Dungeon Master Heathy's Carrion Crown

Game Master Heathansson

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M Humanborn

Wont be on for a bit, having my birthday dinner with some friends and likely to be fairly tired, if not hung over, for a portion of tomorrow.

Female Changeling (Annis Hag) Oracle of Life 6; 32/32 hp

Happy Birthday, Tenro!

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M Humanborn

thanks! no hangover for me!

Liberty's Edge

Happy birthday!!

Hey all,

We survived our vacation, but NOW we are all getting sick. Just in time to go back to school. Lovely. :/

I have the creeping crud. I will catch back up as soon as I can lean over the keyboard without dripping on it.

Happy New Year!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Belated happy new year everyone! I'm off overseas tomorrow for a week so will have more-sporadic-than-normal internet access.

Cool, safe travels! Hope that where ever your going is warmer than most of America has been for the past week! :)

Liberty's Edge

Get there safe, Will. Weather is beautiful in Spain right now (just sayin´;D )



I'm in the process of having my employment terminated.

Might be "touch and go" for the next few days/whatev's.....IDK yet. I'm in shock.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Oh mate. Sorry you're going through that - sounds horrible. We're here if you need distraction.


Right on; thanks!

Holy Not-good-news Heathyman!

I am SO sorry to hear that. It sucks no matter when/how that happens.

Good thoughts and prayers for you and yours headed that way.

And like Will said, if you need the distraction, we're here. :)

Liberty's Edge

Sorry Heathy, that sucks. I am sure you´ll find an ever better job in no time, as brilliant people such as yourself are meant to do. Take care, friend.


Thankyou sir!

Liberty's Edge

Posting here so as not to clutter the gameplay: I think that we should follow the redshirt guy or at least track him and get the info we want from him.

Also, maybe it´s just me, but I am starting to worry that the clues you guys found out when investigating the alledged Beast´s crimes may end up lost among the multiple thread pages. Anyone made a list?

HP 53/53 Dromite Soulknife 5 / Pyrokineticist 1 map

list might be a good idea they appeared to have missed the ancient coins angle before i mentioned it.

i think such a clue-heavy campaign can be unwieldy across so many pages of posting, but fun nonetheless.

if Leik dies, perhaps i will make a character more suited to investigation. But until then, youre stuck with the pyrobug murderhobo!

Pyrobug Murderhobo FTW!

My PC is fine for investigation, it's the PLAYER that is losing his marbles! ;P

A list would be brilliant. I unfortunately keep trying to rely on my memory, which is currently swiss cheese at the best of times. :/

Add to that the fact that our diabolic DM is SO very good at rolling with whatever directions his players swing towards, and it becomes impossible to tell a genuine Clue from a Red Herring from Window dressing that we got excited about. ;)

However, having said all that, Red-shirt does seem like a genuine lead. And will hopefully lead us to the answer of 'Who/what/why is passing out all the ancient gold coins?'

Female Changeling (Annis Hag) Oracle of Life 6; 32/32 hp

At one point in time, the Ustalav Tour Guide was the avatar whose posts were associated with the clues, wasn't it? Of course, I don't know if those were the legit clues or just the ones we seemed to think were noteworthy, either...


Yeah; I tried to keep up with that but ended up forgetting a lot.

when/if we get to court, I'm going to go with rolls a lot I guess, and at least give people a chance to roleplay. But this stretches out for years, so it's definitely a challenge.

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Sorry to hear about your employment woes, Heathy. Hopefully your upcoming hunt will yield results very quickly.

As for where to go next, I don't think we can afford to ignore the red shirt angle. It looks to be a time-consuming endeavor, which I find worrisome, however if memory serves, our illustrious and excellent DM seemed to indicate that time easily abused in this game/setting (setting being PBP, not the campaign setting, of course). Therefore, I think we should chase it down. Heck, we may not have to go trucking after the dude. Red shirt might have info that we could pursue here. We won't know until we get our hooks in.

Female Changeling (Annis Hag) Oracle of Life 6; 32/32 hp

I have no problem pursuing the lead. He might amenable to selling us the information regarding his passenger, too.

How convenient that we have all these gold coins to use for such an endeavor too! :)


Hey guys;

Another guy named Helaman pm'd me and might want to game; think we need another guy?

Female Changeling (Annis Hag) Oracle of Life 6; 32/32 hp

I've had mixed results with people inviting them into a game I'm playing, but I'll give anyone a chance. I don't know if we _need_ another character, but with the sporadic posting by some of us lately (I include myself in that number), another poster that can help drive the story forward is probably not a bad thing. Do you want the work of preparing for another character in the game?


It's all good.
I told him I'm kinda real busy right now.....

Grand Lodge

Hi all - I'm cool if you all say no but I've been reading this pbp game on and off for ages now and thought I'd ask. I've a long record of pbp play and don't think I've flaked on a pbp game yet.

I notice you are down a heavy hitter since Castiel and Ragnvaldr went into their comas... If you do feel you wouldn't mind another player, let me know what you think you need.

M Humanborn

doesnt matter to me!

All good to me,
Ed is always looking for his next meat shield,... er,... next 'big, bestest buddy'
Long as we can,... keep,... going,...

Speaking of which,.. :(

Sorry for any delays on my part.
Been busy, and this week I've been loading in Flight equipment and doing fly training for next weeks Tarzan Jr (the musical) :)

Will catch up/keep up soonest.

Best to all,

Female Changeling (Annis Hag) Oracle of Life 6; 32/32 hp
Ragadolf wrote:
Been busy, and this week I've been loading in Flight equipment and doing fly training for next weeks Tarzan Jr (the musical) :)

That sounds exciting!

Grand Lodge

I'll leave it to you guys to kick around for a day or two. If you feel its a move you want to take, let me know what would be a good fit for you and if there are any toes you don't want me treading on (ie making another detective type is a bit inane and would not work well at all given the wonderful characterisation of Edwin and you've already had a big barbarian type). I'll then join whenever you feel would be a good juncture be it days or weeks.

Female Changeling (Annis Hag) Oracle of Life 6; 32/32 hp

Well, for the mental exercise, what would be most beneficial?* I always end up falling back to the base four classes. We have

Larissa, Oracle of life - Healer first, face and combatant secondary
Rholf, Cleric - Healer and combatant
Leik, Soulknife/Pyro - Combatant
Edwin, Bard (detective) - Skills and face first
N'Kai, Magus - Spellcasting and Combat (?), unsure of focus as of yet
Alinya, Wizard (Necromancer) - Spellcaster

We have the cleric's healer roll pretty well covered with two positive channelers (though in an undead-heavy campaign, can you have too many?) and a necromancer with her ability to turn undead.

We have several ways of dealing hit point damage though we lack a big hitter for getting around the annoying DR critters that we are not prepared for.

We have spellcasters of several types, but there is some specialization present, so there's potential for an untapped niche there. Note that N'Kai hasn't been involved in a fight yet with us (has he?) so I'm not sure what his style/intent in a combat is yet. Is he a self-buffer? Does he soften them up, then close for melee? Does he jump into battle with enhanced attacks?

I would say that our weakest point might be the skills monkey/scouts. Leik can scout capably, but would have to do it alone, and Edwin has some serious skills, I believe, but we don't have the overlap here that we have in some of the other roles.

Honestly, there's a lot of room for any sort of character as long as Heathy's game to make room for you.

And I'm sure he would provide a suitably epic introduction anytime you were ready...

*This post was basically done from memory of past actions. Please forgive me if I misrepresented someone's character.

Grand Lodge

Slayer from the advanced class guide an option? The download is free until they release the actual guide.

Female Changeling (Annis Hag) Oracle of Life 6; 32/32 hp

That's the fighter/rogue hybrid, right? I confess that my limited time in the ACG playtest was spent elsewhere.


I'll allow slayer; I glanced at it briefly. It doesn't look too broken. Use the playtest rules, and the final product rules when that comes out.


If you've seen the cover of the next book, you know what it deals with. I can keep a "slayer" busy.

Mwahahahahaaaa!!!! ;)

Grand Lodge

Larissa Brightfoot wrote:
That's the fighter/rogue hybrid, right? I confess that my limited time in the ACG playtest was spent elsewhere.


I'll start putting it together... will take a couple of days and assume WBL.

Any background tweaks or angles you guys want? Does Mr Drood have trapfinding as a class feature?


Right on. Peace out.

Grand Lodge

Given Mr Drood has the Trapfinding ability and not wanting to rain on his parade I've taken disable device but not the slayer talent that gives Trapfinding ability... still working on it.

Background is still WIP. You did the missing kids thing already. Any suggestions on tie in? Slayer as a class is a ranger/rogue and is a bounty hunter type. ATM race is Elven but I can tweak that.

Female Changeling (Annis Hag) Oracle of Life 6; 32/32 hp

Hunter of undead? Maybe an old associate of N'Kai (also an elf)?

Liberty's Edge

Larissa Brightfoot wrote:

Larissa, Oracle of life - Healer first, face and combatant secondary
Rholf, Cleric - Healer and combatant
Leik, Soulknife/Pyro - Combatant
Edwin, Bard (detective) - Skills and face first
N'Kai, Magus - Spellcasting and Combat (?), unsure of focus as of yet
Alinya, Wizard (Necromancer) - Spellcaster

We have several ways of dealing hit point damage though we lack a big hitter for getting around the annoying DR critters that we are not prepared for.

We have spellcasters of several types, but there is some specialization present, so there's potential for an untapped niche there. Note that N'Kai hasn't been involved in a fight yet with us (has he?) so I'm not sure what his style/intent in a combat is yet. Is he a self-buffer? Does he soften them up, then close for melee? Does he jump into battle with enhanced attacks?

In fact N´Kai is the self-buffer at its finest, my character is able to use an arcane pool to give special properties to his scimitar, so I can adapt to various situations and bypass DR as needed.

And you are correct, I have not yet tested my abilities, but, awwww, man, am I itching for a fight already ;D

Oh, and about the new guy: I´m cool if you all are!

Grand Lodge

I've the character more or less done but do think that inserting at this point would be a pain in the butt for the GM and for the story. Plus if you've 6 active players ATM its probably best for me short term to sit and enjoy watching for a while more. When you finish up the Trial I'll pop back and test the waters again.

But thanks everyone - appreciate you all for considering me.

I'll be watching and enjoying the view.

Female Changeling (Annis Hag) Oracle of Life 6; 32/32 hp

Fair enough. Feel free to be pipe up over here as the voice of reason if we are overlooking something. Sound good?

Grand Lodge

Thanks :)

M Humanborn

funny story back in high school we had an art project where we had to make a musical instrument from clay (for the most part limiting us to flutes and the like) and i made an ocarina and played the opening riff to smoke on the water from it. he got the most glazed look on his eyes.

Hey all,
Sorry (again) just been crazy this week. \We even got snow today.
Well, sort of. But still, snow. In SOuthern Louisiana. Just sayin'.

I'm catching up, (Although with that abysmal Per roll I may have to shoot Ed to put him out his misery) ;P

Yeah, Tarzan Jr should be fun. But mainly just a week of panics, headaches and writing lighting cues.
Then I miss it when it's gone! ;)

Shut down for almost a week for a little bit of cold and ice, and now opening night of Tarzan Jr.

Flying, fighting, lighting,... ARRRGH!

We're sorry, but the person you are trying to PBP has been temporarily disconnected, or has gone completely insane. Please try again later,...


It's all good; been busy and need to build this next fight anyhow.


I'll get going on this soon, I promise.

Liberty's Edge

Yay, fight night!!! ;D

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I'm getting a new T shirt made.

"I survived Tarzan Jr, The Musical"

And we managed NOT to do a 'George of the Jungle' imitation in the process.

Although it was close. Twice. :)

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