About Shi'VathaBackground:
Shi'Vatha, which in the Celestial tongue means 'Seeker of Evil', Warden Archon of the 7th Tome Zaphkiel was never a very good Warden Archon. Or rather, he was a very good Warden, and little escaped his notice. But he was not stoic and stone faced like the other Warden Archons. He enjoyed listening to stories, he smiled at things the others found no more important than a stray breeze. So when Iomedae came seeking an entity willing to form a bond with one of her chosen Paladins, not as a spirit companion, nor even an animal companion, but as a lowly summoned creature of little power, Shi'Vatha thought for only a few minutes before grinning at the god and stepping forward. Iomedae was not sure of this choice, but it would be dishonorable to turn down one who had volunteered to give up so much. And so Shi'Vatha gave up the power he had and bonded to Casarina Deverin, a valiant Aasimar Summoner Paladin of Iomedae, of the House of Deverin. Shi'Vatha was not as strong as most eidelon's, due to his summoner's primary path being that of a Paladin, however, he was an excellent scout, his small feline form allowing him to sneak through places Casarina could not and ferret out information for her. The two were quite the well known pair in the Church of Iomedae, and got many of the most dangerous assignments. They were especially well known for tracking down dangerous artifacts and destroying them, wherever they might be hiding (or hiden!). However, they were also very good at investigating mysteries as well. It was on one such assignment that the team met a horrible ending of their pact. Casarina had been tasked with investigating the sudden betrayal by a priest of his flock, and subsequent sacrificing of many of them to some unknown entity. The pair did as they normally did, Shi'Vatha scouting ahead (although close enough not to lose his life force from being too far separated from his partner), and Casarina dispatching foes with the occasional assistance from Shi'Vatha. Unfortunately, they fell into a trap devised by those who had turned the priest. The two were captured, and taken to an evil cave where blood was spilled in a horrifying magical rite. Casarina's mind was broken with fell magic, and her former good and right nature turned to chaos and evil. Casarina awakened and began to walk the path of an anti-paladin summoner. The ritual did not go as expected though, for it had not been performed on someone who was both a Paladin and Summoner before. Casarina's tie to Shi'Vatha was rent assunder, both gaining a burning rune on their forehead as the bond was rent. Casarina could not summon a new eidelon, and Shi'Vatha could not return to his home. Casarina was afraid to kill her former ally, for fear her ability to summon, or use summoner magic, would also be destroyed permanently. So she locked the catlike eidelon in a steel cage and tortured it when bored. After several months of such treatment, amazingly, Shi'Vatha's shattered mind began to reform, the madness induced by the destruction of his bond receding, and his original good and upright nature returning. Finding himself suddenly able to control his own evolution, he waited for Casarina to depart on a murder spree, and evolved an upper torso, turning himself into a taur. Using his newfound hands and skills, he used a bent nail from the wooden floor of his cell to pick the lock and flee back to the church and Casarina's family to tell them what had happened. The church of Iomedae is nothing if not loyal, and Shi had shown such loyalty as few have for the church. However, his manners and mannerisms were not... exactly what they expected of either a paladin or a paladin's creature. And his newfound (and understandable) attitude of Antipathy toward Paladins was also something of an embarrassment. So while the church is still very friendly toward Shi, and accords him a priest of Iomedae, he is not sought after often to go on missions anymore. The Deverin's, however, were distraught when they found out what had been done to Casarina, and they were horrified at what she had in turn done to Shi'Vatha. The Eidelon had been in the family for decades, and many of the current generation of the house had grown up playing with Shi as children. Unable to bear losing both Casarina and Shi, they took in Shi, and hope one day to recover their lost daughter as well.
Obvious Personality Traits (on exposure over time) 1) Likes to snack on terribly spicy/hot foods (Horseradish roots, wasabi roots, ghost peppers, anything with extremely strong flavors)
Shi'Vatha, which in the Celestial tongue means 'Seeker of Evil', Warden Archon of the 7th Tome Zaphkiel was never a very good Warden Archon. Or rather, he was a very good Warden, and little escaped his notice. But he was not stoic and stone faced like the other Warden Archons. He enjoyed listening to stories, he smiled at things the others found no more important than a stray breeze. So when Iomedae came seeking an entity willing to form a bond with one of her chosen Paladins, not as a spirit companion, nor even an animal companion, but as a lowly summoned creature of little power, Shi'Vatha thought for only a few minutes before grinning at the god and stepping forward. Iomedae was not sure of this choice, but it would be dishonorable to turn down one who had volunteered to give up so much. And so Shi'Vatha gave up the power he had and bonded to Casarina Medvyed, a valiant Aasimar Summoner Paladin of Iomedae. Shi'Vatha was not as strong as most eidelon's, due to his summoner's primary path being that of a Paladin, however, he was an excellent scout, his small feline form allowing him to sneak through places Casarina could not and ferret out information for her. The two were quite the well known pair in the Church of Iomedae, and got many of the most dangerous assignments. They were especially well known for tracking down dangerous artifacts and destroying them, wherever they might be hiding (or hiden!). However, they were also very good at investigating mysteries as well. It was on one such assignment that the team met a horrible ending of their pact. Casarina had been tasked with investigating the sudden betrayal by a priest of his flock, and subsequent sacrificing of many of them to some unknown entity. The pair did as they normally did, Shi'Vatha scouting ahead (although close enough not to lose his life force from being too far separated from his partner), and Casarina dispatching foes with the occasional assistance from Shi'Vatha. Unfortunately, they fell into a trap devised by those who had turned the priest. The two were captured, and taken to an evil cave where blood was spilled in a horrifying magical rite. Casarina's mind was broken with fell magic, and her former good and right nature turned to chaos and evil. Casarina awakened and began to walk the path of an anti-paladin summoner. The ritual did not go as expected though, for it had not been performed on someone who was both a Paladin and Summoner before. Casarina's tie to Shi'Vatha was rent assunder, both gaining a burning rune on their forehead as the bond was rent. Casarina could not summon a new eidelon, and Shi'Vatha could not return to his home. Casarina was afraid to kill her former ally, for fear her ability to summon, or use summoner magic, would also be destroyed permanently. So she locked the catlike eidelon in a steel cage and tortured it when bored. After several months of such treatment, amazingly, Shi'Vatha's shattered mind began to reform, the madness induced by the destruction of his bond receding, and his original good and upright nature returning. Finding himself suddenly able to control his own evolution, he waited for Casarina to depart on a murder spree, and evolved an upper torso, turning himself into a taur. Using his newfound hands and skills, he used a bent nail from the wooden floor of his cell to pick the lock and flee back to the church and Casarina's family to tell them what had happened. The church of Iomedae is nothing if not loyal, and Shi had shown such loyalty as few have for the church. However, his manners and mannerisms were not... exactly what they expected of either a paladin or a paladin's creature. And his newfound (and understandable) attitude of Antipathy toward Paladins was also something of an embarrassment. So while the church is still very friendly toward Shi, and accords him a priest of Muir, he is not sought after often to go on missions anymore. The Medvyed's, however, were distraught when they found out what had been done to Casarina, and they were horrified at what she had in turn done to Shi'Vatha. The Eidelon had been in the family for decades, and many of the current generation of the clan had grown up playing with Shi as children. Unable to bear losing both Casarina and Shi, they took in Shi, and hope one day to recover their lost daughter as well.
Campaign Trait Family Spirit:
Your original summoner, who either died or betrayed you, was a member of a noble family (Choose one, Garess, Lebeda, Lodovka, Medvyed, Orlovsky, or Surtova). You have strong ties with this family, and are considered something of a Family Spirit and a good luck charm. If your summoner died, you are cherished as a last remaining bit of their spirit. If your summoner betrayed you, the family considers you a charm that proves their wayward offspring was once a shining example, and as hope they may return to the correct path. Your favored class is Eidelon, and whenever you take a level in this class, you gain an extra HP or Skill Point, above the normal benefit for choosing your favored class, as the faith provided by your adopted family floods your spiritual body and gives it extra strength of purpose. |