GM Deuce's Mythic Reign of Winter

Game Master A_Deuce

Current Map Loot Sheet

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Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Man, this is definitely not the best day for Rikael...

Ahhh.... thank you Urga, the pain is much better now. But I agree, we need to camp. It looks Agatha got it worse than I did. I don't think we can force a march like this in this kind of weather. Whoever is one watch should keep Feybane, we'll just pass it around when the shift changes

He gets up and retrieves his flasks, and curses at the lack of ale.
Argh! My ale is gone! There had better be something actually in that chest worth all this!

He stomps over to the chest and peers inside.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

look at all the pretty, pretty stars. Another 1. The dice are trying to kill me.
Agatha wakes up. that was unpleasant. Unsteadily she gets up. A vicious trap indeed.

yes we should camp

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

The dice do seem to have witch as their favored enemy :P

Sildur winds a simple bandage around Dru wound, "I'll have you patched up in the morning pal. Just hold tight."

For his part, the bear groans softly and sniffs at all the blood that now covers the snow...

The ulfen looks at the others, "It would seem we have no choice. Though we should put a little distance between us and this cursed chest if you can manage Agatha? Speaking of which, is anything left inside?"

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

im searching it now, give me a second to get through this snow and I'll let you know if that log was worth it....

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

If you are going to investigate/look at the chest, include a perception check, please.

As far as looking for a camp, let me know how far you want to go, in what direction, and include a survival check.

Going to let Thorn make an update before moving things forward.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Reflex save vs DC 15 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Thorn's only response is throw out his hands against the log as it comes thundering down and letting it throw him some distance away from the others.


Getting up he waves aways their concerns, heading towards the chest.
"I'm fine, how about the others?"

Perception, investigating the chest. 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Survival, Checking for a good place to camp 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Wow I'm really in a different time zone from all of you. lol 15 posts.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Agatha assists the search for a campsite survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

still with the low rolls, but at least this one made it...just. LOL

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Whoops, my bad!

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

My schedule today is all screwed up so I'm going to move forward with what we have here. I would normally like to wait for everybody to post an action but the group shouldn't lose anything and it keeps us from losing a whole day of story progress because of last-minute RL travel needs.

Rikael and Thorn examine the chest, now that the trap has been sprung. Oddly, the chest is not locked and there is nothing inside. However, the chest rocks noticeably when it is manipulated, as if it were not placed on a stable surface. This seems odd to the two of you.

Between Agatha, Rikael, and Thorn look in the general area of the trail for a campsite. You find two areas which look like they could meet your needs.

One area is a few dozen yards away from the trail, where a stone outcropping has created a small overhang. The outcropping would do a good job of protecting you from precipitation, but is somewhat more exposed to the wind.

The other area is significantly farther away from the trail, perhaps 200 or 300 yards, where a large tree has fairly recently fallen. Between the ball of roots and the trunk, a large area is fairly free from snow and protected from the wind.

You could use either campsite, keep looking, or move up the trail.


It is 600 PM or just after.
The temperature is in the low to mid-30's (F)
The wind has picked up and is a sporadic breeze.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Upon seeing the chest empty, Rikael flies into a fit of rage, picking it up and throwing it as far as he can.

Using normal rage, 1 round.

It's empty! We got bashed by a tree for nothing. I LOST MY ALE FOR NOTHING!

So, what's under the chest. ;)

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur's face is grim, "With that sort of trap there wasn't much hope of anything to find Rikael. We need to focus on other things."

"I say we make our camp at that fallen tree, pile some branches and snow on one side and it should make a decent shelter."

Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

"I agree Sildur."

Urga starts walking in that direction.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Agatha follows in silent agreement.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

"Wa-" As Thorn sees Rikael throw the chest hard. He goes to examine the chest or what's remaining of it.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Rikael, I laughed when I read that. Very well done. You get one re-roll that you can use at your convenience. If you use the re-roll, you must use the second result, even if it is worse than the first (standard re-roll rules apply).

Rikael throws the empty chest in a fit of rage. Chest: 1d100 ⇒ 16 When the chest hits the frozen ground it collapses, shattering into debris and firewood.

Rikael and Thorn look at the area where the chest one sat. There is a hollowed out area in the snow and dirt, where equipment has been stashed. Most of the items have the same general livery as the breastplate that Urga wears.

knowledge(local), profession(soldier), or history, DC12:

Most of the items have the markings of Taldan soldiers. There are lots of junior enlisted men and a few sergeants items.

In the area under the chest, you find:
- five sets of leather armor
- four sets of studded leather armor
- a chain shirt
- two light wooden shields
- seven longswords
- three spears
- a dagger
- three light crossbows
- a total of 25 bolts

appraise, DC10:

The chain shirt and the dagger are much nicer than the other equipment. They are masterwork quality items.

I'm not exactly sure where everybody is. Everybody is moving to the campsite now that you've seen the cache? You're bringing all the stuff with you or you are sorting it on the trail?


It is just after 600 PM.
The temperature is in the low to mid-30's (F)
The wind has picked up and is a sporadic breeze.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Agatha casts detect magic and checks out the stash, and helps to carry it.
your god is with you rikael. Maybe you should thank him

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

"This should buy you several rounds of ale, Rikael."
THorn grunts as he moves a majority of the stuff along to the campsite.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael looks at Agatha with a slightly embarrased smile.

Cayden shows his pleasure with booze, though I do think you're right anyway.

He hefts the chain shirt out and looks it over.
Appraise: 1d20 ⇒ 8

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Hmmm... Not bad, though it seems to be the same quality as the one I have on. Might make for a good replacement. Anyone need the crossbows or this dagger?

He hefts the dagger and looks at the group as he twirls it in his hand. [/b]

Rikael shoulders his own burden of the loot as they carry to their camp.

Well, as cold as it is, we should all try to get some rest anyway.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur looks over the equipment hidden away beneath the chest.

Appraise: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

He looks at the chain shirt as Rikael studies it, "I'm no expert in such matters but I'd say that shirt is of finer craftsmanship than your own."

He picks up the dagger, "This is also very fine steel, I seem to have a dagger of yours already Agatha, perhaps you care to use this one for the time being?"

He grabs a portion of the equipment and moves to follow the others, "Indeed, we shall have to push hard tomorrow if we hope to catch up to these monstrous fey."

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael looks it over again.

Huh. How did I miss that? It's a better fit, makes it easier to move around it.

He smiles at Sildur as they lug the loot to the makeshift camp.

That chest will make for good firewood too. I'll go back and get it if no one grabs it.

Thanks Cayden, this gear will definitely help us rescue the poor Lady. I'll make sure it all goes to good use.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

You spend a little time moving your newly found gear to the camp site. The route is not terribly difficult but takes a few trips, just to be safe.

I'm assuming you are going to build a fire and start to slow down for the evening? If you are not going to build a fire, take another round of cold/exposure checks. +1 to everybody because you all made the last check successfully. A fire of anything other than trivial size would shortly obviate the need for a check and let you warm up anyway. You can also pitch tents and the like if you have them.

As you settle in for the evening, everybody can use the time to heal, discuss strategy, and/or have a meal.

Everybody needs to eat. I'm only really going to check for that once a day. Deduct a meal, assuming you have any. If you don't have enough food to go around, let me know. Water is not a problem, as you can always melt or boil snow in a pot.

You've got 12 hours of guard rotation set up in the discussion thread. I presume this is going from about 7p - 7a? Confirm or correct my interpretation of the plan and I will get the evening going.


It is about 630 PM.
The temperature is in the low to mid-30's (F) and beginning to drop as the day wanes.
The wind has picked up and is a sporadic breeze.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Im ok with the watch we have set up. Rikael will start the fire and change into his new chain shirt, and stare woefully at an empty ale flask until he goes to bed.

Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

Urga will help Rikael start the fire. He will then gather up tree branches for a make shift bed.

"Let's plan to move out at first light."

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

Sildur nods, "Agreed. Get your rest, I'll wake you when your watch is up."

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael offers Feybane to Sildur and rolls over, wrapping his blanket around him tight, and part of his bedroll, too.

If you want to use it, feel free. I know it's not your cup of tea, though.
Once he's warm, he hums a holy drinking song to himself for few minutes and then falls asleep.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

As Rikael sets himself down, Sildur nods his thanks for the sword. The ulfen pulls out a flask of mead from his supplies, he takes a sip before offering to Rikael and then the others, "Can't have a holy man missing out on his proper worship now can we?"

Leaving Feybane beside Rikael, Sildur checks the cold iron dagger at his belt, straps his shield to his left arm and gives Dru a comforting pat before sending the mountain bear to watch the south side of the camp. Things in hand, he take up a spot between two large trees just north of the camp and settles in to watch the drifting snows.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael takes an appreciative drink, and passes it to the next person.

Ah, that hits the spot!
He exclaims before rolling himself up and humming his song.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Still battered and bruised. Once she has eaten, agatha falls to sleep near the fire. She has disturbing dreams, which she cannot remember well on awaking for her watch.

feel free to detail the dreams if you want some foreshadowing, deuce.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Copied from Discussion thread with some edits.

Thorn Slivertip wrote:

Survival Survival 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Thorn seeing that others have the campsite well in hand, takes some time to forage for nuts and figs.
"Here, it isn't much but this will keep up our strength and supplement our rations."

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Starting a fire is easy using the remains of the chest. It is a small improvement, but having a fire makes dealing with the conditions easier to deal with and helps keep your attitudes positive.

Thorn leaves the camp area to forage for food.

I'm going to note major times/events. If you want to interject something, feel free to do so; just note when it happens.

700 pm.
GM check: 1d100 ⇒ 37

730 pm
Thorn returns to camp with some food he has foraged. He had no real issues finding some food. You are able to save 2 rations by eating what Thorn found. That's a net need to eat 3 rations. You could have found a lot of food, but I reduced it to reflect the short time spent.

830 pm
Night falls. The temperature drops significantly as the sun disappears behind the horizon. Assuming you keep the fire going, you can stay warm without too many issues.

1000 pm
GM check: 1d100 ⇒ 49

1100 pm
As agreed, Rikael and Thorn relieve Sildur and Dru on guard duty. Sildur reports no unusual activity.

100 am, the next day
GM check: 1d100 ⇒ 90

300 am
Rikael and Thorn rouse Agatha and Urga for guard duty. The retiring guards report no unusual events.

400 am
GM check: 1d100 ⇒ 61

630 am
The sun is starting to poke above the horizon. The temperature starts to rise slowly from the low 20's.

700 am
GM check: 1d100 ⇒ 90

Between 600 and 700, every body starts to wake as night ends. You can make preps for the rest of the day as you'd like.

Current Conditions:

It is between 600 and 700 AM.
Temperature is in the low to mid 20's (F).
Wind is calm.

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

Agatha consults her familiar, snow blade, to choose spells. Then starts breakfast.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

What is your familiar anyway Agatha? Don't think I've seen them mentioned before?

Sildur rises early, nodding to the others he moves a short ways from the camp and sets about his daily meditation. Dru circles him slowly during this time, stepping gingerly on his injured leg.

After a time, Sildur wakes from his trance, summoning Dru to him he lays hands on the bear and channels his power to heal his injury.

Cure Light Wounds: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 Well Dammit!

Returning to the camp, he takes his morning meal.

"So what will we take of Rikael's horde? We should decide quickly, I'm eager to be on the trail."

I deducted one of my rations, just two more and we're good.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael pipes up.

This chain shirt is comfortable, much more so than the old one I bought in Varisia. I'll keep it for sure. The crossbows will be handy as well. The armor might fetch a nice price back at Iskur's smithy.

Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

Urga cures Agatha.

CLW:1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

"I'll take a crossbow and bolts. Are we ready?"

Grand Lodge

current effects:
Witch 1 HP 8/8 AC 15 T 11 FF 15F +4 R +3 W +6 Init +3 Perc +8 Intimidate +6

thank you Urga

Agatha packs her gear, collects her share of the loot to carry, and stands ready to go.

I'll also take a crossbow and bolts, say 10 bolts

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

I am ready. So we take everything but the leather armor, then?

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

"I believe so, lets pack quickly and return to the pursuit."

I do believe Rikael could use a little healing touch as well if you can spare it Urga?"

I'll update the loot sheet in a bit.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Deduct 2 rations from me.

"Alright. This hunt is on."
Stretching himself awake, Thorn quickly finds the trail and proceeds to once more scout in front.

Survival 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Stealth 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

I believe everybody is ready to go? If not, just post something noted with "earlier...." or some such.

The group finishes their morning preparations and heads back down the path. The trail is not as easy to follow as it was yesterday, but it is still straightforward to do so.

As you continue into the Border Wood the snow gets deeper, making movement a little more difficult. Thorn is slightly ahead of the others, scouting while trying not to draw attention to himself.

Same marching order as before? I want to confirm that and see if Urga has healing to spare in case it becomes important. :)

Current Conditions:

It is almost 730 AM.
Temperature is in the mid 20's (F).
Wind is calm.
Snow falls sporadically.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

I'd assume so

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6


Male Half Orc Battle Oracle 3 HP 15/29 AC 18 Init +4 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +2 Perception +5, Diplomacy +5, Falchion +7(2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Tracked Resources:
Spells 5/5 1st Level Spells

Urga will bring up the rear.

Urga casts CLW on Rikael:1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Urga has 2 of 4 1st level spells that can be used for CLW. His current spell count is listed in "tracked resources" within the header.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Ah, thanks Urga. It seems I owe you twice over now.

Rikael takes up his spot in the marching order, rapier loose in its scabbard.

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Cool, I think we are all back in the travel mode. Moving on.

As you continue up the trail, the snow becomes increasingly deep,
where a windswept gully carves a path through a tree-covered ridge. A soft cascade of snow falls from an overhead branch, hissing softly as it strikes the ground.

Map updated and I placed you all in marching order. I'm going to make perception checks for Agatha, Sildur, and Thorn just so we don't have to spend half a day getting them done. If this makes you nervous, roll it in the beginning of your next post.

Agatha Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Sildur Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Thorn Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

GM roll: 1d6 ⇒ 1

As Thorn passes through the gulley, a large white wyrm-like creature with two short arms lunges out of a snowbank and tries to make a meal of the half-elf.

Surprise!: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Somehow, the tatzlwyrm manages to miss a bite on Thorn, but it is still hungry and presses the attack.

About the map. There are two things to know. First, the rocks are impassable, representing fairly sheer walls of the gulley. Secondly, the snow is deep here, collected by the wind. Each square costs 20' of movement.

Current Conditions:

It is 730 AM.
Temperature is in the mid 20's (F).
Wind is blowing regularly.
Snow falls sporadically.

Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Acro:+1|App:+2|Bluff:+11|Cra.(Alc):+10|Clim:-3|Diplo:+9|Disguise:+19|E.A:-4 |H.A:+3|Heal:+5|Inti:+3|K.Pla/Reli:+10|Loc/His/Nob:+8|K.Geo/Arc/Nat:+9|Ling :+14|Per:+9|Ride:-4|SM:+9|Sleight:+2|

Phew! Initative rolls?

Campaign Map RoW Loot Sheet

Thanks. I clearly am not myself today.

Agatha: 1d2 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Dru: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Rikael: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Sildur: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Thorn: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Urga: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Wyrm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Round 1

Combat order:

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Rikael looks at the creature in surprise.

Wha.... What is THAT!?
He exclaims as he pulls out his chakram.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

He throws his chakram, and then moves as close up as he can, with such deep snow slowing him down.

Please move Rikael as many squares as he can straight toward Thorn and the wyrm creature.

Male Half Elf Urban Barbarian 3 Rage: 10/10 HP: 28/28; AC 17, T 12, FF 15; CMD 17; F+5, R+3, W+3; Init+2; Rapier+5, 1d6+5;
Acrobatics:8, Diplomacy:8, Intimidate:8, Knowledge (Geography):1, Survival:6

Yeah. That's not doing much.

Male Ulfen Druid (World Walker) 2 | HP 18 / 18 | AC 16; Touch 12; Flat Footed 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7

I'm more than happy with you making reactive rolls like perception for us. Saves an immense amount of time :)

Round 1

Sildur pulls out his sling, grabbing a ball from his pouch he launches it at the wyrm.

As he does, he calls to Dru, "Charge, Dru!"

The mountain bear surges through the snow, though his movements are severely hindered by the deep drifts.

Sildur :
Move Action : Draw Sling
Standard Action : Attack Wyrm

Sling: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Dru :
Double Move : Move Forward

Join the club Rikael :P If I'm not mistaken, a single move at 30ft only gets you 1 square forward in all this snow, is that correct Deuce?

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