Garish "Bones" Boulderdash |

Levis wrote:As long as the story is starting to unfold (though I know you are still confused -- it'll really open up within the next few weeks), I feel I should ask you all what you want to see in this game. What Eberron elements do you want to run into? And what don't you want to see?Nic. wrote:Yep! Knock three off of all class skill requirements. If there are feats that need to be reworked let me know too. I've been looking over the dragonmarks and making sure they all are still workable.Oh, speaking of prestige class qualifications.
In 3.5, the skill requirements of a prestige class assumed the old 'four times teh number of skill points at lvl 1' thing. But Pathfinder doesn't do that. The problem is now the class i'm shooting to get into - Recaster - has a 9 ranks in Spellcraft pre-req. The obvious downside is that I can't make that until lvl 10.
Can we knock 3 ranks off that requirement to account for Pathfinder's version of "class skills"?
At some point in the game I am going to need to talk to the person who handed me over for this mission and/or the baron also. Bones needs answers.

Nic. |

HP 16 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ 16 + (3) + 1 = 20
+1 BAB (effects CMB, CMD)
+1 to Will save
Skills: +1 to Bluff, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device
New Cantrip: Read Magic
New Lvl 2: Web
And I'm still working through gear.

Monkeygod |

Killing a vampire and then using Raise Dead should be enough to reverse vampirsim. However, Kaius is pretty much ok with being a vampire, unless Levi decides to change that, which I hope he doesn't. Part of the reason Vorik is going Boneknight is because that's accepted under Vampire Kaius' rule. I also sort of wrote his history the way I did due to the undead being acceptable in Karrnath.

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Killing a vampire and then using Raise Dead should be enough to reverse vampirsim. However, Kaius is pretty much ok with being a vampire, unless Levi decides to change that, which I hope he doesn't. Part of the reason Vorik is going Boneknight is because that's accepted under Vampire Kaius' rule. I also sort of wrote his history the way I did due to the undead being acceptable in Karrnath.
Don't worry -- I'm sticking with the canon for the most part.

wraithstrike |

Ninja'd by Monkeygod with the raise dead issue.
My character will still inquire about the chance of him agreeing to return to human form if it does not endanger things too much. There will also be focus on asking Kaius III what he will do if he gets the throne. Trading one tyrant for another is not an option for Bones.

Monkeygod |

I have the basics, but I want to check over UM to see if anything there might be better for her. Atm, she is an Elements Witch with a spider familiar. Figured she'd be level 1, though since we leveled, perhaps she did as well, most likely via soical interactions and such. I'll email you more later.

Dakvor Damashek |

Sorry not yet completed Dakvor's stats but basically since the monk's level up does not really entail much, the following are the only changes that need my decisions:
+1 on Dakvor's Dex ability, making it to 16.
+9 hp from my roll above.
+1 on all of Dakvor's existing skills.
All stats will update accordingly using the above. I'll try to finish it soon. I actually have it on paper already I'm just having a hard time posting it as I'm only accessing our PBP via my cell phone which is quite clunky and the connection's not that good (takes forever to refresh the screen).thanks.

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Where can i look in on how to deal with the elemental on the ship. I remember thinking at one point that sorc's were the best for piloting elemental ships, but I've forgotten why I thought that.
Any help?
4E leans that direction.
3.5 books that cover it:
Guide to Eberron, Campaign Setting, Explorer's Handbook, Adventurer's Guide ....

Garish "Bones" Boulderdash |

Where can i look in on how to deal with the elemental on the ship. I remember thinking at one point that sorc's were the best for piloting elemental ships, but I've forgotten why I thought that.
Any help?
IIRC you need a charisma check to control the elemental that drives the ship.
PS:I was partially correct. I can't reprint the info verbatum for copyright reasons, but check page 25 of the explorer's handbook. In short you get to add your charisma check to any sailing profession checks as an additional modifier. If you have no ranks in profession sailor then detailed instructions are on page 26.

Nic. |

So sorry, I thought I had posted this. Let me know what you think. I left in a few places that you could use as plot hooks - with his parents and all.
Before Nic was born, his parents were given lives in Thrane in exchange for information. They received new names, a home, jobs, neighbors, backgrounds… everything. Bil and Jinette - as they were now known - began living the quiet life, choosing to set aside who they had been to have a family. They soon had a child, Nic, and he had everything a young human could ask for. Unfortunately, he was not a human. An on top of that, his body was born weak and sickly, though quick of mind. His parents encouraged him to hide his true nature, but as time went by, the boy didn't really understand, and it came out. He rebelled against hiding who he and his parents were - not understanding there was a reason they hid.
Eventually the secret was out in their little community, with far fewer ramifications than Bil and Jinette expected. They were isolated, true, but it was their nature to be outsiders, so even this was comfortable. And Nic was happy. He didn't have many close friends, but his charming nature and quick tongue blunted many potential fights.
As he grew, however, his talents manifested. He could affect the world around him as he could affect his own body, often shaping it as his whims changed. So his parents taught him. When he finished his public studies of reading, writing, and history he would come home to far more engaging studies of the nature of magic and its role in the world.
And he excelled. He could never overcome his physical weakness, but his mind and body were quick, his tongue quicker. He was eager to find trouble, but also able to get out of it. His parents were outwardly chagrined but inwardly pleased, and on some level Nic knew it.
So what is a changeling, magically-inclined changeling boy to do on the day of his step into man-hood? Well, his arms were too weak for a blacksmith's hammer. His mind numbed at keeping numbers. While his mind and tongue could have made a good trader, his heart longed for something more. Something fun.
So he took to a life "finding things". It came naturally. When something needed done or found, it was always easy to talk someone into helping, then get with the fun. What started as a hobby became an obsession, then finally a trade.
Nic was the guy who could help you out, and he loved it.. became known for it.
Then one day he heard from a potential employer. A man who introduced himself only as "The Baron." The rest, as they say…

Nic. |

Okay, work got crazy-busy. Sorry for teh short absence. I'm still here, though I don't think i'll be able to post over the next copule of days.
Thursday and friday are a definite 'no post' days,the next week shoudl be back to normal, then we go into a week's worth of festivities surrounding July 4th and my son's first birthday party.
Just a heads up.

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Okay, work got crazy-busy. Sorry for teh short absence. I'm still here, though I don't think i'll be able to post over the next copule of days.
Thursday and friday are a definite 'no post' days,the next week shoudl be back to normal, then we go into a week's worth of festivities surrounding July 4th and my son's first birthday party.
Just a heads up.
No worries! We have a new player that will be posting tonight! :)

Nic. |

Before Bones has a chance to don his armor, Vorik walks over to him and punches him in the mouth "Don't you ever speak that way about my family's religion ever again or next time I'll run you through."
Eesh... can of worms = opened. :)
Out of curiosity, how do you guys treat situations like this? in my games, if an NPC tries to walk up and sucker-punch a PC, the PC at the very least gets a Sense Motive roll, and probably an initiative roll there-after. Due to body language and what-not, it's usually somewhat obvious when someone means you harm unless they're good at hiding their motives.
Unless Bones is cool with gettin' sucker-punched. :)

GM Levi |

I have some bad news guys.
I really can't keep up with this Play by Post any longer. I don't have the time to write out an original adventure or generate the PCs, and therefore, am retiring this game. Very, very sorry.
I want to thank you all SO much for sticking with me and making it to 700 posts, which is really cool and halfway decent! Thank you so much, and I've had a blast playing with and driving you all insane!
Have a good one, and I hope we get to play in the future!

GM Levi |

Okay Vorik/Monkey, let's talk about this.
Yesterday, I made the decision to cut this game. There are a number of reasons, but if you think we can keep going, I'll keep pushing along. I made a rash decision yesterday, and I feel bad.
In this game we have lost two players. It's moving very slowly. That's largely my fault, but I post as frequently as I can. I need dynamic actions from the group. You have an EXILED KING with you - that you just broke out of jail!
So, now we need to make a decision:
-Do we find new players and keep plugging along?
-Do we call it quits.
Yesterday, the stress of moving/packing/work/money/college kicked in and I had panic moment. In that moment I made a rash decision, and I'm sorry. I am willing to keep working at this, if you guys are. Should we get some new blood?
Monkey, what do you think? Can you forgive me and keep playing?

Monkeygod |

Okay Vorik/Monkey, let's talk about this.
Yesterday, I made the decision to cut this game. There are a number of reasons, but if you think we can keep going, I'll keep pushing along. I made a rash decision yesterday, and I feel bad.
In this game we have lost two players. It's moving very slowly. That's largely my fault, but I post as frequently as I can. I need dynamic actions from the group. You have an EXILED KING with you - that you just broke out of jail!
So, now we need to make a decision:
-Do we find new players and keep plugging along?
-Do we call it quits.Yesterday, the stress of moving/packing/work/money/college kicked in and I had panic moment. In that moment I made a rash decision, and I'm sorry. I am willing to keep working at this, if you guys are. Should we get some new blood?
Monkey, what do you think? Can you forgive me and keep playing?
Definitely, I applaud you coming here and posting this. I do think we need fresh blood, to replace the two we lost, and I mist say, I was rather *shocked* we made it through the Mournland totally unharmed. Hell, nothing happened, other than meeting the Paladin.
If you need some help generating ideas, I have plenty of Eberron lore that I can use to create plot ideas with.

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Okay team. We're gonna repair this ship!
I need you all to do the following for me:
1. Check in here, so that I know you're still alive. If my assumption is correct, we have lost three players -- Loche, Desh/Nic, Dakvor. Although, I'm honestly not sure. The posting rate has been incredibly inconsistent.
2. Please write a little something about where you want this game to go. I was leaning more towards open warfare, just for something MASSIVE, and that's what sparked this game. Bones, I know you need to check in with your superiors, and I promise you, you can as soon as we make it to Karrnath.
3. Get me some new players ASAP! I need two. Have them join us in this thread.
Thanks guys - your understanding and patience with me in "this time of turmoil" means the world to me. :)
Also, due to the loss of the druid I was very afraid/frustrated with the Mournland. When we had the paladin joining us, I was a bit more comforted, and then after he bailed on me, I knew I just had to get you out of there. It would have been bad GMing to keep a group that had as little supplies and stuff in that mess.

Antix |
I am working out my char a bit and was wondering if theres a conversion for the changeling race you have? I saw some talk of a changeling and monkey told me there was a player useing changeling in game but I haven't had a chance to really read all of the game thread yet (work, school, getting the car windsheild replaced twice in as many days), and I have looked though the discussion thread for info on which conversion (and done a word search on Levi's post history for changeling)

Darius Kirisallin |

Did I get booted or am I still welcome? I know I am sporadic at times but that is more to do with my connection and the fact that I got home on friday and found my coumputer had died. if I have been kicked that is okay but... I do enjoy Darius. The surviving members have gotten a lot of good interaction, which is cool. Anyway... just saying my piece!

Monkeygod |

Well for starters Antix is my RL friend Max and Maven is my RL brother, so either of them pretending to my character's sister would be weird.
On top of that, Maven already has his concept planned out: Monk(of some sort), belonging to House Orien going Blade of Orien, and using the Dimensional feats from UC to basically make Nightcrawler from the opening scene of Xmen 2.
Antix wants to be a changeling of some sort, I think(he keeps changing his damn mind lol), but is unsure what sort of racials he should have. Last I heard, he was planning on going Alchemist, focusing on bombs.

Nic. |

Hey, just wanted to apologize for my part in the slow-postingosity of the thread. My php eyes were bigger than my bandwidth, apparently. So I'll be dropping at this point (i was probably gonna be booted for inconsistency anyway, but I just wanted to have it all up-front.)
Sorry Monkey and Levi for wasting your time. I hope the game continues to be fun for everyone involved. Feel free to do with Nic as you will.

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Levis wrote:Welcome you two! Get some 4th Level Characters drafted up, deep in Eberron lore, specifically with ties to Karrnath or one of the other nations, and directly involved in the last war!Vorik, what do you think about one of them playing your sister?
Of course you're still welcome! No one got booted! We're justing recaliberating and figure out who is still around. :) It's hard to tell who was still in because of our posting chaos!

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Hey, just wanted to apologize for my part in the slow-postingosity of the thread. My php eyes were bigger than my bandwidth, apparently. So I'll be dropping at this point (i was probably gonna be booted for inconsistency anyway, but I just wanted to have it all up-front.)
Sorry Monkey and Levi for wasting your time. I hope the game continues to be fun for everyone involved. Feel free to do with Nic as you will.
It's not a problem Nic, and if you're up to it, still play. No is getting "kicked out", we're just figuring out who is here and who is not. If you want to keep playing, by all means, DO! But if you don't have time, I completely understand. We're all busy.
If you do decide to drop out, don't be afraid to come back in the future! :)