GM Aria's Kingdom Come - The Stolen Lands (Inactive)

Game Master Hu5tru

Paizo's Kingmaker to ManOwaR! It's grind-a-licious.

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Male Human Fighter/2

Sorry GM Aria, Tam got a migrain earlier today at school and took a dip in the hot tub but he'll be on later :)

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Sorry and thanks to mord i dont have to explain my absence for the day yeah I have bad case of migraines sometimes but yea I vote ooc to continue path of scouting and then go to bandit camp and sense tam is off chatting with kayla cant exactly rp that out without sense of godmodding lol anyways look forward to getting back into the game been cramming for accounting test i took today so you all mightve seen change in availability hopefully it calms down for a while

Okie doke. I promised my CC group I'd work on their intro for a bit tonight, but, I will have a post up by the latest tomorrow morning and we can go from there.

Again, if you are interested in continuing speaking to Kayla you can post on the IC, but after I post the "moving along" post in the morning, bring it here, please.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

Hooray, I like that idea! Onward into the wilds!

DAMMIT! Where's my popcorn!

The two really annoying characters in my Jade Regent soap opera are finally going to engage in coitus (deleted the f-word because... is midnight +2), and I don't have any gosh darn popcorn or a gosh darn academy award for their excellent role playing into getting each other into bed!

And of course, I can't go to sleep now unless I know that they're going to have carnal relations with each other right this moment.


Why can't I look away?

Edit Darnit, I was totally disappointed. I expected the characters to stand around talking about carnal knowledge again while combat ensued elsewhere, but the freaking tease just walked out!

Why do I bother!

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

I' disappointed in you Aria. Go cry in the corner.

I know, I know. I've a perfectly good book sitting beside me at all times. I guess I got a bit silly when I was working on the stuff for CC.

I know I forgot about a random I rolled earlier, and when I looked at the map before bed I felt pretty cruddy about that, but I can always place it later, and it'll be like you didn't just read that I forgot about a random just now.


Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

so we waiting on stannis again then mites then james then mord then me again yes?

Yep. These are hardly solid enemies.

Aaand, should be introducing your new healer this weekend. Maybe even later today.

On that note... I will think of something and continue with Ali soon.


Picking up where we left off, with some fast forwarding if you do not mind terribly, to get you caught up with the party.

GM Screen:

Tig Handle Animal 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Tig Perform Strings 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Ali Perception 1d20 ⇒ 3

You walk through the evening, and when you recognize that it is time for you to rest, Tig joins you for a while. If you offer some food as before, she will accept. She does not need to eat much. While you consume your dinner, she attempts to coax Mousey out of hiding, and succeeds in getting the creature to be calm with her. She scratches behind his ears and speaks to him in Sylvan

"Your master is very good, for a biggenses. His music soothes, though he should learn to smile more," she says and grins. "It is good that you are protecting him."

Tig remains with you a while more, cozing you to play your flute again, and this time instead of dancing, she joins in with a tiny violin, and her performance is excellent. You settle down for the evening, after and she flits up, suspending her tiny, ill proportioned body quite well with her powerful wings.

"I go to join my people for the eve. For your song, we watch over ye in the night, make no harm come against ye," she assures you and flies into the cover.


The next morning, you wake to the sound of Tig's wings fluttering. She lays more than a few handfuls of berries at your feet, and calls and gestures for Mousey to come and join you. "Payment for ye generosity," she says and grins. "No better breakfast to be found!"

You take a berry and eat it, and you recognize that there is no sweeter and more tart taste than you have ever known. Its effect on your palate is as good as a song. Tig takes one as well and begins to hum as she buries her little face in one herself, getting its juice all over herself, but not seeming to care. When she looks up and grins at you, you can see the seeds stuck in her teeth, but she seems to purr, content with the bounty.

Male Human Fighter/2

Booyah! Nice shootin Stan :)


Well guys. A bit of a downer, but... my lappy that i typically use all the time had a fit and died on me earlier. Over heated playing L4D2 with the hubby, so I am going to give it a rest.

Unfortunately all my game stuff is on there, like the kingmaker books, my notes and what not.

Should not impact the game permanently, I just need to give the little bugger some time to rest. And will be backing up my files accordingly when I do.

Thanks in advance for understanding.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

Ali on the evening has a chunk of mealy bread and a chunk of corn, that he offers to share with the friendly Tig. "Eat up, a shared meal is shared 'appiness." Before he plays a evensong; a slow dirge full of poignant stanzas and beautiful chords, as tig joins in Ali smiles as the notes drift away on the breeze.

Throwing his blanket over him, "Thank you, to both you and thee people. They art kind and honest, may the creator watch o'er them." Ali them falls straight asleep after a tiring day full of walking. But he is fulfilled, his first day with another sentient being for a few moons.

The next morning after Ali sees the meal Tig provided. "Oh, thank you. It's too kind, truly your heart is so full that it can barely contain your spirit." Ali says grace them starts to carefully eat the bounty his friend has provided, in stark contrast to Tigs silliness. Mousey comes out and joins them for the food nibbling carefully on the juicey berries so that it nearly stains his coat. "Do ya need a bit a clean-up thar?" Ali asks hearing the juice squirt all over Tig, with a slow smile upon his face and he places his (rather muddy) hankie upon the stump where they rest.

Sorry for not posting earlier but been out carousing all afternoon & night :)

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Wow have you seen some of the submissions on that game aria gah im sorry i try and think of myself as open but lol these people just want overly bamphed characters

Not a problem, I'm all for carousing. :)

Tig shakes her head vigorously. "No. The birds flew these in directly. Is not very often we have them. Fangberries they be called, and are found without the wood. My people call the birds to pluck them from their stalks, because their juice is so sweet," she wipes her mouth with her arm and grins.

After breakfast, she continues leading you to the east, and you begin to notice that gradually, the dense cover that you suppose that she and her people use as means of conveying and concealing themselves is lessening as the dense folliage of the wood gives way to scattered patches of grass. You cannot remember the last time that you heard the river.

At lunch, Tig is much quieter, and will take any offered food, but she does not sing. When you gather your things to leave, she flies up and places a kiss on your cheek. "Continue this way, and ye will come upon the land of men. Me and mine go no further," she says. "There are greater dangers than we in these wood, boy. We will pray to our gods to bless and keep ye from them. Come back and play for us!"

Tam Hawke wrote:
Wow have you seen some of the submissions on that game aria gah im sorry i try and think of myself as open but lol these people just want overly bamphed characters

Which game do you speak of, the goodly KM game I bowed out of?


The GM basically told me in another thread that he'd have to consider another arcanist, now. He was that impressed with my sorc. I feel kinda bad, but I submitted her to another game that he applied to, maybe we'll be able to play together, now :)

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

"Aye, that i will. And i'll learn some of the finer melodies of men for thee. I hope that they'll please your ears." 'I hope they'll please mine.'

Facing the East Ali feels a mixture of apprehension and excitement at the thought of meeting a multitude of persons. He looks back to the sprite, his eyes start to fill up. "Thanks, you have been kinder than many 'biggenses' that i have met & i look forward to meeting you again. In good health and good spirits." Ali leaves a small portion of food and a decorative button for his new friend.


Okie doke. From there I will narrate your travels until you meet up with the group. Waiting on a response from James in either thread before we continue, so if you are not already, keep tabs on the IC thread for your intro and time to shine!


Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Well i Like my character but im worried even if im accepted ill be lumped with all theses ridiculous changeling tieflings characters uggg

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

Ok, but it might have to be tommorrow :) [3:20 & after beer & cocktails => sleepy] Have a great evening.

Yep, I am assuming that as well.

Sleep well.

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

I like my character been wanting to play him for a while now but now even if I was accepted im afraid ill be lumped in with all these changelings and tieflings and ridiculous monks UG!

Check yer inbox, homeslice. I don't wanna get into it on the boards.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

I'm good with moving on, nothign to say IC.

okie doke. lemme go grab my stick, and I will get to postin'.

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

oh NO! Our gm has been eaten by a gelatinous cube! NOOOOOOO! lol


Male Human Fighter/2

Actually Aria Tam does have it trained he has a plus seven to stealth I mean dont help now but hehe

Oh jeebus... it was hidden behind 8 freaking conditional sleight of hand checks. My bad. I apologize. Silly GM reading Sleight of hand in when I sneeze and need to hide my boogers from my girlfriend +5, Sleight of Hand when I need to slip down in the night when the party is right out side my bedroll +7, &c, &c

Anyway, your straight 4 on a d20 Mordecai, did not cut it. Sorry. but... this should be a cakewalk, in theory.

Male Human Fighter/2

Sorry bout that do you want him to put all the Sleight of hand checks in a spoiler or something?

Nah, is cool, I just had a brain fart. Is what we like to call human error. It happens occasionally to prove that we are. Sorry if I spoiled your illusions that I was in fact a GMing machine that is perfect at everything. :P

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

Wow, just been out to my RL D&D game. It was hilarious, because we changed back to our primary party. The amount of stuff we have is outrageous - i have 30+ wands, 60+ scrolls, 6 magic rings and over 50 other magic items. And now i have to consolidate the party pool of stuff.

Anyways just really bumping the thread and wishing everyone a great day.

Wow, that wealth.


Last RL game i was in was our KM group, where my cleric was always the poorest party member. Because she had to keep her two-handed sword paladin cohort and husband effective. Our "king" had a bard as his co-hort and co-ruler, she always the last person to get anything, and he never spent his personal money on her.

dat game... oh dear...

Yeah, waiting on james to post an action. Waiting on his buddy to post a rogue so I can get my CC game squared and moving. Those that have been waiting already for three weeks... Man I feel like a tool that I'm holding up progress at this time. I took over the game because our previous GM basically flaked out hardcore, and left us all in the dark before finally saying she quit the game. Luckily is the weekend and not many people post during these times anyway.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

NP, i was just saying hello & now 'Night.

Unfortunately, all the stuff we have in that game can be quite poor. When you it costs more to get things identified than they are worth. (we can sell a +1 sword for 185gp) & when you fight randomly powerful monsters, this level 5-7 party regular has to fight Liches, Demi-Liches, vampires, willo-wisps and stuff. But it can be great old-school fun.

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

So fing pissed at my rl group right now they made my whole character worthless the entire fight just sat outside telling them come outside so I could help but no they bsed me by saying oh this is what our characters would do then they tell my brother just let your horse (Cavalier) die so it saves the rest of us

Oh wow. And I thought still being angry at the group that made me feel like a monster because I wouldn't put up with their inability to actually act like a group and stop acting like a bunch of children who didn't care a fig about being good or completing any semblance of quest while they all verbally satisfy each other was bad.

They actually suggested that your brother sacrifice his trained warhorse to save their asses?


It isn't worth it.

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Yeah and the ranger GM said Oh i wont take an AOO from this fungus creature because I might take dmg only he would probably not be hit AND he has like a +10 to fort and wouldnt miss the sacve anyways so just bs as my huge wolf that has thornbody, produce flame, Strong Jaw on it ready to attack the owlbear once everyone else can help as well no the ranger decides he will sit in the tighest corrider and block whole party cause he likes killing shit

so heres my huge wolf form first attack

Strong Jaw makes jaws a 4d6 bite, prodice flame 1d6+5, thornbody 1d6+8
dmg4d6 + 9 + 1d6 + 5 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 3) + 9 + (4) + 5 + (5) + 7 = 41

Claws from Aspect of the beast feat
3d6 + 3 + 1d6 + 5 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 5, 3) + 3 + (1) + 5 + (1) + 7 = 31
3d6 + 3 + 1d6 + 5 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (5, 5, 2) + 3 + (6) + 5 + (2) + 7 = 35

Fing ranger with greatsword power attack has nothing on me SOOOO pissed

Just walk away. Really. It's supposed to be a game. It's not supposed to frustrate you. If you're not having fun, why subject yourself to such aggravation?


Don't get me wrong, I totally know where you're coming with. It pisses me off that the bad game I had to leave to progress is still going on and is no longer kingmaker, that the stupid b@$~$ who was playing an evil druid who refused to help the party is now getting orally satisfied by every f~&~ing member of that group because she's a good for nothing sue who is coddled by the GM, his GMPC and his other pet player. Now she's got another cleric player wrapped around her f%@~ing finger and it just makes me f#$!ing sick to my stomach with rage sometimes.

I'm hoping when I get back home and can be with my husband again, I can heal, but really, being part of that game broke something inside me. It's like Ahab and moby dick, I just need to pursue it until everyone sees that I was not in the wrong, and that horrible b$~+% and that shitty GM with his evil GMPC who leveled weapons on my unarmed cleric while she was healing a party member were in the wrong. Not me. I just... can't let it go.

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

So stannis turn as spell still isnt cast yet for Mord

He said he would delay until the spell was finished. I assumed he meant until the spell took effect, as in, when the boar was brought down. But technically, you are right, it is still Stanis's initiative when the boar goes down from the spell.

Male Human Fighter/2

A question before i "slaughter" it, am i allowed to coup de grace the boar since its helpless? Our RL GM is REEEALLY anal about Coup de grace, unless its his stupid ranger that is. anywho :) coup de grace or no de grace? lolz

Aye. Sleep renders creatures helpless. The helpless condition is a prerequisite to taking a full round action to coup de grace a boar who would have killed you for invading its territory. In case I did not set that up well enough.

And I'm not you RL GM. I don't allow players to frustrate each other and treat each other like feces, thanks.

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Tam stabs the boar a few times to make sure its dead hehehe but I vote CAMPING!


Camping and continue the pattern? Camping and go find the bandits? Camping and enter the dark and scurry woods?

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

continue pattern working well so far haha

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

Awww... but James wants some bacon. And I bet Oleg would be happy to get such a big boars head... or skull. whatever.

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Oh is this tuskgutter I dont know if I actually caught that lol but yeah if its a quest we need to turn in all for doing that.

James just wants to see the guard captain again lol

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

Hey! Leave long tall and sexy out of this. I have perfectly legitimate reasons... but yeah... he is cute isn't he?

Well, not to be meta, but I'll be bringing Ali in soon. *ahem*

That may complicate things slightly. Or not. Up to you guys :P

And yes, Kesten is dreamy.

Also, I would appreciate if you guys actually discussed what you wanted to do on the board. I sorta get the feeling like I'm pushing you along. I don't want this thing to get stagnant, but you as characters need to be progressing this thing, deciding where you will go. This tells me who will be the leader type, who follows... all those things that will be very important in the second book.

I get the feeling like this is turning out like my RL game where hubby just decided that since the fighter, the wizard and the rogue didn't ever say what they were up to, he just assumed they were all having sex with each other to justify their hivemind in combat.

I really don't want to run that sort of game.

Male Human Universalist 2

My RL group are not very good at character point-of-view roleplay. They have their fun through OOC joking, and more or less war-game during combat. They have moments, sure, but most of the time they are more or less caricatures rather than characters, basing decisions off broad generalizations rather than coherent thought. Like the LN wizard being super-lawful, and caring not a whit for anything but the law.

And yes, they are very much guilty of super-meta power-gaming. Suffice to say that if I ran any of the parts as written, the OP wizard and fighter could EASILY do it with just the two of em. By lv7, the wizard could easily take out encounters before they even started, and the fighter had to roll VERY poorly in order to do less than 100 damage per round.

And regarding the hive-mind, dear lord... the wizard player would go "delay until such and such", and the rest of the party would go along without even attempting to do an in-character justification, and everyone magically know the parameters of ALL the wizards' spells. Even the ones the players had never heard about OOC...

More or less killed my desire to GM.

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