GM Deuce's Mythic Reign of Winter

Game Master A_Deuce

Current Map Loot Sheet

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Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

As will agatha, plus another three for rikael since he is broke. 6sp total.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael is most appreciative.

Female Aasimar Sorceress (celestial) Character Sheet

Hitomi will pay up 3sp as well before they leave.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Kale smiles as you all count out money for the bill. "Thanks again!" she says.

The apothecary is right around the corner from the Stoat; the walk takes you no time at all. Somebody is obviously inside the building and there is smoke coming out of the chimney. Nobody is outside.


In the street to the south of the Silver Stoat, there are two large wagons, each with a team of 4 horses. A driver sits on the seat of each one and there are a few additional people walking around the 2 wagons. They are dressed similarly to the people you saw in the Stoat.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur smiles and nods his thanks to Kale as they leave.

Taking a look around, he steps up the the Apothecary's door and knocks firmly.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Agatha moves to beside sildur and casts guidance, skill plus on him, just before he knocks. to aid your persuasion in this matter.
gives you a plus one on sildur's next skill roll in the next minute.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael takes a sip of ale from his flask, and puts on his most charming smile.

Let's hope this lady doesn't kick us out right away. Hopefully we can get the info we need quickly. Too bad there aren't any more of the men that brought him in somewhere else. We could ask them instead and it wouldn't disturb the healer and endanger her patient.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

"Hmmm... Thorn ponders and then makes his way towards the wagons.

"I'll check with the wagoneers instead. They seemed dressed for travel. Maybe they'll know something."

Perception, Looking out for their attire. 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Diplomacy to talk to them 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19
Knowledge (Geography), for knowing from where they were travelling to and from. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Sense Motive, gauging of general mood. 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Hailing the wagons, Thorn moves up to them.
"Well met. Know anything about that injured man?"

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

I'm glad I waited a bit to move things along. Is Thorn's discussion happening at the same time as the front door at the apothecary or did the whole party stop on the way. Let me know. For now, I'll start Thorn's part.


Nothing seems very out of place. The men all look like working class travelers. They are moving quickly, but efficiently around the wagons. They do occasionally glance over their shoulders, but take no action indicating whether or not they see anything.

The men working around the wagons look in Thorn's direction when he hails them. They slow down when they speak, but never completely stop moving around the wagons.

One of the men, a middle aged man with a goatee replies, "You are from the tavern? We have some casks of spirits here for you. " Saying that, he points at the rear wagon. "As far as that man goes, I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it myself. We were moving across country, trying to make up time by taking the direct route compared to staying on the road. We ran across the man, moving vaguely in the direction of Heldren. He babbled incoherently about snow and witches and some noble lady. While heavily armed, he seemed injured and in need of help, so we threw him in the wagon and brought him here. Nobody really got too close to him, lest he give us whatever affliction he has. You should look at the tops of his fingers and ears."

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

I assume that it's at the same time. Thorn remembers how often he used to visit the apothecary in his youth to get patched up. That and also Thorn can't bring himself to stay too long with others.

"The top of his fingers and ears? What's wrong with them? I admit not seeing much as the man was rushed off. Care to share."

Thorn tries to encourage the men to share more as he makes sure not to get underfoot.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Agatha is with sildur

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Rodger that. I'll try to get both scenes going in parallel.

At the wagons...

The man shudders obviously, "I don't know what kind of disease might cause it, but his ears and fingers were turning black and looked short, like pieces of them had fallen off. He was never a beauty, that man, but he just got a bit uglier. "

Quickly getting back to business, the man asks abruptly, "You gonna stand there and talk all day or do you want to unload the booze? We havn't touched a drop of it. "

Meanwhile, at the apothecary...
A few moments pass after Sildur knocks on the door. The door opens a few inches and you can see the face of the elven woman from the Silver Stoat. She says, "I'm a bit busy right now. Can you come back later?"

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

"The booze? Oh right. Sure why not?"
Thorn unloads and while unloading has a talk with the keg spirits.....
"is that it?......uh huh...........sure........really......How big were you?...........I'm sorry.........."

He does sound like he's talking with himself though.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur looks apologetic, "I have no doubt you are ma'am, your time is best spent seeing to your patient. We would simply like a word with one or both of the men who brought him here. Provided you can spare them for a minute?"

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

At the apothecary

The elf says, "Yes, I am busy but why do you think I have a patient? I never said anything about a patient."

Bluff: 1d20 ⇒ 15

LOL. You surprised me with what you asked. She's being coy.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Sildur blinks uncomprehending for a moment before recovering, "You were rather preoccupied at the time, of course. My apologies, my companions and I were at the Stoat when the traders brought in the wounded man. We were hoping to ask them a few questions about where that man was found? Whatever is responsible for his wounds is likely still out there."

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

The elven woman sighs saying, "Very well, then. It seems my attempts at stealth were not so effective. Be mindful, though, that the man should not be subjected to any more stresses than absolutely necessary."

She opens the door enough to admit everybody. You see a small front room with a counter. There are vials, plants, stoppers, mortars, and all sorts of odd instruments there.

She leads you to a room in the back where there is a man with an unkempt mane of white hair and a bushy white beard laying in a bed. There is a roaring fire in the room and it is rather hot. All of the man's extremities are bandaged and he is wrapped tightly in blankets. The end of the man's nose has turned black.

Heal check DC12 or Knowledge(Nature) DC15:

The injury you can see is frostbite.

Quietly, but with some authority, the elven woman announces, "You have guests."

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Friend, my name is Rikael Ashenstone. I am here to help you. We aim to find out what attacked you, and where. Can you tell us what happened to you?

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Wow. We are going to end up killing this guy with horrible rolls.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Knowledge(Nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 You were saying Rikael :P

Now able to get a closer look at the man, Sildur frowns at his wounds, "It seems we were mistaken, I don't think this man was attacked by anything. His wounds are from exposure to extreme cold...this could be very bad."

He implores the man, "Please friend, tell us what happened to you, we only want to help."

Diplomacy(Aid Another): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7 Nevermind...

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Agatha steps in and looks at the patient
heal: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

know nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Frostbite. This is very serious. He has been exposed to severe cold, and the the blood in his extremities has retreated. It can become gangrenous. Unless we can treat it magically, or warm him, you will have to cut out the blackened area, even up to an amputation. You must warm him, preferably in a bath kept to the temperature of blood, but blankets and body warmth can do in a pinch. But you must be careful as it can cause his body to cool as the blood returns to his limbs.That could kill him.Oh and it will hurt him. A lot. I have seen it before, in my homeland.

So speaks Agatha Mystblame, Medicine Woman LOL

Female Aasimar Sorceress (celestial) Character Sheet

Hitomi frowns for a moment, hearing what's wrong with the man, and then gets an idea. She turns and looks at the elven woman and asks "Excuse me, please. I would like to try something if I may? It would be something quite simple, and it could help him if you will allow it ma'am."

Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

Urga scowls, "Well, this just confirms the unnatural cold. It must be extreme for him to have this level of frostbite."

To the man, "Where in the woods did this happen?"

Diplomacy:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Meanwhile, Thorn brings the booze over back to the tavern.
lol those rolls. Only Agatha seems immune.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

The woman replies to Izumi, "If you can do something to help him, please do. All of my regular cures have had little to no effect. Just be careful not to do any harm."

To everybody else, the man motions to come closer. He speaks in fits and starts, but he eventually says the following. "Yuln, Yuln Oerstag, caravan guard for the great Lady Argentea. Would that I could go with you. My ancestors would ridicule my lack of valor for fleeing rather than fighting to the end. But I faced enemies that even the greatest warriors in the Linnorm Kingdoms have faltered against, though I think I slew at least one of them before they dragged Lady Argentea away."

With some additional straining, he tells you where. "We were on the road to the south of town, likely some five or ten miles out. The attack was sudden and brutal. We thought they were just bandits
at first—outlaws who hide like wolves in the forest. They were no match for us. But then came the cold fey of the north. They appeared among us and the battle turned quickly. My people speak of the winter-touched all the time, but I never expected to meet them this far south"

Luckily for you all, he wants to be helped.

Perception check, DC10:

Yuln is from the far north. He likely knows more if asked.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Meanwhile at the tavern...

Kale sees Thorn carrying the barrel of liquor into the building. She says, "Oh, thank you very much, Thorn. I will have Menander get the other barrels. Do stop by after this craziness has ended for a drink of this fine whisky."

Clearing a space behind the bar she says, "Here is a fine place for that to sit."

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 lol...I was going to ask him more anyway. Screw that :P.

Sildur puts a comforting hand on Yuln's shoulder, "Do not fear the scorn of your ancestors my friend. Had you stayed there would be none to relate the fate of your lady. What can you tell us of Lady Argentea? We had heard she had passed through Heldren, but no more than that."

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

you are a long way from home, warrior. Did you see what sort of fey assailed you.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Once done, Thorn will head back and join the rest.

Female Aasimar Sorceress (celestial) Character Sheet

Hitomi walks over to the man, careful not to get in the way of the discussion, and lays her hands on the blankets covering him. "Please do not be afraid, I am only trying to help you..." She closes her eyes and concentrates as she flows arcane energy through her body, passing it onto the blanket.

Casting prestidigitation to warm the blankets surrounding the man.

As an odd quirk with her celestial heritage, her hair emits a soft glow when she's casting spells. Not sure how you want me to make that noticeable since she wears wigs to hide her already silverish blonde hair. Disguise check or will you just have them roll a perception until the other characters figure out something's up?

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

One thing I forgot, the clocktower rang one o'clock between the time you left the tavern and now. It's currently between 1 and 2 in the afternoon.

Responding in post order, but order is not really that important for the story line.

Yuln relates what he knows about the Lady Argentea as he coughs and shivers. "The Lady was coming back from seeing her betrothed. There must not have been good news in the wedding planning as she was in quite a foul mood. I do hope it is not too late. You can never tell what might happen in that forest where she was taken. I hope she still lives and can be brought back to her home."

When Yuln hears Agatha speak in Skald, his eyes light up. He replies in kind.


With a smile Yuln says, "Ah ha! Another one from the north is among us. Those fey are the Winter-Touched, fey creatures who have sworn themselves to the White Witches of Irrisen, those who stole our lands from us during the Winter War. Tiny sprites no taller than the length of a man’s forearm. But don’t be fooled by their small stature. Legends say they have taken a sliver of ice into their hearts, and their touch bears the harsh bite of winter.”

After he says that, Yuln points to his belongings that are in a pile on a chair and continues to speak, "Please help me return honor to my family name. Take my sword and use it to slay the Winter-Touched. It is particularly effective against them, burning them as if it were fire. All cold iron weapons will do the same should you have any. "


You get a +2 on all future interaction related rolls with Yuln for him feeling kinship. You will need to remember to use that.

Then last but far from least.


I'll leave it to you to decide how bright the glow is and whether the people can see it. It's bright in the room, but the magical-ness of the heat is plot important so I'm going to have Yuln notice it. As far as in-game goes, I will probably only want a check if you are trying to hide or if it is dark out and you are sneaking or something like that.

Yuln grunts a but, returning to speaking Taldane. "That does feel better, getting more warmth. I don't know that I will be up any sooner, but at least I feel better now. Magical heat and fire will serve you well; the Winter-Touched hate and fear it. "

Perception, DC10:

You could probably ask a little more, but Yuln is getting worn out from the exertion of the day.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Rest now warrior. Your sword will taste vengence in your name

Agatha turns to the healer He needs rest now, but listen. He must be warmed. The first day is most important. Use body heat, or blood hot water in a bath. He must not cool as it will probably kill him. If you have it give him something for the pain, to help him sleep. If his extremities get gangrene, it must be amputated. Clerical healing may help.

Agatha turns to sildur this cold is a winter blast from the depths of my homeland, I feel. The fey show that. We must investigate, and also rescue this noble woman. If she still lives.

Agatha goes to Yuln's belongings and takes his sword. Then she names it

yuln's blade I name you feybane. Bring your master vengence

I hope someone can use this thing.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Here, Yuln, take this flask of ale. I'm no cleric, but when you are ready to drink it will provide a little comfort. And besides, a true northern warrior should never be far from good drink! We will bring you honor, do not worry about that. If there is anything else you can tell us to help though, it would be greatly appreciated. If not, then rest.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Rikael gives the man one of the flasks of ale from his belt, and will take the sword.

Ah, a fine northern blade. I trained with one of these for many days with a great bear of a man named Uloth. I can wield it, if no one else can.

Sorry for lack of posting yesterday, I worked 17 hours straight. I was exhausted when I got off.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Apparently I just just need to include booze into all my checks. Haha

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

It is the solution to all of life's problems after all!

"I had thought myself far from the reach of the Baba Yaga's chosen. It would seem no child of the north can ever truly be rid of their influence. We will see your lady recovered from harm Yuln. Then we shall share a drink and sing of songs of home."

Sildur studies Yuln's sword as Rikael tests is balance, "A fine blade, it seems cold iron is our weapon of choice. So far from home I have neglected to reserve such a weapon. We should see if the blacksmith here might have any additional weapons before we set out?"

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Have you better training with it than I, Sildur? My faithful rapier is enough for me. If someone can wield this better I have no qualms in letting them use it to bring honor to Yuln's name, and to make his life-song more grandiose.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur shakes his head, "A little too much naked steel for my taste I'm afraid."

He nods to the trio of shortspears poking up over one shoulder, "Hopefully the blacksmith has something a little more to my taste. We should find Thorn and then make our way there. We should also talk to Ionnia before we depart, appraise her of the situation."

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Very well then. I agree completely.

Rikael attaches the blade to his belt and adjusts the scabbard next to his rapier.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Thorn awaits the rest outside.
Noticing the blade.
"She sells weapons now? Raising his eyebrows in mirth.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur shakes his head, "That sword belongs to the wounded man. His name is Yuln and like many of us, he is a long way from home..."

Sildur relates Yuln's tale and the current fate of Lady Argentea to Thorn.

"The creatures that attacked them are the same malicious fey that plague the Linnorm lands. Cold iron is the strongest defense against them. Yuln's sword is a start but we would be better served with more of these weapons. We're to see if the blacksmith here has any others we might purchase?"

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet


Everybody who has interacted with Yuln in Skald after Agatha gets a +1 on future interactions with him.

Yuln says to the group gathered to see him, "Thank you all very much. Avenge me and rescue the good Lady Argentea. " He coughs more and more as he exerts himself.

As you gather outside the apothecary and speak with Thorn, Ionnia shows up and interrupts the gathering.

"I thought I asked you to wait for a message before engaging with Tessaraea. It seems that my message has grown legs of its own."

Perception or Sense Motive, DC12:

Ionnia is slightly annoyed that she is not in control of the situation but happy things are getting done.

"Either way, " she continues, "What have you learned?"

I had some free time today and I'm trying to keep things moving. I'll let Izumi and Urga chime in before doing much more. See the discussion thread for some more questions as well.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 14

My apologies, lady. We felt time is of the essence and figured we would go ahead and find out what we could.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Rikael also relates everything that Yuln told them.

Female Aasimar Sorceress (celestial) Character Sheet

Disguise: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 to hide the soft glow of her hair while casting.

Hitomi backs away, hoping that no one noticed her hair glow after she helped the man with warm blankets. She watches the rest of the group interact with the blade, and then listens to the conversation continue.

Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

Perception:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

To Ionnia, "I apologize if we over stepped our bounds - we were only trying to help. The man was apparently attacked by bandits and fey. His wounds are serious, but not life threatening. I am more concerned about the threat that these winter fey in combination with the supernatural weather pose to the village."

To the group, "I suggest we investigate the site where Yuln was attacked at once."

To Sildur, "Your suggestion to acquire additional cold iron is sound. We should procure any cold iron weapons available."

"Thorn, is there a place to purchase weapons here?"

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Ionnia nods as she speaks. "You all are right. We have been debating what to do about this weather for some weeks with no real progress. Like you, I am concerned that there is a much larger threat here than is apparent."

She continues, "We do not have much to offer in terms of pay or soldiers, but I have asked that the local merchants treat you fairly. Please come see me at the Town Hall if you have any problems. "

With that, she walks toward the door to building you just left and says, "Best of luck with this, it sounds like you may need it."

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur nods, "Our thanks Ionnia. We will do what we are able. It would be wise to keep folks from wandering too far from the village for the foreseeable future. "

Following the sounds of a forge across the street, Sildur leads the others to the smithy. He knocks on the door frame and steps inside to locate the smith.

Female Aasimar Sorceress (celestial) Character Sheet

Hitomi stays with Sildur and the group that follows him.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

As Rikael takes the sword from her, Agatha says The blades name translates as Feybane. It will serve its wielder well.

To izumi she whispers, as the rest advance towards the smithy,

sister did you know you glow when casting. I could not help but notice, also that you are trying to hide it. Is there some way I can help?

Female Aasimar Sorceress (celestial) Character Sheet

Hitomi sighs lightly and responds to Agatha quietly.

"I am aware of that, and it is something I do not like to show. It is a painful reminder of who and what I am. A story for another time maybe?"

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