GM Deuce's Mythic Reign of Winter

Game Master A_Deuce

Current Map Loot Sheet

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Lanarial's hunt:
The half-drow leaves the tavern quickly, eager to find and kill the bear that mauled an innocent woman. "I have only been here for two seasons, yet here I am acting like these are my people, my kin. I admit, after their initial hesitance because I was a newcomer to the town, these people almost treat me like I belong. No one has ever accepted me. Certainly not in the drow-city; and not as I moved from place to place to escape the drow slavers who hunt me still. But these simple people have accepted me into their town. I make some coin crafting bows and arrows, and hunting the area at night when only I can see like the animals. They leave me to my life, but they do not shun me. Perhaps this is what kept my mother fighting so hard all of those years as a slave. Knowing others cared for her; cared if she hurt; cared if she was alive. I want to stay here...but I also do not want to endanger these people." All of these things ran through Lanarial's mind as he returned to the scene of the mauling and started to follow the bear's tracks.

Survival: 1d20 ⇒ 9

After less than hour, though, he loses the trail in the thick undergrowth deep in the forest. Dejected, he returnes to the tavern to report that he had failed. "I have failed. Now they will no longer accept me. Maybe they will just punish me but allow me to stay. I can handle punishment..." he thinks and remembers some of the many horrible punishments inflicted upon him when he was a child in the drow slave quarters. An involuntary shudder runs up his body.

He enters the tavern silently, hoping the child is still alive.When he does not see her, he assumes the worst, and considers leaving before they see him. Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 "No. They deserve to know. I would want to know." So he steps into the light, and announces calmly, but not loudly, to the black demon-man and the elf girl from before, "I lost the bear's tracks in the woods. I was unable to kill the killer and return proof of it's deed. I accept the punishment for my failure." He then stands still and waits.

Duece, how do you want to hear about her back ground, you've yet to get back to me on that one.

GM Deuce wrote:

@Harakami - I *think* so because winter witch levels still count as witch levels, but I need to go look at the source documents more closely. Do you have an easy way to let me see the text/your copy of the ARG?

Sorry - I was trying to stick to books you've got, I missed that one. Let me see if I can separate the Changeling part of the concept out - I was thinking maybe Fey might do it.


Who are those? ...I Kirraak took the blanket and let the elf cast her magic, and then the kobold cast another spell a kobold here? it don't take long for the little one to wake up, when she sees the strix, she starts began to cry, afraid of him. you'll have lot more to cry, but I'll not be your reason today.
"I appreciate the help, I thought another beating was prepared for me, for that I honor you." He says to both elves, the female and the dark skinned one.
Kirraak get up, leaving the child in the others care. But as soon he left the fire, he began to tremble. ...this damn cold! "Hey miss, by any change can you use that same trick again?" the strix plead to the female elf. "The name is Kirraak, and I thank you again for you help."

End of day 2 update. I'm glad to see people submit new characters and people flesh out existing characters in the thread.

Here is who I am tracking so far. Please check my work. If i've overlooked somebody, I apologize. Speak up and I'll put you on the list. If you just have a player name, it means you have expressed interest.

-Rikal Ashenstone-Half Elf-Barbarian (Urban Barbarian)- Yes
Rednal -Shiro -Half Elf-Sorcerer-No
-Uloth Moleskin -Half-Orc-Ranger (Wild Stalker/Skirmisher)- Yes
Voyd211 -Kzethax-Kobold- -No
-Izumi Hitomi-Aasimar-Sorcerer-No
-Lanarial-Half Elf (Drow Descended)-Rogue (Sniper)-Yes
-Grey, the Lady's Dog-Halfling-Summoner (Synthesist)-No
-Aku Warashi-Strix-Ranger (Urban Ranger) -No
Harakani- - - -No
Necrovox- - - -No
-Thorn Silvertip-Half Elf (Drow Blooded)-Ranger (Spirit Ranger, Trapper)-Yes
Chillblame- - - -No
OTM Shank- - - -No
EldonG - - - -No

Other specific comment and questions:
@Grey- Sorry I got it so wrong. I'll look over everything now that I have a better understanding of the intent behind the character.
@EldonG - No issues with the rich parents trait. If you want to take craft (item) skills or the create item feats, you can make items during downtime, but not before the game stops.

@Izumi - You can PM me the background if you want or post it in the recruitment thread if you continue to have problems with updating your character profile. As a side note, I compose most of my posts in notepad,then copy-and-paste them to the website because I have had the same frustrations as you in the past.


Shiro turned her gold-hued eyes to look at the Strix, finally moving away from the Kobold that had interested so much. "If you're having that much trouble with the cold, you really should be dressing better." she scolded gently. "Magic is a wonderful gift, but a thick coat and some warm shoes have helped more people up here than magic ever has. Still, you did help her..." she whispered an arcane chant under her breath and poked Kirraak's forehead.

Cast: Endure Elements

"There." she said, reasonably satisfied. "It'll only last a day, so you really should find something to keep yourself warm before it wears off, understand?" What was she, his mother? She refilled her shallow cup a moment later, though, and happily took a sip of wine from it.

@GM: Er, what am I missing that's keeping Shiro from being complete? *Blinks* Pretty sure I covered everything within the revised profile...

Rednal - I wasn't sure and didn't want to assume. If you think you are good, I think you are good. I'll update my notes.

Preeeeeetty sure I'm good. Unless I decide to add in something "Were" after all.


Since the first two didn't really work out, do you have any idea about what templates you might accept for this campaign?

I'll PM it to you tomorrow then.


"... I do dress better, but with my clothes half frozen from trying to keep the karpraak warm... but I thank you again."

Kirraak is then surprised by the dark elf saying he failed and that he accept punishment.

"What have you done skin bother to deserve punishment? It's the Krevaar that deserves to be punished." he whisper the last part. "I'm sure the karpraak will be happy that you tried, even if you did not have the obligation. I don't know if she will live thought, why is Lyza taking so long?" Kirraak looks around.

After the drow speaks, all Rikael can think is "What a curious thing to say, does he really expect to be punished for trying to help?" However, being partially unsure of this lands customs, he gets up and moves to stand near the man.

Friend, near as I can tell all you did was your best to help. I honestly couldn't stand by and see that get punished. I won't stand for it. They move on you, I've got your back. See, I figure if you wanted to hurt the child, you could have done it before that guy ever made close to the inn. And if you killed its parents, you wouldn't come here and announce yourself. So yeah, I'm Rikael. I'm also hungover like you wouldn't believe, so I'm hoping I won't need to draw my sword. Or do much of anything, really. If they do attack you though, I'm not killing anyone.

He then looks at Kiraak, and speaks.

My room is paid up for the week, Sylus at least didn't take that. If you have nowhere to stay tonight, you are welcome to stay there with me. It is far too cold out for a noble soul like your own to be outside.

@DM now I think its done.

Character Crunch:

Male Strix Ranger (Urban Ranger) 1
Chaotic Neutral Medium Humanoid
Init +3; Senses Dark Vision 60ft Perception +7
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +0 Shield, +3 Dex, +0 natural )
hp 11 (1d10 + 1)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
Resist None
Speed 30 ft. Fly 20ft(Poor) You mean fly, you dont belong!
Ranged Longbow +4 40 Arrows (1d8 20/x3)
Special Attacks
Spell-Like Abilities
Str 13 , Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14
Languages Taldane,Skald, Strix, Giant
SQ None (dc XX)
Point-Blank Shot (Combat)
You are especially accurate when making ranged attacks against close targets.
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
You had a knack for getting yourself into trouble as a child, and as a result developed a silver tongue at an early age.
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is always a class skill for you.

Restless Wayfarer:
You have long led a nomadic life— perhaps because your parents were travelers (whether roaming Varisian caravaneers or traveling merchants who traded far and wide), you belonged to a nomadic tribe, or you ran away from home to discover the world at a young age. Some call it wanderlust, but to you the thought of new places and experiences is truly what makes life worth living, and no region catches your imagination like the windswept wilderness of the North. You are used to getting along in unfamiliar lands and interacting with interesting new people. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (local) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you. You can also speak one additional language (this does not count toward your number of languages).
Class Features
1st favored enemy (Human),
wild empathy
6 +1 +1

Bluff +7 (+1 Rank, +3 trained, +1 Ability, +2 Racial)
Climb +5 (+1 Rank, +3 trained, +1 Ability, -2 Armor, +2 Racial)
Diplomacy +3 (+0 Rank, +0 trained, +1 Ability, +2 Racial)
Disable Device +5 (+1 Rank, +3 trained, +3 Ability, -2 Armor)
Disguise +0 (+0 Rank, +0 trained, +1 Ability)
Fly +5 (+1 Rank, +3 trained, +3 Ability, -2 Armor)
Intimidate +1(+0 Rank, +0 trained, +1 Ability,)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +1 (+0 Rank, +0 trained, +1 Ability)
Knowledge (Local) +6 (+1 Rank, +3 trained, +1 Ability +1 Trait)
Knowledge (Geography) +1 (+0 Rank, +0 trained, +1 Ability)
Perception +7 (+1 Rank, +3 trained, +1 Ability, +2 Racial)
Ride -1 (+0 Rank, +0 trained, +1 Ability, -2 Armor)
Spellcraft +1 (+0 Rank, +0 trained, +1 Ability)
Stealth +5 (+1 Rank, +3 trained, +3 Ability, -2 Armor)
Survival +5 (+1 Rank, +3 trained, +1 Ability)
Swim -1 (+0 Rank, +0 trained, +1 Ability, -2 Armor)

Special Abilities
Equipment list
Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapons - Longbow
Armor -Chain Shirt
Other Gear
Basic adventure stuff.
Explorer's Clothes
Magic Item


Racial Traits
Standard Racial Traits
• Ability Score Racial Traits: Strix are swift and elusive, but tend to be stubborn and swift to anger. They gain +2 Dexterity, and -2 Charisma.
• Type: Strix are humanoids with the strix subtype.
• Size: Strix are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Base Speed: Strix have a base speed of 30 feet on land. They also have a fly speed of 60 feet (average).
• Languages: Strix begin play speaking Strix. Those with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran, Common, Draconic, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Infernal. See theLinguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
• Nocturnal: Strix gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Stealth checks in dim light or darkness.
Magical Racial Traits
Offense Racial Traits
• Hatred: Strix receive a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures with the human subtype because of their special training against these hated foes.
Senses Racial Traits
• Darkvision: Strix see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
• Low-Light Vision: In addition to their ability to see perfectly in the dark up to 60 ft, Strix have low-light vision, allowing them to see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Alternate Racial Traits
• Tough: The strix receives a +1 racial bonus on Fortitude saves. This racial trait replaces suspicious.
• Wing-Clipped: The flight of wing-clipped strix is weaker than normal, whether from deformity or injury. Their fly speed is 20 feet (poor) instead of the normal fly speed, and they must make a DC 30 Fly check to fly upward. Ostracized by their tribes and forced to deal with other races, these strix compensate for their weakness by gaining a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Climb, and Diplomacy checks.


"No, no, he needs to be punished." Shiro said, though the amused look in her eyes helped show that she wasn't particularly serious. "Somebody needs to help me finish off this wine, and I elect him." People were usually all over the chance to get free alcohol, too... especially in cold lands like these, where fire in the throat and belly could really help people feel better. "Seriously, I will hold one of you down and pour this down your throat if I have to. Or we could do this the easy way, and somebody can volunteer. It's up to you to decide how we're doing this." She smiled at the others.


It was also possible that she was more than slightly drunk herself, if perhaps a bit better at holding it than people expected. Years of moderate drinking could do that for a person. Also, a drunk sorcerer inside of a wooden building? That could be... awkward.

Rikael's mouth begins to water when the elf offers wine. He learned long ago that the best cure for a hangover was more holy water.

My lady, I would love to drink with you, but I'm afraid I've done nothing to deserve it. I do, however, think that this man deserves an award, not a punishment. While you may be merry and all, his attitude makes me worry about everyone else. It would dishonor my mother's soul if I didn't do the right thing and make sure he has an ally.

Kzethax addresses the strix and half-drow, his eyes still locked on the fireplace.

Mmmreh. Dark-skin point-ear, hatchling lives. Dark-skin break-wing, what manner of creature be you, mmmreh? Human you look, but humans wingless. A failing of humans, that is.

Kzethax absentmindedly starts gesturing with his good hand. Looking closely at the fireplace, one may notice the flames dancing in accord with his fingers.

Well I think that at this point, unless we're making an actual statement, we can probably keep roleplaying without putting it into a spoiler.

Hitomi returns from the back after taking the girl to her own room to rest and looks at Kiraak. "I believe the dark elf. You have no fear here. As sign of good faith, enjoy your meal on me. The little one is safe now with your help." She turns her head to Shiro and says in a lite, cheery tone "Now what about more wine did you speak of Miss?"

A dark skinned elf, a kobold, a drunken elf and a kirraak krevaar
”Little one, I’m what the krevaar call ‘Strix’. Once was a proud warrior of my clan, now I can’t fly anymore, just like a kirraak krevaar . I’ll not lie to you. From where I came, your kind deserved less than a swift death, but I know better now, not to judge by what one appears to be.” Kirraak says with a I-trust-you-to-be-what-you-do kind of nod.
To drink, to eat…why not?
”I’ll accept your offer. You can call me Kirraak. What should I call you?” the says to the female krevaar.

I’m creating new words as I think it would be cool to have then. krevaar =Human, karpraak = child/offspring, irkrik=beverage. But if this is annoying the others, I can remove it from him.

Okay - there's a template I'm interested in.

I figure I can switch out a lot of the changeling stuff for Fey; Looking at a fey-tainted possibly half-fey/half-jadwiga from Chillblight.

I'd like to make him a bit creepy, with Fey habits; always tell the truth if asked three times, talk to everything, accept obscure rules.

The next bit is the controversial bit

I'm interested in making him young - like 12-14 young.
There's a tradition of literary heroes at that age like Taran Wanderer, Garion and Harry Potter.
More importantly I think there are a number of fairytale themes in the Irrisen stuff, and children feature prominently in those (and in Irrisen).
There's a number of movies that have creepy kids, or powerful kids, or surprisingly knowledgeable kids.

I like the idea of making him highly intelligent (so that he can cope with being in an adult party) and knowing most of what he knows from a half-remembered childhood in Chillblight and from an encyclopedic knowledge of fairytale stories that he's smart enough to understand the truths behind.

Mechanically there's any number of ways to represent this; reskin a gnome, take the Young template, use the young character rules, but I'd rather just do it as a normal PC that happens to be a bit young.

Rough day for me today; this might be the only update until tomorrow.

- I see the update from Aku, thanks.

Glad to see all the interactivity by potential travelers. I hope we continue to see interested parties show up. More is almost always better.


Lanarial looks at the female elf with an odd mixture of concern and disbelief. "If this is to be my punishment, I accept it." But you can tell there is more going on in his head, because he obviously expected a harsher, and more physical, retribution. He has always been a bit distant and skittish with the townsfolk - this exchange may help to explain why. Oh - and the scars on his torso and arms. Yea...together these are making a complex picture of former abuse and life in a bitter world where failure, or even the perception of failure, was met with lashes or worse...

He sits stiffly at the table, but accepts the drink with a stoic look. He holds the cup and watches Shiro to ensure he is correct in the manner of drinking. Like being sent to cut your own switch, it is always best to find the lowest acceptable limits for one's punishment...

GM Deuce-
I noticed you have a No next to my name. Does that mean you haven't yet completely checked my sheet or does it mean I still need to do something to bring it to full acceptability? If the second, what would you like?

Well, these people are practically ignoring me... I can't blame them, though. I mean, I'm the only person here who wouldn't be stated at on the streets of a minor city... A bird man, a kobold with some serious mana waste affliction, what appears to be a drow, and I'm positive there is something more to the elf with the wine... Honestly, it sounds like one of the adventure tales from a children's book. I think I'll stick around. Never know if there is more to this story... Rikael thinks to himself.

He then goes up to the bar, and finds the barkeep.

Good friend, as you may have heard by my outburst earlier, I am currently without money, and am looking for work. Do you have any, or know of someone who does?

Shiro smiled. Much better. A little persistence was remarkably useful in getting things done... and a very valuable trait in anybody as long-lived as the elves. Without any hesitation, she signaled for some empty cups and poured a bit of the rice wine into each - it was an alcohol best enjoyed in small amounts, not quaffed like beer... hence the thin, shallow cups. "Then the seats are yours." she said, indicating the open areas beside her. She'd been sitting in the corner of the room, so the open chairs were moving towards the interior, but she was also being very determinedly welcoming to them - they might have been largely unknown to the members of Heldren's community (for the most part), but she was not - and her behavior ought to go a long way towards letting the townspeople relax. It was remarkable how much moral weight you could bring to bear on people you'd known literally since they were born. She was young for an elf, but more than old enough to look at humans (and, if necessary, treat them) like children. Silly children, too, considering how liberal the land tended to be.

On the other hand, it was a bit hard to stay too angry at anyone you shared a drink with. Alcohol was nice that way. So... "Actually, on second thought, make that drinks for everyone!" she told the bartender.

Sovereign Court

GM Deuce wrote:

-Rikal Ashenstone-Half Elf-Barbarian (Urban Barbarian)- Yes
Rednal -Shiro -Half Elf-Sorcerer-No
-Uloth Moleskin -Half-Orc-Ranger (Wild Stalker/Skirmisher)- Yes
Voyd211 -Kzethax-Kobold- -No
-Izumi Hitomi-Aasimar-Sorcerer-No
-Lanarial-Half Elf (Drow Descended)-Rogue (Sniper)-Yes
-Grey, the Lady's Dog-Halfling-Summoner (Synthesist)-No
-Aku Warashi-Strix-Ranger (Urban Ranger) -No
Harakani- - - -No
Necrovox- - - -No
-Thorn Silvertip-Half Elf (Drow Blooded)-Ranger (Spirit Ranger, Trapper)-Yes
Chillblame- - - -No
OTM Shank- - - -No
EldonG - - - -No

Updates so far.

I think I'm going with Witch!Kzethax.

Kzethax finally looks away from the fireplace and seems to actually notice Shiro for the first time.

Mmmreh, point-ear, your eyes. Different from normal they be, mmmreh. Black eyes had by most point-ears, but yours gold. Abnormal you be, but not afflicted like I, mmmreh.

Shiro should have seen Kzethax's right arm. You know, the bloated one that spreads mana fever? I would have thought that she'd recoil from that.

After bringing Shiro more cups, Hitomi returns back to the counter as she's approached by the drunk who came down yelling. Smiling at him, her almond shaped eyes almost covering up the blue vibrancy of her irises, she replies back to him. "Worry not sir, you are not the first man to walk in here already drunk and shouting." Her smile turns into a slight frown that still seems polite as she answers the man's question. "I must disappoint though, as I do not know of any work here that would earn you many coin." I'll make a Knowledge (local) check if the GM wants to supply any information in this that Hitomi can recall if there is any work she can offer him.Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

Don't worry Deuce, I'll have the background to you soon. I had to respond in a few games after I got home first. Hopefully you'll have it in time for your next update.

She's (somewhat) drunk right now. XD She's not noticing too many bothersome details.

Aside from that, I'm trying to put together an alternate build, since a Natural Werewolf could be an interesting addition. Tech problems are slowing that down, though... ^^; I'm just hoping that my machine won't die completely before my new one gets here.

Finally! I freakin got it to work! Background is up now.

And here's the alternate build for Shiro!

Ability scores are still pretty normal; Lycanthropy gives +2 WIS / -2 CHA, which is pretty much no problem... except for the fact that Sorcerers run off of Charisma. XD So I added in the Crossblooded/Wildblooded archetypes to take Empyreal, and Wisdom is the primary stat now. Yay!

Though I do have to suffer slightly in the "spells known" department. o_O I was planning to be more of a supporting type anyway, though, so I think I can live with that. Besides, considering the benefits of being a Natural Werewolf, it's probably more fair this way.

Female Elf Natural Werewolf Sorcerer (Crossblooded, Wildblooded) 1
NG Medium humanoid (elf, shapechanger)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +2 (+4 vs. fatigue, exhaustion, or ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, or hot or cold environments), Ref +1, Will +3
Resist cold 5
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks curse of lycanthropy, heavenly fire
Sorcerer (Crossblooded, Wildblooded) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4):
1st (4/day)—endure elements
0 (at will)—read magic, detect magic, jolt
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Breadth of Experience, Eschew Materials
Traits adaptive magic, forlorn
Skills Fly +5, Heal +5, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (engineering) +4, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (history) +4, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +4, Knowledge (planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +5, Spellcraft +6, Survival +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Elven, Other Language, Other Language
SQ arcane focus, change forms, desert runner, lycanthropic empathy, mutated bloodlines (draconic [gold dragon [fire]], empyreal)
Other Gear Backpack (15 @ 22 lbs), Bedroll, Blanket, winter, Canteen, Trail rations (10), Wine, fine (per bottle) (2), 69 GP, 9 SP
Special Abilities
Arcane Focus +2 to concentration checks to cast arcane spells defensively.
Change Forms (Su) Change into Hybrid or Animal forms.
Curse of Lycanthropy (DC 15) (Su) Bitten humanoid enemy within 1 size category contractd lycanthropy (Fort neg).
Desert Runner +4 Con checks and Fort vs. fatigue, exhaustion, running, forced marches, hot or cold environments.
Empyreal Your heavenly power derives from insight rather than force of personality. Bloodline Arcana: Use Wisdom instead of Charisma for Sorcerer powers.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Heavenly Fire (6/day) (Sp) Ranged touch attack deals 1d4 divine damage/healing
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Lycanthropic Empathy +4 (Ex) Improve the attitude of your type of animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
When most people look at Shiro, the first thing they really notice is, well, the fact that she's fairly clearly not elven in the normal sense. It's the eyes, really. Elves are arguably one of the more racist groups that live in the world, and Shiro's bizzare heritage usually raises at least a few eyebrows in their communities - which is all it's taken to push her away from the major settlements of her people.

Put simply, her father had been trying very hard to create the powers of a holy dragon, then find a way to use them for himself. Unfortunately for him, as many people who use magic could easily explain, it's not really that easy to get magic to mesh together into a cohesive whole. Obtaining holy power isn't usually that difficult, especially if you're a reasonably decent person who actively worships the gods. Clerics and Paladins alike have regular access to such things - likewise, Dragons aren't entirely unknown, and it's quite possible to use magic to infuse the essence of a dragon into a mortal being. However, doing both of those things at the same time isn't going to suddenly fuse the powers and create a holy dragon - so in that regard, Shiro is a failure. She has both holy and draconic power within her, but they don't mesh as well as was hoped.

On the bright side of things, she's tough enough that she's generally okay outside, especially during the milder months of the year. On the down side, considering she's basically a freak of nature, she hasn't exactly been warmly welcomed by elven communities during the bad months... particularly because of her OTHER little secret. On top of her crossed bloodlines, Shiro is a natural werewolf (via her mother), capable of changing at-will into a completely different form. However, the power of her sorcerous bloodlines is rather stronger, with Empyreal and Draconic influences having a greater effect on her appearance than her transforming power.

It wasn't easy, but eventually, Shiro managed to find a bit of a niche as a wise woman in a small town called Heldren, using the knowledge and experience she's gained in her life alongside her natural charm to win people over. The people within the town are generally friendly, and the overall tolerance of the region has helped her to find a place. Despite all of that, she's still interested in learning more about magic in general, and the frosty magic of the north (which is somewhat in opposition to her flames) intrigues her quite a bit. She's hoping to travel there in the near future and learn more about arcane power. She doesn't transform into a wolf very often, preferring to focus on arcane power instead of primal might, but she has been known to use her abilities to help her survive in the wild.

Elves are often a snobby lot, but Shiro has more than her fair share of outside influences. In fact, one could make a serious argument that she's not really a pure-blooded elf at all, considering she has no less than three distinct heritages granting her some power. Accordingly, she's developed a "live and let live" sort of personality, and she doesn't really judge people for what they are as long as they don't go out of their way to judge her. After all, she's in no position to be throwing those stones...

Incidentally, she rather enjoys getting a bit drunk when nothing important is happening, and often carries around a bottle or two of fine sake inside her backpack. People who buy her a drink will quickly get on her good side.

A stout, short dwarf pushes his way through the door and staggers toward the bar, carrying just far too much gear. A heavy shield is strapped to the back of his elaborate breastplate, protecting a light crossbow. Dangling from his hip is a heavy headed hammer that looks well-used... but most dramatic is the gigantic polearm with a snarling, horned face carved into it. It's easily half again, if not double his height.

Muttering softly, he dusts himself off, carefully unseats the dark goggles, and looks around the room before levering himself up onto a barstool. He does a double-take at the small, diseased figure near the fire, but says nothing, for the moment.

Detect Evil gives nothing?

Satisfied for the moment, he coughs up some road dust, and mutters more audibly...Ale? Is there any suitable for a dwarf...with taste buds? I need to wash the dust from me throat.

That said, he leans the huge hammer on the bar, but keeps one hand on it.

Rikael looks disappointed for a moment, and then contemplative, like he is planning his next move. That's when the dwarf shows up. He looks at Izumi and cocks his eyebrow at her.

Is this inn always this interesting?

He looks back at the dwarf, and his massive weapon, and then back to Izumi.

I can tell you one thing though, when a fully armed and armored dwarf walks into your bar, you better give him the good stuff!

Dwarf? Mmmreh, know of dwarves. Been to place called Five Kings Mountains. Was... unwelcomed there, mmmreh.

Kzethax continues muttering darkly in this vein, though he speaks in Aklo.

Hitomi looks at the man and simply replies back. "I have been here for 2 weeks only, so I can not be so sure it is always like this." Shifting her attention to the dwarf, she goes to grab a mug and walks towards one of the kegs to fill it up, bringing it back to him. "This is our best recommended ale in our stock. I hope you enjoy it sir..." After setting it down, she bows slightly to him. "Is there anything else that I can provide you for?" she asked him as her Tian accent wasn't being held back very well.

The dwarf rummages around in a pouch as he turns the mug up, downing the ale thirstily... and comes up with a gold coin.

He wipes the excess from his carefully braided beard, before turning his bloodshot eyes toward the young lady.

Aye, gut's been swearin' the throat's been cut...will this keep a tab runnin'?

With weary eyes, the dwarf looks around again, then back.

Be there a place to sleep here? I've got more coin.

Liberty's Edge

I'll get more on Sturion soon...I have backstory worked out in my head...some is likely to come out rping...

Hitomi looks at the dwarf with a smile. "I can certainly keep a tab open for you sir. If you don not have coin you for the room, we must have equal value possession until you have coin to pay for the room. That is okay I hope?"

Ya mishear me, lass...I've got coin...

…reaching back into the pouch, the dwarf comes up with a handful of gold.

The dwarf's face creases, and he actually blinks back a tear.

Me father, he was Northwatch Warden in Whitestone Hold, some leagues south of here.

Was, I say.

With that, the dwarf suddenly clenches his fist and grinds his teeth, as if trying to meld the gold into one lump by raw force.

This...he caresses the grotesque draconic head of the huge hammer...was his.

Not able to pass up a story, Rikael pulls up a chair at the dwarf's table.

Friend, if you have a story to tell, and are willing to tell it, I will listen. Call it... A childish pleasure of mine. My name is Rikael Ashenstone, traveller and adventurer for hire. This rapier belonged to my father as well, so please know that if you wish not to talk, I fully understand.

He grins sheepishly then says:

I would buy you a drink, but the circumstances of me being here ended up with me having no money to speak of...

End of day 3 update:

@Harakani - That is all very intriguing and it sounds like you have a plan in mind. Taking a minimum-aged PC is the easiest way, or reskinning a short race. See also the Childlike feat if you want to try it with a halfling instead. If you want to use the Young Character rules, you certainly can. I would be careful to try to just pick an age below the recommended minimum for your race because you run into issues with physical development. I would hate to see you growth permanently stunted. :)

@Rednal, @Kzethax - You both have submitted multiple variations on your character. Can you confirm which one you are using. I don't want to assume.

@Grey - You tell me if you feel your character is complete; that is not a judgement I can make. I was not sure in your case but based on your last message, I will update to being completed.

@Izumi - Glad to see you got your technical issues resolved.

I don't think anybody has other open questions. Please speak up if I missed one.

Here is everybody I have seen so far, with my impression of their current status. As always, if I missed something let me know.

Steven_Evil -Rikal Ashenstone, Half Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian)-Complete
Rednal -Shiro, Half Elf Sorcerer
Le Roy Batty-Uloth Moleskin, Half-Orc Ranger (Wild Stalker/Skirmisher)-Complete
Voyd211 -Kzethax Icerender, Kobold
KyleS-Izumi Hitomi,Aasimar Sorcerer-Complete
Rhanloi Ehlyss-Lanarial, Half Elf (Drow Descended) Rogue (Sniper)-Complete
Irnk-Grey, the Lady's Dog, Halfling Summoner (Synthesist)-Complete
DM Aku-Aku Warashi, Strix Ranger (Urban Ranger)-Complete
nightdeath-Thorn Silvertip, Half Elf (Drow Blooded) Ranger (Spirit Ranger, Trapper)-Complete
Chillblame-Agatha, Half Orc Witch
OTM Shank-
EldonG-Sturion Stoutheart, Dwarf Paladin (Stonelord)

By my count we have 7 completed characters, 3 in progress, and several others who have expressed interest. Let's keep the characters coming. I like seeing different people's ideas and I like choices too. More is better than less.

If the werewolf version is acceptable, I think I'd like to use that - if not, I'll stick with the standard variant. XD


A sly smile crossed Shiro's face as, in her slightly drunken state, an idea occurred to her. "Well..." she said, looking over at the dwarf and the penniless man. "If you don't have any money, then the best thing to do is to get some more, right? I've been looking to head north, myself, and... see the lands. But traveling alone is never a bad idea in this nation. We might be able to come to an... arrangement. And if nothing else, there will be plenty of wine."


It was possible that Shiro had a bit of a drinking problem. Funny, that was usually the issue with dwarves, not elves... but even in a place like this, few people were even interested in knowing why.

I am using Kzethax as a witch. It makes the most sense to me.

Money? Coin? Mmmreh, have little use for those things. Have magic builder, all I need.
Translation: component pouch.

He walks over to Shiro. However... companions always welcome. Road lonely sometimes. Owl not good company, mmmreh. Keeps eating my food. He points his staff out a window, where one can see a snowy owl staring almost expectantly through it.

"Wander around too much and you're likely as not to become food yourself, little lizardkin." Shiro said, chuckling as she poured herself another drink and let the fiery liquid pour down her throat. Small cups emptied quickly, after all... "Another reason it's best to travel in groups. Some nasty things can hide in the snow, but they usually don't bother armed groups unless they're particularly... hungry." Admittedly, even a dozen Kobolds would only make a light snack for most monsters, but still...

Rikael looks surprised, and then smiles warmly.

Your words are music to my ears. I can't stay in one place too long, or I start to feel... Caged? That word isn't really strong enough, but it might get the point across. If you are looking for a traveling companion, you need not ask me twice. I'm in.

He looks around him at the strange patrons of this inn, taking in the memory, and then looks back at Shiro.

When did you plan on leaving?

He downs a cup of the strange wine and looks back at dwarf, waiting on both answers at once.

"Soon." Shiro held up the half-full pitcher. "I've been ready for years, actually - I was just looking for the right time." Ah, the whims of the old... or the relatively old, anyway. She was quite happy to simply pack up whenever seemed convenient and get going. After all, when you had centuries of life to go, you had to find some way of entertaining yourself. Things would be quite unbearable otherwise. Besides, these people seemed like fun - and she had no idea when other interesting folk would happen by. Heldren wasn't exactly the most popular place up north.

Kzethax looks back toward Shiro. Mmmreh, fire is welcome in the north. I feel ice in blood, but fire in heart. The Dreams bid me here, so here I be, mmmreh. He hits the ground twice with his staff. Let join. What enemies be there? Playing with fire unwise, mmmreh. Be lesson I teach them.

Silver Crusade

If snow counts as water, I have a Undine With-Hunter coming up for you

Silver Crusade

If snow counts as water, I have a Undine Witch-Hunter coming up for you

Sovereign Court

Frozen Water I should think.

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