Dungeon World PBP play (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

Watch as our heroes, using skills aquired from across the continent, join together to combat evil and defend their adopted town

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Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

They have a ton of YouTube videos online. I bought it to play with my wife, but I haven’t played yet.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Okay. not that I don't think that one looks fun (though, I will confess , I actually never read any Jane Austen. in 11th grade, Bronte sounded better)

I'll go through the games I know:

The Big 4:

DW I would be willing, should you guys want it.

AW A little burned out from standard, but FAllen empires wuld be fun... I wish Burned over as more ready.

M<3 1 is enough

Masks In a couple, and was in one IRL over the summer. fun, but wouldn't be my preference.

Other PbtA:

MotW: Much as I'd love to tackle it (Especially after listening to TAZ do it.) but I don't really run mysteries very well. there's a trick to it that I tend to fail in.

Uncharted worlds: Fun sci-fi on the star-trek/firefy line

Urban shadows politics/intrigue, with wizars, werewolves, fairies and vampires in a modern day setting. kinda dresdin-y, basically taking the World of Darkness, and unshackling it from the (IMO) clunky system and literal mountain of lore.

Blades/The Sprawl/Mutants in the night: I... suck at mission based. I love playing all three. I don't think I can run any of them.


Sorceror: Another Urban fantasy one, this one about people who cna summon up and bind demons... but perhaps at the cost of their humanity. Basically, the central question is "how far will you go, to get what you want?"

Torchbearer: You're the poor sods with no inheritance, no jobs, nothing worth a damn, who try to make their living by diving into dirty old tombs and stealing lot from monsters (similar system to mouseguard, not as incredibly complex as BW, but not as simple as PbtA

[Sheets] [Map]

I'm not calling dibs or anything, but class choices are a good metric for my headspace. As long as I don't reuse Ganzorig, we should be fine.

DW: Absolutely. I'd like to try Thief.

AW: I'd like to try Strongholder.

Masks: I'd be willing to give it another chance... I'd go for the Bull.

Uncharted Worlds: Haven't had the chance to play... Frontier Commercial Starfarer?

Urban Shadows: Had a rough experience with Google Docs and Hangouts... I'd be interested in playing a Veteran.

Sorcerer: Haven't seen it.

Torchbearer: Yes, but I wouldn't advise it.

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

I could run MotW if there was an interest.

Otherwise I’d play in Masks or Urban Shadows.

[Sheets] [Map]

I'm cool with whoever we want behind the DM screen.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

I'm also fine ceding the DM screen, though I will say that you should feel no compulsion to. I did agree to run another one, adn I'd be happy to for this group.

on the other hand, I don't have a need to be behind the screen, and if you're feeling a hankering for MotW, well, i do have a special fondness for it (true fact: first PbtA I ever played). And ALlso, Dibs on spellslinger!

[Sheets] [Map]
Elsine wrote:
And ALlso, Dibs on spellslinger!

*dumbfounded spluttering*

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

I’m not against two spell slingers.

I’ll make a thread today.


Saved two spots. Belym, if you want to play there’s a spot for you too.

I’m Fine with two spellslingers, but that will set a very specific tone for the game. Check the playbooks to see if anything else catches your fancy.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

I also like The Initiate... But god damn, the spellslinger (might have started the dresdin files 2 months ago.

and if we are gonna do 2... for moves, I kinda wanted to do Practioner, Not my fault, and Third Eye, or in other words, I was going for a more "newbie/bumbling apprentice" feel. If you also want to do it, and we decide one of us doesn't want to check out another playbook, you could probably go for a different feel and make our characters distinct.

If we have two spellslingers it’ll be a magic-heavy game, but that’s fine. There’s enough variety in characters to really branch out.

[Sheets] [Map]

I've got a couple other character concepts. Spellslinger was just the one I'd stopped to read.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Hey all, I thought this game was dead and since it was my only ongoing game I stopped checking back in.

Apologies for killing it. I had a blast. How’s the new game going?

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

It's going good, our group is currently scrapping with a shadow demon. Sorry I let it go silent. glad you're okay.

[Sheets] [Map]

Good hearing back from you.

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Good to hear, and happy holidays! Let me know if any of you are thinking about starting up a new game. I’m actually considering hopping back into the GM seat with a Dungeon World jaunt through a DW conversion of the original Ravenloft module that I’m working on.

Anyone interested?



I love Ravenloft so much. I'm super in.

Have you looked at Rolegate at all? I like it much better than the Paizo boards so far (but I'll play a DW/Ravenloft game anywhere).

[Sheets] [Map]

I've never played Ravenloft >.> Not usually a module-player, but if you've got the time, I'd love to play.

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Role gate looks fun. Always willing to try a new medium (I also see that Meetch just started a Sprawl game over there.)

I formed it as “Ravenloft (DW)” password is “bucanero”

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