Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Just a heads up... work became a raging inferno of pain and working late... probably wont' have much of a presence on the boards this weekend.
Sorry. on the plus side, Desh has been relatively quiet so far, so at least it's in character. :D
Bones, I didn't get your email. Can you please email at prpg.levi@gmail?
That's fine Ben! Take it easy! RL always come first! :)

Dakvor Damashek |

Hi Levi, took time to go to an internet cafe so I could access obsidian & my yahoo mail and saw your email invite in my yahoo. Forwarded to my ofc email the post of the rest of you guys (sorry haven't read them yet). I already wrote my "assignment" in the portal and for some *@#$! reason I hit a key and it went back to the home page of our portal and when I hit the back button hoping my post's still there well....it &*%$@ gone! So sorry I already typed quite a number of words but I really had to be back in the office. I'll just type one later here in the ofc & try to post it in the portal some other time.

wraithstrike |

Monkeygod wrote:hey Levis, I sent you an email bout Vorik the other day, let me know if u got it or if i need to resend.Thanks for letting me know. I have 5 separate emails and I don't always check them all! :) Reply sent! :D
I will get that assignment done eventually.

Loche |

Does our Paladin grant us a bonus on the fear check?
I'm just asking as it is often a standard power with Paladins along with an immunity to fear.
Loche has the Orison Know Direction which always allows him to know the direction North.
Does this grant him some immunity to the disorientation or a conditional bonus on the roll?

Dakvor Damashek |

Hi guys, it's friday night here and I gotta go offline for the weekend and be back sunday night of your time zone as usual. I'll try to check in during the weekend (very doubtful though). Man! I'm sure an action-packed scene's gonna happen soon. Well Dakvor's initial action's there already Levi. Hope it's appropriate to the encounter :)

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Hi guys, it's friday night here and I gotta go offline for the weekend and be back sunday night of your time zone as usual. I'll try to check in during the weekend (very doubtful though). Man! I'm sure an action-packed scene's gonna happen soon. Well Dakvor's initial action's there already Levi. Hope it's appropriate to the encounter :)
Thanks for checking in! :)
As side note, I am going home this weekend, and do not plan on bringing any rulebooks with me, or my computer. So, I will be on very minimally over the next few days.
I know, I know, we're getting to the exciting part! Don't worry - I'll keep the excitement coming, but I'll be on hiatus from technology as this will be the first time I've been with my family in a month and half, and the last time I'll see them until basically April (if you don't count my concert next Friday).
Keep going guys, and I'll pop in late in the evening to narrate the action!

Monkeygod |

Enjoy the weekend Levis!
This lull will allow me to finally finish off Vorik(just gearbis left), though I do have a question to ask:
How much leeway will you give Vorik for verbal intimidation, as I'm sure he's aware of just how much he can get away with without risking his Paladin abilities.
Also, expect an email regarding the variation on Detect Evil.

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Hey Levi just popped in here and saw that you're having a great weekend :) No worries, man. Perfectly understandable. I can relate to that very much. That's actually my normal weekend :)
I'm back and ready to roll, I'll be posting later in the evening, probably in between 6 and 8! :D

Desh |

If we're going to need Spellcraft or Knowledge (arcana), I can drop some skill points in there. My only concern with that is my INT modifier is a -2, which means i'm fighting an up-hill battle for both of those skills as well as struggling with a shallow bucket of skill points per round, anyway.
Let me know what you guys, think, though.
Somehow it didn't actually occur to me that we lack a primary arcane caster.... :\
If Desh ends up on the wrong end of a sword or arrow, I'd happily switch over.. though let's try to keep that from happening!

Smerg |

Loche, were ur last comments, the ones directed a Vorik, said aloud??
Yes, Loche is not very tactful and he lives mostly with animals in the forest. He only believes in the 'natural' order and comes from the Reaches which threw off 'royalty' during the last war.

Loche |

Ya, but my character is forbidden to discuss that as part of his 'deal' to get the aid he needs.
Darn those GMs and setting up situations like this for us players to suffer through. hehe.
Speaking of which, see Desh, having a strong personality is not always a good thing, it gets swords pointed at your throat. ;>

Dakvor Damashek |

He doesn't really bring anything unique to the group from a mechanical or personality perspective.
I'm at a loss...
I think that "business with the tree" before we came in to the prison for me made Desh unique already; think it's a good starting point and that low charisma, low int :)
The image of us bickering before we enter and then Desh just relieving himself nonchalantly like that is quite impressionable for me. And Maybe Desh could rile the paladin, too without meaning to due to his low int & cha. I could already imagine the paladin havin' the same fit as with Loche but with Desh the shifter's reaction could be totally non-challenging but just totally, utterly clueless and yet with a touch of wisdom at the end.....hmmm....
on second thought, that would be really hard to roleplay but maybe you can pull it off :) just my 2cents :) hope it helps

Monkeygod |

I'm not positive, but based on how he's been so far, id be willing to bet that if ur truly not feeling Desh, Levi will let you make a new character. After all, if ur not having fun, what's the point of playing??
And tbh, this is kinda like the perfect place to do a character switch: there a several ways to phase Desh out and his replacement could be another prisoner we resuce or stumble across.

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Yep, if you're not feeling Desh, I'll let you switch. I like to kill things! ;)
Although I'd love to have a "Flamer" still, if possible.
I've always wanted to see one of those "Arcane Paladin" ... what are they called, um, Silver Pyromancers?
But seriously, whatever you want - I just want us to have fun!
And I'll be posting later tonight, the explosion of posting has given me some reading to do (after I get my homework done!). :)

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Levis wrote:Yep. Together with Vorik's Bone knight and those Brelander expressions the monk's been blurting out.Desh wrote:What te heck is a silver pyromancer? Book?It's like a totally awesome fire-throwing arcane pally. It's in Five Nations!
It's probably one of my favorite eberron source books, besides the forge of war. :D

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Dakvor Damashek wrote:It's probably one of my favorite eberron source books, besides the forge of war. :DLevis wrote:Yep. Together with Vorik's Bone knight and those Brelander expressions the monk's been blurting out.Desh wrote:What te heck is a silver pyromancer? Book?It's like a totally awesome fire-throwing arcane pally. It's in Five Nations!
Busy Friday/Saturday for me. I'll be posting in between 8 and 7 tonight and again a bit later, if my schedule works out.

Eben TheQuiet |

Desh |

Levi, in terms of a replacement character (if you're still fine with it), I have two ideas. Both of which I'm still fleshing out. One seems fun for mechanical reasons... the other for role-play/personality ones. The fun mechanical one is a spin off the last suggestion. A changeling aberrant sorc going for the Recaster PrC. All kinds of fun to be had here, plus, I could keep the name Desh. :D
The second is a human sorc (type undecided) who has an aberrant dragonmark. A serious anti-hero with a serious attitude, though a strong desire to redeem himself of whatever evil gave him the mark. This is why he works as an agent of the Church of the Silver Flame.
You got any preferences between the two?