GM Kingslayer's Kingmaker Campaign

Game Master Divinitus

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Shady_Motives wrote:
I'm ok with waiting for the originator of this Kingmaker. It was his alterations to the Kingmaker AP that drew here, not just the gestalt.

kinda feeling the same, but since he hasn't contacted anyone in a full 7 days and went through the weekend it probably is going to be a while.

*waits patiently*

I've applied to the other recruitment, but in case that one doesn't work out and this one comes back online, I'll apply with this character here too.

Visited the other thread, and now back here to join my dear friend Gaspar.

Still here it seems

GM Archlichey!, I hope things calm down soon, and if you would like Roonie to join your game, I can be reached via PM, as I am still very interested in the sheer amount of work you put into your intro post.

10 days since his last post. I hope its going okay on that side.

Ok back again to hope this recruitment might move forward

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

oh looks like everyone wandered back over here huh? XD

I feel like I would GM if I really didn't need to play as a player for once. *sigh*

honestly, Gaspar, Iavas, Raztana, pink-eye and Jamahzin would probably make a decent party. sorry Roon, but i don't really know what your character would be like.

which reminds me, this is my submission for this thread now if it ever returns.

Jama the group of us should just advertise gestalt group looking for gm to run kingmaker

Sounds like a plan =^^=

Jamahzin, to answer your question, Roonie fills the Dex, TWF, Rogue slot on one side, with a full BAB on the other side, that also gives a great deal of flexibility, and odd tricks, including near invisibility(L3ish) and flight(L5+).

Good luck!

Pink-Eye wrote:
Jama the group of us should just advertise gestalt group looking for gm to run kingmaker

but how does one do that? :P

btw, may have something cooking don't want to say anything though in case it falls through.

Jamahzin wrote:

honestly, Gaspar, Iavas, Raztana, pink-eye and Jamahzin would probably make a decent party. sorry Roon, but i don't really know what your character would be like.

No room for me J.....sad face!

you'd probably fit better than roon, i mean we have 2 "rogues"(so we don;t need a third one), i'm a melee tank/a bit of CC and utility later, then 2 casters one i think more melee oriented and the other ranged. so a bard/buffer would be useful.

but... who are you exactly? (i'm joking but we didn't talk much in the other thread :P)

I know, entered late one day before combat erupted. Bad dice rolls killed my application....just kidding.

man i really need to stop creep watching the other thread it only makes it hurt worse :/

I just checked what happened to us in that storyline.


The recruitment was great time to get to know my character better. She's not as flashy or exotic as many others, but I think I like her.

I missed the boat in the other recruitment thread, but if this one comes back on-line I'll definitely throw my hat in. I spent 3 or 4 hours writing my backstory and it would be a shame to waste it.

I'm just kinda peeved since finding a GM that will allow the same kind of character creation, and spheres of power i think is going to be rare. str and con based kobold just doesn't mesh very well, so I'm not sure i'll ever get to play this character.

Silver Crusade

This thread still open?

rorek55 wrote:
This thread still open?

not really but stick around for a bit i might have something. if not oh well.

@ Jamahzin Might have something? Share your secret with us!

Jorn Winterbourne wrote:

@ Jamahzin Might have something? Share your secret with us!

i'd rather not if they don't come together, i'll know soon enough.

I hope its good news

mini-update things are going well, so keep watching if you're still interested. basically probably have GM but don't want to mention who so if he doesn't want to do it you can only blame me.

Nice one J.

Still watching, sounds like good news Jamahzin, thanks for keeping us posted.

I actually really want to play in this. Ideally as part of a ruler pair (I would love to play in a relationship), but any role could be cool. Probably warlord on one side. Not sure about the other. Ninja, Unchained Rogue and Bard could all work, though maybe I'll just go sorcerer or oracle...

Still here

Here. :)

I watch in hope as well. I have a much firmer grasp on Fennik's background now that I've had some time to think about it. I'll definitely be revisiting this character if you manage to put something together Jamahzin.

Any news Jama?

only that i'll probably know sometime today

Woot! =^^=

Good work J!

Nice one.

Waiting patiently here.

I feel like mentioning it will probably be the end of today, and you're all making me nervous, my luck is never this good. :P

welp he hasn't gotten back to me so this has put me in a pickle. will post if i find out anything else, just go on with your business i suppose.

I'm beginning to suspect we have a troll. In the last 3-4 months we've had two gestalt recruitments where the GM flaked out after getting 20 or 30 people on board. Similar character build rules, the person traded PMs with one person on the boards to 'keep people interested', and then vanished when it was time to pick people.

The build rules were so similar it took me 10 seconds to get Shi up to date for this one from the last one.

And nothing we can do about it... :/

well the person who might be the GM is unrelated to the GM for this campaign, he was someone who tried to get recruited for aqua-thor's campaign. so I hope his plan isn't this convoluted :P.

i'm going to PM him again, since i do see activity on his aliases(though it's only 1 post :/), if nothing today yeah, i'll just assume he decided not to or at least he's too busy to GM.

mdt wrote:

I'm beginning to suspect we have a troll. In the last 3-4 months we've had two gestalt recruitments where the GM flaked out after getting 20 or 30 people on board. Similar character build rules, the person traded PMs with one person on the boards to 'keep people interested', and then vanished when it was time to pick people.

The build rules were so similar it took me 10 seconds to get Shi up to date for this one from the last one.

Gestalt and Kingmaker. If it's true he couldn't have trolled a better combo.

Not only that, the same GM was running two tables of WotW, a game that's very popular that doesn't frequently show up on the boards. One table was my own, which got dropped by ANOTHER GM not a week beforehand, gone without a trace. I'm thinking you may be right.

nah there's probably an assassin hunting down GMs and murdering them.

anyway the GM in question was Gaspar, but it seems like probably he's a bit too busy right now, last thing i can see him posting he mentions an interview and some training among other things, so i don't think we should blame him.

so i guess i'll open up my offer again. I own kingmaker, anyone who wants to GM under basically these rules, I can send you pdfs, i'll only send you the first book until gameplay actually starts.

If you guys are ok with me giving it a try I would be willing to DM/GM this group of individuals and help them in creating their own kingdom.

I have more than 20 years of experience with Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder. I have also been DM for our RL group, most recently Skull & Shackles.

That said I haven’t done a campaign through PBP before. It would take some time to get fully acquainted . I’m also new to gestalt so I have to get a feel for opponents and encounters.

Some info regarding me, I live in Europe, fulltime job, married, father of 2 small children. I tell you this so you can understand that my posting sometimes can be a bit erratic. I can’t post at work so my posting will be in the evening.

If you are still interested let me know through this thread or PM me.

Sure, interested. PBP isn't that hard. Easier in some ways, as you can take your time posting NPC speech. I can offer some pointers, how to do maps, etc.

Still interested. I understand the warning about lifehappens.

Also, I see a new recruitment with similar character build guidelines... Going to toss in one of the few gestalt concepts I'm working on, we'll see how it goes.

I'm also still interested.

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