Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well team, I plan on posting the opener to this adventure tomorrow!
It'll be a flashback that you don't have a ton of control over, but that will bring you all together for the opening sequence. It's a bit of a rail-road on my part, but I think it will be the easiest way to tie you all together, so just roll with it!
From here on out post everything on here!
Also, I will be firing up our Obsidian Portal Wiki page later tonight, and it will be a work in progress, so bear with me!

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

I am here. I hope each of us will have a different campaign specific trait :)
Also, Levis, do you have an email i can reach ya at so i can run some things by ya for Vorik?
Yep! You bet!!
Actually, I would love it if we all exchanged emails. So everyone send me a message, with your name, character name, and email.

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Desh wrote:So is it Levi or Levis? Hate to be calling you by the wrong name.My real name is Levi. My nickname is Levis. I answer to both. :)
Whatever trips your trigger. I sign everything with "Levis," that way people know that I actually signed it! Haha!
Okay, I lied. Technically I'll be posting the first post tomorrow. But it will happen tonight. This will tend to be what happens. I'm a night owl! :P

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

We're up and ready to go! Sorry for the delay! Check out our game HERE!!
And by the way, you guys all have GREAT characters, and I'm so excited to play with you all!
I feel like a crazy person, as I'm posting on here so much, but I have to apologize for my sloppy writing. I never seem to proofread well!!

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Levis, I am sorry for the delay in getting Vorik's CS done, but my grandfather just passed away tues morn and this whole week has been crazy. I'll respond in game, tho most likely late tonite(12th) or morrow at some point.
Don't worry about it, take your time. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

Dakvor Damashek |

Whoa! Game’s up like a whirlwind, indeed! Sorry guys if I haven’t posted yet. As I’ve said before I’m not online on weekends & to top that I’m hongkong time (GMT+8) (16 hrs ahead for most of you, I think).
I just got online and I’ll need to digest everything first (just saw Levi’s starting post now) and the subsequent posts :)I’ll post later as work’s today quite a bit of hell.

Dakvor Damashek |

About the campaign trait, well frankly I love it! I really appreciate how you took care reading Dakvor’s background and elegantly put an eberron flavor to the trait,i.e., the world is teeming with magic that it manifests in many ways. My choice of 0-level arcane spell is Read Magic.
Man! I’m itching to post already but real life right now is bugging me. I’ll post in the main site later.

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

** spoiler omitted **
I'm glad you love it! I was really trying to make everyone enjoy their traits, and make them tie everything together, so hopefully it works out well! :D
And don't worry about posting up a storm or anything, I think everyone was just excited to get playing!

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

** spoiler omitted **
Also, your understanding of the situation is correct. It was a bit difficult to make everyone understand why they are there, but I think it worked. Basically, you each have your own objectives and reasons, although your employer wasn't particularly clear about it. Something is amiss.

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Dakvor Damashek wrote:Also, your understanding of the situation is correct. It was a bit difficult to make everyone understand why they are there, but I think it worked. Basically, you each have your own objectives and reasons, although your employer wasn't particularly clear about it. Something is amiss.** spoiler omitted **
If you haven't taken the time to email with your name, character's name, and email address for quick responses to questions and stuff, please take the time to do so! Thanks a million team! :D

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Check out our Obsidian Portal!
It's still under construction, and eventually I'll have everything from racial traits to some psionics on there, but it's a start! :)

wraithstrike |

Levis wrote:Darius Kirisallin wrote:Levis I just spent the last few dregs of my gold on a Dagger and a Blowgun. That okay?*Thumbs up!*Just a reminder, if you haven't emailed me your address, please do so so that I can invite you to the Obsidian Portal wiki! :)
Thanks team!

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Monkeygod wrote:How are we doing HP? also, which XP pace are we using?Max at first level, and then rolls. Many of us rolled using the dice feature on these boards so he would know we did not fudge rolls.
I'm not sure on the XP yet. I'm feeling a quick progression, simply because this will naturally move at a slower pace. Objections? Comments?

wraithstrike |

wraithstrike wrote:I'm not sure on the XP yet. I'm feeling a quick progression, simply because this will naturally move at a slower pace. Objections? Comments?Monkeygod wrote:How are we doing HP? also, which XP pace are we using?Max at first level, and then rolls. Many of us rolled using the dice feature on these boards so he would know we did not fudge rolls.
I would vote for the fast progression or dumping XP, and having us level at certain points in the story. Since this is PVP, and combats take a while I would suggest that if you go with XP that we get more XP for normal than social encounters.
off-topic:I wish I had these guys at my table in real life.

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

I would vote for the fast progression or dumping XP, and having us level at certain points in the story. Since this is PVP, and combats take a while I would suggest that if you go with XP that we get more XP for normal than social encounters.off-topic:I wish I had these guys at my table in real life.
Me too!! My group back home never appreciates the story and all our characters are so flat in comparison to you guys'! In high school I played with a typical fighter, a egotistical sorcerer, a run of the mill rogue, and a healer that wasn't good a healing. So... ordinary I love the depth you guys put into your characters, and that you GET Eberron! :D
And if it's alright with everyone I would prefer to dump XP because it's so tedious to track, and honestly, I'm not good with numbers. Just writing and creative stuff!
Vote: Ay! or Nay?

Darius Kirisallin |

On that... I don't get how people can create boring characters. Right now I am playing three different Elven Rogues, all intensely different characters, (One is Darius, the other is a half mad Ex Pirate Captain Pathfinder, and the third is a Dualist Prestige Rogue who has an adopted Half Orc Son) a Elven Monk (Pretty plain bar he is sort of a dancer of sorts, but intensely lethal) and an Ulfen Barbarian. All of them have a good back story behind them or I wouldn't play them!

Monkeygod |

I don't care how we do XP, as long as we do level, at some point. Afte rall, I have a PrC to make my way into, LOL
It's easy for me to do in depth characters, especially for an established setting like Eberron, or Forgotten Realms, as I am incredibly familiar with both and I am pretty good a the whole writing thing.
Also, for Vorik, I am playing him similar to my real life persona: kinda a dick, but noble at heart.
Levis, ima shoot you an email shortly, got a fair amount I need to run by you.

Dakvor Damashek |

And if it's alright with everyone I would prefer to dump XP because it's so tedious to track, and honestly, I'm not good with numbers. Just writing and creative stuff!
Vote: Ay! or Nay?
I don't really care about the XP anymore as I'm already having fun with you guys! And that for me is the whole point.
Of course, it's a necessary thing and you have free rein on the XP & leveling up stuff, Levi.

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Also, for Vorik, I am playing him similar to my real life persona: kinda a dick, but noble at heart.
Haha! That's funny. I guess that's what my group did that played predictable characters. They did match their personalities. The lazy cleric, the boastful magic-user, the martyr fighter, and the jewelery obsessed rogue! ;)
Monkeygod, looking forward to your email! :)

Levis RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

just sent it a little bit ago, so i guess im now lookin forward to ur reply, lol
I posted an "Assignment" on the Obsidian Portal for this campaign.
Check it out when you get a chance!
Also, what does "IP" mean in context to gaming. I see it come up a ton, and have no idea what it means. I'm a noob I guess!

wraithstrike |

Monkeygod wrote:just sent it a little bit ago, so i guess im now lookin forward to ur reply, lolReply'd!
I posted an "Assignment" on the Obsidian Portal for this campaign.
Check it out when you get a chance!Also, what does "IP" mean in context to gaming. I see it come up a ton, and have no idea what it means. I'm a noob I guess!
Could I get a direct link to the assignment or some instructions on how to find it?

Loche |