Daliya |
Here' Daliya, a Druid-Monk with a penchant for tattoos.
Female Half-Orc Goliath Druid / Master of Many Styles Unchained Monk 1 - Gestalt 1
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid (Human)
Initiative; +3 Perception +9
AC 17 touch 17 flat-footed 14
hp 11
Fort +4 Ref +5, Will +8
Speed 30 ft.
Unarmed Strike - +5 (1d6+4 Damage, 20 x 2 Crit)
Pummeling Style - +3/+3 (1d6+4 Damage, 20 x 2 Crit)
Level 0 Spells - 4 per day
- Prestidigitation - Allows simple magical tricks.
Level 1 Spells - 2 per day
- Domain Spell - True Strike - Adds +20 to next attack.
- Spontaneous Spell - Summon Nature’s Ally V
- Spontaneous Spell - Enlarge Person (Self Only)
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 10,
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 22
Bonus Feats
Two Weapon Fighting - Reduces the penalties for fighting with two weapons. Gained as a Game Bonus Feat
Pummelling Style - Concentrate all your attacks into a single blow. Gained from Master of Many Styles.
1st - Craft Spell Tattoo - Craft a spell into a tattoo for a single use.
Pioneer - Gain a horse and a +1 bonus to Perception..
Extremely Fashionable - Adds a bonus to Diplomacy, Bluff and Intimidate as long as you are wearing at least 150gp of jewels and not otherwise marred in appearance.
Auspicious Tattoo - Adds a +1 trait bonus to will saves.
Drawback - Burned - Take a -1 against spells with the Fire Descriptor, and take a -1 to all rolls when near open fire.
Racial Traits
Skilled - Some Half-Orcs gain an additional skill point each level like a human. Replaces Dark Vision.
Sacred Tattoo - Adds a +1 luck bonus to each saving throw. Replaces Orc Ferocity.
City Raised - Grants longsword and whip proficiencies, and a +2 bonus to knowledge (Local). Replaces Weapon Familiarity.
Skills Diplomacy +5, Sense Motive +8, Perception +8, Craft (Alchemy) +5, Craft (Tattoo) +5, Craft (Food) +5, Knowledge (Nature) +5, Knowledge (Local) +7, Heal +8
Wild Empathy +1
Languages Common, Draconic, Druidic
Combat Gear
Other Gear 200gp of silver, sapphire and emerald jewelry, Explorer's Outfit x 2, 1 x Hot Weather Outfit, 1 x Cold Weather Outfit
Tattoo Toolkit (Gold), Black Tattoo Ink x 20, Advanced Pallet Ink x 6, Tattoo Wax x 2.
Money, 140gp
Special Abilities
Primal Bond - Grants access to the Rage Subdomain. Replaces Nature Bond.
- Destructive Smite - gain a morale bonus to damage on a single attack.
Primal Size - Adds
to spells known. It can be cast spontaneously by sacrificing another level 1 or higher spell. Replaces Nature Sense.
Primal Empathy - Wild Empathy only works with animals of large or larger size.
Primal Summons - Adds new monsters to Summon Nature’s Ally spells.
[url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/unchained-classes/monk-unchained#TOC-Unarmed-Strike]Unarmed Strike - Gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. Additionally, damage increases as the Monk levels and all Unarmed Strikes use full strength modifier.
Stunning Fist - Grants Stunning Fist as a bonus feat. As the monk levels it gains additional abilities.
AC Bonus - Adds Wisdom as a bonus to AC.
Daliya is also covered in several tattoos, most impressively taking the form of a long winding fine covered in small flowers, running down the right side of her face, across her torso to her left arm and shoulder, across her torso and down her right leg. On her upper left shoulder the fines form words of the vows she has taken.
Also noticeable is a bad, but long healed, burn scar that covers her left shoulder, upper arm and lower neck. The tattooed vines around it are charred and wilted, the flowers singed.
Dark skinned with deep hazel eyes and brown hair tinged by red, Daliya isn’t traditionally beautiful but she does have strong features and a graceful, fluid movement that many find appealing. Most of her teeth, bar two replaced with silver, are in good condition and she had a, carrying messo-soprano voice.
Perhaps not surprisingly given her calling, Daliya prefers clothing in various shades of greens, with dark blues and purples for highlights. She will often wear hooded clothing when she can, and wide, comfortable pants that allow freedom of movement rather than fitting her form. Although she will usually have a pair of sandals in her back she prefers to go barefoot, both to connect with her patron and to allow her to fight more effectively. She typically wears her mid-back length hair tied back, and when she has call to wear makeup wears, again, blues, greens and purples.
Is this discipline that she believes in more than she believes in laws in the traditional sense of the word. The laws of nature aren’t the laws of people, and while she can and does respect the order of mortal laws and the aid they bring to people in maintaining a level of discipline she contends that the laws of the wild and nature are both far more powerful and more universal.
Daliya’s focus means she tends to follow tasks through, preferring to complete one before moving on to the next. She does the same in battle, destroying one enemy at a time until none remain. Equally, she remains dedicated to friends and allies unless they do something truly monstrous.
Daliya is surprisingly personable, able to talk and trade with people and read their body language with practiced skill. What she isn’t good at is lying. She has very little skill in it, and prefers not to learn.
It was not that surprising when a pre-teen Daliya was caught stealing, badly. Misjudged as much older than she was due to her unusual size for her age despite the lack of a regular diet, it was decided that the best thing was to send her to a religious order, as that was how many of them recruited new members. Daliya was chosen to be sent due a vaguely held belief that ‘flowers were pretty’ to a Druid sect.
The Chaotic child did not initially fit in at all well. The strict order the Druids believed in, the unarmed disciplines they taught, even the respect for nature went over the top of a city child head. Slowly, however, she started to enjoy the sense of order, the knowledge that doing one thing would lead to a reward or punishment and not some random suffering. Food was plentiful, if not always entirely flavourful until Daliya herself learned to cook for herself.
As she learned discipline she also discovered the joys of the natural world, the order implicit within in and nature itself. Although it often seemed chaotic and cruel it had a certain order and balance that it was impossible to ignore. It simply lacked the morals of the mortal world, and Daliya could understand that. Mortal morality didn’t make much sense to her, either.
As Daliya grew older and it became more and more obvious that she would join the order, she was trained in the the unarmed fighting style the order favored as well as Druidic abilities. She spent more and more time out in the woods, studying under the various people she was apprenticed to.
It was during this apprenticeship that there was a forest fire. Having spent the last three months tending that patch of the woods, and not understanding that destruction is as vital to nature as creation, Daliya attempted to fight it with her limited spells. It did not go well, and she was badly burned before her teacher managed to rescue her. Since then she has appreciated nature’s destructive abilities, but loathes fire. She hated the scar it left.
It was then that someone suggested a tattoo to cover it up. Instead, however, Daliya chose to use one to emphasise it, showing the destructive power of fire. However, she enjoyed the tattoo itself, the beauty of the wilting flowers, and began to get more. Soon, she learned to do them herself, and and even add her own magic into them.
After her training was complete Daliya completed her training, and has been wandering the Southern border of Brevoy, learning much about the local area, or as much as there was to learn. She was horrified by the way the place was lacking even the most basic of order, with good people forced to toil only to see their work stolen by brigands. When she heard of the opportunity to go into the Stolen Lands and deal with the worst of them, she jumped at the chance.
GM Kingslayer |
DinosaursOnIce- First off, let me welcome you to the messageboards! There will be no Skill Unlocks, as that is one of the few new systems that I'm rather 'meh' about. I feel a bit like a grouchy old man by saying no to that and some of the other material from Unchained, though I do love most of the changes to the existing classes, particularly the Monk and Rogue. Barbarian had some okay changes though.
Cassandra Lupin- Understood! Just know that Wolfsbane is more toxic to you than a normal humanoid, should that ever come up.
The Pale King- Occult Adventures material is allowed.
Any more questions?
Cassandra Lupin "Wolf form" |
Okay. How so? Also, I plan to take Stalker from Path of War as my gestalt class fluffed as being her calling upon the instinct of the beast within. Or at least I will try to. Solar wind is really good for an archer but utilizes some supernatural mumbo jumbo.
Also I have a wolf form alias just in case.
GM Kingslayer |
Cassandra Lupin- I implement the homerule in all my campaigns that Werewolves have to save against Wolfsbane at -4 and take 1.5 the normal damage from it. I'm an old-school Ravenloft person. Don't worry though, it's just for fluff. I can't see myself using it against you except in one situation.
Nyaa- Favored Class Bonuses are NOT restricted by race UNLESS the FCB boosts some racial trait. I believe that there was an FCB that did that, though it may have been 3PP.
The Dragon |
Okay. How so? Also, I plan to take Stalker from Path of War as my gestalt class fluffed as being her calling upon the instinct of the beast within. Or at least I will try to. Solar wind is really good for an archer but utilizes some supernatural mumbo jumbo.
Also I have a wolf form alias just in case.
There's a martial tradition in the playtest that gives Primal Fury as an in-class discipline, if you want.
Nyaa |
Where is this Brutul Slayer Archetype?
Playtest discussion thread (with documents links), archetypes doc.
Bandw2 |
Finally decided upon a name :P
M Chaotic Neutral Human Weapon-Meister 1/ Wizard 1, Level 1, Init 7, HP 12/12, DR 0, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 16, Flat-footed 11, CMD 18, Fort 3, Ref 7, Will 1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Arcane bond mstwrk Sword Cane +5 (1d6+2, 20/x2)
Haramaki (+1 Armor, +5 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 10
DinosaursOnIce |
Nope, all good here questions wise. I suppose I can live without Skill Unlocks, the extra skill ranks and bonuses from the Inquisitor side more than make up for it. ^_^
p.s. I didn't mean to suggest that I'm totally new to the forums, I lurk a lot and post occasionally. I just meant that I'm specifically new to Play-by-Post.
Fin Orlovsky |
Wondering Monster here. Please accept my Black blooded Lunar Oracle / Inquisitor of Erastil. I found an interesting way to make a bad touch oracle that is devoted to Erastil and protection of the community from corruption and Evil. Focusing on Inflict wounds in combat, but can still kick off a cure wounds spell when the party needs it.
Fin Orlovsky
Male Preacher heretic Inquisitor / Black-Blooded Lunar Oracle
Deity - Erastil
LN Medium Human
Init +4 ; Perception + 7;
AC 19, touch 15 , flat-footed14 (+5 dex, +3 Armor, +1 Shield)
HP 10
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Light Mace = +4 1d6 x2
dagger = +4 1d4 19-20x2
Longbow = +4 1d8
Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft.
Zeal Inquisition
Zealous Surge - 1/day; when reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, Heal hit points equal to inquisitor level+wisdom
Lore of Escape (Ex) He adds his Wisdom modifier on Bluff and Stealth skill checks in addition to the normal
ability score modifiers.
Hide Tracks - Creatures attempting to track the inquisitor take -5 penalty to track
Stern Gaze - +1/2 level on all Intimidate and sense motive checks
Judgement 1/day
Curse of Black Bood - Positive and Negative energy affect the oracle as if undead; also -4 on all dex skills
Lunar Mystery
Prophetic Armor - charisma instead of dex to AC and reflex saving throws.
Str 8, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 20
Base Atk +0; CMB -1 (misc mods); CMD +13
Orlovsky family trait - +1 CMD; +1 Diplomacy
Dangerously Curious - +1 Use magic device, and its a class skill
Deft Dodger - +1 to reflex saves
Weapon Finesse
Spell Focus Necromancy
Greater Spell Focus Necromancy
Skills (X Points - 1 class, 1 race, etc):
Bluff +12 (1 rank, 5 cha, 3 Wis, 3 class)
Diplomacy +10 (1 rank, 5 cha, 3 class, 1 trait)
Intimidate +10 (1 rank, 5 cha, 3 class, 1 stearn Gaze)
Knowledge Arcana +5 (1 rank, 1 int, 3 class)
Knowledge Religion +5 (1 rank, 1 int, 3 class)
Perception +7 (1 rank, 3 wis, 3 class)
Sense Motive +8 (1 rank, 3 wis, 3 class, 1 Stearn Gaze)
Spellcraft +5 (1 rank, 1 int, 3 class)
Stealth +7 (1 rank, 4 dex, 3 Wis, 3 class, -4 black blood)
Use magic Device +10 (1 rank, 5 cha, 3 class, 1 trait)
Money: 85
Outfit - Simple Cloak of Fur with Erastil Holy Symbol burned in
Masterwork Buckler
Masterwork studded Leather
Light Mace
20 Arrows
20 blunt
Acid Splash
Create Water
Disrupt Undead
1-Level 2/day DC=14
Cure Light Wounds
Divine Favor
Detect Magic
Read Magic
1-Level 5/day DC=16
Inflict Light Wounds DC=18 will/half
Shield of Faith
Ht: 6' 0"
Wt: 190 lbs
Age: 25
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Skin: White
Fin Orlovsky Was a simple farmers son. The Orlovsky name is one of noble blood, but Fin is quit removed from that line.
Some where he has 3rd or 4th cousins that are living a much more luxurious life than him.
On Fin's 18th birthday, he was out hunting in the forest. He came across a shrine to Erastil. Now being the son of a
farmer, Fin already worshiped Erastil and was quit familiar with him. Also on this very day magical abilities
unleashed from Fin. He was able to do things, and cast spells that most others can not. Obviously to Fin this was the
work of Erastil and he must be chosen for great things. That was the day that he became absolutely devoted to the
teachings of Erastil. He swore to defend his community from evil and practice all the teachings of Erastil, as he was
chosen by Erastil to by a Holy warrior for good.
What Fin does not know, is that his black blood, and magical abilities that were unlocked that day are due to something
is the family bloodline. Every tenth generation someone is born with the black blood. This manifests on the 18th
Fin swore himself to Erastil and became a holy inquisitor in the gods name. After this Erastil actually did bestow more
magical abilities upon Fin. He has since protected his community and any community he travels through, from corruption,
evil, and attempts to heal the sick and injured.
Anghus |
This is Moon Papa here, with my as-of-yet, incomplete submission.
The crunch of which is mostly done, just have to hammer out the details and I wanted to show I'm still very much interested( especially given my jumping through a few concepts)
-This halfling here is a Swashbuckler(Mouser)/Unchained Rogue (Vexing Dodger)
So the plan will be to fearlessly get inside of opponent's squares, provide flanking with adjacent allies, sneak attack, climb on, harass, and generally de-buff the bad-guys.
-He's an escaped slave, freedom fighter, and all around morally good character, but I think I'll play up a bit of the "good is not nice" trope and have him just really be a nasty little fellow, as far as attitude and cynicism goes. He'd never kick a puppy, but he'd definitely eye-gouge a slaver.
very charisma driven character, just one of the prideful and arrogant kind.
The expected growth would be for him to take the Compassion he feels very strongly for the "little people" , a bad pun for other enslaved halflings and other beings in need in general, and focus on delivering change in those areas positively, rather than only on personal survival( which is the path he found himself taking post-slavery, as a bandit in the river-kingdoms, hence the brigand trait). I'm interested in the angle of kingdom building from a halfling point of view. Seems an angle seldom explored.
As you can probably tell, a lot of concepts, just waiting for me to refine them a little.
Here's hoping we see Anghus on selection day, thanks for minding my rambling!
Shi'Vatha |
A list of available buildings/rooms might be useful, but I wouldn't bother rushing to get it done before recruitment is over. Only those chosen really need it. You might want to make a google doc, so you can have a decent editor, rather than putting a long post in the thread. The editor isn't that good (not that it needs to be for normal PBP posts).
Zartana |
Zartana was born and raised in the city of Zirnakaynen of the Darklands as part of one of the great noble houses. She was trained in courtly manners and dances and the like, merely going with the flow. Enjoying the comforts of noble life, but still a bit too young to understand why and how. To her, it merely was. Lineera, her sister, was one of those pesky children who always asked why. Why must slaves be treated poorly? Why must I learn to dance? Why do the Gods require sacrifice? She eventually learned to keep her mouth shut, the the relief of Zartana. She could get rather annoying. She didn’t scorn her sister. They were confidants, friends, and keepers of each other’s secrets. So never she would actively try to hurt her. Yes they fought, but that’s what siblings do. Though, she did think that her air of authority did get to Lineera sometimes. Why, she didn’t know. Seemed perfectly normal to her.
Life continued like this through Zartana’s childhood and adolescence, until her mother decided that Lineera and herself was to attend and assist a slaver raid to the surface world in hopes of toughening the them up. They quietly obeyed and followed the group to the surface until the group stopped to make camp after reaching the surface. Then, Lineera asked her for help, she wanted out. Away. Gone. She couldn’t take it. At first Zartana protested. Noble life, noble perks, not to mention they were female Drow, which gave them even more power… at least that is what she saw the rest of the Drow do and say. Why would she leave that? In the end, she gave in, was hard to say no to her sister. With a brief but heartfelt farewell, she helped her escape
By the time the rest of the raiders figured out she escaped, Zartana knew she had made good on her escape, the time they had between them was enough for her to be long gone. Yet, that didn’t stop them to try and pursue her… then, the ambush. Must be a rival house, no one would dare attack members of nobility. Yet it happened. They were almost instantly slaughtered. Before Zartana could do anything, she was on her back, in the dirt, bleeding. Her eyes were fading, sounds became noises, her vision became cloudy… then darkness.
When she woke, she was in a place not her own. Walls, light through a window. Bandages. Food. Blankets. Pillows.
She was saved by the family Orlovsky. They had tracked their ambushers, and the hunters became the hunted. She learned no one else survived, she was lucky that their healer could stop the bleeding in time. They nursed her back to health.
This was a long time ago. Now, here she is, as part of the family, about to undertake a mission, a charter to the Stolen Lands. Maybe now she can make a name for herself. A new life. She was looking forward to it
Cassandra Lupin |
Awe man. I had this really cool image of Zartana's raiding party popping up in a little village in the middle of a forest. They swoop in under the cover of dark, hoping to catch the villagers off guard, only to realize that the night gives them no advantage. One guard sniffs the air and turns right at them then shifts into hybrid form and howls a warning. The rest of the villagers seem to turn into monsters and chase the would be bandits back into their caves. Werewolves 1/Drow 0.
Also new (probably incorrect) list:
Surasshu - Barbarian|Samurai
Zartana - Fighter|Sorcerer
Roonfizzle Garnackle - Rogue|Aegis
Kree Dera - Ranger|Paladin
Jonathan Haykes - Swashbuckler|Slayer
Shi'Vatha - Unfettered Eidelon|Unchanined Rogue
Killari Nightshadow - Warder|Ranger
Ra'hl Rogarvia - Ranger|Bloodrager
Adolpho Fiel - Swashbuckler|Magus
(HighonHolyWater) - Gunslinger|Inquisitor
Fin Orlovsky - Lunar Oracle / Inquisitor
Kaalik Coaltongue - Sorcerer|Oracle
(Gigar) - Mindchemist|Ranger
Iacamo Cymbol - covenant medium/pact magic occultist
Lineera Vonarc - Oracle|Witch
Ciana Andu - Cleric|Bard
Unnamed Hero - Oracle|Sorcerer
Alazendi Greysilk - Wizard|Bard
Cassanda Lupin - Slayer(Sniper)|Natural Werewolf
(Bandw2) - Weapon-Meister|Wizard
Atamar Gorrin - Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer)|Unchained Rogue (Scout)
Pink-Eye - Empyreal Sorcerer|Monk (unchained)
Daliya - Druid|Monk
Ahti - Oracle|Witch
Anghus - Swashbuckler(Mouser)|Unchained Rogue (Vexing Dodger)
I left out the roles since gestalt kinda fudges the boundaries. 25 submissions. Better call it off now DM or choosing will be almost impossible.
Kana the Butterfly |
At the risk of the DM actually closing this before I stick my nose in here, I'm gonna stick my nose in here!
Samsaran Psychic/Ninja
Crunch is half done and I haven't written out her backstory yet but I promise I have a concept for 1) what a samsaran is doing in Golarion, 2) what a samsaran is doing in Brevoy, and 3) what a samsaran is doing with a group of people setting off into the wilderness to establish some civilization. I've also got a real sense of what her personality is going to be like. I went with a yin and yang theme in the sense of her trying to balance light and dark (taking the psychic's abomination discipline of abomination for the dark-half power). Thought it would suit a samsaran overall.
And I feel like I need to mention this: I'm not a fan of anime so please don't thinks this to be an anime-trope character. I'll probably poke some fun at some stereotypical anime behaviors, but in general I'll be steering clear of such things.
On another note, does anyone know if there is an eastern deity similar to Desna? As it stands now, that's who she worships, but only because I couldn't find an eastern themed god that matched.
I'll be working on this over the course of the day!
Kana the Butterfly |
Well if you are from Golarion i think she would be called Desna no matter where you are from.
Yeah I know Desna is Desna, but I think Tian has some of it's own deities as well rather than just the ones based in Golarion. That said, Desna is a bit of a traveler so I don't think I need to worry too much :D
So, I'm going to build off Cassandra Lupin's fine work here and sort the list into three catagories: Pure Casters, Physical + Casters, and Pure Physical classes. I've also stuck the people who have combined with a skill monkey class at the top of their respective lists for more sorting enjoyment. Oh, for the purposes of these lists, I made rangers, paladins, and inquisitors count as a physical class just because of the nature of the way they are typically played. Feel free to correct me if it doesn't suit your build. (And yes I updated your alias Johnathan Aclatiel!)
Alazendi Greysilk - Wizard|Bard
Ciana Andu - Cleric|Bard
Ahti - Oracle|Witch
Lineera Vonarc - Oracle|Witch
Kaalik Coaltongue - Sorcerer|Oracle
Unnamed Hero - Oracle|Sorcerer
Kana – Psychic|Ninja
Shi'Vatha - Unfettered Eidelon|Unchanined Rogue
Johnathan Aclatiel - Weapon-Meister|Wizard (homebrew based on rogue)
Zartana - Fighter|Sorcerer
Pink-Eye - Empyreal Sorcerer|Monk (unchained)
Daliya - Druid|Monk
Adolpho Fiel - Swashbuckler|Magus
Fin Orlovsky - Lunar Oracle / Inquisitor
Ra'hl Rogarvia - Ranger|Bloodrager
(Gigar) - Mindchemist|Ranger
Kree Dera - Ranger|Paladin
Iacamo Cymbol - covenant medium/pact magic occultist
Anghus - Swashbuckler(Mouser)|Unchained Rogue (Vexing Dodger)
Roonfizzle Garnackle - Rogue|Aegis
Atamar Gorrin - Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer)|Unchained Rogue (Scout)
Jonathan Haykes - Swashbuckler|Slayer
Cassanda Lupin - Slayer(Sniper)|Natural Werewolf
Surasshu - Barbarian|Samurai
Killari Nightshadow - Warder|Ranger
(HighonHolyWater) - Gunslinger|Inquisitor
Kana the Butterfly |
Good list, but I think Iacamo is misplaced.
Iacamo is more a physical/spell-caster hybrid. I expect him to mix it up in melee fairly often.
Yeah I was shot in the darking with him :D All I knew was that it was two level 6 spell casters. I moved him since I can still edit it up at the moment.
Johnathan Aclatiel |
I see you put yourself at the top of your own list, i think it should be alphabetical by last name. [/joke]
on a more serious note, my character clocks in with 11 skill points and plans to pump some knowledge skills, diplomacy, appraise and stealth.
not trying to say you should remake the list, just my class had 4+int after some talk that the class favored int and thus shouldn't gain 6+int as I original intended however retains most of the unchained rogue's class skills. So, just saying my character probably shouldn't be considered so low on a skill monkey listing and i don't want him to be misrepresented. :P
Really good effort though, well done
Kana the Butterfly |
I see you put yourself at the top of your own list, i think it should be alphabetical by last name. [/joke]
on a more serious note, my character clocks in with 11 skill points and plans to pump some knowledge skills, diplomacy, appraise and stealth.
not trying to say you should remake the list, just my class had 4+int after some talk that the class favored int and thus shouldn't gain 6+int as I original intended however retains most of the unchained rogue's class skills. So, just saying my character probably shouldn't be considered so low on a skill monkey listing and i don't want him to be misrepresented. :P
Seems I can't keep up with every homebrew class's role! Adjusted the list to reflect your wishes. I got about 15 mins left of editing the list.