GM Euan's Mummy's Mask (Inactive)

Game Master Euan

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet
Osirion Map - Wati City Map - Tephu City Map

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Neutral Human Bard/14

Sorry for my absence. My Summer classes are coming to a close soon so it's been crunch time.

Last level June 26, 2018.

Return of the Zilchii 11:

+8 hp

+moar spells
+feat: channel smite

+3 adventuring skills:
+1 Know (Religion)
+1 Perception
+1 Sense Motive

+2 adventuring skills:
+1 Know (Eng)
+1 Know (Hist)

Smite: not yet
Grit: not yet
Panache: nah, more like painintheass
Ki: not yet
Rage: some, mostly at mosquitos

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

Stelle Lvl up (partial) 11:

Mighty Charge
BAB: +11/+6/+1
+7 Hits
(+1 Feat (to be choosen)?)?
.. +4 Sense Motive
.. +1 Diplomacy
.. +1 Bluff

other stuff. later.

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

Also, I see no new map.

Neutral Human Bard/14

You have to zoom way out.

Female Halfling Cavalier/16
Nidhi Aashirya wrote:
You have to zoom way out.



Neutral Human Bard/14

Hahaha XD It's totally happened to me before. I think Euan told me last time

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

Now only if there was a map for turning a full round action into a standard or less!

NG male human (Garundi) diviner 10 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 14 [17] (13 Tch, 11 [14] FF) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +10 | Init: +16 | Perc: +14 (+16), SM: +1 (+3) | Speed 30 ft | Special abilities: prescience 10/10 | foretell 10/10 | Active Conditions:

Hi guys, due to a sudden change in my schedule, I had to work much more than expected in the last few days, hence the lack of posting. Please bot Ben as necessary, because this situation will last until the week-end.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Hang in there, Ben!

Neutral Human Bard/14

I still don't understand why the party is in the desert. Like what leads caused the party to come to the desert or what they're searching for

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

I posted this (link) a couple weeks ago...

Neutral Human Bard/14

Ahh, ty, ty! I had forgotten already :x

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

By the way, I've been kinda busyish this past week with work, some actual fun RL things, and feeling tireder than usual but I should be able to get Flo leveled up before the day is out!

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Florence the 11th:

+6 HP (4 + 2 Con)
+7 Skill Points (Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Kn. Arcana, Kn. Nature, Kn. Planes, Spellcraft)
+2 Background Skill Points (Kn. History x2)
+1 3rd Level Spell Cast/Day
+1 6th Level Spell Cast/Day
+3 Spells Learned (Greater Dispel Magic - 6th, True Seeing - 6th, Teleport - 5th)
Gained Feat: Spell Penetration
FCB: +1 Spell in Familiar (5th Level)

NG male human (Garundi) diviner 10 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 14 [17] (13 Tch, 11 [14] FF) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +10 | Init: +16 | Perc: +14 (+16), SM: +1 (+3) | Speed 30 ft | Special abilities: prescience 10/10 | foretell 10/10 | Active Conditions:

I will be operative again starting from tomorrow.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Apologies for the delay; the website went down in the middle of me making posting rounds last night and was still down when I checked before work for this morning :|

NG male human (Garundi) diviner 10 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 14 [17] (13 Tch, 11 [14] FF) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +10 | Init: +16 | Perc: +14 (+16), SM: +1 (+3) | Speed 30 ft | Special abilities: prescience 10/10 | foretell 10/10 | Active Conditions:

Dear friends,
my real-life schedule has changed a lot in the last few months, and I have been struggling to keep up with the pace of our Mummy's Mask game. Unfortunately, this has turned out to be harder than I imagined, due to a mix of factors such as the increasing difficulty of combats and my rather spotty access to laptops during the day. I have tried as hard as I could to set some rules for myself and follow them, but in the end I just have to admit that it is impossible for me to continue. I just don't have the time to read all the posts from others, think about what to do, check rules and spells, move my token on Roll20, and especially write the post. Being a non-native speaker, writing a post and reading posts from others takes me some time and energies: that's definitely not something I can do right after waking up or before going to bed. I need to be well-rested and in a good mental state, and it takes me approximately 45 minutes to write a decent combat post. Sometimes I have this time available, but sometimes I don't. And I am starting to feel bad for not posting consistently, or at least as consistently as it is expected and I had accepted to post. Unfortunately, that's not something I can improve, not with my current job and family situation. I am starting to feel the pressure of creating problems to the game with my repeated lack of daily posts and my poor tactics caused by lack of time, so I am bowing out of the game in order to make it more enjoyable for you all. As a PbP player, I hated when someone kept holding the group back with his lack of consistency, and I only find it coherent to do the same in a time when I cannot ensure my own posting reliability.
I would like to thank each of you . as I have already done with our wonderful GM, for this year spent playing together. I had a lot of fun and you taught me a lot of things on how to be a good PbP player. Just so you know, I still consider this game to be the best, and indeed I am withdrawing from PbP completely, not just leaving this game (which was my only campaign anyway).

A special note for Florence: I am so sorry to interrupt what we have created throughout this year. It had potential, and it was one of the best roleplaying experiences I ever had. I am sorry for having to let it die, and I have no words to thank you enough for gifting me with such intense and roleplayingly great moments.

I wish you luck, guys. It hurts to leave, but it's in the interest of everyone. Good gaming!

Wow, I feel so sad right now...

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Thanks for the heads up Ben, and as we discussed in chat, you will be missed.

Thanks for all the great role play and see you on the other side!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Inactive; Campaign Concluded


Please don't feel bad! While I'm very sorry to see you go I understand your reasons completely and I also respect you for choosing to step away on a high note instead of letting things get you down to the point where you might've dreaded the thought of trying to check on the game and write a post.

It's been a great pleasure playing with you over the last year and 1/2 and I hope that maybe we'll see you on the forums again one day, should life slow down for you. Until then, I'm happy to have been part of such a meaningful roleplay experience with you and I wish you well :)

+1 Ben. Thanks for handling this the way you did and I'll miss your RPing.

You were good and I admired both the detail you brought to your character and the extreme skill by which you presented him. +1. It was textbook-good.

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

:-( I didn't get to play much with you Ben, but what little time I did get to play with you I enjoyed.

I hope you can settle life down enough at some point to come back to PBP.

Neutral Human Bard/14

I'll miss you Ben. You were an interesting person to play with. I hope I get to play with you again some day

Nidhi Level 11!:
Mask = +2 Char
BAB =1/+1
Fort = -
Ref = -
Will = -
HP +4
Inspire Competence = +1
Inspire Courage = +1
Lore Mater = +1/day

Skills = Bluff x3, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Perception, Perform BACKGROUND, Sense Motive, Slight of Hand BACKGROUND
Spells = 2nd-level Detect Secret Doors, 4th-level Greater Invisibility

Neutral Human Bard/14

It feels like on the days I have chunks of free time nobody is posting D:

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

lol! You're up Nidhi!

It's a double move to the lock, or you could do a single move and shoot an archer (-8 to hit though - ouch). Or something completely different... :)

Neutral Human Bard/14

Whaaaaa?! My bad I'm sorry QQ And is this a trick? Is Nidhi going to walk in and take four arrows to the knee?

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet



Actually, Benedictus is summoning something, and teleporting the fighters up there so hopefully they'll be too busy to shoot you.

But you never know...

Neutral Human Bard/14

Checking in

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

You're up! :)

Neutral Human Bard/14

Does the door open?

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

It's locked, I think you need to try and pick it open :)

Neutral Human Bard/14

Round 4:

"I'm going through," Nidhi comments vaguely. Then, Nidhi casts Greater Invisibility on herself. See map.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

We had another successful table at our local Pathfinder lodge today! Silent Tide, the very first Pathfinder Society scenario ever published! A good time was had by all even though things got pretty hairy there near the end....

The only down note is that one of the players, probably meaning well since we *DID* have another player who was pretty new and needed some guidance, did some backseat gaming which is a good way to get my hackles up :|

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Neutral Human Bard/14

I would open my rulebook and show them their character class page. If they are playing a level one, it shouldn't be too bad, right? I've never played Silent Tide so I can't really speak to its simplicity or complication. I know at most of my game stores, you can show up early and there will be someone willing to help you out. And generally most people have the core rulebook.

Yeah, you get all kinds people in game stores. I like the overall concept though. I love meeting new people and hanging out for a few hours to not see them again for weeks or even months at a time. That's my preference/personality (with the exception of my close group of friends.) And then when I see people again, we can both be like "hey! We adventured together! We did that thing back in February with the cultists and the dragon." I can pretend to be outgoing for a few of hours, haha.

The people I'm not keen are are the players who feel like the have something to prove. "Your character is a paladin? Let me tell you about this one game that I played as a paladin. It's hilarious to me but I'm bad at joke delivery and remembering the specifics, so you're going to have to smile and awkwardly laugh when I laugh because you don't want to come across as rude. And this will be the trend of our entire interaction before the GM finishes drawing the map and has to interrupt my monologue so the module can start." I love the microcosm game stores, though. I met my husband at a game store while playing Magic: The Gathering. I didn't have those digits so I was constantly going there in hopes of running into him during the first year. Then, after a year I asked him if he wanted to take the Magic back to his place (ahahahah, I joke. I'm joking.)

Neutral Human Bard/14

I can't believe we're already in the third book! It makes me sad that this campaign is almost half over.

Female Halfling Cavalier/16

Sorry, been in meetings this day until mid afternoon.

Neutral Human Bard/14

Checking in

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Just a note that I'm hitting the lake today so I'll largely be out of pocket (and unable to post) until sometime this evening :D

Neutral Human Bard/14

oooo~! That sounds fun

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

It was! Only downside was that I think I got a little too much sun as I promptly went to bed with a heck of a headache and a touch of nausea once I got home yesterday evening. Slept 12 hours and felt much better upon waking up this morning...aside from the raging sunburn which didn't surprise me since I may as well be a ghost with how pale I am :)

Neutral Human Bard/14

Yeah, the sun can be draining. I love sleeping! Sleep does wonders for the body

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

My sleep habits are a little better now that I'm largely working the same shift (day shift) on a more consistent basis but I still sometimes have days where I might get 3 or 4 hours one night and then 12+ the next...

Neutral Human Bard/14

Ahahaha! "totally safe" bath room XD

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

I'm only able to post after every two or three tries. Given that, and the fact that might be the high water mark this week, we'll take it slow.

Post when you can, and we'll ease on through the week as things, hopefully, improve. Remember to cut and paste to a 'safe' file somewhere, especially with long posts.

Neutral Human Bard/14

It seems like my campaign list isn't updating.

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Checking in; I'm once again at work but will hopefully get a post up soonish!

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Well, we seem to be back up just in time for a weekend.

I've a new player, ready to go. Has been for a week now thanks to Paizo's difficulty. They'll be joining the party soon, but I'd like a reaction to Benedictus' departure and plans to move forward before that happens so as not to step on any role play folks might want to do.

Remember it's late at night (~10pm or so) and you're hunting down what must be the last few cultists based on the sleeping arrangements you've found. You've just found the extremely large and sumptuous bathhouse, which seems abandoned.

Let me know if you need more about where you are/what's going on.

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Neutral Human Bard/14

Nidhi hopes the new addition will be a strong, muscular woman XD

Inactive; Campaign Concluded

Of course she does :P

Nidhi Aashirya wrote:
Nidhi hopes the new addition will be a strong, muscular woman XD


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