GM Armadillephant |
Alright, everybody, good to have you here! It took a while to figure out just who to choose, but you are the lucky six I've selected!
Feel free to take a look at one another's profiles and backstories, and perhaps start figuring out ways to intertwine your main characters so you already know each other.
However, let's not get ahead of ourselves! First it's time to play as the goblins...
To that end, there's mainly one issue here: two of you have selected to play Mogmurch, the alchemist pre-gen. This is a simple conflict to fix; someone will, unfortunately, have to change. The simplest alteration would be to take on Chuffy the Rogue, an equally disturbing and sadistic little SOB. Or, you can take the opportunity upon yourself to craft a unique goblin of your own! Whichever you prefer.
I'll probably be starting up gameplay in a day or two.
Great to have you all, and I hope to have many long months/years of fun running you through this!
Vanarch Landon |
I am truly humbled that you are willing to give a PbP noob like me a chance. Thank you and I promise to do my very best!
I'll look over everyone's profiles in the next two days. In the mean time, I am looking for advice from my fellow players about how to play well in a PbP format. I have read the guide on basic PbP formatting that was provided on the forum, and have read through some campaigns. Anything you can think off will be helpful so please don't be shy!
GM Armadillephant |
Doomed Hero's Guide to Play-by-Post Gaming
DH is very well-respected on here and is a pretty cool guy from my experience playing with him in a game. That guide is what I used to get started on here, helped get me into the first game I applied for. (That and a lax, newer GM will get you a long way.)
The main thing I have to offer beyond that link is that it's important on PbP to keep things moving and also to play to the strengths of it. PbPs are notorious for dying, and the main cause of death is that they'll slow down and then people will just stop posting. It's an unexplained phenomenon as far as I know, but it kills games fast. PbP isn't like the tabletop, where you can say something and your fellow players laugh and respond instantly. It can take hours, even days for a "round" of combat to pass, which can be rough.
However, I think PbP is brilliant for role-playing, especially character stuff. At a table, if you go off on a five-minute stream-of-consciousness monologue, or explain in detail the minute bits of what your character does and why, it's called light-hogging most of the time. Sure, you can RP a lot if your group is into that, but there comes a point where it stops.
On here, you write as much as you want, as detailed as you want. The only people who have to read it are the ones who want to read it. (And me, of course, but hey, I want to read it!) If it's not important to you, skip through other posts till you see actions or dice being rolled. I don't really suggest doing that, since a lot of planning and plot points might be missed, but still.
Combat will be somewhat slow--to mitigate that, I'll probably roll initiative for you guys, as well as saves and any AoOs provoked, unless you don't want me to do so. But at the same time, concerns for time when it comes to summoned creatures aren't as huge since the player can put it all in a single post that doesn't take much longer to read than a normal one.
GM Armadillephant |
Orin--I'm actually wondering about that myself. On one hand, the maps that come with the APs are great, but since I didn't order the books directly from the Paizo store, I don't have the special computerized maps. If I can figure out a way to scan them in properly, bring them to a good size without losing too much quality, and then bring in images to move them around, then I'll definitely use them. If it gets too much, I'll probably go theater of the mind, in which I'm lenient when it comes to things like cover, concealment, etc.
In my Fallout game I'm using Excel-type maps, but I'd rather not do this for this AP, since they won't do it justice.
Vanarch Landon |
For maps and such, I have seen people use roll20. I made an account to test it out and it is a powerful tool for online games. Watch the GM preview and the Player preview to get an idea of what you can do with it. It does have a learning curve though.
Rufus Fitzroi |
Here now. I will likely go back to my original idea of a Goblin Druid, as my initial reason for choosing Mogmurch was seeing so many others getting chosen & not him. I should have my Goblin Druid up & on here either tonight or tomorrow morning.
Fingernipper |
I'm fine with mapless. It'll be a pain to make them from scratch and it's a lot of work considering the average combat lasts 3 rounds. You'll have to decide how you want to deal with flanking and AOO's (nobodies' build seems to be dependant on them, so you could consider just eliminating them).
I figure we've got the goblins module to figure out what will work.
Vanarch Landon |
Ok I read everyone's backgrounds and here are my thoughts:
Rufus and Orin are probably strangers to Vanarch. I didn't see anything in your backgrounds that can be related to him, as both of you are recent immigrants to Standpoint and Vanarch has been away for the last 4 years.
Shalaye and Vanarch are siblings, so they know eachother well.
Vanarch and Lentuki grew up together, so good connection there.
Alex's background didn't mention Sandpoint at all so I guess he is a stranger to everyone.
Vanarch Landon |
Also about AOOs. A significant ability of this character is to allow everyone around him to get AOOs against an enemy that provokes from anyone of us, so long as they are threatening that enemy of course.
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |
As for the goblin druid, that sounds fine. Sorry on not being in the planned all-goblin group, Irnk :( Haha.
Oh, that's alright. As written, Irnk does not really get along well with most 'normal' Goblins...
It's that whole Paladin thing you know.Although I did have a blast playing him arguing in favor of King Gutwad being taken back into town & tried in court instead of just being killed & beheaded for the bounty & the imagined look on Sherriff Hemlock's face was priceless!
Aka, the many-lived |
& now, for something completely different!
Aka's song!
Many mouths make many bites!
Many teeth gnaw bones so fine!
Many lives make many deaths
Aka the many-lived lives again!
I don't have the mechanics down completely, but coming up with a song for her was always the most difficult.
Poog Dogbiter |
Poog here. I redid his song and personality a bit. Focusing more on the fact that he hasn't killed any dogs, but wants to so badly that he overcompensates (naming his first toad Dogsmasher, who ironicly got smashed by a dog, his new one dogfinder etc. etc. etc.)
Dogs are ‘fraid and always turn,
When Poog and Zarongel make things burn,
Burn the dogs, kill them all
Poog would have too, if he no fall
GM Armadillephant |
Fanguar--I will be keeping the AoO and flanking rules in, but as with cover and concealment, I'll be relatively lenient. If you say you're moving to flank, you're moving to flank, and you'll probably want to either do something to avoid an AoO or just hope it doesn't hit.
Likewise, unless the enemies are intelligent enough to avoid Attacks of Opportunity, they will provoke. And enemies won't generally have cover or concealment unless I say so or heavily imply it.
Looking forward to getting this started!
GM Armadillephant |
His Girthiness Chief Gutwad |
Goblins! We has problem.
One of yous not here. Name Gawg, he witch, shake a bone stick, make noise and magic. Not mighty as me, but still strong. Good to have with. Voice in sky tell me he also know longshanks called "Alex," is a 'burd'--whatever that mean. He no seen for few days, and me want start game. Me try talk to Gawg, he no talk back. Not sure what do, want ask yous.
Yous wants wait for Gawg, or go without Gawg and when he come he go with, or find new goblin instead of Gawg? Could get from other goblins who wanted to go.
Basically, I'm wondering what's up with Brother Spider, who's playing Gawg and Alexander. He hasn't posted anywhere since Thursday, so I'm not sure what's up. What do you guys want to do? We can wait up for him a day or two, move on now and bring him up to speed if/when he gets here, or recruit another person, probably from the recruitment pool. What do you guys think?
Vanarch Landon |
Although I'm not yet familiar with the accepted conventions of etiquette here on the Paizo boards, I do think that it is rude to disappear without warning and make everyone wait. This precedent does not reflect well on Brother Spider and having reliable players is important to the health of the campaign, therefore I cast my vote for recruiting another player.
GM Armadillephant |
I generally agree, Vanarch, though I admit that I've had a couple of extended, unprepared-for absences without warning. I'm willing to wait for a bit, but if I don't hear from him soon, I'm prepared to move on.
Of course, we could always move on with the five of you. That's already one more PC than the campaign was designed for, and between even the five of you you should have the main roles covered.
Looking through the submissions, the best replacement for the skill role that Alex was filling would be, I think, Luca Vhiski. A reflavored ninja and Sandru's brother, Luca could be quite nice to have along. I'd need to request bi0philia to finish the character, and I'd probably have him play Chuffy, the pre-gen goblin rogue, to get things going.
Aka, the many-lived |
I would argue for continuing on & allowing him to catch up when he returns. If more than a week or so goes by without him, then we might consider if we want to 'fill his slot' as-it-were.
Vanarch Landon |
Perhaps I've been too hard on Brother Spider about his/her absence. I understand that life can be unpredictable sometimes and I too have been guilty of such behavior in the past. Please disregard my previous comment and I will support Aka's proposed course of action regarding Brother Spider.
Fingernipper |
Brother spider hasn't posted anything on the boards in a week and has only ever posted a dozen times, so I would give even odds that he turns up again.
As is, we can start the goblins without him and he can jump in, if he turns up. If he doesn't, I'm fine with running with five (fewer players = faster pace), or inviting Luca.
GM Armadillephant |
Hey, just a check-in to let you know that I have some family visiting for Mother's Day, so I don't have much time to post. I might get some in at school, but I probably won't be able to post from home for a few days. I'll try and keep things moving as best as I can, but feel free to just RP a little until I get the chance to move forward!
GM Armadillephant |
Hey, everybody, I'm back. I'm sorry for my absence. It was much longer than intended. I really only was going to be away for a few days as family visited. Then the hammer of life came crashing down--AP tests, school work as the year comes to a close, trying to find a summer job... Things piled up. As such, it's been two weeks since I even got on the forum.
I'm trying to get back into the forum games, patching up where I am, and while I'm dropping some, I'd like to keep this thing going. Loving the RP and the potential here within the group a lot, and running an AP isn't that strenuous in and of itself, even if I change things up a little, so I'll try and get this thing back on track!
Again, sorry for my absence, and I hope that it's the only long delay we'll have in this game. That said, I may be a little spotty in posting until graduation on the 6th of June, so bear with me!
Aka, the many-lived |
As the others have stated. That said...
Guys, sorry, I was away from all computer & internet over the weekend. I'll check gameplay & post either later tonight or tomorrow morning sometime.
GM Armadillephant |
Alright everyone, sorry there's been a lag. I've been finishing up school, and I was also waiting on Poog, who seems to have lapsed out of posting. My graduation was last night and I'm ready to move on, though. I think that, as we are, we'll continue for the time being, and our missing folks can jump in if/when they catch up. If they haven't done so by the end of the goblin module, then I'm not sure what we'll do. For now, though, I think I'll move us on.
Expect a gameplay post in a bit.
GM Armadillephant |
Okay, it seems like we've hit another lag. I'm not sure what's going on, but we've seemed to have become stagnant. I sent PMs to our missing folks, but I dunno what's going on right now.
My thinking is this: if things don't pick up soon, I'm going to call this game off, and open up recruitment for the Jade Goblin Adventure Path--the goblin version of Jade Regent that I mentioned in the Recruitment thread. You two will have first dibs on spots in that game.
How's that sound?
Fingernipper |
I'm fine if you want to kill this campaign, though I don't think I would interested in playing a goblin longterm, so I would probably pass on the new campaign.
GM Armadillephant |
Alright. I just think that this has kind of fallen apart, and to tell the truth I set it up partially as a favor to one of the players who wanted to play Jade Regent. I've wanted to run the path for a while, but I usually do homebrew-y stuff to even published campaigns.
I can't stress enough how much fun it's been gaming with you lot, though. All of you captured the idea of goblinhood and everything goblins are perfectly, and it's been hilarious to see your antics with NPCs and one another.
Hope to see you around!