 Class) Perform (Act) +9 (+4 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +1 Trait) Languages Common, Polyglot ____________________________________________ SPECIAL QUALITIES ____________________________________________ SQ Agent of Dread, Cantrips, Inspired rage +1 (+2 Str/Con), Raging song, Scribe Scroll ____________________________________________ EQUIPMENT AND GOLD ____________________________________________ Alchemy Gear Acid x2, Alchemists Fire x2, Elemental Flux Flask x2. Combat Gear Earthbreaker, Gandasa, Sling, Terbutje(Steel). Defensive Gear Heavy Wooden Shield, Horn Lamellar Armor. Magical Gear Scroll of Cause Fear x2, Scroll of Cure Light Wounds x2. Miscellaneous Gear Alchemist Kit (This kit includes an alchemy crafting kit, a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin), Explorers Outfit. Wealth 63 Gp ____________________________________________ PERSONAL INFORMATION ____________________________________________ Height 6ft 2 Weight 210lbs Eye Color Silver Hair Color Black Region of Origin The Mwangi Expanse / Westcrown Deity Mfuello the Journeyer Physical Description[//b] Keamba takes after his human mother more than he does his jann father, so much so that he was not aware he was anything but human, till he became an adult. Keamba is a tall man, broad of shoulder and heavily muscled. His hair is worn in long, finger thick braids, tipped with bone and ivory beads, which hang to about midway down his back, tied back with a length of black leather cord. Keamba wears black leather pants over a pair of soft leather boots. He wears a black leather vest which leaves his shoulders and arms bare. Around both biceps he sports heavy steel torcs, styled as a snake biting its own tail. Around his left wrist he wears leather bracelets worked with red and black beads. Over his leather pants and vest, Keamba wears a suit of armor made of Oryx horn plates, threaded together with steel wire and red leather cord. The armor includes a breastplate, greaves and gauntlets. [b]Background Keamba was born of Marisan, a famous Actress of Westcrown, known as the Jewel of the Ijo. Marisan was the daughter of a house of traders and merchants, specializing in the trade of ores. During her fathers life the family began to supply and work with the Chelaxian noble house of Henderthane. Through the years the family migrated from their original home, till the ended up in Westcrown. Keamba was raised by his granduncle. Marisans father was busy working the life of the trader and never had time for his grandson, spending all of his time abroad, solidifying trade lines and gaining new contracts. In the same vein, Keamba never knew his father, the man having died before he was born, according to Marisan. Keamba learned his worship of juju through his granduncle Abdalla who was a practicing wendifa of Mfuello. Abdalla instructed the boy in the ways and practices of juju, along with teaching him the history of his family. He spent years instructing the young Keamba in the mysteries of his religion, on the magics of his tribe, his people. From his mother he learned the art of the stage, becoming an adept actor and a dedicated false facer. During his 15th year, when Keamba was set to join his grandfather in the family business, where he would have learned the ways of trade and of commerce, the ways of a man, the family fell on hard times. Henderthane cut all ties with the family, leaving them underfunded and understaffed, things looked bleak. During this time things got desperate, his family had lost a lot of faithful retainers. His mothers career floundered, his grandfather was lost at sea, his ship taken by pirates. Over the next few years Keamba became bitter and angry at the Nobles of Cheliax, at the house of Thrune.
Type: Sulis are outsiders with the native subtype. Size: Sulis are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Base Speed: Sulis have a base speed of 30 feet. Languages: Sulis begin play speaking Common and one elemental language (Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or Terran). Sulis with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aquan, Auran, Draconic, Ignan, and Terran. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages. Defense Racial Traits
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Magical Racial Traits
Senses Racial Traits
Alternate Racial Traits
Keamba is a Suli with the Mostly Human alternate racial trait. He looks and acts like a Mwangi man, has a Bonuwat name and speaks Polyglot. He has never met his father and is only learning to control his powers now. Till he was an adult, he had no idea he was anything but a normal human Keamba is a Skald, built as sort of a Juju Witchdoctor. He has the Dread Thane archetype and is built as a strange mix of healer and debuffer.
I was indeed thinking of playing a Blessed as people suggested. His backstory is he is an Ex Cop who got entangled in the Weird back in his homeland and left to escape the Fey that controlled Ireland. I can see him turning to the Church at some stage to help, thinking he was going mad and had brought it on himself through sin, so seeking absolution.
Oh wow I totally didn't expect to get in to this. Thanks Loup! :) DM: Yeah I was hoping to make him a Tesla Engineer, his whole character is kinda of built around demolitions and being a war engineer, so that would be the path I am interested in.
Aye I have the base book and have been doing some reading from it but I just kinda need someone to lay it out for me a little clearer is all. If you could point me in the right direction for building an Engineer I'd appreciate it.
Here is my completed submission, Backstory, such as it is, and all. Kisara Vulpina The Dancing Shadow: KISARA VULPINA _____________________________________________ Race Kitsune Vampire Gender Female Class Ninja Init +11; Senses Perception +21, Survival +13 _____________________________________________ BUFFS AND CONSUMABLES _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
When Kisara hunts, or when her Master orders her on a job, gone is the living breeding beauty, replaced by a cold, terrible, formless monster of the night. Through a mix of her own innate talents and the magics she possesses, Kisara appears as little more than a blanched, drawn out shadow of a person. All colour bleeds from her body, her eyes and her hair. She dresses in tight fitting black leather, the only hint of brightness the flashing of her blades and the odd stray link of mithril that breaks through the darkness of her clothing. When Kisara reverts to her true form she appears as a pure white fox with two tails, or she once did. Now her form teeters between more grey than white, her lithe fox body appearing more lupine than vulpine at times. When Kisara transforms to her new forms, that of the swarms, an ability passed down from her master, her components always bear a bright splash of blood red coloring, on back, on wing or on muzzle. Background When Kisara was born her mother wished for her only one thing, eternal happiness, though life saw fit to only grant part of that wish. Kisara was born to two happy parents, a travelling pair of performers, her mother the most graceful dancer to ever set foot on earth, her father the most talented lute player to ever possess ears. The early years of her life were filled with happy memories of travelling the countryside, performances and laughter, all which changed once they reached Absalom. The city looms like a shadow over the happiness and innocence of Kisaras whole childhood, the site of her parents death and her rebirth. Kisara arrived to Absalom with her parents during her 10th year. They worked and lived in a small tavern on the edge of town and, for a season, all was well. This changed dramatically however. First, her father fell ill. It was a simple sickness at the beginning, but it seemed to progress, almost supernaturally. As he worsened, her mother became sick also. Both of her parents became too ill to work, Kisara was too young and, eventually, the Innkeeper who had been paying them with room and board, kicked them out of the Inn. From there it went down hill. Kisara tried to provide for her parents, tried to get them the help they needed but… she was just too young, too weak. On the eve of her 11th birthday they died in the night, alone, shivering in their blankets as Kisara attempted to steal enough gold to get them the help they needed. Of course she blamed herself, hated herself. She wallowed in her own self pity, become pale and wan. She stayed with her parents till finally she just couldn’t bare it any longer. She fled in the night, setting fire to their tiny hovel behind her, never looking back. The next five years of Kisaras life were a blur or darkness. She learned to steal from shops and carts, to pickpocket fat merchants and how to break into buildings. She learned the workings of the blade in back alleys holding fat children at knife point for their pocket money. Kisara became harder, more bitter. She railed at the world, and at the Innkeeper who sentenced her parents to death. So much so did she blame him that, on the eve of her 16th birthday, she saw him removed from this the mortal coil. She had grown bold and bitter in her time on the streets, had learned skills that would make her family ashamed. One dark night she slipped in to the tavern where all were asleep. She set a fire in the basement after drugging the innkeeper and barring his room. To throw anyone off her scent she raised the alarm herself, and watched from a safe distance as everything went up in smoke. Kisara began to make a name for herself in the underworld of the city. She became known for being an adept thief and a sometimes assassin. She took jobs all over the city till one day her bloodthirsty nature and need for gold brought her to the wrong sort of job. What followed next Kisara does not speak of, but in the course of one job she went from a young Kitune woman who could breathe, look at the sun and travel at daytime, to an undead nightmare, a vampire of such grace and beauty the underworld had never seen. Her master took her in and began her training anew, instilling in her over the next two centuries all of the skills and abilities she would need to become the graceful whirlwind of death she has become. Kisara views herself as one of the lucky ones. It is not everybody who gets to be born twice after all!
Blood Drain (Su)
Children of the Night (Su)
Create Spawn (Su)
Dominate (Su)
Energy Drain (Su)
Swarm Form (Su)
Gaseous Form (Su)
Shadowless (Ex)
Spider Climb (Ex)
Agile (Ex)
Change Shape (Su)
Fast Shifter (Su)
Nine-Tailed Inheritor:
Low-Light Vision:
[spoilder=Deadmans Headband]This taut black band, clipped with a black metal skull, can be attached on the outside of a hat or other head slot item or can be worn as a normal headband. The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks and increases the DC of any fear effect he creates by +1. In addition, if this headband is attached to the outside of a hat, the wearer’s hat or headgear cannot be blown off or removed by wind, water, or environmental effects, and the wearer gains a +5 circumstance bonus to his
[spodiler=Gloves of Reconnaissance]Each of these fingerless worked leather gloves look as though they have seen heavy use, and often bear the stains or scent of grass or wet mud. On command, the wearer can use the gloves to see and hear though solid material no more than 15 feet thick by placing both hands on that material. The gloves can be used for 10 rounds each day. The rounds need not be consecutive.[/spoidler] [spodiler=Stalkers Mask]Preserved sections harvested from several different human faces cover this mask. When worn, the mask desaturates the wearer’s color, making him appear shadowy and granting a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. Once per day as a
Okay so I am finally ready to throw my name in for dotting. Working on the character now, this is what I have so far - Kitsune Vampire:
Ranged Special Attacks
[soiler=Deadmans Headband]This taut black band, clipped with a black metal skull, can be attached on the outside of a hat or other head slot item or can be worn as a normal headband. The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks and increases the DC of any fear effect he creates by +1. In addition, if this headband is attached to the outside of a hat, the wearer’s hat or headgear cannot be blown off or removed by wind, water, or environmental effects, and the wearer gains a +5 circumstance bonus to his
[spiler=Gloves of Reconnaissance]Each of these fingerless worked leather gloves look as though they have seen heavy use, and often bear the stains or scent of grass or wet mud. On command, the wearer can use the gloves to see and hear though solid material no more than 15 feet thick by placing both hands on that material. The gloves can be used for 10 rounds each day. The rounds need not be consecutive.[/soiler] [spoier=Stalkers Mask]Preserved sections harvested from several different human faces cover this mask. When worn, the mask desaturates the wearer’s color, making him appear shadowy and granting a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. Once per day as a
I feel like I am doing something wrong but I'll be damned if I know what...
See I knew Cavan was not in Leinster, I'm from Leinster myself, I just confused myself reading your blurb. I thought we were invading Cavan. Aye the Druids were long gone as a major source of power in Ireland at that stage, I think there were minor sects of them still around but I can not be 100% sure. Either of my Fighter or Ranger will be the character I apply with then. Is it acceptable to skin a Club as a Hurl for the sake of this campaign? Hurling is an important part of Irish culture throughout the years and is mentioned in the Ulster Cycle along with the other branches of Irish Mythology.
So my character concept is this- Padraic is a young man, proud and stubborn. He can trace his lineage all the way back to Brian Boru and due to this is cocky and hot headed. He is a proud and fierce son of Leinster who holds to the old traditions of old Ireland, while paying lip service to the Christian faith. I have built Padraic in three forms, two being Fighter and Ranger, and the 3rd being a Druid, if that would be acceptable. Fighter:
Padraic Ó Cinnéide _____________________________________________ Race Human Gender Male Age 24 Class Fighter Init +3; Senses Perception +1, Survival +5 _____________________________________________ BUFFS AND CONSUMABLES _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
As a Fighter Padraic fights like the heroes of old, with spear in hand, his backup weapons being that of sword and shield. Ranger:
Padraic Ó Cinnéide _____________________________________________ Race Human Gender Male Age 24 Class Ranger Init +4; Senses Perception +4, Survival +4 _____________________________________________ BUFFS AND CONSUMABLES _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
As a Ranger I built Padraic to focus on ranged combat, but using thrown weapons, a spear, the javelin and daggers, rather than a bow. Back up weapons include Sword and Shield and Hurl. Druid:
Padraic Ó Cinnéide _____________________________________________ Race Human Gender Male Age 29 Class Druid Init +4; Senses Perception +6, Survival +6 _____________________________________________ SPELLBOOK _____________________________________________ Orisons Guidance, Resistance, Stabilize 1st Level Cure Light Wounds, Shillelagh _____________________________________________ DEFENSE _____________________________________________ AC 18(20), touch 14, flat-footed 14(16) (+4 Armor, +4 Dex, +2 Shield) Hp 9 Temp hp [ ] Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4 _____________________________________________ OFFENSE _____________________________________________ Speed 25ft Melee Dagger +1 (1d4+1;19-20x2) Hurl +1 (1d6+1(+2);x2) Scythe +2 (2d4+2;x4) Shortsword +1 (1d6+1;19-20x2) Ranged Dagger +4 (1d4+1;19-20x2) Sling +4 (1d4+1;x2) Special Attacks _____________________________________________ STATISTICS _____________________________________________ Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 11 Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15 Feats Combat Casting, Weapon Focus (Scythe) ____________________________________________ SKILLS ____________________________________________ Skills Heal +6 (+2 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class) Knowledge +4 (Geography)(+1 Rank, +3 Class) Knowledge +4 (Nature) (+1 Rank, +3 Class) Perception +6 (+2 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class) Spellcraft +4 (+1 Rank, +3 Class) Survival +6 (+2 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class) Languages Irish ____________________________________________ SPECIAL QUALITIES ____________________________________________ SQ Nature bond (Animal Companion), nature sense, orisons, wild empathy ____________________________________________ EQUIPMENT AND GOLD ____________________________________________ Gear Scythe, Shortsword, Dagger, Club (Styled as a Hurl, Sling, Bullets x20, Heavy Wooden Shield, Hide Armour ____________________________________________ APPEARANCE ____________________________________________ Height 6ft Weight 190lbs Eye Color Green Hair Color Red Padraic as a Druid is a reclusive man, who would have lived alone in the hills close to the settlement. His weapon of focus is the Scythe, a farmers weapon. He carries a shield and sword as a backup and a hurl, as all three iterations of the character do. Any questions or comments greatly appreciated.
Oooh! A Role Play set in Ireland? Sure I live there! Seems like great craic. I'm in. I'll get up an idea soon. Times I'll message you now! Questions: Is Druid left off this list because the class is being kept for NPC, or is that an oversight? By the description we are men and women of Leinster, yes?
Sorry for the absence, been busy IRL. I could be as gracious as Atlas but I am determined to get the chance to learn a new system so with that in mind, my Ripper Concept. Padraic Casey the Early Years:
Padraic Casey was born in Dublin on the 15 of March 1902, named for his father, the Farrier of the Lord Mayor of Dublin. Padraic had an older brother, Sean, who in 1916 was shipped abroad for his involvement in the Easter Rising. Padraic was too young to have taken part in any of the planning, even though he would have, gladly, so he was spared the deportation his brother was sent through.
Padraic trained for a job in the Constabulary in 1919 when his brother was knee deep in mud and blood. During a training exercise in the hills of Wicklow, he became lost in the night and stumbled across a Fairy Ring. The locals knew to avoid the ring at all cost, and Padraic knew this too, but had gotten lost, and didnt really believe in that tripe anyway. Padraic spent the night in the Fairy Ring where he was visited by terrible visions, of his brother, dying gruesomely in the war, though it wasn't his brother, it was himself. It was all very worrying and confusing and when he awoke in the morning, he felt as if he had spent the whole night being roasted over a fire. Thing went from bad to worse after that, Padraic kept at his training till he earned a position working in Tralee in Kerry, but he was wracked by nightmares, plagued by visions and haunted by spirits. Things started to go strange around him, the dead rose and tormented him when the moon was full, he saw visions of grisly murder when he closed his eyes. He was on edge, he felt drawn too thin. One night, at the height of summer, 1921, he was called to the Cliffs in Portmagee. A man had spotted a woman dressed all in white, standing on the edge of the cliff. Padraic rushed to the scene to find himself strangely alone. There was no man in sight, no other Officers present, just him and the mysterious woman. Padraic braced himself and ran over his training, taking his helmet under his arm, he approached the cliffs edge, shouting to be heard over the sound of crashing waves. He called out to her, only to be met with the loudest, most ear piercing scream he had ever heard. The woman rounded on him, a twisted screaming monster, and began to advance. Padraic dropped to his knees in fear, clutching at his heart. He saw dark visions and felt like he was about to pass out, before the screaming trailed off and stopped. The Banshee stood there, eyeing him in a confused manner. She began to speak to him then, telling him that his time had not come, that he was in the wrong place. She told him that he needed to leave Ireland or she WOULD take him, that if he left from Cobh in the morning, heading to America, he would live to see the next year at least, that is all she could promise. When he asked why she was not going to take him, she told him that it was not for her to do. The little people had marked him and desired for him to be tormented. She wanted to deny them of their torment, allowing him to leave the country would be the best way to accomplish that. Padraic accepted that explanation, as strange as the whole bloody thing was, and fled to Cobh that very night, taking nothing with him. He took ship come the morning, paying his way and doing some work as a Porter till they reached the Americas. Padraic Casey in the Americas:
Padraic struggled at first when he arrived in America, drifting from town to town, working as a Porter as he went, till he found his way up to Boston. Here he found a healthy Irish community and managed to make himself some connections. He worked hard and within a year had managed to get himself a job as a Police Officer once more.
Here he worked for many years, till once again the strangeness began to manifest itself. The Irish Community was growing, and with it, Irish Culture was starting to entrench itself in the country. The Little People were being brought over in the minds and hearts of those who came to Boston to escape the War. He was running out of space, and needed to get farther away. The strangeness followed him however and before long had caught up with him. He began to get involved with weirdness all over the country till eventually it became easier to work to solve it, rather than avoid it. He began to actively seek out the weirder goings on, hunting down creatures, dealing with ghosts and the like. Working on learning the ins and outs of paranormal things. He studied magic and worked with natives, foreigners and practitioners of all different types of arts. He traveled, learned and grew in his comfort with the paranormal side of his life. Okay so it is long and I need to tie him directly to Vegas, but this is the basic idea. Okay I have the basic book, gonna start reading it now. Then I'm gonna pick up Rippers, unless someone can share the information with me. I'm really enjoying building these concepts.
_____________________________________________ Race Human Gender Male Age 29 Class Fighter (Cad) / Level 1 Init +4; Senses Perception +0, Survival +0 _____________________________________________ BUFFS AND CONSUMABLES _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Physical Description Faradin wears his hair shaved short on the sides and back and long on top, swept to the right of his head in a slight cascade. Faradin has a scar on his face, starting over his left eye and moving down to above the corner of his right lip, over the bridge of his nose. He wears a clean white shirt, laced at wrists and neck, under a black leather coat with red scrollwork running the sleeves and the lapels. Faradin wears a pair of black canvas pants, tight and form fitting, under a pair of turned down black leather boots. Around his waist hangs a thick leather sword belt with a bright silver belt buckle. Physical description and gear updated with a Swordcane Pistol added with ammo, and the Kukri removed. Selthin has not participated in any online campaigns. |