
Constantin the Azlant's page

404 posts. Organized Play character for Cwethan.

Full Name

Constantin Malocchio Verisvalos


Human (Azlanti)


Bard (Duettist) 7 | HP 52/52 | AC 18, T 11, FF 17 CMD 14 | Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +7 | Init +4(5)* | Perc +10 | SM +18* | Spells Remaining: level 1 4/5 level 2 4/4 level 3 2/2 | Bardic Performance Rounds 22/23














Azlanti, Celestial, Draconic, Goblin, Infernal, Orc, Taldane, Thassilonian


Scholarly Redeemer

Strength 7
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Constantin the Azlant

Constantin stands a few inches too tall to look healthy with his slight frame. His strong widow's peak, prominent eyebrows, and intensely violet gaze make his heritage plain to all who would see it, and the soft robes he wears beneath his armor do nothing to spoil the look.

HP 52
AC 18 (+5 armor, +1 Dex, +2 shield)
CMD 14 (+5 BaB, -2 Str, +1 Dex)

Fort +6 (+2 Base +2 Con, +2 Res)
Ref +8 (+5 Base, +1 Dex, +2 Res)
Will +7 (+5 Base, +2 Res)

Resist Electricity 4, Resist Cold, Fire, and Acid 1

Speed 30'
Initiative +8/9 (+4 Cha, (+1 Trait), +4 Familiar)
BAB +5
CMB +3

Cestus +3 1d4-2 19-20
Whip +3 d3-2 x2 disarm, nonlethal, reach, trip

Acrobatics +5 (1 rank, +1 Dex, +3 class)
Appraise +7 (1 rank, +3 Int, +3 class) (+3 for Psychometry)
Bluff +14/15 (Versatile Performance - Comedy)
Diplomacy +17/18 (Versatile Performance - Oratory) (+4 to research humans, +4 to influence [air], +1 to influence [earth, fire, or water], +4 vs. equal or lower level Pathfinders, +5 to influence Andoran gov't officials, +3 to perform Hypnotism)
Intimidate +14/15 (Versatile Performance - Comedy) (+4 vs. equal or lower level Pathfinders, +2 vs. goblinoids)
Knowledge (Arcana) +13 (7 ranks +3 Int +3 class) (+3 for Phrenology)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +11 (5 ranks +3 Int +3 class)
Knowledge (Geography) +8 (2 ranks +3 Int +3 class)
Knowledge (Local) +13 (7 ranks +3 Int +3 class) (+4 to research humans)
Knowledge (Nature) +13 (7 ranks +3 Int +3 class)
Knowledge (Nobility) +9 (1 rank +3 Int +3 class +2 feat) (+4 to research humans)
Knowledge (Planes) +13 (7 ranks +3 Int +3 class)
Knowledge (Religion) +13 (7 ranks +3 Int +3 class)
Linguistics +8 (2 ranks +3 Int +3 class) (+2 to decipher codes) (+4 to research humans) (+3 when performing Automatic Writing)
Perform (Comedy) +14/15 (7 ranks, +4 Cha, +3 class (+1 trait)) +4 to influence [air], +1 to influence [earth or water]
Perform (Oratory) +17/18 (7 ranks +4 Cha +3 class, +3 feat (+1 trait)) +4 to influence [air], +1 to influence [earth or water]
Perception +10 (7 ranks +0 Wis +3 class) (+3 for Read Aura)
Sense Motive +17/18 (Versatile Performance - Oratory) (+3 for Prognostication)
Spellcraft +13 (7 ranks +3 Int +3 class)

Special Abilities::
Favored Class: Bard, +7 skills

Bonus Feat: Constantin received an extra feat at 1st level.

Skilled: Constantin gains an additional skill rank per level.

Bardic Performance 23 rounds/day - Move action start

Inspire Courage (Su): Constantin can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies, bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the bard's performance. An affected ally receives a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +2 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability. Inspire courage can use audible or visual components. The bard must choose which component to use when starting his performance.

Familiar: Constantin has an Arctic Hare Emissary of Sarenrae as a familiar.

Versatile Performance: Constantin can use his bonus in Perform (Oratory) in place of his bonus in Diplomacy and Sense Motive, and his bonus in Perform (Comedy) in place of his bonus in Bluff and Intimidate.

Performing Familiar: Constantin’s familiar has learned how to create supernatural effects with its performances, just like its master. Riddywipple can use any of its master’s bardic performances, but only the familiar or the duettist can have a performance active at any given time, not both. If one is performing and the other starts a performance, the previous performance immediately ends. Each round that the familiar performs consumes 2 rounds of the duettist’s bardic performance.

Less Common Performances:
Countersong: Constantin has learned to counter magic effects that depend on sound. Each round of the countersong he makes a Perform (keyboard) skill check. Any creature within 30' that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the Perform check in place of their saving throw. If they are already under the effect of a noninstantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, they gain another saving throw each round they hear the countersong, but must use Constantin's Perform check for the save.

Distraction: Constantin can use his performance to counter magic effects that depend on sight. Each round of the distraction, he makes a Perform (oratory) check. Any creature within 30 feet that is affected by an illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack may use Constantin's Perform check result in place of their saving throw. If they are already under the effect of a noninstantaneous illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack, they gain another saving throw each round they see the distraction, but they must use Constantin's Perform skill check result for the save.

Fascinate (Su): Constantin can use his performance to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear Constantin, and capable of paying attention to him. Constantin must also be able to see the creatures affected. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents this ability from working.

Each creature within range receives a Will save (DC 17) to negate the effect. If a creature's saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as the bard continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a –4 penalty on all skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect.

Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability.

Inspire Competence: Constantin can use his performance to help an ally succeed at a task. The ally must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear Constantin. The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as she continues to hear the his performance.

Certain uses of this ability are infeasible, such as Stealth, and may be disallowed at the GM’s discretion. Constantin can’t inspire competence in himself.

Constantin can use his performance to make a suggestion to a creature that he has already fascinated. Using this ability does not disrupt the fascinate effect, but it does require a standard action to activate.

A Will saving throw (DC 17) negates the effect. This ability affects only a single creature. Suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting, language-dependent ability and relies on audible components.

Cantrips: Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation
Level 1 (5/day): Ear Piercing Scream (DC 15), Feather Fall, Grease (DC 15), Saving Finale, Vanish
Level 2 (4/day): Blur, Glitterdust (DC 16), Heroism, Suggestion (DC 16)
Level 3 (2/day): Haste, Purging Finale

Riddywipple: Faerie Dragon Occult Messenger
CG Tiny Dragon
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, darkvision; Perception +12
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural +2 size)
hp 26 (52/2, 7 HD)
Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +8 – Improved Evasion
Immune paralysis, sleep; SR 13
Speed 10 ft. fly 60' (perfect), swim 30'
Melee bite +10 (1d3–1)
Space 2-1/2 ft., Reach 0 ft.
SPecial Attacks: breath weapon (5' cone euphoria, Fort DC 12 negates)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6, Concentration +6)
3/day greater invisibility (self-only)
Spells Known (CL 6, Concentration +6)
1st (6/day) grease (DC 14), silent image (DC 14), sleep (DC 14)
Cantrips (At-Will) dancing lights, flare (DC 13), ghost sound (DC 13), mage hand, open/close
Str 9, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 15 (19 vs. trip)
Feats: Acrobatic, Dodge
Skills: Acrobatics +11 (+3 when jumping), Bluff +10 (Comedy), Diplomacy +10 (Oratory), Fly +23, Intimidate +10 (Comedy), Knowledge (Arcana) +13, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +11, Knowledge (Geography) +8, Knowledge (Local) +13, Knowledge (Nature) +13, Knowledge (Nobility) +7, Knowledge (Planes) +13, Knowledge (Religion) +13, Linguistics +8, Perform (Comedy, Oratory) +10, Perception +12, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +13, Stealth +17, Swim +13, Use Magic Device +9
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, Empathic Link, telepathy 100'

Versatile Familiar: Riddywipple has learned to use performance to supplement his skills. Riddywipple may use his total bonus to Perform (Oratory or Comedy) in place of his bonus for Diplomacy or Sense Motive, or Bluff and Intimidate respectively.

Performing Familiar: Riddywipple has learned how to create supernatural effects with his performances, just like his master. He can use any of Constantin’s bardic performances, but only Riddywipple or Constantin can have a performance active at any given time, not both. If one is performing and the other starts a performance, the previous performance immediately ends. Each round that Riddywipple performs consumes 2 rounds of Constantin’s bardic performance.

See the Unseen: While Riddywipple is within arm's reach, Constantin gains the Psychic Sensitivity feat.

Teacher from Afar: When Constantin uses a psychic skill unlock he gains a competence bonus on skill unlocks equal to half the occult messenger's level (+3).

Flagbearer: As long as Constantin holds his party’s flag, members of that allegiance within 30 feet who can see the flag gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and saving throws against fear and charm effects. Constantin must hold the flag in one hand in order to grant this bonus. If the standard is taken by the enemy or destroyed, this bonus becomes a penalty, affecting all creatures that the bonus previously affected for 1 hour (or until you reclaim the lost flag).

Noble Scion (Scion of War): Constantin gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nobility). In addition he uses his Charisma modifier to adjust Initiative checks instead of his Dexterity modifier.

Skill Focus (Perform (Oratory)): Constantin gains a +3 bonus on Perform (Oratory) checks.

Eldritch Bloodline (Imperious): Constantin is descended from a long line of sorcerers, and some portion of their power flows in his veins.

As scion of forgotten kings, with a lineage rich with the dust of ancient empires spanning every golden age of humanity’s history, Constantin embodies the apex of human potential, as well as human temerity and uninhibited hubris.

Student of Humanity When using Diplomacy, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), or Linguistics to learn, study, or gather information about humans, Constantin adds an insight bonus equal to his Charisma bonus on such checks (+4).

Strength of the Sun: Constantin takes solace in the purifying light of the sun. During the day, he gains a +1 trait bonus on all Charisma-based checks.

Maestro of the Society: The skills of Golarion’s greatest musicians are at Constantin's fingertips, thanks to the vast treasure trove of musical knowledge in the vaults beneath the Grand Lodge in Absalom. Studying this knowledge gives him the ability to use your bardic performance an additional 3 rounds per day.

Improved Familiar: Constantin has allied himself to a more powerful creature than normal.

Mithral Chain Shirt +1, Whip, Cestus, Mithral Buckler +1, Flag, Alchemist's Fire (2), Alkali Flask, Wand of Cure Light Wounds (39), 2x Scroll of Lesser Restoration, Scroll of Calm Animals

Inventory Tracking::
Current Gold: 17743.5 gp

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 2PP (1)
Orc Language 2PP (7)
Celestial Language 1PP (9)
Cloak of Resistance +2 4000 (14)
Mithral Chain Shirt +1 2100 (14)
Mithral Buckler +1 2005 (14)

Overflow Archives 516
Shadow's Last Stand: At Shadow's Door 505
Library of the Lion: 510
Web of Corruption: 533
Delirium's Tangle: 512
The Tower Ruins: 1398
The Solstice Scar: 1325
The Midnight Mauler: 1298
Song of the Sea Witch: 1390
Beyond the Halflight Path: 1259
From the Tome of Righteous Repose: 2265
Solstice Scar (B) 2500
The Sanos Abduction 2265
Through Maelstrom Rift 2910
Valley of Veiled Flame 2577
To Scale the Dragon 1731
Perils of the Pirate Pact 2308

Lamellar Cuirass 7.5

Prestige and Boons::
Prestige: 31 Fame: 36
Explorer: Once per adventure before attempting an Acrobatics, Climb, Survival or Swim check, Constantin gains a circumstance bonus equal to 1 plus half the number of goals he has completed (+6). He also halves his armor check penalty for the purpose of this skill check.

Prepared Agent: Constantin is more prepared for missions than most Pathfinders. When he attempts a Knowledge check as a part of an adventure's mission briefing, he treats all Knowledge skills as trained. 1/adventure he can add a bonus equal to half the goals he has completed to one Knowledge check or Diplomacy check to gather information (+3)

Guiding Compass: Constantin's wayfinder guides him to safety in all circumstances. If he fails a saving throw against an effect that allows additional saving throws to mitigate the effect, he gains a bonus on subsequent saves against such effects equal to 1 for every three goals he has completed (+3).

Expedition Coordinator (3/3): Constantin can forgo his Downtime to organize an expedition to a site he recently visited and discover things he had missed before. Three times he may retroactively succeed at a scenario's secondary success condition that he would have failed. If he does so, all other PCs at the table also succeed at the secondary success condition.

Codebreaker: Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin was impressed by Constantin's clever work with ciphers and invited him to study codes in detail for future missions. He gains a +2 bonus on Linguistics checks made to decipher a writing or understand a code, and he may use Linguistics in this way even if untrained.

Spider's Captor: Rather than simply kill the treacherous criminal mastermind and Shadow Lodge agent known as the Spider, Constantin brought her in alive to stand trial for her crimes before the lawful authorities of Andoran. In thanks for his contribution to the process of bringing her to justice, he has gained an official writ of appreciation from the People's Council granting him a +5 bonus on any Diplomacy check made to influence a government official within the nation of Andoran.

You Rescued the Minotaur Prince: Constantin rescued Nuar Spiritskin, the Minotaur Prince of Absalom, and he is quite grateful that Constantin did so. Though Nuar is absolutely unclear how he got into the Tangle in the first place, he pays this no mind and has spread the tale of Constantin's derring-do to his many contacts throughout the city. Constantin gains a permanent +1 circumstance bonus to any Intelligence or Charisma-based checks made while in Absalom.

River Kingdom Notoriety: Tales of Constantin's adventures in the Emerald Spire have reached the ears of Echo Woods's local powerbrokers, and they have granted him an opportunity to claim land to develop as he sees fit.

Goblin's Bane: By slaying Grulk, the goblin's bugbear leader, Constantin has removed the immediate goblin threat in the area as well as allowing safe passage deeper into the Emerald Spire. The terror he has hewn [sic] has made a resounding impact to the other goblin tribes nearby. Constantin gains a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks against humanoids with the goblinoid subtype.

Belkzen Veteran: Constantin has crossed the Hold of Belkzen, negotiated with the orc representatives, and clashed with opportunistic raiders. He has spent 2 Prestige Points to learn Orc. In addition, he can once gain the benefits of the orc ferocity half-orc racial trait for 1 round.

Martyr's Shard 1&2: The paladin Ivvora wielded a powerful dagger in service to her angelic patron, Vildeis. In helping recover and restore the hilt, Constantin is able to begin imbuing a facsimile of the blade to combat evil on his own terms. He may once grant one weapon he wields a +1 enhancement bonus and the ability to overcome DR and regeneration as a cold iron, good-aligned weapon for 1 minute as a free action.
Constantin can additionally choose to purchase an avenging dagger for 110,604 gp as though his Fame were 10 higher.

Scarred Champion: Vildeis grants the strength to endure pain to strike down evil, and in escorting Ivvora's hilt back to the Twinhorn following, Constantin now caries a spark of that empyreal lord's divine resilience. When he would fail a saving throw against the spell or spell-like ability of an undead creature, he can once roll 1d6 and increase his save by that amount. If he does so the experience will leave him with a hand-sized scar somewhere on his body - a reminder of Vildeis's assistance.

Averted Mauling: By saving the half-elf courtesan Markov Rutowski in Ardis, Constantin has gained a political favor he can trade in while in Ustalav. Within the Immortal Principality, he may trade this political favor for any non-magical item worth up to 400 gp, including but not limited to masterwork weapons and armor and courtier clothing and jewelry.

Master of Blades Saved: By saving the life of famed adventurer and former Master of Blades Vonran Vilk, Constantin has earned a permanent place in the Pathfinder Chronicles. He gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks when dealing with members of the Pathfinder Society of his level or lower when he mentions this boon.

Twin Tomes: Constantin has gained access to the Infernal Incantation while the Pathfinder Society researches its contents. His time spent poring over the book's pages grants him proficiency in Celestial.

Duskwarden's Favor: Constantin's actions below Kaer Maga have impressed the Duskwardens, and these guides have taught him some of their tricks for safely navigating dangerous caverns. Constantin may once gain the ranger favored terrain ability (+2) in underground environments for the rest of the scenario.

Righteous Redemption: Thanks to Constantin's work bringing a lost hero's legacy to light, key leaders in the crusader nation of Lastwall have begun seeing Pathfinders less as ruffians and more as potential allies. Constantin has requisitioned two scrolls of lesser restoration.

Worthy Foe: Lastwall is the Inner Sea's bulwark against countless evils, and Constantin has proven himself against a local villain. As a swift action, he may thrice gain one of two benefits against humanoids with the human subtype. First, he can choose to gain a +2 bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls against them, as well as a +2 dodge bonus to AC their attacks. Alternatively, he can gain a +2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome their spell resistance, increase the DC of his spells and abilities against them by 1, and gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against those creatures' spells and abilities. Either benefit lasts until the beginning of his next turn.

Frozen Fortitude: Even the coldest wilderness could not fell Constantin. Now he is prepared to endure freezing attacks or even draw strength from the snow. As a swift action, he can use up this boon to gain cold resistance equal to 5+level for a minute. It can also be used as an immediate action to gain cold resistance equal to his level.

Triumph Over Scales: Constantin has braved the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, not only defeating a tribe of kobolds, but also slaying their white dragon overlords. He may use up this boon when a dragon or humanoid with the reptilian subtype would crit him to cancel it.

Faerie Dragon Improved Familiar: Constantin may bond with the faerie dragon Riddywipple using the Improved Familiar feat.

Air Affinity: Constantin's connection to elemental air has grown stronger over the course of his recent adventures.

Elemental Awakening: The Society has cast its gaze upon the Elemental Planes, and as Constantin and his colleagues explore these wondrous realms, he has developed a nuanced command of elemental forces and the ability to withstand a fraction of the local hazards.

Air (4/4) Constantin has electricity resistance 4. He also gains a +4 bonus to influence creatures with the air subtype. He can use up this boon to cast feather fall, fly, or mass fly (CL 12). Theophilus x3

Earth (1/4) Constantin has acid resistance 1. He also gains a +1 bonus to influence creatures with the earth subtype. He can use up this boon to cast stone shield (CL 3). Dunia

Fire (1/4) Constantin has fire resistance 1. He also gains a +1 bonus to influence creatures with the fire subtype. He can use up this boon to cast burning hands (CL 3, DC 16). Kulga

Water (1/4) Constantin has cold resistance 1. He also gains a +1 bonus to influence creatures with the water subtype. He can use up this boon to cast touch of the sea (CL 3). Shabah

Master Smith's Service: The slag giant Valsog is a master craftsman, and he offered to repair a broken item free of charge. Constantin can use up this boon at the end of an adventure to repair one item as though using make whole (CL 10). Alternatively, it can be used for Gamin the Misforged.

Oread's Favor: Constantin has earned the favor of a large group of oread geniekin.

XP 19
The Overflow Archives 6-15, At Shadow's Door 2-23, Library of the Lion 5-11, Web of Corruption 2-24, Delirium's Tangle 0-45, Emerald Spire: The Tower Ruins, The Solstice Scar (A) 8-99, The Midnight Mauler 3-16, Song of the Sea Witch (3-06), Beyond the Halflight Path, From the Tome of Righteous Repose 8-07, The Solstice Scar (B), The Sanos Abduction, Through Maelstrom Rift, Valley of Veiled Flame, To Scale the Dragon, Perils of the Pirate Pact

I'm providing a +3 to hit and damage as well as a bonus to saves against Charm and Fear in a mix of Competence and Morale bonuses

Black Coral Cove from Plunder and Peril before anything else!