GM Kamro's Curse of the Crimson Throne
Game Master
CotCT - Updated Edition
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Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
So what's the plan with the loot? It sounds like we can't go selling and shopping?
You can, things are not as dire as they were during the plague. Just maybe don't attract the attention of any guards.
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
What's the plan then heroes?
I propose we sell the items marked with Xs. I think Tronar said he didn't need the staves.
I say we give the Soul Shard to Searok, he being the one I think is most likely to need to be raised.
Searok keeps the named uber-weapon.
Does Ziranu need those other two weapons?
As is, that would give 37,999gp to each character (Thurrios included)
Male Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 15 (HP 229/229 AC:30 T:16 F:29 Saves F:+20 R:+11 W:+9 CMB:+21 CMD:37 Init:+1 Perc: +18 Intimidate +24)
Shaeda wrote: Searok, he being the one I think is most likely to need to be raised Wait, what? LOL!
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Was that my outside voice?
Male Varisian Human Ranger (Urban Ranger) 16 (AC: 33 [T: 20, FF: 26] | HP: 148/148 | F+18*, R+23*, W+15* | Init: +9* | Perc: +23*)
What two other weapons? I'm fine adding the lance to the party loot, but negative on the armor - it's staying put...
Why are we dividing with Ana 2.0?
Good with all the rest.
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Right, why did I think you had a second weapon? Go ahead and add the armor to your sheet, and remove it from the loot sheet.
I figured we'd split with Thurrios, because it doesn't make sense of us to screw our healer, either IC, or OOC.
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Any other discussion on loot?
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Alrighty then, items sold:
+1 Full Plate
+1 Buckler
+2 Lance
+1 Undead Bane Obsidian Battle Axe
Rhino Hide Armor
+3 Acid Resistance Full Plate with armor spikes
+2 Corrosive Greatsword
P of Haste
Large +1 Greataxe
+1 Heavy Steel Shield
+1 Battleaxe
Cloak of Resistance +1
Ring of Immolation
Components, Reagents, and Rare Parchments
Staff of Conjuration (8 charges)
+2 spike chain of speed
Greater Strand of Prayer Beads
Staff of Travel
Items marked as "owned" by PCs in the loot sheet:
Mandraivus' Celestial Armor - Ziranu
Black Soul Shard - Searok
Serithtial - Searok
Ziranu and Searok, once you have those items on your sheets, please remove them from the loot spreadsheet.
Everyone add 37,630gp to your sheets!
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Shaeda's intent is:
Add "Comfort" to her armor - 5,000 gp
Add +4 Dex to her +4 Con belt - 24,000 gp
Add "Spell Storing" to her whip - 10,000 gp
Anyone need to bum some cash? Shaeda had some left over from before, so she has extra now.
Male Human Oracle / 15 (AC: 22 [T: 9 FF: 22] | HP: 146/167(0NL) | F+17*, R+10*, W+16* | Init: -1 |Perc: +0 | Lifesense 30’)
Thurrios' intent is:
Upgrade his shield from +1 to +5 - 24,000 gp
Open to other suggestions. Thurrios has, effectively, no melee capability, which is how Ana played the character, and I see no need to change that. He can swing with a dagger or gauntlet.
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Instead of the belt upgrade, Shaeda went with upgrading her NA amulet from +2 to +4.
Male Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 15 (HP 229/229 AC:30 T:16 F:29 Saves F:+20 R:+11 W:+9 CMB:+21 CMD:37 Init:+1 Perc: +18 Intimidate +24)
Searok will upgrade the following:
Belt of Physical Might +4 to +5
Cloak of Resistence +3 to +5
Ring of Protection +1 to +4
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 to +4

Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Ok, so that letter was hard to read. A copy and paste wasn't perfect either. I fixed some spelling and such, but it still has mistakes, anyways:
Listed here are several issues that need resolution before Im comfortable revealing to Korvasa that Neolandus still lives. I leave to you the methods for solving these problems.
1. A new " hero of the people" has been fighking rebels in the streets. These rebels are false; they re not my people, and I suspect that this hero, a man named Trifaccia, is alse as well. Find out who or what he is.
2. I have it on good authority that the rumors of a black dragon taking nest in Castle Korosa are legitimate. If the rumors prove true, the dragon must be defeated.
3. The role of castle seneschal is currently held by a bloated wizard named Togomor. If you can defeat him, or secure is surrender, we’ll avoid a long legal complication over the revelation that Neoladus lives.
4. Our friend Ishari Dhari, Abadaran priest and vocal opponent of his churchis public endorsement of Ileasa, has vanished. My initia investigations indicate that he was last Seen approaching the castle. Perhaps some clues to his fate lie hidden within?
5. Rumor holds that a new group of Red Markis assassins, along with a more powerful leader, have taken up residence in the castle after you besieged their previous den. If you can find proof that Ileasa is the reason the Red Mantis has come to Korvasa in the first place, this will go a long way toward undermining the queens posion in the cry.
6. The Gray Maidens are a menace, and the need to be disbanded. Kordaitras defeat ac Longacre dealt them a blaw, but the Maidens' commander Sabina Merrin and their chief indoctrinator, a misterious woman whose identity remains unknown autside of the organization, have likely retreated to the castle. If you can secure the defeat or surrender of these two remaring leaders, the Gray Maidens will lose much of their command structure. It will throw the entire organization into chaos long enough for us to reclam the Streets from them.
7. Rumors of devils ininvolved with the monarchy disturb me as well. If you can find proof that Ileosa is trafficking with devils, or that devils dwell within Castle Korvosa, that should signiticancy help our case aganst her in the eyes of the cry s governen.
8. Ileosa must answer tor her crimes. She hasnt been seen publicly recenly except for brief appearances on the castle walls. She 5 in there, somewhere. If we can
capiure her, a lot of our work will be easier.
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Which of these items should we send our helpers off to handle/investigate? Which do we think are solidly good for us to handle?
Shoot, if I had known it was hard to read, I could have copied the text. Probably should have done that anyway.
Male Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 15 (HP 229/229 AC:30 T:16 F:29 Saves F:+20 R:+11 W:+9 CMB:+21 CMD:37 Init:+1 Perc: +18 Intimidate +24)
I am thinking anything with the castle we should hold off on because that seems the end game...
I am thinking the 'new hero' or the Gray Maidens first?
Male Half-Orc Arcanist 13 (AC: 16 (20 Shield) (21 haste) [T: 12 FF: 14]) | HP: 122/122 | F+13, R+11(+12), W+13 | Init: +3 | Perc: +13 | 130’ Darkvision
Tronar will go searching for an orange prism ioun stone for a +1 caster level for a mere 30,000gp.
Male Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 15 (HP 229/229 AC:30 T:16 F:29 Saves F:+20 R:+11 W:+9 CMB:+21 CMD:37 Init:+1 Perc: +18 Intimidate +24)
I am leaving this Saturday to spend the holidays with family. This week is going to be really busy for me between work, finals and packing. I will try to keep up, but bot me as necessary.
No prob, have a great holiday!
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Hey Searok, before we go into these fights, be sure and familiarize yourselves with that weapon Serithtial, as it seems perfectly suited to fight the opponents we're about to face. Extra healing and protections for you, as well as +2/2 and +4d6 of damage against many (if not most) of these opponents.
And I added the cash and gems from that last room to the loot list.
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Alright! I took Scouts to Ohio this weekend (we're in Virginia), to watch the eclipse. I'm back, and ready to save the world!
Male Human Oracle / 15 (AC: 22 [T: 9 FF: 22] | HP: 146/167(0NL) | F+17*, R+10*, W+16* | Init: -1 |Perc: +0 | Lifesense 30’)
Nice. In Ohio myself, we got a great view, weather turned out perfect.
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Yes, we had crystal clear skies. A few wispy clouds, but nothing to stop the view.
Male Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 15 (HP 229/229 AC:30 T:16 F:29 Saves F:+20 R:+11 W:+9 CMB:+21 CMD:37 Init:+1 Perc: +18 Intimidate +24)
This is the last week for Grad school and then I will be off visiting family for two weeks so bot me as necessary.
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Shaeda and Thurrios are leveled up and ready to go!
Male Varisian Human Ranger (Urban Ranger) 16 (AC: 33 [T: 20, FF: 26] | HP: 148/148 | F+18*, R+23*, W+15* | Init: +9* | Perc: +23*)
Woot! Back from travel and working on it!
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Heroes, I’m hopping on a family cruise for just over a week. I should be back online on 22 June.
Bot me as needed.
Heads up, I'm on vacation for a week starting Friday the 21st and will have limited access to internet. I'll be back Saturday the 29th.
Male Varisian Human Ranger (Urban Ranger) 16 (AC: 33 [T: 20, FF: 26] | HP: 148/148 | F+18*, R+23*, W+15* | Init: +9* | Perc: +23*)
Hope you're both enjoying/enjoyed your vacations - safe travels!
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
I'm back and ready to save the world!
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Male Varisian Human Ranger (Urban Ranger) 16 (AC: 33 [T: 20, FF: 26] | HP: 148/148 | F+18*, R+23*, W+15* | Init: +9* | Perc: +23*)
Welcome back, all; coming off vacation myself, and ready to adventure...
Wow, seems like everyone had a vacation around the same time.
Male Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 15 (HP 229/229 AC:30 T:16 F:29 Saves F:+20 R:+11 W:+9 CMB:+21 CMD:37 Init:+1 Perc: +18 Intimidate +24)
I will be leaving on Saturday to visit family for two weeks. I will try to post, but bot me as necessary.

Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
GM Kamro wrote: Scroll of break enchantment, scroll of greater dispel magic, scroll of greater teleport, scrolls of stoneskin (2), scroll of wall of force (CL 10th), staff of evocation (10 charges), handy haversack, headband of vast intelligence +4 (grants ranks in Acrobatics and Use Magic Device), necklace of adaptation, spell component pouch, 20 gp, 12 cp. Ok, so who can use the scrolls:
Break Enchantment - Tronar, Shaeda, or Thurrios
Greater Dispel Magic - Tronar, Shaeda, or Thurrios
Greater Teleport - Tronar
Stoneskin - Tronar
Wall of Force - Tronar
The staff:
Staff of Evocation - Tronar
The headband:
Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 (Acrobatics, UMD) - Searok? (everyone else needs a different mental stat) Searok having this would have the interesting effect of pumping up his UMD, to where he could use other magic items, like the scrolls above!
The Haversack:
Handy Haversack - Who needs one?
The Necklace:
Necklace of Adaptation - Anyone? An interesting item to show up at this point in the campaign! It might imply the need for help breathing in some noxious atmosphere in the near future!
Male Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 15 (HP 229/229 AC:30 T:16 F:29 Saves F:+20 R:+11 W:+9 CMB:+21 CMD:37 Init:+1 Perc: +18 Intimidate +24)
Searok would take the headband if no one else wanted it. Searok with a brain! That could be really good or very, very bad!
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
We're gonna expect big things out of him!
Male Half-Orc Arcanist 13 (AC: 16 (20 Shield) (21 haste) [T: 12 FF: 14]) | HP: 122/122 | F+13, R+11(+12), W+13 | Init: +3 | Perc: +13 | 130’ Darkvision
Reminder that Tronar casts Life Bubble on all of us each day
and I'm sure Tronar has a BoH and if he doesn't then he will buy one soon.
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
To my fellow Pathfinders, adventurers, and companions in storytelling,
On this Thanksgiving Day, I want to take a moment to wish all my fellow countrymen and gaming friends a wonderful holiday. Whether your celebrations are grand feasts with family and friends or quiet moments of reflection and gratitude, may your day be filled with joy, warmth, and, of course, delicious food.
I am thankful for this shared journey of imagination, camaraderie, and the epic tales we create together. Here’s to more adventures, victories, and memorable moments to come!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
Female Halfling Whipmistress 16 (AC: 37 (*+2 Light Fort) (*+1 Haste) [T: 15 FF: 35] CMD 28 (+4 vs disarm/trip) | HP: 162/163(0NL) | F+19*, R+14*, W+19* | Init: +4 |Perc: +6)
Fellow gamers, we're going out of town for a week, I should be back and able to post next Saturday!
Male Varisian Human Ranger (Urban Ranger) 16 (AC: 33 [T: 20, FF: 26] | HP: 148/148 | F+18*, R+23*, W+15* | Init: +9* | Perc: +23*)
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