GM Deuce's Mythic Reign of Winter

Game Master A_Deuce

Current Map Loot Sheet

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Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Hey guys, I found some jewelry in a hidden compartment. Do you think perhaps we should gather everything we can and take it back to Yuln? He probably knows who the rightful owner is now, after the Lady...

He grimaces in obvious disgust as the captain starts to thaw out.

That... That's just... Horrifyingly gross. How could any creature find such a thing funny?

Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

Urga looks at the thawing statue and shrugs, "I've seen worse. Never underestimate the capacity of evil for depravity."

To Rikael, "Yes, let's hold the jewelry for Yuln. We can return once we've defeated the fey."

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

"I'll be around checking for other things the fey may have left behind and I've found tracks. 6 men and a horse it looks like."
Thorn informs upon returning from scouting the area. He looks impassive at the thawing.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael stuffs the jewelry in his pack and climbs out of the ruined carriage. He makes his way back to the frozen captain and begins helping out with the fire. He also takes the opportunity to warm his hands up.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Agatha looks at thorn and says men? And a horse. Perhaps this was not fey. Or they have allies. We should follow the tracks, once dru is more recovered. But they have already shown a penchant for booby traps, so let's be wary. Also, creatures of cold and ice hate fire. If each of us had a torch to hand, it might be of use

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Just to clarify from earlier, it is a simple effort to get the sword separated from the captain's hand. To thaw him out enough to get the breastplate off, I'm going to go with a 30 or 45 minute effort.

Also, the trail goes to the southwest, deeper into the border wood. The trail is trivial to follow, with the tracks from people and animals being left in snow that varies from a few inches to knee-deep. Even when snow is scarce, it is obvious where the trees separate to allow passage.

Izumi speaks up when holding the jewelry for Yuln, "I was not quite so prepared for the evil and depravity we have seen so far. I think it would be best for me to return to Heldren, lest I slow the rest of you down. Do you want me to take anything back with me?"

When/if you are ready to move on, let me now.


It is shortly after 4:00 pm.
Temperature is in the low 40's and wind is calm.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur nods to Izumi, "That seems wise, I don't think there is anything of import to carry other than news."

He frowns at the thawing captain, "I think we have wasted enough of our time here. We should hurry after these dark creatures..."

He looks towards the trail left by the fey, ready to depart.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Aye Izumi. You can take back the captain's sword as well as the jewelry. Maybe even what we can salvage of the fine clothing, and take them and the news of what we found to Yuln. Would you be safe enough on the trip by yourself?

He pulls out the jewelry and hands it to Izumi while he speaks.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Thorn does not speak as he heads out to the edge where he last saw the tracks making sure his companions can see him as he does so. He'll lead them along and make sure they don't run a foul of whatever placed those undead things. That fate belongs to no one.

While waiting, He begins to have a mini conversation with the spirits.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

As the sword comes loose, Rikael looks at it a bit more closely.

On second thought, this is much higher quality work than I thought... I believe it would be better served with us, perhaps. I get the feeling we're going to need every bit of help, equipment, and magic we can get our hands on. We can always return it to whoever owns it later, if there is anyone that does now. Family, or whatnot.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Izumi starts putting the jewelry and clothes in her backpack. "I will drop this stuff off with Yuln. I doubt that he has moved too far since we left. "

Once she is done loading her pack, she warms her hands on the fire and takes leave of the group. "If I leave now, I should be able to get back to Heldren for a late dinner. I'd prefer not to travel alone, but if you all keep the bandits occupied, I should be able to sneak up the road. I will deliver the news of what we have discovered and wait a few days for everybody to return. Good luck in finding the Lady!"


It is nearing 4:30 pm.
Temperature is in the low 40's and wind is calm.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Alright, looks like nobody is terribly interested in the breastplate.

Sildur nods to Izumi, "Safe travels my lady, we shall return with Argentea as soon as we are able."

With a wave he motions for Dru to follow and sets out on the snowy trail of their quarry.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Agatha casts detect magic, then examines the sword and breastplate.
why didn't I do this before, DOH! Sorry yesterday was a long day

Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

Urga waves goodbye to Izumi,"Farewell, until our paths cross again..."

"I could use the breast plate. Let's wait a couple of minutes longer for it to thaw."

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur nods, "Fair enough, we'll need all the protection we can get once we catch up to these monsters."

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Izumi thanks you all and sets off for Heldren. "I hope to see you all again soon. Be safe and gods speed."


Neither the sword or breastplate radiate magic. They are simply finely crafted (masterwork) normal items.

You continue to put wood on the fire, increasing the warmth that it gives off. As it gets warmer, the Captain starts to thaw and you can eventually work the breastplate free. It is very well made and decorated with Taldan officer's livery.

You have had plenty of time to investigate and walk around the site of the battle. There is nothing else that sticks out as interesting or unusual.


It is between 4:30 and 5:00 pm.
Temperature is in the low 40's and wind is calm.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Thorn meanwhile is conversing with the spirits of the wood and giving them snippnets of his life since he left and returned.

Comfortable where he is, he waits for the rest to show that they're ready to go. Most likely after thawing out the captain he supposed.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

With the breastplate secured Sildur checks his weapons one last time before nodding his readiness to be after their quarry.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael gets up from the beside the fire, stretches, and loosens his rapier in it's sheath.

I'm ready. Let's move on.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

yes let us be going. The day passes, and we only have a few hours of light left.
Agatha gathers her self and looks to the trail.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

You start up the trail. The trail is wide and easy to follow, obviously well used for some time. As you continue into the forest, the temperature drops noticeably and you need to make sure you take the correct precautions to keep exposure from affecting you. Snow has collected on the ground, and is a few inches deep on the trail. While it makes the tracks very easy to follow, it also slows your movement somewhat.

Three things to do here.

First action
Cold exposure checks. Please make a DC15 Fortitude or Survival check, whichever you prefer.

+5 to the check if you have (and wear) cold weather clothes or gear.

You can nominate one person (likely somebody with high survival skills) that can try for group aid another. If he or she makes the aid check, the rest of you get +2 to the check

If you fail the check, take 1d6 non-lethal cold damage. If you take any damage, you have the beginnings of hypothermia (treat as fatigued).

Second action
Determine a marching order for the party. The trail can be traveled 2-wide easily, or 3-wide in a pinch. If somebody is scouting ahead or performing rear-guard, let me know who that is. You might need to coordinate this in the discussion thread.

Third action or observation
Nobody has updated the loot log. I think that should be a party responsibility. It's not a strict requirement, but it will be a lot easier to do as you go rather than backfill at the end.


The temperature is in the low to mid-30's (F)
The wind has picked up and is a sporadic breeze.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

And a few things I forgot....

It is about 5:30PM

If you have some other heat source or creative way of avoiding the cold, let me know and I will make a judgment on the bonus it gets you.

Also, the spell Endure Elements eliminates the need to check at all, but does not cure any non-lethal damage you may have taken.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Fortitude/Survival (They are the same.): 1d20 + 4 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 4 + 5 = 27

Rikael bundles up in his thick winter coat and tries to stay warm as best he can, while at the same time keeping his hand near his sword.

[ooc]Rikael is ok with the marching order Sildur suggested. [ooc]

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Survival Vs Cold and tracking. 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Perception, while scouting 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Knowledge (Geography), to avoid getting lost. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Stealth, avoid getting spotted by possible enemies. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Thorn skulks ahead while making sure his equippment is up to stuff with his snow goggles on his head and himself warm with his cold weather outfit as well as snowshoes on his feet.

Looking out for dangers as well as making sure they're following the tracks well enough and taking note of where they could be from the town.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

deuce, pls note that as a winter witch, I have endure elements vs cold as a constant effect. I am also good with sildur's marching order.

just before thorn takes point, Agatha says to him Thorn, it may be best for us to find shelter soon. As soon as night hits it's going to get alot colder. Something to give us wind cover like a thicket, a thick copse of trees or even a rocky ledge of some sort. Cold does not bother me much, but can be a dangerous enemy. A fire maybe neeeded as well

then she moves back to her marching place.

survival aid to find shelter: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Just a heads up Thorn, you'll probably need to include a -5 to your stealth as I don't think we'll be moving at half speed.

Survival: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 8 + 2 = 26
Survival - Aid another: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Sildur wraps his cloak around him, pulling the hood far over his face as the wind cuts into them all, he does his best to coach anyone he sees with too much exposed skin.

He shakes his head at Agatha's comment, "We're barely an hour from town, we should press forward as far as we can tonight. Who knows what sort of pace these fey have set. As long as conditions don't worsen we should be alright for the time being."

Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

Urga dons the breastplate prior to leaving.

Fort Check:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Urga shivers within his entirely inadequate summer gear, "Let's quickly be on our way. We will have to set up camp soon."

I'm good with the proposed marching order.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Heh heh I am moving at half speed but I'm starting out earlier than all of you. Grabbing cover and the like. If I lead you all into a trap or something, at least there's some warning. I'll let GM decide on that.

Thorn nods at Agatha before setting off, eagar to begin this hunt. Using the terrain itself to aid him, he moves forward, picking his steps with care to avoid drawing attention to himself.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Sildur, it has gotten colder in the last hour, and the wind has picked up. Yes we should keep going but we should also be alert for a good, hidden campsite.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

You keep traveling up the path, following the tracks of the people and animals ahead of you. Aside from the weather, nothing has really been sticking out as unusual.

Thorn stays ahead of the rest of the group and makes sure that there are no surprises. After traveling for some time, Thorn finds something unusual in the trail. The trail passes through a small clearing among the taller trees before continuing uphill and out of sight. A large chest lies half-buried in the snow, apparently dropped or discarded by those who hastily passed this way.

I figure that Thorn would run across the chest, then go back and tell the party about it. So, let's set the stage as Thorn waiting for the rest of the group to tell them about what he found. The clearing with the chest is a few hundred yards ahead of you.


It is about 600 PM.
The temperature is in the low to mid-30's (F)
The wind has picked up and is a sporadic breeze.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael sees Thorn ahead and starts to hurry.

If he's waiting for us, there must be something important up there...

He quietly draws Feybane and motions to the rest of the group to look ahead.

Could be trouble, be ready for anything... He whispers.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

A chest. This smells like another fey trap. Be cautious.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

"There's a chest and it's too obvious, not an attempt to keep it hidden. I'm going to check it out but if anything happens, I'm diving for cover. Alright?"

Thorn moves ahead, checking for traps and other nefarious things a fey could likely come up with. Examining the chest and then using his skills on it, Thorn carefully attempts to open the chest.

Perception, with trapfinding 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 7 + 1 = 19
Disable Device, if any traps are found. Likely an ouch 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

If you like I can cast a spell that can aid you. agatha says
guidance, to give a plus one on your next roll

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur readies his shield and spear, prepared to cover Thorn's retreat if needed. Dru paces back and forth, sniffing the cold air.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael stands next to Thorn, Feybane at the ready and his senses alert for danger.

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 13

Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

Urga guards the perimeter as the others examine the chest.

Perception:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Thorn glances at Rikael as he takes up position next to him.
"Ermm Rikael, maybe you might want to stand further from me. No sense in both of us getting caught in something if I triggered something. Also naked steel beside me makes me naked."

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Sorry I'm coming a little late to the discussion. My goal was to have everybody talk, then move you to the area around the chest.

Map is updated. Place yourselves where you want to be and I'll start with checks and other game-related items.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

As they approach the chest, Rikael looks over at Thorn after he speaks, and gives him a wry grin.
Fair point, Thorn. I must say, after what we've seen so far, I'm half expecting something to leap out at you when you open it.

He takes a drink of ale and tips his flask up the sky.
Cayden, what sort of trickery are we going to find this time?

He hefts the flask, and looks at it woefully.
Better lay of the holy water, lest I run out, I get the feeling I'll need it to warm up with later.

Please place Rikael up and one square to the right, where he will keep a close eye on the perimeter. Also, his ale gives him a +2 against mind affecting abilities for one hour.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur takes a sip from his own flask, "I've no doubt you're right about the Rikael. Lets just hope it's a toast to celebrate our success."

Stowing the flask again, he waits for Thorn to proceed.

Moved you Rikael :)

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Agatha casts guidance on thorn, skill bonus, then withdraws 10 feet, with her morning star drawn.
thorn you have a plus one to your next skill roll, if it is within ten rounds

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Thorn nods and opens the chest.
Checks made in above post. Copied for easier tracking.


Perception, with trapfinding 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 7 + 1 = 19

Disable Device, if any traps are found. Likely an ouch 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Now that we are all on the same page about scouting and distance and the like, I'll have a summary and execute actions.

As the party approaches the chest, they can see that it is half-buried in the snow. Many people obviously spent a fair amount of time in the area, as there are so many tracks in the snow that you can't accurately count how many people made them.

As you look at the chest, you may notice something.

Perception check, DC12:

The chest has the same markings and general design as Lady Argentea Malassene's carriage.

Everybody spreads out to guard the front and back of the trail while Thorn examines the chest. After a few moments, Thorn thinks he has taken all the precautions necessary, opens the latch, and lifts the lid on the chest. Unknown to him, the opening of the lid pulls a rope that has been concealed in the snow. The trap has been sprung!

GM roll 1: 1d6 ⇒ 1 Ouch!

A large log, with spikes driven into it swings across the path in the area to the south of the path. I've marked this area with large red lines on the map.

Log attack rolls
Agatha: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Dru: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Rikael: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
Sildur: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Thorn: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Urga: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Log damage, if the attack roll exceeds your AC. Reflex save for half.
Agatha: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Dru: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Rikael: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Sildur: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Thorn: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Urga: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

After the log comes to a stop, there is no more danger from the trap. You can continue to investigate the area.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Holy crap, looks like they rigged up an entire damn tree!

As the giant log swings down, Sildur has only time for a half uttered curse before dropping throwing himself to the ground, avoiding the worst of it.

Dru however is not so lucky and one of the spikes rips a nasty gash in his side.

Reflex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 Yes? No?

Picking himself up, Sildur sees that many of his companions did not make do as well, "Curse these ice ridden monsters!"

He moves quickly to help with the wounded as best he can.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Reflex: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Rikael hits the snow as soon as he realizes the trap, but the log catches him in the side anyway.

This is gonna hurt.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Doh! I failed to specify a DC. It's Reflex (DC15).

The log is specified as 20' long, and the roll of 1 was basically the only way that everybody got effected. Higher rolls on the 1d6 would have had fewer people hit by the log because the area of effect moved north.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

A loud, wet CRACK is heard as the log catches Rikael right in the side, knocking him to ground. His flasks are knocked from his belt, and what ale he had left spills onto the snow.

He crawls up to his knees, clutching his side in agony.

Is everyone ok? I'm hurt... Pretty bad...
He pants in between labored breaths.

Those... Trees.... Hit pretty.... Hard...

Fixed my ale problem! Now I'll refill with a stronger liquor in town, keep track of drinks instead of volume like deuce suggested. Also, four hit points left.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

reflex: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Agatha lies on the ground, unconscious and bleeding.
OW! A one. Oh come on! Well that was fast. A little help for a poor witch. Ah yes, the spiked log, acient enemy of the witch.

Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

"Damn these Fey!"

Urga quickly moves to heal Agatha and Rickael.

Agatha CLW:1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Rickael CLW:1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

"I'm out of healing. We're going to have to camp here tonight."

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Welcome! I've been wanting to start a PbP for a while and some great work by DM Papa here helped me settle on the Reign of Winter.

Without more delay, here we go:

I'm looking for 6 people to join me on a mythically enhanced version of the Reign of Winter Adventure path. This is more than the AP calls for, but I want to build in some resistance against people having to leave due to unforseen problems. When the party is large, I will adjust the encounters to maintain the challenge level. If we lose too many people, I'll have to re-recruit but I'd like to avoid that as much as possible because of the delay it would cause in play.

My goal as the GM is to provide a fun and challenging play experience. I hope to find players who value role play as well as roll play and want to stick with the AP for the long haul. I can certainly see why Reign of Winter is considered a difficult AP and I want to play the NPCs in an intelligent way. I will also include some content Mythic Adventures, at about the rate of 1 mythic tier per book. If you are unfamiliar with this AP, go here.

Posting and interactivity - once a day during the week and once over the weekend is what I would call a minimum. My goal is twice a day - once early in the day and once later in the evening. If you want to post more, I'll do what I can to move faster.


- I will roll initiative for everybody involved and post initiative order when a combat begins. You can post your actions in any order and I will execute them according to initiative in a summary post for the round.
- Post all appripriate dice rolls with appropriate labels in your posts. So, attack and damage rolls if you are using a melee weapon, plus critical confirmation and critical damage rolls if you score a critical threat.
- Casters, please include the DC requirement and save type when you cast the spell.
- If you need to coordinate tactics, please do it in the discussion thread.

Character Mechanics:

19 point buy - Please avoid obvious stat dumping.
Races - Any Paizo published is fine, but I have a preference for core races. If you want to use a featured or ARG race, your backstory and character creation should be more compelling than average.
Classes & Archetypes - Any Paizo published and released is fine. The Advanced class guide isn't final yet, so I'm saying *NO* to that right now. Also no on 3PP material.
2 traits - one must be from the Player's guide, available here. If you really want a drawback and a third trait I won't stop you but I will try to abuse your drawback in the game.
Starting Wealth - Average gold per class + 25GP. See the note below about supplies.
Character history - Write a background. It should explain why you are in Heldren and your starting class, traits, and feats. I want to like (or hate as is appropriate) your character and see them as more than just a stat block.
Mythic Path - You don't need to declare your path now, but be thinking about it. The Mythic Ascention will happen fairly early.

Miscallaneous rules, questions, and comments:

- There is no common or undercommon language. Common is replaced with Taldane if you are from the Inner Sea or Tien if you are from Tien-Xia and Undercommon is replaced with the racial languages of the races who live there. This is important when you get to places where Taldane is not commonly spoken.
- Hit points as PFS rules.
- Firearms by the Emerging Guns rules.
- Summoners: Once you spend points from your evolution pool, they are fixed. If you want to buy something that costs more points than you get in one level, you will need to save points for several levels. This also changes the rule that says evolution points cannot be saved. I can give more examples if you fall in this case.
- Any alignment is OK by me but you must be able to play well with others.
- No retraining. Make your choices wisely the first time.
- I plan on tracking supplies and consumables closely. Make sure you have food, water, enough arrows, and all that sort of gear.
- I own the following books: Core Rule Book, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Campaign, Ultimate Magic, Inner Sea Magic, Inner Sea World Guide, Lands of the Linnorn Kings, Adventurers Armory, Cheliax Empire of Devils, Irrisen - Land of Eternal Winter, Dwarves of Golarion, Faiths of Corruption, Orcs of Golarion, Mythic Adventures, Varisia: Birthplace of Legends, People of the North. If you want to use someting not on this list, I will want to see the text from your copy of the book or PDF. I won't give it away or copy it or anything like that but there are lots of small details not available on the various web resources.

Extra credit: In character apps and/or role play with other people in the recruitment thread will get you extra consideration.

The last thing: I want to pick the most interesting or eye-catching characters that get presented here. I will make very little effort at party balance. Once the game gets started, you'll need to either find ingenious ways to overcome challenges, ask some of the characters to multi-class. I'd like to think this is part of the fun.

Recruitment opens now. I would like to keep apps open until about 1/22. Once apps close, I will ask everybody to PM me your two favorite characters. I'll use this player feedback in my selection. Once I get everything tabulated, I will announce my preferred picks by 1/29 with the intent of starting the AP by the first of Feb.

Questions, comments, or criticisms are welcome. I will check the thread periodically to answer questions, post updates, and the like.

Good luck to everybody and remember to bring your snowshoes!

Paizo-made Templates: Yes/No? (I have a few thoughts in that direction for a campaign like this...)

Outside of that... *Rubs chin* I might be able to come up with something fun. ^^ To my character maker!

Sovereign Court

Dotting for interest.

@Rednal - I think the answer is yes.

More generally, and for everybody: I want to accept any/all apps that are using Paizo published materials. That being said, the more exotic/esoteric the character is the more closely I will scrutinize it. Remember also that I'll ask for input from your potential group members so people being receptive to highly unusual characters will also help you.

Yes to templates, hm...? Would you be opposed to an ogrekin? Perhaps with toned-down ability score bonuses. I'm thinking a gentle giant type might be interesting to play... I dunno. I have some ideas.

EDIT: I'd also be interested in playing a lycanthrope, especially a werebear.

Sounds fair enough. ^^ I'll get started on something in a little while and see what I can come up with.

Ooh, Mythic!


Me gusta. Would you be willing to accept a kobold? I think I can figure out a way to make it work if so.

HERE WE ARE NOW, EDIT-TAINERS (okay that one was bad): Templates okay? While the obvious course of action would be to make my character half-dragon, I think I want a tiny bit more variety than that. I'll get back to you when I think of something.

Dotting for interest.

I'll think of an concept and background and post it later.

Holy crap, I just remembered a character I created a long long time ago but never thought I could use for anything: a Lawful Good kobold lich wizard/archmage. I'd need to justify him not being as powerful as I created him, though... perhaps this is before his rise to power, or he has amnesia... I don't know. I do know that I want a kobold, so, again, I'll get back to you when I have something definite.

I do have Kobolds of Golarion if you need information on what I bring up.

Aye, I'm interested, though a bit confused about my past at the moment. It's almost like I started somewhere else, but it didn't work out, so now I'm here... I'll have to take some time tomorrow to remember my past, but my abilities are the same. I'm a staunch worshipper of Cayden, I remember that much, and I like to drink, and it aides me in battle. Perhaps tomorrow I can tell you more about who I am...

Aaaaaaand here we go. ^^ I'll probably get to the roleplaying in here tomorrow.


Female Human Ghost Oracle 1
NG Medium undead (humanoid, human, incorporeal)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 16 (+1 Dex, +6 deflection)
hp 14 (1d8+6)
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +3; +4 bonus vs. channeled energy
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, incorporeal, rejuvenation; Immune undead traits
Weakness oracle's curses (haunted)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Special Attacks corrupting touch
Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +7):
1st (5/day)—summon monster i, obscuring mist, cure light wounds
0 (at will)—read magic, mage hand, ghost sound (DC 16), create water, detect magic, light
Str —, Dex 13, Con —, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 22
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 17
Feats Eschew Materials, Extra Revelation
Traits adaptive magic, reactionary
Skills Diplomacy +10, Fly +21, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (nature) +2, Knowledge (planes) +5, Linguistics +2, Perception +13, Stealth +9; Racial Modifiers +8 Fly, +8 Perception, +8 Stealth
Languages Skald, Other Language
SQ mysteries (time), revelations (knowledge of the ages +6 [6/day], temporal celerity)
Other Gear Micah's Body (Container), 150 GP
Special Abilities
Channel Resistance +4 +4 bonus to save vs. Channel Energy.
Corrupting Touch 2d6 (DC 16) (Su) Touch does 2d6 damage from aging, ignoring most resistances (Fort half).
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Flight (30 feet, Perfect) You can fly!
Haunted Retrieving stored gear is a Standard action or worse, dropped items land 10' away.
Immunity to Critical Hits You are immune to Critical Hits
Immunity to Precision Damage You are immune to Precision Damage
Incorporeal (Ex) You aren't quite here.
Knowledge of the Ages +6 (6/day) (Su) You can search through time to recall some bit of forgotten lore or information. You can retry any Knowledge skill check you have made within the past minute, gaining an insight bonus on the check equal to your Charisma modifier. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.
Rejuvenation (Su) Ghosts can return after a few days.
Temporal Celerity (Su) Whenever you roll for initiative, you can roll twice and take either result. At 7th level, you can always act in the surprise round, but if you fail to notice the ambush, you act last, regardless of your initiative result (you act in the normal order
Undead Traits Undead have many immunities and use Cha in place of a Con for all effects.
In the bitter, frozen lands of the north, there's not a lot to attract people who aren't at least a little bit crazy. After all, why live where the land wants to kill you if you could spend your time in a place that's a bit more reasonable? Micah was neither a bold explorer nor a particularly troubled resident... mostly because she was, well, dead. Fairly permanent case of it, too, considering nobody ever found her body or bothered to resurrect her.

Prior to her death, Micah was a relatively charismatic girl, living with her family in the northern town of Heldren. Small town, people knew each other, mostly got along fine without bothering others or being bothered too much. Of course, being on the small side wasn't terribly convenient for her, since the town didn't exactly have a robust education system that would have let her put her intellect to good use. It was far from ideal, but she mostly managed. Charming young ladies usually do.

However, even in the lands of the north, there are people who aren't satisfied with the way things are. Sometimes they're bored, sometimes they're drunk, and sometimes they're just plain stupid. Micah was out on her own in the depths of winter when she was jumped by her attacker, and the circumstances that followed lead to one of the more gruesome deaths the northern lands had ever seen. Micah's ruined body was tossed into the snow, but eventually, she came back. Not as a zombie or a skeleton, though.

Throughout the ordeal that had killed her, Micah had only one thing on her mind: a desperate desire for more time to do the things she wanted to do. Wasn't it wrong that she should be trapped inside of a small village, then butchered like an animal simply because somebody else decided it would be fun? Didn't she have the right to ask for anything at all from the gods? This sort of thing couldn't be what life was all about... being hurt, being cold, being scared, and ultimately being alone.

The gods don't always answer directly, but in a way, she got her wish. When Micah returned as a ghost, she was given something very special to help her along the way - access to divine power and a deep connection to time itself. Strange spirits were drawn to her from that point forward, but they were minor annoyances at best - Micah had become a being that would have all the time she wanted to truly experience something before going on to rest.

Naturally, she put it to good use. One of the first things she did was publicize the shame of the one who had attacked her - she never showed herself, since she was afraid to face her parents, but it didn't take the town too long to realize that something very vengeful was acting against one of their residents... and, in the end, they figured out why. Micah's parents eventually moved away from the town, too bitter over the memories, but she didn't follow them - they deserved to live without being constantly reminded of her. Instead, Micah began to haunt the town, but in a much more friendly fashion - doing good deeds, helping alert them to danger, and otherwise acting as a benevolent spirit instead of a vengeful one, despite her tendency to stay hidden. She'd already sated her thirst for revenge, but that had never been the main goal of her existence anyway.

More recently, however, Micah has been longing to go someplace else, to leave her little town and see more of what the world has to offer. The cold doesn't exactly bother her anymore, but she still enjoys the warmth of people - from their hearts, if nothing else. And it just so happens that a group of interesting people have been spotted in town... perfect for a bit of haunting.

Aside from all that, Micah is exceptionally conscientious when it comes to money - while she doesn't need food, she does occasionally desire material things, and she's almost obsessive about making sure the right amount is paid for the things she desires... even if most of her financial transactions involve taking things in the middle of the night and leaving money on the counter. The only exception to this particular quirk of hers is when it comes to necessities for life in the north - if people can't get things properly, and have to take from someone who can still get by despite the loss, she's generally willing to look the other way (though she might later go pay for the items on her own). It's one thing to steal for something you merely want, but she's not so mean that she'll deny people what they need to stay alive. She knows that people have to work together to survive in the north, and tries to (discreetly) encourage anyone with questionable morals to walk a better path.

Special Traits:

As a ghost, Micah uses her Dexterity instead of her Strength to determine carrying capacity - and can hold quite a lot of items within her body, oftentimes more than it seems like could possibly fit. Though this isn't a "bag", as such, the penalty from the Haunted curse still applies, and Micah must still spend a standard action to retrieve items from her gear (unless it would normally take longer). Unattended items she picks up gain the Incorporeal quality while held or stored within her body, but otherwise function as detailed in the Ghost template (harmless to others unless it meets the requirements to affect corporeal things, etc.). At the GM's discretion, Micah may be unable to touch or interact with certain items, largely preventing her ghostly powers from being a solution.

Sovereign Court

Lol I see Rednal has gotten his wish to play a ghost.

Very interested, ill have a character up in a day.


Yes please!
Wow, question now is which concept to use.

You said Ascension comes early. Forgive me but I would like to ask a but more. Not sure if this should be a PM. I've got two mythic concepts I think would work well in RoW, but timing and nature of the ascension is everything.

One is based around The Trickster Ability Subtle Magic, but is much less useful to the group until that point, so would need an early Ascension.

Another is on a quest to achieve godlike power. Ascension can occur much later, but ideally would not be as a servant to a godlike being.

Happy to talk via Pm if you like, and can also accept "no comment".

LOL! You guys have me laughing here. It's not been 12 hours since I started the thread and we already have people pushing the limits in neat and creative ways.

A few comments in general and to specific people. I'm going to try to give some more advice without having any more spoilers than are in the player's guide.

@Rednal, @Void211, Others: One of the major themes of the first 2 or 3 books is winter and dealing with environmental effects. So, I'm going to have to change my statement about templates and *any* character type. I'm going to have to rule "No" on undead traits, anything that doesn't have a constitution score, or things that exempt you from fortitude saves and non-lethal damage. That would really trivialize the first two or three books for most people.

@Loup Blanc: You have not said anything yet that has me super concerned, but I bet you could implement a similar concept by re-flavoring Orc or Half-Orc with maximum size/weight attributes, which would make blending in with the rest of the party far easier. I'm not going to say don't submit that character but I will say there are likely more mainstream alternatives.

On Mythic ascention - I'm looking to make it happen in the late level 2/early level 3 timeframe.

Heh. XD Well, it was worth a try. I'm glad that you're at least enjoying that concepts that've been posted, though.

Let's see here, next idea is... *Starts scribbling stuff down*

I like the idea of this. I'll start a character when I get home in a few hours.

Trying to find a template that isn't overpowered is hard. Then again, this is Mythic play, so...

Is my urban barb submission to vanilla? I can make him stand out a lot more if I need to. I'm VERY creative...

Evil laughter echoes inside the post box.....

Would you accept a half-dragon/fiend/celestial character with lost wings? Flight is not exactly a power that 1st-level characters should ever possess.

Well, I'm currently trying for a Half-Dragon Sorcerer, so... XD

(Also, don't forget about Lycanthropes! Turning into a beast could be fairly useful... and fitting.)

What kind of animals would a goblin, kobold or tiefling want to turn into?

... on second thought, scratch the tiefling because rakshasas.

ALSO. Mister GM, would you be willing to expand the tiefling's Fiendish Sorcery trait to include the other fiendish bloodlines? It would only make sense for tiefling sorcs to be good at being Daemon-, Rakshasa- or Oni-blooded, and not just Abyssal or Infernal.

Character submission #2!

Breakdown of Ability Purchases:


Strength: 10 + 8 (Half-Dragon) - 2 (Point Buy). Total: 16. Points Spent: -2.
Dexterity: 10 + 2 (Elf) + 2 (Point Buy). Total: 14. Points Spent: 2.
Constitution: 10 + 6 (Half-Dragon) - 2 (Elf). Total: 14. Points Spent: 0.
Intelligence: 10 + 2 Half-Dragon) + 2 (Elf). Total: 14. Points Spent: 0.
Wisdom: 10 + 8 (Point Buy). Total: 18. Points Spent: 17.
Charisma: 10 + 2 (Half-Dragon) + 2 (Point Buy). Total: 14. Points Spent: 2.

Point Buy Totals: 0 - 2 + 2 + 2 + 17 = 19.



Female Half-Dragon Elf Sorcerer (Wildblooded) 1
NG Medium dragon (humanoid, elf)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +3 (+4 vs. fatigue, exhaustion, or ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, or hot or cold environments), Ref +2, Will +6
Immune fire, paralysis, sleep; Resist cold 5
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee bite +3 (1d6+3/×2) and 2 claws +3 (1d4+3/×2)
Special Attacks breath weapon, heavenly fire
Sorcerer (Wildblooded) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5):
1st (4/day)—endure elements, obscuring mist
0 (at will)—read magic, detect magic, jolt, spark (DC 14)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Breadth of Experience, Eschew Materials
Traits adaptive magic, forlorn
Skills Fly +6, Heal +6, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +6, Spellcraft +6, Survival +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Elven, Other Language, Other Language
SQ arcane focus, desert runner, mutated bloodlines (empyreal)
Other Gear Backpack (15 @ 22 lbs), Bedroll, Blanket, winter, Canteen, Trail rations (10), Wine, fine (per bottle) (2), 69 GP, 9 SP
Special Abilities
Arcane Focus +2 to concentration checks to cast arcane spells defensively.
Breath Weapon (1/day) (DC 12) (Su) 1/day, Breath Weapon deals 1d6 Fire damage, DC 12.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Desert Runner +4 Con checks and Fort vs. fatigue, exhaustion, running, forced marches, hot or cold environments.
Empyreal Your heavenly power derives from insight rather than force of personality. Use Wisdom instead of Charisma to determine Sorcerer abilities. (Sorcerer Bloodline)
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Flight (60 feet, Average) You can fly!
Heavenly Fire (7/day) (Sp) Ranged touch attack deals 1d4 divine damage/healing. (Alignment-restricted effects)
Immunity to Fire You are immune to fire damage.
Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis.
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
When most people look at Shiro, the first thing they really notice is, well, the fact that she's fairly clearly not human. It's the eyes, really. Elves are arguably one of the more racist groups that live in the world, and Shiro's bizzare heritage usually raises at least a few eyebrows.

Put simply, her father had been trying very hard to create the powers of a holy dragon, then find a way to use them for himself. Unfortunately for him, as many people who use magic could easily explain, it's not really that easy. Obtaining holy power isn't usually that difficult, especially if you're a reasonably decent person who actively worships the gods. Clerics and Paladins alike have regular access to such things - likewise, Dragons aren't entirely unknown, and it's quite possible to use magic to infuse the essence of a dragon into a mortal being. However, doing both of those things at the same time isn't going to suddenly fuse the powers and create a holy dragon - so in that regard, Shiro is a failure. Her divine power is much weaker than it should be, primarily serving as a conduit to arcane power instead - though she does have a pronounced tendency to learn convenient and useful spells instead of raw offense.

This may have had something to do with the fact that she's grown up in the far northern reaches of the world, where cold weather is a fact of life. On the bright side, she's tough enough that she's generally okay outside, especially during the milder months of the year. On the down side, considering she's basically a freak of nature, she hasn't exactly been warmly welcomed by other elven communities... and her bad habit of spitting out flames when truly upset hasn't improved matters very much.

Eventually, she managed to find a bit of a niche as a wise woman in a small town called Heldren, using the knowledge and experience she's gained in her life alongside her natural charm to win people over. The people within the town are generally friendly, and the overall tolerance of the region has helped her to find a place. Despite all of that, she's still interested in learning more about magic, and the frosty magic of the north intrigues her quite a bit. She's hoping to travel there in the near future and learn more about arcane power.

Incidentally, she rather enjoys getting a bit drunk when nothing important is happening, and often carries around a bottle or two of fine sake inside her backpack. People who buy her a drink will quickly get on her good side.


Where'd you get that picture from?

And, uh, what kind of dragon is she based on?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Oh, man, Reign of Winter! I've been really wanting to play an ice mage of some sort lately. Winter Witch is the obvious choice, but I also like the Boreal bloodline of the sorcerer. Maybe I'll draw up both and see which one I like better.

Hm... GM question, and kinda spoilery, and it regards my current class choice.

I know where the campaign eventually goes, so...:

Currently, I have a (mana waste mutant) kobold cleric of Cthulhu. HOWEVER, I know that we eventually go to Earth. Guess where R'lyeh is.

Would Kzethax gain any mechanical benefits from being on the same world as his deity?

Before you ask, no, I didn't create the character with this fact in mind. I just intended to make an insane character, and only realized after cementing the concept that Cthulhu will be in (relatively) close proximity later in the adventure.

Dotting for interest. Half-Drow Sniper or Archer. Tried to play this character in a WotW and a homebrew - both dried up and blew away. I'll have to make some minor mods to meet your character creation reqs, but the concept and background will remain basically the same!

Background? "I don’t remember a time when I wasn't fighting for something. Seems like it’s my lot in life, my heritage from both sides. Those that made me trained me from birth to be a warrior. They beat me, praised me, chained me up but they never could tame me - and I guess it was inevitable at some point I would overpower them. Maybe it was better to have the crowd jeering me on, and three squares a day, I don’t know. But the forest is my home now - dirt for a pillow, sky for a blanket, no one to answer to but myself."

Philosophy? "Good? Evil? F*!~ it. Everyone's gotta make their way in this world somehow. I've got mine, you've got yours. If you think you've got mine too, we're gonna have a problem coming to terms. Just might even come to blows if you press the issue, but I ain't one to bother skinnin' up my knuckles for a few coppers. We draw swords though - I'll fight you to the death, and you better hope to hell you got what it takes to kill me."

Why Heldren? "Heldren ain’t a bad town. It’s close to the Wood, and they don’t bother me much when I feel like getting a drink or some fresh supplies. I figure this is a good a place as any to find some work."


Dming my first PbP right now, it's a lot of fun. I'd like to try out playing in one as well since I'm always around here checking for new posts. :) Check out this alias to see my character. The concept is a Raging Half-Orc Ranger that hard to put down and doesn't use any magic. He will wield a longsword in one hand and a whip in the other, but probably not use them often in the same round. Charisma is very low, but I feel like it makes sense for the character and his intimidate is high.

Okay, here we are. Kobold cleric of Cthulhu incoming!

CN Mana Wasted kobold cleric
Deity: Cthulhu
Domains: Insanity, Dark Tapestry

Stat Block:

CN Small aberration (reptilian)
Init +2


Str 10 (2 purchase, +2 mana waste mutant, -4 kobold)
Dex 14 (2 purchase, +2 kobold)
Con 12 (2 purchase, -2 kobold, +2 mana waste mutant)
Int 7 (-4 purchase)
Wis 18 (17 purchase)
Cha 8 (-2 mana waste mutant)

BAB 0, CMB -1, CMD 11
Feats: Small but Deadly
Traits: Cold Fortitude, Indomitable Faith
Skills: Perception +7, Intimidate +2
Languages: Draconic
SQ: Deformity (Deformed Arm), Disease
Alternate Racial Traits: Day Raider


HP 9
AC 16 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural)
DR 5/cold iron
SR 13
Immune: Disease, Poison
Fort +3 (+7 vs nonlethal cold), Ref +2, Will +6

Speed: 30 ft
Melee: Slam +1 (1d6)

-Special Abilities-

Even though Mana-Waste mutants are immune to disease, they carry a deadly magical contagion that they spread with their slam attacks.

Mana fever: injury; save Fort DC = 10 + 1/2 the Mana-Waste mutant's Hit Dice + the Mana-Waste mutant's Constitution modifier; onset 1d4 minutes; frequency 1/day; effect 1d2 Con damage, 1d2 Cha drain (or 1d3 Con damage, 1d3 Cha drain if the base creature has 8 HD or more); cure 2 consecutive saves.

Anyone who lives with mana fever for a week straight without dying becomes immune to the disease, but also becomes a Mana-Waste mutant.

:Deformed Arm:

One of Kzethax's hands can't wield weapons, but his slam attack deals damage as if it were two size catagories larger than its actual size.


Kzethax himself does not remember or particularly care about where he came from. All he knows is the weight of the Dreams, the Dreams that command him and the Dreams that ruined his mind.

However, his former tribe will tell a shameful tale of a cleric's fall from grace. Kzethax was originally a cleric of Dahak, from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords' Icerender Tribe. After serving the False Wyrm faithfully for several years, he first began to experience the Dreams, which commanded him to go far, far to the south. Kzethax followed the Dreams, believing them to be a command from Dahak.

He could not have been more wrong. He reached the Mana Wastes, and was beset upon by a horde of mutants. He survived the ordeal, but his body and mind were warped, and he understood his master for what it really was: The Great Old One, Cthulhu.

Kzethax returned to the Icerenders, guided by the Dreams. His attempts at preaching the commands of the Dreamer in the Deep met in failure, and he was exiled. The next day, the Dreams wiped his memory of all but his name and his master.

Kzethax is not evil at heart (at least, not any more) but he is dangerously insane and unpredictable. He aids others only as long as the Dreams say he must.

"<For the Dreams I wake, for the Awakening I dream.>"

Sources: Core, Inner Sea Bestiary (Mana Waste Mutant template), Bestiary 4 (Cthulhu), Kobolds of Golarion (Small but Deadly, Icerender Tribe, Cold Fortitude

LET ME EDIT THAT FANTASY: One, I forgot his AC. Oops!

Second, I WOULD have a picture... if I could find Cthulhu's unholy symbol. Sadly, I cannot, so I cannot finish the picture, since he's supposed to have a staff topped with said symbol.

Ah, I remember now! It must have been that knock on the head I took in that tavern brawl last night...

I do need to count how much coin I have left after drinking last night though.

I'm on my phone right now so I'll add up his gear and put down my leftover when I get home to my books, but I know it doesn't exceed his given amount. Feel free to look over my profile and let me know if I'm missing anything!

Oh. It seems I misread the thing about traits. I thought you meant the Advanced Player's Guide. Let me redo that one bit.

And fixed. You can now replace Indomitable Faith with Restless Wayfarer.

I be Kzethax, and I serve the god what Dreams, mmmreh. The Dreams call you allies, so allies you are, mmmreh.


Mmmreh, why do the Dreams direct me northward... a place called Irrisen... Mmmmreh, I must follow the Dreams... follow the Dreams... the Dreams... Dreams... They tell me that these "adventurers" are allies, mmreh. I must hope that they do not betray me for my master and blessing, mmmreh. I have been called mutant and blighted, but this form is a blessing from the Dreamer, mmreh.

Hopefully that verbal tic isn't annoying. I can remove it if it is.

Reign of Winter is probably the AP I'm most excited to play. I will definitely be submitting a character in the next few days.

Definitely going to go with something that embraces the nordic feel of the area. Not at all sure what yet but an Ulfen Barbarian is certainly somewhere on the list of considerations.

Where'd our GM go? I understand that people have real life to contend with, but I thought the GM was supposde to provide feedback for the players.

He posted six hours ago, so he's not absent from the thread, he might just be at work or something

GMs are not present every hour of every day - if you don't hear anything in 48 hours (given the timeframe of recruitment), you could be concerned... but seven hours isn't much of a big deal for online campaigns. ^^

Also, Shiro is... oh, wow, it doesn't say in the statblock, does it? o.O Gold Dragon. I'll put that in the alias if she's approved. As for the picture itself, image compilation sites are wonderfully useful. ^^ Especially if you know how to narrow your search criteria until you find something approaching what you want.

As for holy symbols, try The Sigil of the Gateway. It's close, at least. The Yellow Sign is Hastur, and the Elder Sign is anti-Eldritch, so it's probably your best bet. ^^

I'm tempted to throw my hat in the ring but I'd have to see what happens with another application I've got going. I'd be interested in playing a half-elf Dual-cursed Winter Oracle. I'd probably take Haunted and Tongues as my two curses with the intention to have Haunted improve.

I'm still considering my background, but I'm thinking my character was born to a travelling Kyonin arcanist and an Ulfen Skald. Raised by his Ulfen parent, this half-elf now seeks to find something of his elven parent by travelling to Kyonin. Finding his elven parent not present in Kyonin (away for some reason?) he starts to travel to seek him out and also see the world. I'd be interested in flavoring my curse as being possessed/haunted by some sort of ice spirit. Eventually I may try to take the arcane eldritch heritage to get a physical manifestation of this spirit to follow me around (re-flavored ice mephit maybe?) using improved familiar. This oracle would probably focus on his casting in a summoning/controlling/buffing manner along with the typical cleric-like healing roles.

One other mechanical question, would you allow me to cast Magic Vestment on the Ice Armor that the winter witch revelation grants? It might make a difference as I start to stat this character out later tonight. The revelation "conjure armor of ice that grants you a +4 armor bonus to AC." which seems like it gives me something to cast on. This paces level-appropriate breastplate as far as armor goes, but doesn't allow me to get things like fortification/etc.

As far as Mythic paths go, I'd probably be going down the hierophant path.

OK, it's a slow day at the Dragon Egg hatchery so let's have a midday update.

Day #1 - it looks like we have our first completed apps. I hope that rate keeps up for the next 2 weeks and we should have a lot of characters to look at.

Specific questions & answers:
@Voyd211 - No, there is no in-game benefit from that. If you are unclear on what I mean, I'll discuss it in PM's just so there aren't spoilers in the recruitment thread.
@Voyd211 #2 - It certainly does seem to be Rules As Intended to have Fiendish Sorcery apply to any bloodline based on Evil Outsider types, but that seems to no longer be necessary in your case. Maybe somebody else will wonder about this.
@Rikash - I don't see why they wouldn't stack. One is an armor bonus, one is an enhancement bonus.

Here is my list of characters that look to be complete enough to be considered submitted (In order of completion as far as I can tell, order isn't really important for this discussion):

Shiro - Half Dragon/Elf Sorcerer
Uloth Muleskin - Half Orc Ranger
Kzethax Icerender - Kobold Cleric
Rikael Ashenstone - Half Elf Barbarian

I certainly have opinions and commentary on these. Is everybody OK with me just posting it or would you prefer PM's? I don't want to cause anybody stress by giving too much praise or criticism in public. Let me know how you would like to receive feedback. In the mean time, double check all of your math.

I'm fine with you just posting it.

Also, Kzethax is a Mana Wastes Mutant. Template's from the Inner Sea Bestiary.

I don't really mind either way. ^^ As GM, it's your decision on what you would like to allow (or not), and I'm okay with that - so if there's anything you don't like, all you really need to say to me is "I'd rather not have X". If it's just a minor change, I can easily do that... and if it would be too major of a change for me, I can just roll up a different character instead. ^^ I'm not too worried about it. If posting here is easier for you, that's just fine.

You can respond in the thread for me, if that's easiest. Thanks!

I'm ok with in thread or pm's, whichever you like more.

GM Deuce wrote:
@Rikash - I don't see why they wouldn't stack. One is an armor bonus, one is an enhancement bonus.

Ok, cool. Thanks for the ruling. :) That's my interpretation as well, but I could imagine a situation where a GM could rule you can't actually cast the spell on the armor in the first place.

If you have any comment/criticism on my bare bones character concept/mini-background or on any future submission, I'd be fine with you posting that on the boards.

Level 1 Dual-Cursed (Haunted/Tongues) Winter Oracle

Stat array:

Strength: 12
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 18

Adaptive Magic (Campaign) - Son of a magically talented Skald and wizard.

Is my equipment list good enough? I spent all of my gp. Down to the last copper.

I'd like to add Hitomi to the list of characters to be considered in this campaign. She's an aasimar celestial sorcerer with a hell of a messed up past that could honestly prove to be fun.

GM Deuce:

I had my back story written up but due to what was probably a stupid and rare mistake on my part, hit the wrong button and instead of saving, cancelled instead. I have her stat block up though, and everything can be found on the PRD from Paizo if need be. A quick run down of her back story though is that she's from Tian Xia, was born assumed as a normal human, eventually grew to become an aasimar, was dishonored from her family because of a forced attempt to be married to a local noble, sold into slavery as a courtesan, was brought to Korvosa, and has been on the run ever since she escaped. Is there anything specific that you want to know about before I re-write it all out while I'm in the process of doing so?

Stats updated and on my profile page.


I have always been alone. I have always been an outcast. I have always been discarded. I have always waited…until now.

I was conceived from the rape of my human mother by her drow slave master; I was ripped from her body when she could no longer conceal her shame as yet another means to torture her and break her spirit. In this final act of horrible pain and suffering, the drow finally succeeded after years of efforts. My mother died from her broken spirit as much as her broken body.

Somehow I survived. Discarded; thrown away as so much garbage; yet I lived. I was given to the slavers, where I was never allowed to forget my mixed blood nor my unworthiness of the food, clothes, and shelter I received. I was beaten, ignored, taunted, and used as slave labor for the Mistress and her staff. I was never allowed to learn what the other drow children learned, and human children always perished quickly after being taken by drow. So I learned my own lessons…

I learned to fight. I learned to hide. I learned to disappear and strike from the shadows. At eleven I killed my first person – a kitchen scullion who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It felt…liberating. For the first time in my life I was in control. I decided the outcome. I controlled not only my fate, but the fate of someone else. It was glorious. And I knew what I was. Not an outcast...not a slave...I was the hand of vengeance.

I searched for years to determine who my father was, and once found I plotted his death for months. I had the b@$t@&* in my sights - perfectly hidden in the shadows with an old bow and a specially crafted arrow that would tear his flesh with the tiny barbs I had cut into the head and spread poison that I had stolen from the Mistress into his blood. I slowed my breathing; drew; aimed; and let my pain, my anguish, my hate fly towards his heart. The High Counsel for the Mistress. My father. Who lives only because a chill wind blew at the wrong time. The breath of Lolth, perhaps. It matters not.

So I ran. I escaped the dark underground drow city into the world of light, where I live in the shadows, on the edge. I do what I know best. I hide. I fight when I must. I disappear and strike from the shadows. Now I am here, at the southern border of Taldane, having run half-way across the overlands to escape my past and hide here in the human lands. No one notices me, or even looks my way. Imagine that. Hiding in plain sight! I have found a safety here…or perhaps I have become too complacent.

Lolth doesn't exist on Golarion. Try one of the demon lords, or Lamashtu.

That aside, a Half-Dragon and a Kobold might make rather interesting party members... ^^

Here we go with the much anticipated early character feedback. I'm happy to discuss details with any/all of you if you would like.

Shiro - The concept here is interesting, but the implementation has several issues. The stat line is way overpowered compared to a non-draconic template character and even so, the character dumps strength to get extra points in Wisdom. The real issue, though, is fly at level 1. Fly is an ability that is highly restricted everywhere until level 5'ish and would do a lot to avoid what is supposed to be challenging content in the early book(s). Based just on the backstory, I would think that a half-elf sorcerer with the Draconic bloodline would let you implement the same character without the power/game breaking related issues.

Uloth Muleskin - Strong, strong submission here. Character mechanics are well done and seem correct to me. Everything about the character seems internally consistent with a Half-Orc loner. In addition, the tie in to Heldren is very in line with the background of the player's guide, where Uloth can interact with the townsfolk sporadically without being too beholden to the people. All of the in-character speech is well flavored and shows personality.

Kzethax Icerender - I like Kzethax more than I thought I would, based on early discussions. He is certainly an interesting take on a cleric but has several issues, most of which are role play related. If the character has a destroyed mind, how/why the high wisdom? As written this seems more like an exercise in dumping little used class stats to get high primary stats. Next, you are a neutral cleric of an evil deity, so should probably be using harm spells, not cure. Lastly, the people of Heldren may be tolerant, but I have difficulty imagining that a diseased Kobold would get anything other than a longsword to the face if he showed up there after dark. I don't have many suggestions here because of the specific nature of the character but I will say that I see an uphill battle here.

Rikael Ashenstone - Flat out amazing submission. We have a completely in-character submission for a follower of Cayden Cailean that is written as somebody who is drunk or hung over and has the tone of "What did I do last night?". Everything about the character seems consistent - Urban Barbarian archetype (you don't typically get drunk out in the middle of nowhere, that happens in crowded taverns), traits, backstory, weapon choice all paint a consistent character portrait. As far as I can tell, all the mechanics are correct.

Rikash - Everything seems reasonable so far. I can't really comment on a stat line without seeing the rest of the character but nothing seems very alarming so far.

Everybody else - It's getting late here, commentary tomorrow.

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