GM Kingslayer's Kingmaker Campaign

Game Master Divinitus

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Cassandra Lupin wrote:
Johnathan Aclatiel wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

If we ended up both being picked however my character would probably be friendly and interested in your character if he found out you were a friendly lycanthrope. My character has a specific interest in transmutation magic and specifically shape changing abilities.

edit: after reading your back story, sounds like stuff could get very interesting if they were chosen.

Hmm. Nothing on the PFSRD suggests the afflicted can't pass on the disease. And it seems if they have children then they are most likely going to be natural Lycans. Also it is possible to be cursed and not even get bitten but that is much rarer. On the pathfinder wiki I was surprised to see that in some places they are actually respected for their skill and ferocity.

Also, why is your character interested in shape-changing. There seems to be nothing in your backstory to suggest it.

Curse of Lycanthropy wrote:

A natural lycanthrope's bite attack in animal or hybrid form infects a humanoid target with lycanthropy (Fortitude DC 15 negates). If the victim's size is not within one size category of the lycanthrope, this ability has no effect.

He's interested in gaining power in any form(he doesn't like how weak he was), so he learned how to fight and eventually he will be getting into polymorph spells and transmutation spells to better himself. It was more covered under his personality portion. He doesn't have an explicit reason that he's interested in it, he just has a weakness for things that make him more powerful.

so he'd be interested in it for research. :D

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I like to submit Jorn WinterBourne. Cleric/Paladin of Sarenrae. Will finish the backstory asap.

Jorn Winterbourne:

Male Aasimar Cleric/Paladin of Sarenrae 1
NG medium Outsider ( native )
Initiative +1; Perception +10
AC 17/19, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 17
HP 12
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +4
Speed 20 ft.
Crossbow, light +2 1d8 19-20 *2
Scimitar +5 1d6+3 18-20 *2
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 20
Base +1; CMB +3; CMD 14
Selective Channeling
Weapon Focus Scimitar
Flame of the Dawnflower
Acrobatics 0+1=1, Appraise 0+1=1, Bluff 0+5=5, Climb 0+3=3, Diplomacy 1+10=11, Disguise 0+5=5, Escape Artist 0+1=1, Heal 1+5=6, Intimidate 0+5=5, Knowledge Religion 1+4=5, Perception 1+9=10, Perform 0+5=5, Ride 0+1=1, Sense Motive 1+5=6, Spellcraft 1+4=5, Stealth 0+1=1, Survival 0+2=2, Swim 0+3=3
Celestial, Common
Backpack, Bedroll, Blanket, winter, Bolts (20), Breastplate Mw, Crossbow, light, Holy symbol, silver, Pouch, belt, Rations, trail 5 days, Scimitar, Shield, heavy steel, Waterskin ( water )
Detect Magic, Guidance, Stabilize
Bless, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith
Acid Resistance 5, Cold Resistance 5, Darkvision, Daylight 1/day, Electricity Resistance 5
Aura, Channel Energy 1d6 8/day, Domains Glory/Sun, Orisons
Touch of Glory, 5/day, you can cause your hand to shimmer with divine radiance, allowing you to touch a creature as a standard action and give it a bonus equal to your cleric level on a single Charisma-based skill check or Charisma ability check, this ability lasts for 1 hour or until the creature touched elects to apply the bonus to a roll.
Sun's Blessing, whenever you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, add your cleric level to the damage dealt, undead do not add their channel resistance to their saves when you channel positive energy.
Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/day


Jorn was warming up by the fireplace. Not that he needed to, he never got cold. It just felt like the right thing to do when it was cold outside. The inn was crowded today, all kind of folks around.
He winked at Melindra, the innkeeper’s daughter. She had been sneaking up to his room the last 2 nights.
The fire got his attention again. Reminding him of his past. Sitting at the table, eating dinner. Fire in the fireplace. Simple times, good times. He missed his parents. They were gone now, passed on to a better place.
They had been good to him. Cared for him like he was their own. Off course he wasn’t, never cold, see in darkness, not to mention his radiant eyes shining with golden hue. All came together on his 12th birthday when he had the dream.
An angelic creature is holding a baby in her arms. She is sobbing, a tear runs over her cheek. Snow is falling all around them. She kisses and hugs the baby. A small house, smoke coming out of the chimney, comes into sight. A knock on the door, the baby is left on the doorstep and the angel vanishes. The darkness fades when the door opens and a middle aged couple appears. Surprised the woman picks the child up and holds him close. Again tears but this time accompanied with a bright smile.
Waking up, feeling confused, why is my mother holding this baby? Who is this baby? I tell my parents at breakfast. My mother starts to cry, my father smiles. My son, it’s time to tell you a story, a story about a beautiful baby boy left at our doorstep.
I am that boy. My name is Jorn Winterbourne. I am part angel, part human.
2 weeks later a group of men arrived, followers of Sarenrae. It was time my father said. You have to go with these men. I´ve taught you how to survive in the wild, how to track and hunt game. To live of the land. Now a new chapter has begun, I can teach you no more. My gentle natured sweet boy! Make us proud, his mother said to him, tears in her eyes.


A young man, about 17 years old, standing 6 feet, 8 inches tall. Strong lean build. Short blond hair and eyes radiating a golden hue. Wearing a breastplate and a scimitar at his side.

Have to switch back to main profile.

Curse of Lycanthropy wrote:

A natural lycanthrope's bite attack in animal or hybrid form infects a humanoid target with lycanthropy (Fortitude DC 15 negates). If the victim's size is not within one size category of the lycanthrope, this ability has no effect.
Johnathan Aclatiel wrote:

He's interested in gaining power in any form(he doesn't like how weak he was), so he learned how to fight and eventually he will be getting into polymorph spells and transmutation spells to better himself. It was more covered under his personality portion. He doesn't have an explicit reason that he's interested in it, he just has a weakness for things that make him more powerful.

so he'd be interested in it for research. :D

I did see that but also:

Lycanthrope from PFSRD:


The easiest and most common way to contract lycanthropy is by coming too close to a creature afflicted with the curse. Bites, scratches, and (in a tiny percentage of cases) ingesting blood from a lycanthropic foe may all result in the malady spreading from one carrier to a new victim. Once exposed, newly made carriers likely don't realize the extent of their affliction until the next full moon, and without divinations it is likely that their moment of transformation is the first victims know of their curse.

DM discretion though. If he gets power back and wants to continue.

weird, I only learned about the bite's wording because of a weird thread i was a part of about someone marrying a lycan in their game and wondering what the kids would be.

This is Whymsle, Gnomezrule's alt. The crunch and fluff is in the profile.

I see you too have based yourself in Gronzi forest. So is mine, Cassandra Lupin. There is also a bandit who thinks himself Robin Hood from what i read on the wiki. If we both get picked would you want to meld backstories a little?

I seem to have stumbled upon the old interest check for this. Imagine how disappointed I was. I once made the comment that saying Homebrew in the pbp forums was like shouting cake at a weightwatchers convention. I think Kingmaker can be added to the list too.

Oh well. I pray your electrical situations, and all others, get better soon DM.

Interested! KM is one of my favorite APs!

How does a Witch/Int-Based Savant (less storyteller, more Awesomeness by Analysis) sound as a character concept? I've been wanting to run a character motivated by a drive to do an anthropological study, and the Stolen Lands and its people seem like as good a place as any for that sort of thing?

I'd like to get a yay/nay on the concept before I go ahead and take the time and effort to stat out the character.

Zayne Iwatani wrote:
I see you too have based yourself in Gronzi forest. So is mine, Cassandra Lupin. There is also a bandit who thinks himself Robin Hood from what i read on the wiki. If we both get picked would you want to meld backstories a little?

Well that sounds good to me.

I would love it if anyone were willing to review/critique my background.

I would be happy to do the same for anyone else.

Your background seems fairly straightforward, with lots of hooks for GM use.

I think mine is a bit all over the place, because I wrote it in installments, but based on many fond memories.

I think mines pretty horrible. Don't know much of golarion lore to hook onto and so it's pretty standalone. :/ I could definitely use some ideas.

Finishing the backstory as we speak. Please consider me for your campaign. Arcanist/UCrogue

I pretty much took a campaign trait and wrote my backstory around that.

I'm still interested in playing.

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I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the DM to get back +_+

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I should be back online in 2-3 days! I have been helping form a defense for a buddy of mine that was wrongly arrested.

KINGMAKER!!! I will definitely get a character for this!

Oooooooooooooooh. Good luck then. 30 applicants and counting I think.

Good luck! That's not a fun situation to be in, but when the dust clears, there is fun waiting for you here! Apparently you have peaked the interest of A LOT of people.

Kana the Butterfly wrote:
I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the DM to get back +_+

that was pretty wonderful timing with that post. Me as well though.

Good Luck Kingslayer!

This is my character submission. I'm a new player but I've been doing a lot of preplay research; I hope it shows. Anyway, eveything's pretty much done; just need to spend some more gold and flesh out my background. I'll do that tonight or tomorrow I think. Also, I can commit to posting everyday in the evenings (US eastern time).

I've been lurking here and waiting to finish up Anghus, but now that Kingslayer has spoken I'll have to wrap up the fluff and hope for the best!

Good luck all

Surasshu grabs his sword and slices a fly that was buzzing around the tavern. It falls to the floor. Wings cut off, itself still alive. He sheaths the sword and returns to his seat. I prefer not to have extra protein in my wine...hehe

Anghus is all done


Anghus was born into slavery in Cheliax in a tragic birth that left him an orphan. He was raised communally by his fellow slaves, and taught well the fundamentals of a good education. As a small boy, Anghus displayed a defiant attitude that earned him his fair share of cruel punishment at the hands of Chelish masters.

In his early teens he assisted an older cousin by the name of Sera in leading a rebellion against their cruel, demon-ass-kissing slave-masters. In the midst of the chaos, Anghus cut-down his master, set fire to his estate, freed dozens of other slaves, and escaped with Sera into the night. Unfortunately Sera, who had orchestrated most of the details of the coup, suffered a grievous gunshot wound in the escape, and bled out the next day.

Anghus, distraught, heeded Sera's last bit of advice and stowed away in a crate in a cargo ship bound for trade in markets around the inner-sea. He escaped once again once the ship had came into port. Once he had got his bearings, he found that he had arrived in the River Kingdoms.

There, he fell in with a group of bandits and raiders. While many of these men were cruel like his previous masters, they held no authority over the young halfling. A few in their numbers were simply outcasts of society or runaway slaves, like Anghus himself.

Here he learned the ways of the world and shaped his perspective. Anghus as a result is impulsive and reactionary. He doesn't seek senseless violence, but takes delight in humbling the established authority which he views as arrogant and selfish. Anghus was the "take from the rich, give to the poor, which happens to be himself", type. Eventually, he became self-sufficient at being a petty highwayman.

Still, this merry prankster attitude of his led to confrontations with the more aggressive bandits that he encountered. Enemies mounted to the point that he decided to seek a way out and he heard rumors of nobles hiring an expedition to explore the "Stolen Lands".

He called in a favor or two, and bribed the right official to ensure he got one of these charters of his own. A vacation into the untamed wilderness would be the perfect way to lay low from those who wanted his little head on a platter.

There's the backstory if anyone wants to check that out without clicking through for the full writeup.

Good luck with selections, Thanks!

Updated Ciana's background (A little more fleshed out, but would leave options, should Ciana be considered, to include fellow characters)

Ciana Andu's Background:
Ciana grew up in Sweetwater, a small village of a dozen families, some 3-5 days travel from Restov. She was born to Jevyn Andu a veteran ranger and Loriceli Andu a priestess of Densa. Like many of the Andu family they were followers of Desna and enjoyed traveling the roads of Golarion. The pair only settled when Lorciceli became pregnant with Ciana. In the years since it has been to the boon of Sweetwater and the surrounding villages to have a skilled woodsman and priestess in their midst.

Ciana was a restless child always exploring and trying to understand more of the world around her. Growing up among human children almost always made Ciana the smallest but she always made up for it in being quick of action and wit. She also came to her gnomish magics early in life and would use them to her advantage. Aging slower also meant that the young gnome saw her child playmates growup. Many would start families of their own while a few would leave Sweetwater to find their lives elsewhere.

It is the last part that would often be the source of friction between Ciana and her parents. She heard the call of Desna and wanted to see more beyond the small village. Her mother, the more patience of her parents would attempt to involve her daughter in her clerical activities but to Ciana that was not enough.

Shortly after turning thirty-five Ciana left home and followed the road to Restov. While the wonder of such a city was exciting she had not considered the dangers that might lurk there. A little more than a week after arriving was the young gnome cornered by several young men, petty thugs looking to take advantage of someone much smaller and experienced then them. Fortunately for Ciana an elderly Varisian interceded and drove the trio of men off and took her in.

Rylana offered the young runaway much more than she perhaps deserved but as the gods would have it Rylana was an ex-jongleur who also followed of Desna. These days she practiced the art of Harrow reading. It was the cards that day said that she should go out that morning to render help to one that was helpless. The two were a good match for one another.

Ciana would learn much of a jongleur’s ways and even picked up on Harrow reading. But it was being so young and longing for home that would have the young gnome return home a year later.

Learning what she did she returned home humbled by only a small part of the world that she saw and experienced. She showed much remorse for her actions and having worried not only her parents it seemed but others of Sweetwater. She took her experiences to heart and tried to learn from her parents and those around her and what they could show her before she would attempt to leave again.

Once she was old enough Ciana left with her parents’ blessings and began to wander and travel. She would use her skills to help those in need and her stories of old and new made sure that she never went without a roof over her head or food to fill her belly.

Ciana did wander for time staying to those places that were considered safe. The experiences of larger cities helds its appeal, but the smaller villagers were where she felt most at home with folk living simpler lives.

On one of her return trips through Restov she learned through her contacts that Rylana had passed and had left Ciana her prized Harrow deck and a few minor items. It saddened the gnomish woman that a mentor and friend had passed, but what was, was. She continued her travels her Harrow deck always with her.

It was only recently that a call went forth offering a charter those who would explore and make safe the lands to south of Rostland, the Stolen Lands. Eager to help Ciana signed on with a motley crew of adventures who would see to just that.

I also updated an appearance spoiler... check out the tatoo!

Ciana's Appearance:

Ciana stands approximately three feet tall and has a light fair complexion. She has long vibrant red colored hair that is often left to flow free as it will. She has a dark golden eyes that show signs of wisdom and compassion. A silver butterfly of Desna, for those in the know of religious symbols, hands from a small silver braided chain. A silver with blue gemstone bracelet is on the gnomes left wrist.

The small woman wears a well-worn but taken care of set of studded leather armor. A long sword is sheathed at her left side alongside of a hanging starknife. She has a bolt case full of ammunition at her right side and below strapped to her tight is a sheathed dagger. A small crossbow hangs across his back with heavy shield made of a darkened wood bearing the symbol of a purple-blue butterfly.

For those who know Ciana, know that she is unashamed of her body and has full tattoo across her back and shoulders.

I also have a question for GMKingslayer (when he returns): If Ciana could have access to the Harrow Chosen which is a Human trait. If rejected, I would than choose the Harrow-Born trait.

I am considering for 5th level Deadly Dealer feat Sounds really intresting considering she going to have a harrow deck.

I posted a while back as DinosaursonIce, this is just a submission using the actual character alias. All information on character (which has been redone slightly) can be found on this page.

Good luck to everyone for getting picked (and good luck to GM Kingslayer with your friend)!

I'm actually gearing up to run my own Kingmaker game in Roll20 (sorry, recruitment closed already), and since it's one of my all-time favorite APs (I even wrote a fan-wiki for Brevoy, since official info on the nation was scarce), I'm always glad to find supplements that work well with it.

Can anyone please send me a link to where I might find this "Legendary Games' 'Kingslayer' line"? I tried Googling it, but couldn't find it.

Jonathan Haykes- You may utilize the Stamina system, if you wish, as well as any of the Unchained Classes. I am hesitant about allowing other things, since Kingmaker is designed old-school.

Kana the Butterfly- Tsukiyo is, I think, the deity that you may be looking for. He is similar enough and is also the deity of Samsarans.

Johnathan Aclatiel- Both, because colonizing the Stolen Lands means taming them, along with some of it's unsavory occupants.

Wintersky- Recruitment is still open!

LAB Rat- I will allow the Half-Giant! Just state what type of Half-Giant he is, as it may become important.

Cassandra Lupin- Templates add things, only replacing if they specifically state that they do so.

Yoshu Uhsoy- Recruitment is still open!

Moon Papa- In a few days, due to me having that situation come up where I was acting attorney for my friend.

Voin_AFOL- Your character concept is just fine! Nice Wiki! I may scavenge a few things for use with Brevoy, particularly the culture. As for the Kingmaker supplements, here is the link to the Kingdom Building line from Legendary Games. I am using all of the material, apart from the Conquering Heroes book, as part of the campaign, so DON'T read the reviews on Cold Mountain or Horns of the Hunted, as that would be spoiling some pretty awesome stuff!

Songdragon- I will allow you to select Harrow Chosen.

GM Kingslayer wrote:
Kana the Butterfly- Tsukiyo is, I think, the deity that you may be looking for. He is similar enough and is also the deity of Samsarans.

AHA! This is why they pay you the big GM bucks. Big, figurative, imaginary bucks. That deity is perfect! Although suddenly makes the butterfly part of her name slightly more nonsensical than it already was, but oh well! Thanks!

Anyone else really, really eager for this game?


You betcha ^_^


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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I am, for sure, definitely makes me sad that he can't choose everyone since there seems to be many interested candidates. thankfully i'm human so that makes me at least somewhat more like to be chosen. :P

Just wish I had been able to build my character faster. Had to look up what Gestalt 1 meant and decide what I wanted to play out of all the interesting combinations.

GM Kingslayer wrote:

Voin_AFOL- Your character concept is just fine!

Thanks! I'll go ahead and expand on it when I have a chance to get back to my computer.

I considered playing a Druid of Erastil, but that's just "easy mode" in KM, lol.

GM Kingslayer wrote:
Nice Wiki! I may scavenge a few things for use with Brevoy, particularly the culture.

Scavenge away! :) I'm happy that it's useful for more than just me.

I started with what little official info was available on Brevoy, extrapolated from the larger Golarion setting, worked in influences from the neighboring River Kingdoms, threw in some stuff from my native Russian/Soviet culture (since Brevoy is "fantasy medieval Russia), a bit of medieval common law, and of course influence from the leading churches in the land.

I'll be adding more stuff to it as I think of it. I think next on my to-do for the wiki is foreign relations.

GM Kingslayer wrote:

As for the Kingmaker supplements, here is the link to the Kingdom Building line from Legendary Games. I am using all of the material, apart from the Conquering Heroes book, as part of the campaign, so DON'T read the reviews on Cold Mountain or Horns of the Hunted, as that would be spoiling some pretty awesome stuff!

Ah, the "Kingbreaker" books - I think I have a couple of these! Thanks for the link! :)

Don't worry, I can keep player/GM and character knowledge quite separate.

Liberty's Edge

Bandw2 wrote:
I am, for sure, definitely makes me sad that he can't choose everyone since there seems to be many interested candidates. thankfully i'm human so that makes me at least somewhat more like to be chosen. :P

Humans don't have the natural strength and awesomeness that Half-Orcs have, what do you speak of? :-)

But I agree on the former part :(

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
DinosaursOnIce wrote:
Bandw2 wrote:
I am, for sure, definitely makes me sad that he can't choose everyone since there seems to be many interested candidates. thankfully i'm human so that makes me at least somewhat more like to be chosen. :P

Humans don't have the natural strength and awesomeness that Half-Orcs have, what do you speak of? :-)

But I agree on the former part :(

he says he needs at least one human. :P

Races- All official Paizo races on the SRD, apart from the androids and Lashunta, because of my no sci-fi rule. I require at least one Human character in the party, due to the patron which sends the PCs to claim the Stolen Lands.

but yeah, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.

Liberty's Edge

Bandw2 wrote:
DinosaursOnIce wrote:
Bandw2 wrote:
I am, for sure, definitely makes me sad that he can't choose everyone since there seems to be many interested candidates. thankfully i'm human so that makes me at least somewhat more like to be chosen. :P

Humans don't have the natural strength and awesomeness that Half-Orcs have, what do you speak of? :-)

But I agree on the former part :(

he says he needs at least one human. :P

Races- All official Paizo races on the SRD, apart from the androids and Lashunta, because of my no sci-fi rule. I require at least one Human character in the party, due to the patron which sends the PCs to claim the Stolen Lands.
but yeah, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.


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List of those that are completed which means a crunch and backstory. Not necessarily an alias. I also added race and found something odd. Only one person could be considered to have submitted a monster. I figured more people would have jumped on that.

Comprehensive List:

Alazendi Greysilk/Human - Wizard|Bard
Ciana Andu/Gnome - Cleric|Bard
Ahti/Human - Oracle|Witch
Lineera Vonarc/Drow - Oracle|Witch
Bodrik ValornHuman - Wizard(Universalist) | Alchemist (Construct Rider)
Kana the Butterfly/Samsaran– Psychic|Ninja
Johnathan Aclatiel/Human - Weapon-Meister|Wizard (homebrew based on rogue)
Zartana/Drow - Fighter|Sorcerer
Pink-Eye/Human - Empyreal Sorcerer|Monk (unchained)
Daliya/Half-orc - Druid|Monk
Adolpho Fiel/Human - Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade)|Magus (Kensai/Bladebound)
Fin Orlovsky/Human - Lunar Oracle / Inquisitor
Ra'hl Rogarvia/Human - Ranger|Bloodrager
Iacamo Cymbol/Human - covenant medium/pact magic occultist
Jorn WinterBourne/Aasimar Cleric/Paladin of Sarenrae
Whymsle Gnackle/Gnome - Bard (Animal Caller)/Swashbuckler
Sebatian Khaelmourn/Teifling - Arcanist(twilight Sage)/UC rogue(Knife Master, Scout)
Alexander Torov - Gunslinger|Inquisitor
Anghus/Halfming - Swashbuckler(Mouser)|Unchained Rogue (Vexing Dodger)
Roonfizzle Garnackle/Gnome - Rogue|Aegis
Atamar Gorrin/Half-orc - Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer)|Unchained Rogue (Scout)
Jonathan Haykes/Human - Swashbuckler|Slayer
Cassanda LupinHuman/werewolf - Slayer(Sniper)|Natural Werewolf
Surasshu/Human - Barbarian|Samurai
Killari Nightshadow/Elf - Warder|Ranger
Shi'Vatha/Eidolon - Unfettered Eidelon|Unchanined Rogue
Namit/Human - ranger/ stalker

Sorry it took so long to get this together, I've been trying to read up on giants and pick out which would be the most appropriate for him to be related to. I've settled on Frost Giant for his lineage!

I'm thinking that his mother was one of the captives of the giants after a raid on her village. She got free after a fair bit of time and back to civilization, doing her best to get as far away from her one-time captors as possible. Which probably led her to the River Kingdoms where she could up and disappear. A few months later, out pops Gall who looks far too large to be a pureblood human. He had a good, slightly poor but not destitute, childhood and learned once he was old enough of who had sired him. After hearing tales of savagery and death about his giant kin, he now does his best to do quite the opposite. While he does not fight against his brutal, barbaric nature, he works to guide it in a helpful direction.

All of the crunch should be in the alias, if you're interested. Now I just have to write up all the backstory I have brewing in my head in a prettier format.

I was just thinking - since Kingmaker is one of the oldest, but most beloved APs, maybe we should do a fan project to update it to the newer content? For example, stat the various "witches" as actual members of the witch class, rather than just have them be sorcereres, and so on.


Just so we're all on the same page, what should we expect in terms of:

* Levels: May we assume at least the standard KM run of 1 through 17?

* Violence/gore? I'm personally okay with something up to around "Game of Thrones" level, but others may have a lower threshold of the level of gory detail they're comfortable with.

* Sex? I know PF in general is way more progressive about this than "family company" Hasbro (ha!), but obviously, it's still a deeply personal subject and the comfort levels of GMs and players vary greatly. Considering the themes of Kingmaker, I assume at some point, our characters, as heads of state, will be expected to beget "an heir and a spare" to secure line of succession and all that? Royal marriages to secure alliances?

* Humor? I don't expect this to be a Monty Python comedy, but neither do I prefer a grimdark "no levity allowed" sort of thing. I'm guessing something in between, akin to the witty banter in a Marvel film?

* Level of experience regarding RPGs in general, PF in specific, &/or system-mastery?

* Downtime? Is this even thought of as an optional rules module anymore? Regardless, I figured I'd ask to make sure if we're gonna get to use this, as it seems to make a lot of sense in the context of a game where kingdom turns are a month each. Hey, there's no reason the Prime Minister can't also happen to own a tavern/brothel/alchemist shop in town.

* Combat encounters, interaction w/ NPCs; "adventuring in the wilderness", courtly intrigue - what's the ratio? I'm hoping for something balanced.

* What tool will we be using for mapping?

I hope to be able to read this while at work, so keeping the graphic level lower is something I'm interested in. I know in one game I'm in, there can easily be 20+ posts a day, and it's MUCH easier if I can read those over the 9-10 hour work day, and have a response prepared before I get home, and submit.

I've been gaming for ~20 odd years, in a variety of systems, about 5-6 for Pathfinder, on both sides of the screen, with a fair amount of system mastery, but occasionally take strange options for story/personality reasons vs 'optimal'.

I'm familiar with the downtime rules, but have actually never used them in a game.

I'm interested a steady flow, whatever ratio we use.

I'm interested in maps.

The hammer falls in two days for recruitment! Those not selected, stick around for a bit, as I might run a second table.

Kana the Butterfly- If only I had $10 for every time someone praised my world lore or GM style! I could finish buying all the Pathfinder books, that's for certain!

Voin_AFOL- One step ahead of you! I have already made several conversions of NPCs, along with notes for upgrading encounters for a gestalt campaign. As for your other questions:

1. No, do not assume 1-17. Assume 1-20+, as I am planning on using the 'continuing the campaign' material for those still interested in playing. As you have the main books, you can get an idea of what is coming, even if you are going to be completely in the dark as to how I execute some of that juicy plot continuation.

2. In regards to violence/gore, I was planning on a GoT threshold for it as well. No need to make it a Mortal Kombat splatterhouse, but no need to make it squeaky Disney-clean either.

3. I am perfectly fine with handling sex in spoilers. I mean come on, there are several obvious paramours in the AP, plus the option to build BROTHELS!

4. Humor is already set in place to provide occasional levity. Certain types of creatures in the Stolen Lands are quite exceptional at that! *HINT, HINT*

5. MY level of experience?
I've gamed since the halcyon days of Dungeons and Dragons, in the days of AD&D when alternate settings blossomed and people weren't afraid to use them.
I remember the days of Castle Ravenloft being the penultimate adventure for my Ravenloft players, the arguments that were made over 2.0, the unjustifiable rage over 3.X, the abomination that was 4.0, and such.
I've played since my middle school days, something that should tell you something since I'm 30-ish.
I've actually done several homebrew campaigns, one of which I'm working on getting published now, as well as having designed TWO APs, both of which are also in the works for getting published as well, something a few of my designer friends have been urging me to do for some time.
I will just have to get the 3PP license first, but that should be relatively simple.
I have ran updated versions of every Paizo adventure path up to Iron Gods as gestalts with heavy modifications and continue to please my group, who should have long since been too jaded to care about these APs.
I have almost memorized an entire bookshelf around 8'x3' filled with 3.X/Pathfinder material.
I am well-versed enough in Golarion's lore to know who Tsukiyo is by name, as you can see from above in a previous post from my suggestion to Kana the Butterfly.
And... not sure what else to say. Let's just say that my history with all the iterations of D&D, up to Pathfinder and excluding the abominations that are 4.0 and NEXT, is pretty impressive if I do say so myself.

6. Downtime is definitely a thing in this AP, as it is in most of my other campaigns. There just happens to be a much wider berth on the amount of downtime available for PCs.

7. It's roughly balanced between roleplay, exploration, kingdom building, and combat.

8. I will be putting the maps on Google Drive and will allow people to edit the maps, so if you have a cool icon for your character, feel free to use it as a token. If you would rather leave me manipulating you on the map, that is fine as well.

Roonfizzle Garnackle- It will be a combination of PG-13 and R ratings but most of the more extreme material will be spoilered so people with situations like yours can easier access the material from work without a troublesome situation arising. The worst that is likely to happen is that someone beheads an enemy or someone decides they want a spoilered sex scene, the latter of which will be labeled as *MATURE CONTENT*. In the aforementioned beheading-type scenario, it would be something like 'Kelthric swings at the ragged bandit, his blade cleaving the criminal's head from his shoulders in an arc of silver and red.' That's a rather poor write-up, but that's essentially the worst of the gore, unless it's an AP event or something I'm driving a point on, in which case I will spoiler it as a courtesy.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I have a question, at what times do you post on a regular basis and what time zone, because you just posted at 4:30 AM for me.

Plenty of applicants here but this one looks exciting, So I'll stick around to see if Anghus gets picked up for that 1st or 2nd table!



Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Shady_Motives wrote:

I think everyone needs to calm down, interest is high, but comments seem to be coming down to just the above. :P

Still here. Waiting patiently. =^^=

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