
Angry Jawa's page

30 posts (1,440 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 4 aliases.


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Sorry to hear about your employment woes, Heathy. Hopefully your upcoming hunt will yield results very quickly.

As for where to go next, I don't think we can afford to ignore the red shirt angle. It looks to be a time-consuming endeavor, which I find worrisome, however if memory serves, our illustrious and excellent DM seemed to indicate that time easily abused in this game/setting (setting being PBP, not the campaign setting, of course). Therefore, I think we should chase it down. Heck, we may not have to go trucking after the dude. Red shirt might have info that we could pursue here. We won't know until we get our hooks in.

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dungeonmaster heathy wrote:

The swordman trundles forward.

"Aye. You lot piss off."

The swordsmen stop, bow to eachother, and face the two newcomers.

"Thith ith totally dithwethpectfulll!"
one of them says with a lisp.

He has the largest incisors you've ever seen on a human.

"I agwee!" says the other buck toothed varment.

"What'th it going to be little mithy?"

says the first.


Rholf tries to ring the same bell (K 10, please) once again...

+1 Warhammer Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Grimacing at the miss, Rholf swiftly dismisses the failure, reaches over and quickly touches Castiel's shoulder. Touch of Good: +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round.

dungeonmaster heathy wrote:
and,....my sick ass has to crash.

Get thee to a nunnery!!! Or... bed... Bed would work, too...

dungeonmaster heathy wrote:
I'll post up an intro for Doc in a few minutes in the game thread.....

Would you be so kind as to throw me a link, please.

dungeonmaster heathy wrote:
Thanks, man. Her uncle was pretty sick, and he was very elderly, so it was kinda expected by this point.

Been there, and done that. Better for the one who passes at some point.

dungeonmaster heathy wrote:

Looks good; like the messed up memory schtick, cos it gives the ability to let me make stuff up later and say "oh.....your amnesia wore off a little bit."

I try to leave a little room for the DM to work in. Condolences to your family, man. Praying for you all.

I believe I am ready. Character history is not as detailed as I would like, but it's all I can manage right now. :)

As soon as I get his history done, which will be sometime beyond 6 hours from now, I'll be ready to go

Holy Cheese Weasels...


For your perusal/approval, sir... Dok, Half-Orc Ranger

dungeonmaster heathy wrote:

Yeah; I get the feeling it's not just you that's gonna have a nasty few next days.....

just got done working; started 7 am, drove to call job, worked till 8:30 pm. and I have fri sat sun on call to go.

Youch... Well I hope it goes smoothly and quietly for you.

Sounds good. I'm going with a half-orc ranger. The next couple of days are going to be flat-out nasty for me, so it'll probably be after that.


Sweet. Culturally speaking, are half-orcs looked down on (or worse) because of their lineage? I know next to zippo about where we're going to be adventuring.

I'm really close to being done with my character. Really just finishing touches at this point. That, and I need a history.

dungeonmaster heathy wrote:
AinvarG wrote:
...PS Rholf is buried at work atm, but he has indicated that might be interested in tossing a character into the ring. No idea what, but we did discuss something divine.
Right on; like I said, the more the merrier!!!!!

Hiya Heathy. Many thanks for the invite, and I'm quite excited, if the door is still open. :)

Ainvar filled me in on level, point-buy info and the like. The game I run didn't pan out tonight, so we are working on characters (I'm going with a half-orc ranger, btw). How much gold should we start with at 14th level? Right out of the book (185k @ 14th), or do you have something else in mind? Also, do you have any spending restrictions or other house rules where monies are concerned? Thanks!

Critique, please. Constructive criticism to open disgust? Bring it on! I'm guessing, since I got the format wrong, that's an obvious, so... Here it is.

Bowstring of benefit

This mundane-looking horse hair bowstring, at the archer's discretion, imbues mundane arrows with various magical effects. These effects do not stack with magical bows/arrows that provide the same or similar bonuses (e.g. This bow string, used in conjunction with a +1 bow/arrow, would not allow it to become a +2 magical weapon)

3/day - Cause 1 arrow being fired to inflict normal damage plus an additional 2d6 of elemental damage. Elemental damage type must be announced prior to the attack being made.
3/day - Enchant 1 arrow being fired with a +1 magical bonus.
2/day - Transform 1 arrow fired into a large Air Elemental, which attacks the target fired upon for 3 rounds before disappearing.
1/day - Transform 1 arrow being fired into a Brilliant Energy arrow. The arrow dissolves into smoke after the attack is resolved.

Aura: Faint Evocation and Conjuration, strong Transmutation; CL 16th; Slot none; Price 3,750 gp; Weight --

FYI folks, I will be unavailable from the 10th through the 15th. Ainvar is more than welcome to play Rholf, or he can be NPCd during that time. Whatever you folks wanna do.

dungeonmaster heathy wrote:

I'm on call Fri, Sat, Sun, and Mon. I'll see how it all goes, whether or not I'm around much.

On call = UGH... At least for me it does...

Vattnisse - Good luck, sir! I hope all goes smoothly for you.

Mothman wrote:

If you’ll permit me to make some comments Angry Jawa ...

Your AC seems to indicate that you are using a heavy shield, but it’s not listed in your equipment. One thing to keep in mind for a cleric using a heavy shield is that the hand cannot be used for anything else while you carry your shield ... so if you have heavy shield and weapon in hand you can’t cast spells requiring somatic components. Light shields and bucklers do not have this restriction (by most interpretations I have seen).

As far as I can see you have too many skill ranks (you appear to have used 6, I can’t see that you would have more than 5).

It might be worth adding in your spell information (spells per day and/or spells prepared) to your character sheet.

Otherwise I can’t see any glaring errors or omissions.

Mothman, thanks very much for the proofread!

Ranks: I only spent 5. The confusion stems from the Knowledge (Religion) skill. It's listed twice (that's how it came out on the character sheet in PCGen, so that's how I dumped it in).

As for the shield, nice catch. Guess that's what I get for doing this stuff late at night and tired. I appreciate your keen eye for detail, and have downgraded to a light steel shield.

Spells: You must've commented as I was in the process of putting them in. I realized, right after I had posted, that I had forgotten to include them.

Thanks again, sir!

For your consideration, DM heathy.

Rholf Kastigarr, Cleric of Sarenrae

Some details about my Cleric of Sarenrae, Rholf Kastigarr. I'm still in build mode, but nearing completion.

Rholf sees himself as a servant of those whom he travels with, as well as a protector. His words and actions are centered around supporting and raising up his companions. He is very wary of becoming preachy in his interactions with others, preferring to demonstrate the ideals of his faith more than speak them. Rholf is not reckless, though he will immediately place himself in mortal danger to save others or keep them from peril. He is much more concerned with justice than with the rule of law, seeing justice as a more absolute ideal.

Rholf's appearance is very inconspicuous with one glaring exception. His hair has a Continual Flame effect on it from a magical mishap years ago. It has proven resistant to any removal attempts, which is fine with Rholf. He doesn't have to carry a torch, and it serves as a reminder to him of the fire in his soul. He does wear a hood at times, to keep the flames hidden, though not often.

Rholf will be taking the healing and good domains, and is chaotic good aligned.

He has been traveling with Larissa Brightfoot, and the two get along famously.

I too must take my leave from the potential player's list. My sincerest gratitude to the lord of this manor, and my sincerest apologies for a hasty, albeit necessary, retreat.

Thanks much!

AinvarG wrote:
dungeonmaster heathy wrote:
So what do jawas look like anyway?
If you knew, you might know why they are angry. (I think it's a racial feature.)

Forsooth! I'm actually not quite sure what Jawas look like. I've never seen another, and any time I look into a mirror, it shatters. Even still water splinters at my visage.

Evening folks. I'm Ainvar's friend who's on the "maybe/hopefully" deck. Thought I'd pop in and say hello. Hope to be in the group soon, but totally understand if it doesn't happen. Planning a quirky Human Cleric, unless there is a stronger voice of reason. :)

About Me:

Hello there! I've been an avid roleplayer for 20 years, though I've only recently gotten interested in PBP stuff. I love the mechanics aspect of the game, but I try very hard to make my characters both memorable and interesting. I have been both a player and a DM (my favorite DM style has traditionally been "on the fly" adventures. I ran a Council of Wyrms campaign back in the day that ran at least once a week for 2 1/2 years, and have been running the Savage Tide campaign for a couple of years now. Great fun!). I would absolutely love the opportunity to participate in your game.

Character Concept:

Rholf Kastigarr

Faithful cleric of Thyr, Rholf had unlikely beginnings for one of the faith. A farmer's son, Rholf followed in his father's footsteps, inheriting the family farmstead once his sire passed away. Rholf married, and had two children, all of whom were kidnapped while he was working his fields, and subsequently sacrificed by followers of Hel. By the time Rholf found his home pillaged and his family gone, it was already too late to save them.

He left his farm that day, bent on vengeance for the family he so cherished. Tracking the cult down was not an easy task for a simple farmer such as Rholf, one which he never accomplished. In the throes of despair, Rholf was about to take his own life one night when a cleric of Thyr happened upon him. This cleric, a man named Delberius, begged Rholf to hold off on killing himself for three days, during which time Delberius promised that he could take Rholf's pain away. Unsure as to why he even wanted to, Rholf agreed. Rholf has never told another soul what the two men talked about over the next three days, but Rholf emerged a changed, yet still broken man.

He converted to being a follower of Thyr immediately, and began the long journey back into the light of life.

Rholf sees himself as a servant of those whom he travels with, as well as a protector. His words and actions are centered around supporting and raising up his companions. He is very wary of becoming preachy in his interactions with others, preferring to demonstrate the ideals more than speak them. Rholf is not reckless, though he will immediately place himself in mortal danger to save others or keep them from danger. He is much more concerned with justice than with the rule of law, seeing justice as a more absolute ideal.

Game details:
Rholf's appearance is very inconspicuous with one glaring exception. His hair has a Continual Flame effect on it from a magical mishap years ago. It has proven resistant to any removal attempts, which is fine with Rholf. He doesn't have to carry a torch, and it serves as a reminder to him of the fire in his soul to honor the memories of his wife and children. He does wear a hood at times, to keep the flames hidden, though it doesn't happen often.

Rholf will be taking the healing and good domains, and is chaotic good aligned.

He has traveled with Larissa Brightfoot (soon to be posted by Ainvarg) in the past, and the two get along famously.

therealthom wrote:

Hey, welcome to the boards, players.

Pixie Rogue, nice to see you setting up shop here. I've enjoyed playing with you and look forward to seeing how you run a game. I'll lurk the game from time to time.

therealthom (Shimei)

Thanks very much, therealthom. Glad to be here.

Ooo-Teeney!!! 0oo-Teeney!!!

Cosmo wrote:

Unfortunately, the Skull & Bones (d20) book is no longer available, and we cannot bring any more in. It was canceled from your order so that we can get the remainder shipped.

The price was showing as increased because your order was set to ship backordered items separately. When Skull & Bones went on backorder, it split off to a separate shipment with a separate shipping and handling fee.

I have updated the price on your order so it will display correctly.


Thank you for the information.

Thomas Green wrote:
I made the order back on November 16th for several books on the Green Ronin blowout sale, and a single item is still showing Backorder... It is Bow & Blade: A Guidebook to Wood Elves (d20) , but on the actual product page (e.g. http://paizo.com/store/sale/greenRonin/v5748btpy7euk ), it doesn't show as being on backorder. Does anyone know the status of this book? I'd like to see my order prior to January. I want to order some more stuff, but I'm kind of afraid to at this point. Someone PLEASE ease my worried mind.

Now, one of the books I ordered that was listed as "Pending" shows as "Cancelled yesterday", and the price of the overall order has gone up... Can someone please tell me what's going on here? Please?

I made the order back on November 16th for several books on the Green Ronin blowout sale, and a single item is still showing Backorder... It is Bow & Blade: A Guidebook to Wood Elves (d20) , but on the actual product page (e.g. http://paizo.com/store/sale/greenRonin/v5748btpy7euk ), it doesn't show as being on backorder. Does anyone know the status of this book? I'd like to see my order prior to January. I want to order some more stuff, but I'm kind of afraid to at this point. Someone PLEASE ease my worried mind.