GM Aria's Kingdom Come - The Stolen Lands (Inactive)

Game Master Hu5tru

Paizo's Kingmaker to ManOwaR! It's grind-a-licious.

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Oh, believe me, I love that one of your group is not from Brevoy, or from a noble house, merchant family or have anything really to do with the Brevic court of any kind. James is somewhat of a peacock, and I'm pretty confident saying that his perspective is not that of the common guy looking down the barrel of a musket the way that the Americans did when the redcoats showed up to enforce the King's claims.

As for the accent, it is cool, whatever you like to do. I tend not to give my characters them in terms of actual dialog since I figure some people might be reading on their phones or some other device and not really have the time to go "well, here we are again with the problem dialog" and have to read it a few times.

Got an Ulfen sorc in a Jade Regent game I have cursing in Norwegian and imagine with a really thick accent when she's stressed out, but since there's no real way to portray that textually, I just say "her accent is really thick"

otherwise I'd have to express it in a bunch of accents and tildas like

"Haa~loow, mi naav'n ee~s Lisssabett, and jeg aar fra Noo~rge."

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

Yes, most of the time i don't really like written accents. But i am trying to keep it light a few dropped h's and mostly use different language styles, mostly in terms of phrasing.

Anyway now to watch a few mins of NFL before bed.

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

So who wants to hear how I negated 24 wisps in a encounter with one spell? lol

A resist energy spell? :P

Male Human Fighter/2

He made the GM veeery angry and bored and sleepy. 24 willowisps did only 5 dmg overall to his wolf. a cr 16 prob encounter turned into a cr 2 with appropriate exp.

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

resist energy communal at level 7 20 resist for everyone lol

Male Human Fighter/2

hey, at least ur not a gmpc made for the entire campaign w a greatsword swinging minimum damage for 18 against anything and cleaving into anything else around him. next to that, that communal spell at least helped. all HE does is kill everything. well, except for the forest drake. My cavalier totally killed that XD almost entirely by himself. challenged it, hit it hard w sword, then it tried to fly away and i spiked it w my composite bow for max damage. made me feel rly good. :)

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Alright new day and lets get goin lol

Not my turn. It's up to ya'lls initiative, now.

Oiy, Tam, you wanted to be spymaster, right?

James, have you a position in the G-ment in mind? I got a fighter devoted to Calstiria who I could have as an NPC who might fill the Assassin role if ya'll would like, but I don't want to step on any toes.

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Spymaster or considering ruler I dunno kinda going to let the "adventure/storyline" decide

EDIT I was hoping the others would post before Tam went again lol

That would be my hope as well. Need ta get this puppy movin' again :P.

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Mord's out at the fair today but I think plan could be accompany kayla to olegs rest then head out to next hex

That is Tam's plan, but I've yet to hear his party's thoughts on his suggestion, and Kayla has already suggested that you should continue on and not worry about her. So... Yeah, I'm waiting on folk to respond in the affirmative to either her suggestion or yours, or come up with something else before we can move on.

Working on Duana today, making her more or less human, depending on your perspective.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

James is good to move on with the exploring aroundt he place, but either way is fine.

Okie, consulting the traveling rules I wrote into my profile - Tam, if you wish to, you could pack up the lady Kayla and Lyle and ride back to Oleg's in three hours, spend the night there, and ride back in the morning to meet your party there, if they choose to stay the night. It is an option. But so far as she's concerned, she's fine with walking with Lyle and letting you all be about your business being heroes who beat up monsters and bandits.

Male Human Fighter/2

Woo monster trucks! anyways, Mordecai would be voting to accompany her back. her arriving safely is more important to him than going out and beating up baddies atm :) not trying to score w her, Mordecai embodies the "i shall save/protect the damsel!" ideal as much as a non-cavalier can in my mind :)

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

Hey just had random thought but is really important i mean it isnt very prevalent since we have all male party (exception is Ali) that in our rl game the two players , the king and queen couldnt make it so gm in inspiration made up a random reason to explain their absence in the adventuring. he gave it 10% chance and he rolled 10 and poof she was pregnant lol (we now have a tiefling prince great that will go over in the council of nations) so when they arrive going to be funny as hell to ask So whats the name of the baby prince lol but yeah how would you want us to play that out?

Want to play what out?

Your Mountain Dew paragraph was kinda grating on the eyes. I am uncertain what your question is. How do you want to play out romances and knocking the boots and making offspring? or...

Edit Since three of you have stated you're okay escorting the girl back to Oleg's, I will start working on a post to that effect, but you'll not be leaving in the night.

So, Tam if you want to speak with the lady "tonight", just let me know and we can do it here on the OOC boards, or through email if you would prefer it to be more private. Although I should preface and say that nothing of the knockin' boots order is gonna be anything but implied should you get to that point.

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

*deep beath* ok explaining this went out of window now lol just realized how my post was interpreted lol

when the woman becomes pregnant her movement is slightly restricted lol not to mention altered fighting abilities.

Fathers would most likely want to be by her side 24/7 least I would

Anyways. This would severely constrict adventuring ability yes? how would you want us to do that? ug this harder than i thought

Male Human Universalist 2

Easy Solution: Don't bump uglies until part 2, where we have people to babysit significant others inside our safe city. Either way, very few significant others will likely join US in the active hero business, meaning their adventurer potential means little.

And men did not sit home with their preggers wives back in the olden days. That is a wholly modern social construct. Other women cared for the preggers woman in the last stages, and the men went out and did their job, and decent bosses gave the new fathers a bonus, so the child could come into a somewhat more comfortable world.

Otherwise, she IS a spellcaster, and there is a lv0 spell that inhibits pregnancies, meaning casters can do the horizontal tango without repercussions.

Oh, I see.

Well, in our RL game, the characters who bred didn't give a fart about their kids. Well, that's kinda mean. But, the way we handled it is that after the birth of their children, they got a month or however long they wanted off to bond with their kid before we went off on adventure again. Since mine was the only female PC, we weren't really impacted by the pregnancy issue...

Until my Cleric took her honeymoon in Nirvana with her paladin husband and got herself knocked up. She adventured til the freaking week the kid was born, because it was in book 5 and our party literally would not have survived if not for the cleric running around after them casting Heal (couldn't tactics for poo). She was literally melted by black dragon acid in her first trimester and delivered an aasimar baby.

And guess what? She got jack and poo for downtime. Her downtime was putting together the ruins of an unstable nation a few days after the baby's birth. Within weeks of his birth, we started book 6 and it was absolutely disallowed that she take any time to recover.


I am not going to be that mean, but if you want to take off time to be with yer baby mama (assuming you get to gettin' girls preggers right off the bat) I suggest you take it up with the group if they're comfortable with summoning a co-hort to take your place, or hiring an NPC, or something...

Male Human Universalist 2

> Adventure, and live like a man, taking shit in stride and protect EVERYONE against danger like a true boss.

> Be homebody and make babies, care for ONE child above all, be unable to do heroism, because you're a dainty mother that needs protection.

Pick one. Women =/= Men, no matter how loud modern "feminism" tries to holler.

Also, I just love how some people fail to see that the PCs = godlike protectors of the realm, and the only hope for survival you have in this AP, and instead treat their roles as a 9-5 job at the office. We are literally the ONLY thing that keeps each and every thing in the country we eventually create from being troll-fodder... at best.

Yesss. You can probably tell that Hubby and I have had this argument before.

See, coz by book 5, I could really care less about the whole mass combat bullcrud that everyone else (who played the WH40K game) were all riled up about. So I got my character knocked up, because it was her goal from the very beginning to build a home where her children could be free. (She was a Qadiri harem girl nearly enslaved turned cleric who really really wanted to start a family from day 1 basically.) And it was pretty cool to have an 8 month pregnant cleric standing on the battlements beside her paladin husband and cohort lobbing blade barriers and tearing stuff to absolute shreds.

But what was not cool was when my husband said "Okay, since Naadhira is having her baby, I'll stat out the NPC cleric (who is actually higher level than her) to help the party out so she can get a break and you can run your cohort in battle," and then when it came down to actual play, he had not, and I was forced to run my cleric.

So yeah, two different perspectives.

Again, if you get your party to sign off on Tam essentially quitting the hero business to fart about on his butt and they have to recruit an NPC to accompany them who will be significantly less helpful (unless I make him or her to be as badass as you guys, and that wouldn't make any sense whatsoever) then more power to ya, Papi. Although, like Stanis said, it is probably not a good idea to start doing those sorta things until you've dealt with the bandit threat at the very least, although the remainder of the books pull their punches, too.

hahaha. I do like how I said "feel free to ask after Ladislaus" and mordecai just assumes that he's there.

Which he isn't, otherwise I would have put him there in the post, along with every other NPC that is there.

Male Human Fighter/2

OOOOH i am veyr sorry GM Aria :( ill go back and edit right away

EDIT: again really sorry about that, i assumed by ask after him I meant that he was there and we were asking him how he was. sorry, misinterpreted that. my bad. :)

Is cool. I will have to decide what to do with him at some point, but for now I'm just going to say he was called away on another mission of some import, seeing as he was not...

Oh. Wow. okie. Came up with a solution just now.

Yay for higher brain function!

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

Higher Brain function is Over-rated *drools*


Would you like a plot convenient GM Fiat teleport to Oleg's, or are you cool with waiting a while longer to be found wandering?

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

GM Aria:
I am happy with waiting, heck I've got a PC in a game on these boards for over 1 month & it hasn't started yet.

I think it will be more organic & fun this way.


Okie doke. I'll see which direction the PCs go now, and will adjust where Tig leads Ali to fit where you can meet up as quickly as possible, then. :)

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Calistria 1

My Heart! She is Wounded!

Haha... I like the prejudice I get from all sides.... it ain't easy bein' easy baby.

Well, he's a cleric of Erastil. What do you expect?

He's not going to be in party. Kayla's prejudice was momentary. As a Pharasman she knows that lust is a step in the cycle of life. She doesn't much favor the revenge aspects, but, you know, she's not confident enough to fight you on anything. :P

Male Human Fighter/2

lolz just saw the ooc part on ur post :) Mordecai means that he was curious to know if they had found a place beyond stabling horses, like how Devlin was helping Kesten Garess.

EDIT: Then again u just answered that in the actual post so i guess it doesnt matter :)

*bounces on tail*

Hey guys, just thought I would get you the heads up. The UDI says I get to be with my husband over the holidays, so sometime in October (date to be determined shortly) I'll be away from compy and such for a few days of travel and reacquainting myself with my hubby/getting over jet lag. Likely I'll be able to post at least once a day when that happens. Doesn't mean that this AP is going to stall out, but I will be a GMT +1 instead of -8, so the times I will be posting will be significantly different, if that makes sense.

*bounce bounce bounce*

Being without my S.O. for five months has been pretty crap.

Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

Glad to here that i know you'll have a great time. :)

Male Human Fighter/2

:DI am so happy for u GM Aria! I know I'd go crazy if I couldn't see my gf for 5 months, and we aren't even married. :) I hope u guys have a LOAD of fun :D

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

OK, so Aria convinced me in another thread to make myself another Carrion Crown game. Since I know everyone in here is a good roleplayer, has a good posting rate, and is generally fun, I'm opening recruitment to here and my other game first. I'm planning 4-5 PCs and at least one will be someone I've never played with before, so to you guys, 3-4 PCs. Anyone interested?

Male Human Fighter/2

I am EXTREMELY interested, never played CC so am very eager to see another storyline :) also I have a cpl questions for my character, I have a half-orc Armored hulk already made on Paizo never been put into a game, would he be ok? I'll ask more in teh thread when it's up :)

I am interested, as well.

If there is room, of course. Funny thing is i have 2 PC's for games that i haven't started (this & another) & GMing my DF game hasn't started but i will be still able to keep up the posting rate.

Male Human Universalist 2

Mite b fun. Made a cleric that never got anywhere for this camp IRL. GM is a control freak that thinks horror cannot be done "right" in PF, since we are superheroes after level 5.

But will give other kids the go before me, since I have obscene amounts of work, and live in Norway, which means I am asleep during american primetime.

Then again, wife will be here with me, and Machina is british, so might work better than expected.

*bounce bounce bounce*

Good day. Get to be with hubby for his b-day and the holidays (we haven't been apart for them since we met almost five years ago), don't have to GMPC, get into a game with a GM I know and probably players who aren't poo-tastic. Life good. :)

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

Well great, I'm one player more than I wanted initially and I don't have someone I haven't played with and I suspect Tam will want to play... damnit I have too many friends on these boards lol

Gooble, Gobble, gooble gobble! We accept her, we accept her! One of us! One of us!

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

I would love to play carrion crown was one that i was very interested in but I believe I have too many games already so regretfully I have to bow out to the others though I do enjoy the games I am in already haha

Plus noooo idea for character concept as all ideas currently in use and last one is waiting on approval on another recruit thread and only fits there cause no other game/AP really allows horses lol

Damn now I sad lol

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter

James watch this episode lol made me think of you hahahaha

When james is dumped by a girl, bugs and bugs and bugs and bugs

Okie guys

Feel free to roleplay out/godmod whatever you would like to do in the evening, but -

you now have several options as to how to proceed from here

A. Continue with what you were doing, and pick up in the next hex in the honeycomb grid you guys were mapping in the morning.

B. Strike out with Jhod to the southwest in search of his demon bear and lost temple to Erastil (and perhaps find the bandit camp, it was thataway thereabouts, if you recall).

C. March southeast to the Kamelands to discover this secret treasure... and maybe more bandits.

Essentially, for all you know, south be bandit territory, thick as thieves that area be, I reckon

D. Your option here. Don't feel as though I'm limiting you, I'd just like to know what your plans are so I can plan an appropriate post.

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

James is all for continuing the pattern. Also, I've decided on Stanis and Aria for the CC game from over here, So pop in and say hi.

Male Human Fighter/2

ALl right Ryuko :) have fun stanis and Aria, please let me know how it is.

Thanks for the consideration Ryuko. I look forward to following the thread. :)

Okay, so as of now we have two votes for continuing the pattern of clearing and maping the adjacent hexes before going off to search for demon bears and bandits.

Mordecai wants to search for demon bears and bandits.

Tam, your thoughts please?

I would like to get a post up sometime tonight that will get you guys through the evening and truckin' so we don't get bogged down and this things stalls out.

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