Thassilonian Ambassador

Jian-Wei Ai's page

323 posts. Organized Play character for Aest.


CG Female Kitsune Mesmerist 3 | HP 24/24 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | CMD: 14 | F 3, R 7, W 5 (9 when Unemotional) | Init +7 | Per +7 (Low-Light Vision) | 1st: 0/4 Used





Special Abilities







Ai's Chronicles


Common, Sylvan


Itinerant Priestess of Picoperi/Pathfinder

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Additional Resources

About Jian-Wei Ai

Character Sheet:

Jian-Wei Ai
Female Kitsune Mesmerist 3 (8 XP, 14/16 PP)
CN Medium Humanoid (shapechanger, kitsune)
Initiative +7; Perception +7; low-light vision
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 14 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor, +1 Shield)
HP 24 (3d8+6)
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +5 (+9 When Unemotional)
Speed 30 ft.
Bite +1 (1d4-1/x2)
Mwk Light Crossbow +6 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks: Hypnotic Stare, Painful Stare
Spells (Concentration +6)
0th (DC 14): Lullaby (DC 16), Daze (DC 16), Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Ghost Sound, Open/Close
1st (4/day, DC 15): Sleep (DC 17), Vanish, Hideous Laughter (DC 17), Obscuring Mist
Str 09 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 18
BAB +2, CMB +1, CMD 14
{1st} Spell Focus (enchantment): +1 to DCs with selected school.
{3rd} Improved Initiative: +4 to initiative.
Grim Optimism (social): Standard action, all allies within 30 ft. gain +2 trait bonus vs. Fear/Pain effects for 1d4 rounds, affected 1/day.
Rice-Runner (regional): +1 to Acrobatics, is class skill.
Skills (Format is name: total (explanation for total) (6 Ranks Total)
Acrobatics: 11 (2 ranks, 3 ability, 3 CS, 2 race, 1 trait)
Bluff: 14 (3 ranks, 4 ability, 3 CS, 2 race, 1 class, 1 Ioun)
Diplomacy: 10 (3 ranks, 4 ability, 3 CS)
Disguise: 10 (3 ranks, 4 ability, 3 CS) (+10 to be Human w/ Change Shape)
Knowledge (religion): 4 (1 rank, 3 CS)
Linguistics: 4 (1 rank, 3 CS)
Perception: 7 (3 ranks, 1 ability, 3 CS)
Stealth: 8 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Tien
Equipment (On Person): Psychically Awoken Lamellar Armor +1 (1165, 8), Mwk Quickdraw Steel Shield (209, 7) Cleric’s Vestments (5, 6), Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000, 1), Mwk Light Crossbow (35, 4), 20 Bolts (2, 2), MwkBackpack (50, 4), 2 Days’ Trail Rations (.2, 2), White Fox Mask (1, 1), Scroll of Color Spray (25, _), Potion of CLW (50, _), 50/50 Wand of CLW (2PP, _), Wayfinder (Boon, 1), Cracked Pink and Green Sphere (200, _), Deluxe Dungeoneer's Kit (130, 15)
Encumbrance: 46.5 (33/66/100)
Finances: 2610 gp, 6 sp
Race/Class Features
Favored Class (mesmerist): +1 hit points/level
Agile: +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics.
Change Shape: As alter self, but does not adjust ability scores. Always takes the form of a single human of the same sex. +10 to disguise to look human, loses bite attack.
Kitsune Magic: +1 to the DC of enchantment spells, 3/day Dancing Lights SLA.
Natural Weapons: Bite attack, 1d4/x2, natural form only.
Low-Light Vision: Can see twice as far as humans in low light.
Consummate Liar: +1/2 level (min 1) to Bluff, qualifies for Improved/Greater Feint and things that require those feats.
Hypnotic Stare: Swift action, 30-ft. range. -2 penalty to Will saves, no save.
Mesmerist Tricks: Standard to apply, free (any time) to trigger), 4/day. DC 14 Will.
False Flanker: Drops a flanker into a viable square when ally begins threatening an enemy. Counts as a flanker.
Gift of Will: Triggers on Will save or ally's Sense Motive/enemy's Intimidate check. Can use the mesmerist’s Will in place of own, or can gain the mesmerist’s Cha modifier on ally's Sense Motive/against Enemy's Intimidate. Can’t be put on Ai.
Painful Stare: 1/round, when stare target is hit by anyone, can add +1/2 mesmerist level in damage to the attack, OR can add 1d6 if it’s the mesmerist's attack. Precision damage.
Towering Ego: +Cha to Will saves, unless under an emotion effect.
Bold Stare: Adds additional affects to Hypnotic Stare.
Psychic Inception: Can affect mindless/immune-to-mind-affecting-stuff enemies if staring. Can affect them when not staring with a +2 bonus to their saves and a 50% chance of ignoring the effect each round.


To Ai, everything’s a joke, and Pathfindering is the best joke of all. As long as she follows the Parables of Picoperi (The Longest Jokes on Golarion, Punny Puns for Punny People, and One-Line Wonders), the most frightening monsters are mere word-play, the most dastardly villains comic relief, and the most dangerous ruins more material for her jokes. With her father’s best jokes on her lips, there’s nothing she won’t stare down and no one she won’t out-pun on her way to discovering the most mysterious jokes in the universe!

As a part-time itinerant priestess of Picoperi (The most wise and well-known god in the world!), Ai is all about spreading her deity’s cheery demeanor and pleasant personality to everywhere. She’s been that way since her childhood, when her father’s bedtime stories came straight from the Parables of Picoperi. Her irrepressible, bubbly personality is sure to light up any group of dour and grim Pathfinders, and even the grumpiest are sure to show their genuine appreciation for her humor. How could it be otherwise, after all? Picoperi provides!

Height: 5’1”, Weight: 98 lbs, Age: 19, Hair: Red, loose and down past the waist, Skin Color: pale
Clothing: green and yellow robes over lamellar armor.


Explore, Report, Cooperate: 1 time, can ask GM if a decision would further the Pathfinder Society's goals. (Wounded Wisp, 1)

Prized Find: 1 time, can undo a failed success condition to earn a Prestige Point. (Wounded Wisp, 1)

Inside Knowledge: 1 time, can take 20 on a Knowledge check about the Aspis. (Consortium Compact, 2)

Lord Avid's Recommendation: +2 to Charisma-based checks vs. nobility on the Isle of Kortos. 1 time, can gain +4 on one such check. (Consortium Compact, 2)

Confirmed Field Agent: Can buy a Wayfinder for 1 PP. (Confirmation, 3)

Explore, Report, Cooperate: 1 time, can ask GM if a decision would further the Pathfinder Society's goals. (Confirmation, 3)

Friend of Janira: +1 to Knowledge checks when at the Grand Lodge. (Confirmation, 3)

Psychic Awakening: Generate charges on armor. Once 10 charges are used, the price of upgrading is reduced by 200/character level.

Axe Beak Companion: Can have an Axe Beak companion. (Quest for Perfection III, 6)

Gloomspire Explorer: +2 to Perception to find hidden objects in the Gloomspire. Can check box to use the +2 elsewhere for one scenario.