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Recruiting for the overflow archives! This will be a standard game.
This is a tier 1-5 game, I would like to host 2 tables, one high and one low tier game, but with enough interest I might host one more.
There are few reserved spots, maybe 3, at the moment.
Please read my profile on my expectations as GM, if you have before, do read again as I've updated it today.
For interest, please post your class and level. I'll likely plan to start this in around a week's time.

Pathmaker |

Hey there, I'd like a spot in the low tier game with: Arcanist, Tiefling, 1st level. Thanks!

andygal |

I'd be interested in a spot in the low-tier game with This 1st level Elven Wizard.
I am new to Pathfinder society and pretty new to Pathfinder as a whole, so bare with me if I've done something wrong.

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Ok, so far, if this is ok with everyone:
I have one more spot for low tier, I'll likely stop recruitment once that spot is filled. Also let me know if I missed out a named.
High Tier
GM Evil
Dax Rya
Jian Wei Ai
Elter Ego
Low Tier

ElterAgo |

So for the high level table we have
Kuey - ?
GM Evil - 5th monk/rogue
Dax Rya - 4th kineticist
Jian Wei Ai - 3rd level mesmerist caster
Elter Ego - 5th melee druid or 4th healbot oracle (I forgot the inquisitor is 6th now)
Talon - 3rd melee wizard ?!?
GM Batpony, do you know what Kuey is bringing?
I'm thinking I should bring the 5th level druid for a bit extra meat shield since we have a couple of 3rd's. But if Kuey is bringing a 5th level melee type, maybe the healbot would be more help.

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Also GM, as far as Hanzo goes, he uses Dec to damage on his unarmed strikes, and snake style allows him to use his MASSIVE sense motive check for his AC as an immediate action. Other than that, he's your regular old monk/ninja/secret assassin (shhhhhh... If you tell anyone he'll have to... silence... you.).

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As long as we're mentioning shenanigans, Yesmoro has the Misfortune revelation, allowing him to give or force a reroll once per person per day. It can only be used once per round as it is an immediate action. It might be a bit clunky in PbP, but I suppose I could declare and/or make the reroll (since I could see the bonuses behind it) if I can post before you. That would restrict its usage a bit, which could be a good thing in this case, though.

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Melee wizard builds are great at low level, not magus or warpriest great, but still great. I had one in a Jade Regent game that didn't do to shabby.
They do tend to fall off later, but hey, that's what the spells are for right?
Yah, I'm hoping to patch up that fall-off by taking a level of Bloodrager (w Extra Rage) and going Eldritch Knight. My hope is to be able to use Polymorph spells to give me combat oomph and flexibility. But I'm aware that he may only ever be okay.
Until we get a true shape changing warrior (who isn't a tree-hugger), it's the best I can think of.

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Yeah, I would feel the same. An Eldritch knight with Bloodrage and possibly rage powers sounds delicious though. I might tinker around a bit with a build like that myself. I'm currently trying to work on an Asmodean Advocate Cleric/ Summoner that could possibly go into Mystic Theurge, and would focus completely on summon monster spells and conjuration spells. It might work, it might not. Not sure yet. Still digging through feats and builds to see what I can put together.

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Alright everybody! Let's get this party started!
The link to your tables are posted here!
Table 1 (This campaign thread)
GM Evil
Dax Rya
Jian Wei Ai
Elter Ego
Talon of Kenabres
Table 2
Aiden Richter
Constantin the Azlant
Elris the hawk eye
Table 3