
djpika's page

Organized Play Member. 178 posts (5,647 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 19 Organized Play characters. 15 aliases.


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Storm Dragon wrote:

I'll throw out a wild card and say that having a rotating cast of characters works better for a system with a progression curve with less vertical, more horizontal growth.

In Pathfinder (especially at low levels), CR matters a lot. Given when/how unlucky a player is they could be stuck with characters that are pretty much completely useless for multiple delves, if those characters even survive the inevitable AoEs that kill them even if they save.

Playing a system like Savage Worlds (which does conveniently have a Pathfinder add-on) might work a lot better for having a rotating cast. It also has built-in rules for sanity and permanent injuries, so you get the "grim and gritty" feel with less homebrew. It makes it easier to justify a character sitting out a mission if they get their arm broken (or lopped off) on a mission.

FWIW, Dark Sun had a system for managing a bench of back-up characters and leveling them. Essentially you could level up a backup every time the main did.

A similar approach would be XP earned would apply to the active character and the same amount would go into a reserve pool. The reserve pool could be used by the bench.

GM Redelia wrote:

Are any GMs considering running something soon? Right now I'm GMing three games and playing in none, and that tends to be a bad thing.

I have favorite characters at every tier, so not feeling picky.

I have an open slot for a Halloween Halloween-inspired 1-shot if you want? It’s non-PFS, converting Night of the Walking Dead to PF1.

TarkXT wrote:

The serial killer idea is fine though you won't exactly have much time to indulge. A lot of it has a sense of "impending doom" with very little downtime. Delaying without compelling reasons can have unforeseen consequences.

Thanks, but I think I'll hold off. There's been some movement with some other games which might be too much if everything happens at once.

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Given that this is a non-PFS game, I'd like to inquire if a 3pp class would be allowed? I always ask since I'd like to use some of the material I've collected, and a one-shot keeps it pretty contained. Kobold Press' Elven Archer(halfling sling master) comes to mind.

Otherwise the other idea that comes to mind is playing a Dexter type character, using the Vigilante - serial killer archetype. Of course, that requires some discussion since the alter ego has to be evil. For a band of unsavory, migratory monster hunters, that might not be that big of a deal, especially if it's more neutral with the exception of the killings themselves, which is offset by the quarries/targets, and thus a reason for taking the profession in the first place.

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Carriage to Ustalav? Is that like entering the Mists?

I'll go with human bard - college of valor. That seems to fit the party composition better.

How much of a background do you want beyond our interpretations of the tarroka deck?

Can 5E function without a designated healer? There's no point overlapping barbarian if Mishima has one lined up. I can go Bard - College of Valor, but that might not be the healing that we need...

djpika wrote:

Greetings all and thanks for the invite! This ramped up faster than I expected, looking at the thread.

Let's see what the dice throw at us for a suggestion:

Suits: (1)swords, (2)stars, (3)coins, (4)glyphs


War and sacrifice; the stamina to endure great hardship


The brutal and barbaric side of warfare; bloodlust; those with a bestial nature


A fundamental change brought on by one whose beliefs are being put to the test

Dark Gift

One who has been compromised or led astray by temptation or foolishness; one who tempts others for evil ends


Broken One
Defeat, failure, and despair; the loss of something or someone important, without which one feels incomplete


The importance of some physical object that must be obtained, protected, or destroyed at all costs

Here are my current thoughts:

Getting the Beserker for class pretty much implies Barbarian, although skald, drunken master, or brawler would also work... or whatever the 5E equivalents would be. I only have the PHB handy, so I'd have to re-skin abilities to make one of those fit.

Originating from Kartakass puts the wolfwere spin on bloodlust and bestial fury.

The problem roll was getting Tempter for Dark Gift... charisma and subtle machinations didn't really seem to go with a rough and brawly type.

Thankfully an idea hit while I was writing this. Echoing Feast of Souls, a temptress/love interest has asked X to collect the Crown of Soldiers (working in the artifact part here). However, X has failed to do so, falling into despair and forced to flee Kartakass.

Given the domain, a skald equivalent would work best... is there one? Or would a bard - college of valor fit the role?

If not, I can default to a Barbarian - path of the totem warrior(wolf).

Greetings all and thanks for the invite! This ramped up faster than I expected, looking at the thread.

Let's see what the dice throw at us for a suggestion:

Suits: (1)swords, (2)stars, (3)coins, (4)glyphs

suit: 1d4 ⇒ 1
common: 1d10 ⇒ 3

War and sacrifice; the stamina to endure great hardship

suit: 1d4 ⇒ 1
common: 1d10 ⇒ 6

The brutal and barbaric side of warfare; bloodlust; those with a bestial nature

suit: 1d4 ⇒ 4
common: 1d10 ⇒ 6

A fundamental change brought on by one whose beliefs are being put to the test

Dark Gift
High: 1d20 ⇒ 20

One who has been compromised or led astray by temptation or foolishness; one who tempts others for evil ends

High: 1d20 ⇒ 5

Broken One
Defeat, failure, and despair; the loss of something or someone important, without which one feels incomplete

High: 1d20 ⇒ 2

The importance of some physical object that must be obtained, protected, or destroyed at all costs

I'm interested... I haven't kept up with the changes since 2e and I might as well give 5e a shot...

Sounds fun, glad to be of service.

@Party - do we need to re-tool builds a bit?

Andostre wrote:
RamzaBeoulve wrote:

Taking a closer look at the submissions: was hoping to have someone else on the front lines with me, but it looks like we've got all back liners.

Welp! Looks like it's me and the bird in the thick of it. If nothing else, a giant buzzard and a Junji Ito monster should be an excellent distraction while everyone else unloads arrows and spells lol.

My offer to switch to a melee hunter before gameplay begins still stands. If I'm selected, of course. I'm happy to wait and see who is finally selected in the end, though

Pending how things play out, I can make adjustments to be more melee orientated as well. The death mage - reaper can server as a flanker/striker if needed, although it'll change the backstory concept since a gnome wouldn't fit that role. Or I could hop to the Archon... so that should add flexibility as well.

Brolof wrote:
djpika wrote:

Here is the crunch for my Death Mage:

Glim Folkor

The general concept is that he was an herbalist/alchemist that started to experience the bleaching. However, it brought along some additional side effects like hearing the voices of dead people which puts him on the path to being a death mage.

I was having problems finding stuff about Chaldoth’s Tooth and the Grand Hunt in the context of Golarion, but I see now that the Ironbound Archipelago ties it to the lands of the Linnorm Kings, so I'll do some additional research to make a background. It looks like Iceferry makes the most sense for a gnome...

I chose Chaldoth's Tooth specifically because it has next to no lore on it! I wanted an island, and all the other ones bad bigger populations. If you want info on the island, I can always give you some. It's an independent island, a part of the Archipeligo but not part of the Islands, if that makes any sense?

No need - thanks for confirming. I don't like to create backgrounds that deviate from lore, which tends to be a bottle neck at times. I find it just becomes harder to keep track of the exceptions if they are made since official lore is usually the common thread for folks playing together online.

Here is the crunch for my Death Mage:

Glim Folkor

The general concept is that he was an herbalist/alchemist that started to experience the bleaching. However, it brought along some additional side effects like hearing the voices of dead people which puts him on the path to being a death mage.

I was having problems finding stuff about Chaldoth’s Tooth and the Grand Hunt in the context of Golarion, but I see now that the Ironbound Archipelago ties it to the lands of the Linnorm Kings, so I'll do some additional research to make a background. It looks like Iceferry makes the most sense for a gnome...

Brolof wrote:
djpika wrote:
How do you view 3pp content? I mainly ask because I'd like to use some of the classes I have sitting around - no intention to break the rules, and I can pass the info along to pre-approve if needed.
Third party's iffy with me, but I can take a look and see what you're wanting to use.

Thanks for taking it into consideration. I think the first 3pp book I purchased for Pathfinder has yet to be used, so I'll go with that. Here are the links to the classes that show up there (from Super Genius Games):

Shadow Assassin
Death Mage

I'm ok with taking a stab at any of them. Since they came out before the base/hybrid classes, the mechanics are relatively self contained.

How do you view 3pp content? I mainly ask because I'd like to use some of the classes I have sitting around - no intention to break the rules, and I can pass the info along to pre-approve if needed.

What happened to the 3? Character deaths needing to be replaced or just a casualty of pbp?

Enjoy the time off!

Abdara Kastner wrote:

djpika, if it makes any difference, if I GM the next game there will be 'space' for another squishy (depending on what noral & Hawthwile want to play ;)

It's ok. Now that he's level 4 and picks up weapon specialization, his damage output may actually start to catch up. Besides, he's gotten more play as the "last class to be picked" more often than not. That was his M.O. at creation so why change that ;)

Funny, that doesn't really feel like a choice :P

The illusionist and kineticist are battlefield controllers; I could pile on to the list or take the fighter.

Are there concerns that we're still a little squishy? It looks like that didn't get resolved in discord?

Abdara Kastner wrote:
Ferdrin Ternyth wrote:
So far you have the most hit points :D

Yessir! Abdara can take it, but she can't give it! :)

Djpika, I just realised I ran Sky Key Solution for you, Numbat & Hawthwile.

That was a fun game.

Nice! Thanks again. I guess the forums are a small place as well. Is that a separate account for you though?

Thanks again!

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@Party - I mentioned the delay in the Flaxseed thread. GM Tyranius and Watery Soup offered to assist. The real world is still a bummer, so hopefully this off loads Garmon while freeing up the characters for everyone.

Watery Soup wrote:
I've run #0-05 before so I have blank Chronicles and I am pretty sure I have Garmon's PFS number somewhere. I can fill out Chronicle Sheets for you, but I think to make everything kosher you should get Tyranius's OK to report it through OSP.

Thanks for the quick assist; sure, let's see what Tyranius says and go from there.

Is there someone that can help with closing out some paper work for a PFS scenario? The GM disappeared after the session ended without logging the game. Here is a link to the game.

Thanks in advance...

Mind if I pop in?

Thanks again for running this. I was planning on bringing my Tetori Monk - it looks like that works with the party?

GM Nowruz wrote:

Six is too much for Highdelve (It’s for 4 players) but I could GM the Wounded Wisp which would work for all of you.

Sculptor, Necromagnetism, Zandu, kaervek, djpika, and nightdeath are in. Recruitment over. I’ll send you a link to the game in two weeks via PM.

Sounds good and thanks for running the game. Is Highdelve worth pursuing in the future though?

I can join in for High delve as well if you still need to fill a slot (and no new to pbp folks show up).

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DM Fang Dragon wrote:
GM Niles wrote:
FangDragon wrote:
Babylon 5! Now that takes me back, I always preferred it to star trek. Too back they don't really make shows like that anymore.

For hard SF the Expanse is hard to beat, really hard to beat.

but yeah, I miss B5 also. Vir Cotto was my favorite.

I really should get round to watching the expanse, I've read all the books of course.

Vir and G'kar were great together, too bad many of the cast have passed away.

I was just thinking the same... especially with the recent passing of Mira Furlan.

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Today is a good day to... halp wrote:

Also, good to have a fellow 3pp class with Bryn Wilde's entry to the RHC. :)

Thankfully GM Fanguar is open to the idea. I originally planned on trying out the engineer class, but it looked like someone else was pushing for a battle suit pilot concept already. At least a war master requires less paperwork - no need to manage a 2nd "pet".

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Tigerkralle wrote:

Eschatologist was too depressing for me, personally.

I see a lot of parallels to the Babylon 5 technomages. The philosophy doesn't have to be fatalistic; after all, it could be viewed as having the best intent. How to end things without pain, or at least minimal pain. Perhaps with a hint of sorrow or altruistic resignation. Knowing that all things end is one thing, but seeing that they're also new beginning and doing your best to make peaceful transitions is very John Lennon...

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GM Fanguar wrote:
djpika wrote:
Sticking with the steampunk theme, would you consider the Rogue Genius Games Engineer or the converted Eberron artificer? I see people already mentioned the Machinesmith.
The engineer might be fine, I don't have the document, so I don't really know the power level. Going to say no to the artificer, just because magic item crafting isn't really going to be a thing in the campaign.

Fair enough. I can try and copy/paste what I can and DM you details on the Engineer... and if it becomes problematic, the character can be phased out.

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Sticking with the steampunk theme, would you consider the Rogue Genius Games Engineer or the converted Eberron artificer? I see people already mentioned the Machinesmith.

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Are you open to 3pp classes? A malefactor Chaosmen could be interesting...

Great, thanks! Here is the info:

1) Character name: Stiggur
2) PFS#-Character#: 9165-15
3) Character Class & Level: Monk (Tetori) 1
4) Faction: Grand Lodge
5) Day Job with roll (and any special notes): NA
6) Regular or slow progression: Regular

If you're taking up to 6, can I throw a character into the fray?

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Does anyone know if the Hindering Projectile has a duration for the debuff other than spending the move action to remove it?

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Are you ok with 3pp classes? I've been looking to use some of the 3pp material I own, although I'd limit it to the class/sourcebook for the class.

@GM Fangaur - Deep Magic didn't provide any inspiration, at least for the back story that I was going for. If possible, I'd like to try a Sphere of Power Elementalist, but if that doesn't work, a regular Wizard - Water school will suffice.


Class: Elementalist or Wizard
Race: Human
Stats: 20 pt buy

Izadel's father belonged to the Water Temple sect of the Temple of Elemental Evil. When the Orb of Golden Death was destroyed and Zuggtmoy banished, he fled to Sasserine. Barely finding a place to stay in Shadowshore, he began a new life as an herbalist (and occasional provider of forbidden arts). As his new life stabilized, Izadel's father settled down and married. Izadel was born shortly thereafter.

Braggarts, bullies, and children of dangerous folks are Shadowshore's education system. Not being the strongest or the quickest meant Izadel spent a lot of time avoiding other kids on the streets. These moments of self-preservation were often filled with reading - anything Izadel could get his hands on - from penny dreadfuls, adventuring chronicles, and local news. That is until Izadel discovered his father's spellbook. Given a path to adventure, Izadel was immediately hooked, and proceeded to teach himself as much as possible.

When the Elder Elemental Eye decided the stars had aligned again, it came looking for Izadel's father. Reluctant to return to his past life, he refused. Izadel returned home to bloody carnage. His parents were tied down to the dining table, the symbol of the Elder Elemental Eye carved into their forehead and their abdomens torn open from being disemboweled. Entrails formed a rough circle, divided into quarters, around the table. Each section was filled with sea salt, soil, ash, and a dense, fog-like substance, respectively. The rest of the house was ransacked. Cabinets torn down. Mattresses ripped open. Dried herb bundles battered, fragments falling like snow and coating the ground in an earthy brown-green speckle pattern.

Fearing it was one of Shadowshore's local powers, Izadel quickly scrounged for anything useful and took off.

Interested as well...

d1: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 6) + 4 = 14
d2: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (5, 2) + 4 = 11
d3: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (5, 5) + 4 = 14
d4: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (1, 7) + 4 = 12
d5: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (2, 6) + 4 = 12
d6: 2d7 + 4 ⇒ (1, 1) + 4 = 6

Character Name: Bander Summercloud
Player Name: djpika
Prime World: Krynn
Intended Mythic Path: Trickster
Character Race: Kender (halfling)
Class: Luckbringer, Jinx-Debuffer Build
Basic Backstory: Bander's companions were taking far too long arguing over their next steps when the glass-eyed man entered the tavern. Maybe it was the way he held himself or the constant stopping to scan the room that got Bander's mind wandering - or just as much the lack of interest in listening to Graznan pitch his idea for opening a brewery again. Kit and Zephi had their work cut for them when the dwarf dug in, which was most of the time, so no one noticed when Bander stepped away. The glass-eyed man sat down at a table in the back with some dour-looking fellows. After some greetings and the ordering of drink, the dour looking men pulled out a small box. Cracking open the hinged top, the glass-eyed man gave a satisfied nod and then pulled out a bag of coin, tossing it across the table and landing with a heavy thud. Shortly thereafter, the men stood up to exchange a terse farewell and dispersed through the crowd. Bander followed the glass-eyed man outside the tavern as he made his way through several dark alleys before stopping at a cobblestone wall. Tracing his hand along the surface, the glass-eyed man found a stone of black granite veined with red and turned it as if it were a dial. With a click, a section of the wall gave way to reveal an icy blue light coming from within.

Bander followed, stepping through the entrance and down a flight of stairs that opened into what appeared to be a wizard's laboratory. A potpourri of herbal aromas and animal musk hung in the air. Small globes of glacier-like crystal hovered above iron-wrought sconces, highlighting the small box from the tavern as it rested on the middle of the desk. What was is in it? Why keep it in a secret room? Bander had to know as he stepped forward to open the box. Inside rested a large lizard-like hand cast in stone. While awing the piece, the sound of footsteps began to grow louder. Worried about having to explain himself yet again about how he just wanted to see what all the trouble was about, Bander started to look around for a place to hide. The footsteps grew louder and a long shadow started to cast itself into the room when an ethereal green light started to fight the cold white-blue tones of the sconces. Perplexed, Bander looked down to see the lizard hand glowing as well as the outline of the large wooden crate he just entered. With a deafening pop and a burst of blinding light, Bander readjusted his eyes to find himself in the weathered streets of Sigil.

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Oxnard Kettlebeak wrote:

@djpika-- yes, I would allow luckbringer

** spoiler omitted **

Great! I'll work on submitting a Kender Luckbringer... since it seems to suit the race and I probably won't get the chance to mix the two again. Do you have a preference for Kender conversion stats or should I just use halfling stats skinned as a Kender?

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@Oxnard - would you entertain the luckbringer class?

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I'll have the crunch on an Ifrit Sorc up shortly. I'll flesh out the character as the game runs if you don't mind just to keep you guys going.

Hmm, I read somewhere that they should show up in the Organized Play->GM/Event Coordinator tab, but I don't see it. Is it just the generic table of credits?

Silly question-were replays given to all players at some point?

so the only one I’ve played is Mists of Mwangi. I have a level 2 Tengu Skald that actually played Mists, but Could just as easily start a fresh level 1. I guess that’s only relevant if you start a 2nd table now ;)

Full Name

Mauril Everleaf




Archivist 7




Lawful Neutral



Homepage URL


About Mauril

Mauril Everleaf is an odd creature. He is the offspring of a dwarven father and an elven mother, and as such is a rarity in this (or any) part of the world. His father was Ghul ben'Dad, a warrior of modest renown. He ws more known for his abilities at the forge, making armors and axes, than using his utensils in the wilds. Mauril's mother, who died giving birth to him, was considered an odd elf, especially by elf standards. She cared little for the outdoors, but rathered spending most of her time in great halls, temples or libraries, anywhere that a great structure of wood or stone could be found. Her name was Ulmira Westernisse, daughter of the elven general Salawin.

On one of his several adventures, Ghul and his companions were hired to rescue Ulmira from the Jarls, as she was being held hostage in an attempt to force Salawin to break the siege on Crond. The general would not give up his seige but would also not give up his daughter. Ghul and his band were, seemingly, the only ones crazy enough to accept the challenge set forth by Salawin. After several days of fierce opposition, they rescued Ulmira and returned her to the general. Ulmira, angry that her father would not break his seige and come after her himself, joined Ghul and his companions and returned with them to Barloz.

Ulmira, despite her own resistances, fell for Ghul's simple and rugged charm and he for her grace and understated beauty. They shared a love for worked stone and the quiet of the temples. They were married soon after returning to Mercan and she bore him two children, a set of twins. The ordeal was too taking on her; her body was not designed for a dwarf child, let alone two of them. Ghul named the boy Mauril and the girl Estrenna. Ghul raised both through their adolescence. Estrenna took much after her father and learned the work of the forge and how to wield an axe with utmost precision. But she still had some elven blood in her veins and she went on to become a ranger. She stayed with them for several years but disappeared when Ghul betrayed his people.

Mauril, although he never knew her, took much after his mother. He loved the indoors, epecially libraries and temples. Whenever he could, he would sneak off to pour over tomes and maps. He was especially enamored with myths and tales of the gods and heroes. He studied many books and taught himself several languages. He helped his father at the forge occassionally, but always did so reluctantly. While he thought much like his mother, he looked very similar to his father. He was a bit taller, just under five feet, and rather slimmer, but he has the same rounded nose and full lips. His hair is a mixture of auburn, dark brown and black and he nearly always has a full beard. "It grows too fast to bother shaving," he always says. His eyes are a hazel color, sometimes more brown, sometimes more green. His shoulders are broad but he is by no means muscular.

Mauril desired very much to become a priest of Mishya and set himself about becoming one. He spent much of the years his sister trained as a ranger in the temple, helping the priests arrange and copy tomes, initiate rites and ceremonies and otherwise maintain the temple. However, Mauril could not remain there long. It seems his father has never fully recovered from the death of his Ulmira and he made a bargain with a wizard in order to bring her back. The nature of this bargain is unclear, but in the end only the wizard got what he wanted. Ghul has unwittingly opened the door for the wizard to new and dark necromantic powers. Ghul was quickly killed and raised as a wraith and sent to terrorize Mercan.

The wraith-Ghul killed many of the townspeople before Malik was able to defeat him. Malik gathered together a band of adventurers and slew the necromancer as well.

Mauril was much shamed for the damage and evil that his father had allowed into the city and was made to flee. He wandered not long and came to Firforge. He entered the city as Mauril Everleaf, a half-elf from the north seeking asylum. He offerend his knowledge and dedication in trade for food and lodging. The temple of Mishya took his offer and set him about working in the library, translating their tomes into various languages. Mauril liked his new home, but kept few friends and let little about his past be known. He kept mostly to himself and his books.

Continued on my website in Mauril's Journal.