Nnn'tkklik'l |

it'll take me awhile to level up, a few days most likely.
what i have that id like to keep
Focusing crystal (+2 Autohypnosis),
two-gallon waterskin (full), (2)
one-gallon waterskins (full),
one-gallon skin filled with id fiend blood, <- pretty sure we used this for Gorkhan
quart mug,
the Warden's reliquary bonded to head chakra,
healer's kit (10 uses),
crystal staff of battle,
mul-back cords,
crystal mask of knowledge (psionics),
belt of levitation,
47 sp, 55 cp
Nnn'tkklik'l doesn't have much, and would like to keep all of the above. As you can see, there is little that is not important and very useful.
stuff i dont have that i really want
literally anything that gives more PP. WIS-boosting items, a sack full of cognizance crystals, an intelligent item that can metaconcert with me, etc. those things are, however, hideously expensive.
thoughts on story, level, 5thEd, etc.
- i like PF, and i think my abilities are rather simple and you've kept up with them well and in a way that is helpful to me as a player.
- i know nothing of 5th ed
- i'd be fine with new characters if you wanted to start it over in a different arc. it'd take me some time to make a new one, and itd almost certainly not be a healer (likely not a caster, or if a caster, a limited one).
- that said, if we restarted, i'd like to at least start higher level. maybe 3rd-4th level. but, if 1st level, that isn't a deal-breaker.
- Nnn will take another level of Vitalist. there isn't much that has synergy with it, so no real ability to multiclass.

Raun |

Hmm, so it seems like the Bloodrager is pretty awesome. I'll take your advice and go with the Arcane bloodline, on the proviso that I can keep the improved DR from Invulnerable rager (the archetype also replaces trap sense for the endure elements type effect, but I'm not concerned about that. As long as I can swap Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, and the normal DR for the improved 1/2 level DR)
Gonna lose some hitpoints too here. Bye-bye d12 hit dice :(
Hitpoint rolls (d10s): 6d10 ⇒ (5, 3, 9, 2, 4, 4) = 27
So, 10+6+6+9+6+6+6+2*7=49+14=63
So lost 17-22 HP depending on what I would have rolled for 7th level. Hmm, might swap around some of my stats a bit...
Swapping the 15 and 13 in my Wis and Cha respectively since I need Cha more now... and changing my 4th level stat boost to con to make up for the smaller hitdice (giving 70 hitpoints). And then shifting the 14 currently in str and the 15 now in charisma. Shifted a few skill points since I lose some class skills, and lower wisdom... Taking weapon focus as my new feat, and gain Disruptive Strike as a bloodline feat at 6th level, rest of feats stay the same... now to look at loot.
1) Stuff to definitely keep:
The reliquary is an obvious choice, and I think the Amulet of Shadows will be fun. That also means I need the necklace of int (though if you could refluff this in some way that'd be cool) for stealth. Earthbreaker is another obvious choice, Raun wouldn't be the same without her hammer :D The tattoo also fits in here more or less, though I wouldn't be overly upset if she lost that.
2) Indifferent
MW Hide Shirt, helm of contemplation, seeker's war belt, and most of her other weapons. These are all functional (and I do like her to have a variety of weapons available), but not terribly interesting.
3) Getting some sort of keyword on her earthbreaker would be cool, Furious is the obvious one, but Bane, Vicious or Wounding would also be good. Gloves of Arcane Striking are making me reconsider my feat choice, so I think I'll change weapon focus for arcane strike,and put those gloves on the wishlist. Other than those things, just the standard utility stuff (the big six as they say), though I suspect that Raun is already over her wealth by level.
Oh dear, didn't think about will save when i lowered her Wis. +2 now :s
Well if all of the above is good with you GM, then I give you the new Raun
Female half-giant bloodrager 7
?G Large humanoid (giant, human)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +2 enhancement, -1 size, +1 insight)
hp 70 (7d10+21)
Fort +8 (+4 vs. hot or cold environments and to resist damage from suffocation), Ref +5, Will +2; +2 bonus vs. spells cast by self or an ally, +4 bonus to all saving throws vs. psionics.
Defensive Abilities DR 3/—, 6/lethal
Speed 40 ft.
Melee +1 Earthbreaker +13 (2d8+10) Raging Arcane Power Attack +13/11 (2d8+21) and
. . Nightmare Beast Tattoo Bite +7 (2d6+3) Raging Power Attack +5 (2d6+6) and
. . obsidian morningstar +11 (2d6+10) and
. . obsidian handaxe +11 (1d8+10/×3) and
. . bone shortsword +11 (1d8+4/19-20) and
. . shortspear +12 (1d8+10)
Ranged mwk composite shortbow (+4 Str) +10 (1d8+4/×3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks bloodrage (19 rounds/day)
Bloodrager Spells Known (CL 7th; concentration +9):
. . 2nd (2/day)—bull's strength, mirror image
. . 1st (2/day)—enlarge person (DC 13), expeditious retreat, magic missile, reduce person (DC 13), shield
Str 23, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 14
Base Atk +7; CMB +14; CMD 28
Feats Arcane Strike, Armor Optimization, Disruptive, Endurance, Eschew Materials, Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack, Vital Strike; Impressionable: Furious Focus
Skills Acrobatics +11, Craft (leather) +5, Intimidate +23, Perception +10, Stealth +5/13
Languages Common
SQ arcane bloodrage, blood casting, blood sanctuary, bloodline (arcane), disruptive bloodrage, fast movement
+1 stone earthbreaker (2d8, x3, 28lbs), MW hide shirt, Amulet of Shadows (As a standard action grants the wearer a +10 ft. increase to base speed, +8 racial bonus to stealth, darkvision 60', superior low-light vision, cold resistance 10, and the hide in plain sight ability. If the amulet is used for longer than 1 minute in an hour then the weilder must make a fort save (DC 12 +1 per previous check) each minute or take 1d4 points of Constitution drain. A wearer reduced to 0 Constitution becomes an undead shadow), Champion's Reliquary (+2 enhancement bonus to Strength, +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma. In addition once per day while under the effects of a mind-affecting spell or power the bonded user may act normally by sacrificing 2d6 hit points per round he ignores the effect.), headband of vast intelligence +2 (+2 enhancement bonus to intelligence, max ranks in Stealth), helm of contemplation (+1 insight to AC), nightmare beast tattoo (+5 competence bonus to intimidate, gain a 2d6 bite attack for 5 rounds/day), Seeker's war-belt (+2 enhancement to armor), fist-sized stone enchanted with continual flame, 4x one-gallon waterskins (full), potion of invisibility in crystal flask
Fur bundle on a sling containing obsidian morningstar (-1 to hit, 1d10, x2, 16lbs - Fragile), 2x iron shortspear (1d8, x3, 20ft, 9lbs), MW bone shortsword (1d8, 19-20/x2, 4lbs - Fragile), obsidian handaxe (-1 to hit, 1d8, x3, 6lbs - Fragile), MW composite shortbow (+4 Str) (1d8, x3, 110 ft, 3 lbs), 20 MW iron arrows, large heavy wooden shield
Leather pack holding 15-gallon cask of water (full), 10-pound sack of salt, 40 pound sack of food, MW leather-working tools, 100' length of silk rope and (10) bone pitons, 2sp, 205cp
Blood Casting (Su) Cast bloodrager spells while in bloodrage.
Blood Sanctuary +2 (Su) +2 bonus to save vs. spells cast by self or an ally.
Bloodrage (19 rounds/day) (Su) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Damage Reduction (3/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Damage Reduction (6/lethal) You have Damage Reduction against non-lethal damage
Disruptive +4 DC to cast defensively for those you threaten.
Disruptive Bloodrage (Su) +2 to DC for enemy spellcasters in threatened area when raging.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Flexible Alignment Only one axis of a half-giant’s alignment - either law/chaos or good/evil - is fixed at character creation. The other portion is chosen when the half-giant wakes each day.
Furious Focus If you are wielding a weapon in two hands, ignore the penalty for your first attack of each turn.
Great Size A half-giant must consume four times as much food and water as normal each day. Armor and clothing cost and weigh twice as much.
Hard to Kill When dying, your penalty to stabilize is only 1/2 your negative Hp.
Impressionable Half-giants select an additional feat at 1st level. Each day, the half-giant can replace the bonus feat with another for which he qualifies, but the feat must be one possessed by one of the half-giant’s companions or by an opponent the half-giant encountered within the last week.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Vital Strike Standard action: x2 weapon damage dice.
Wild Talent - Psionic resistant +4 bonus to all saving throws vs. psionics.
Heh, with the above changes at 8th level her earthbreaker damage (raging, arcane strike, power attack) will go up to 2d8+25. Spells may be subject to change (open to suggestions. I like the first level ones, but not set on her second level choices. Generally avoiding anything with a saving throw, and trying to keep it thematic as just being feats of awesomeness, or things that the Champion is doing, rather than Raun suddenly manifesting a bunch of magical spells).
That's not to mention the abilitiy to Auto-cast haste or displacement on herself whenever she rages :p (in addition to blur, protection from arrows, resist energy (choose one energy type), or spider climb which she can already do)

Gorkhan Trask |

I think I'll be looking to drop down my Psychic Warrior from 4 to 3, change the rogue to slayer and add a couple of levels to it, and keep the level of Elocater. I lose the second level powers (which I only used a couple of times) and some power points, but keep the sneak attack and can use the slayer trick to keep trapfinding.
Either that or take 2 levels of slayer and add a level of Elocater. Lose the sneak attack but keep everything else and add some new abilities.
I'll think on things for a bit. I've an all day meeting though so it might be early next week before it's all updated.

Grit |

Looking at my stats Grit could also use a wisdom item. Wisdom helps a number of the skills he cares about and another point of wisdom would get him a second 4th level spell, not to mention increasing his DCs by 1. I know he does not toss out a lot of offensive spells but there is the occasional Call Lightning and flaming sphere. :)

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Lots of questions, so here goes:
@All: No move to 5th edition now, that was just me thinking out loud. Once this next arc is done we'll see. I expect this next piece to wrap things up for these characters somewhere between 10-12th level.
@Grit: Those level up choices are fine and I have noted your equipment preferences. To the extent that you can continue to do a spoiler with your buffed/wild shaped stats when posting in combat, that helps a lot (and don't forget to include your tigone, if possible). How about this for the feat (which I've also added to the House Rules document for future reference):
Elemental Wild Shape
You can infuse your wild shape with the power of the natural elements.
Prerequisite: Wild shape class feature, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks.
Benefit: When you use wild shape to take the form of an animal, you can expend an additional daily use of your wild shape class feature to add the elemental template to your animal form. This form grants you the following abilities:
*Darkvision 60’
*Damage reduction 5/magic
*A 50 percent chance to ignore critical hits
*Immunity to fire, cold, electricity or acid (choose one when you change form)
*Once per use of wild shape, as a swift action, you can shroud your limbs in the energy type to which you are immune. For one round per level your natural attacks deal +1d6 points of damage of the chosen energy type.
@Nnn: Take your time leveling up - there's no rush, and I'll need a little time to do the equipment review/revamp and get some more planning done on the next arc.
@Raun: Rebuild looks good. You didn't really need to reroll your old hit dice - just subtracting an average of 1 hp for each level would be enough. Doing it that way gives you a total of 79 hit points with your new Con score. Also, have you included the +2 Str and +2 Cha enhancement bonuses from the Champion's reliquary in your stats? You may want to pick up a spell other than bull's strength due to that.
@Gorkhan: Sounds good.

Raun |

HmmI figured I needed to reroll as I know I rolled over a 10 at least once. If you're happy to do it that way though then hat's fine with me.
The stats do indeed include the reliquary. I went back and found my original rolls which were 18, 15, 14, 13, 13, 11. So Str=15+6+2=23, Dex=18-2=16, Con=13+2+1=16, Int=11-4+2=9, Wis=13-2=11, Cha=14-2+2.
As to bulls strength, yeah I'm still not set on my level 2 spells.

Gorkhan Trask |

Went with PW3 / Slayer 2 / Elocater 2
HP: 1d8 ⇒ 3
So 5 for the second level of Elocater and just added 1 hp across two levels to account for the average increase from a d8 to a d10 (rather than reroll as suggested to Raun).
Dropped the point I had in Diplomacy (no longer a class skill either) and put points into Acrobatics, Disable Device, Fly, Perception, Stealth, Survival.
Looking through the master list of items Gorkhan has:
Stuff to Keep:
Seeker's Blade, +2 steel bastard sword
Gorkhan's Blade, +1 obsidian bard's gift
Stalker's Mask
Punisher's Ring
Seeker's Reliquary
Don't care:
MW Composite longbow (+3 STR) + bone arrows (although Gorkhan with the use of his psi focus and/or some haste could almost move as far as the first range increment, further if it's a charge)
Provisions & Waterkin (I suppose I should keep it, since we have to eat and drink)
various clothing (probably just need the basics, although I suppose it can't hurt to have a change of clothes around)
Stuff to drop/sell:
Swiftbite, +1 keen bone longsword (The Seeker blade will do more base damage although the crit would currently be lower. This way I won't have to keep track of the 1 round haste on crit thing).
MW bone wrist razor (2-3 melee weapons should be enough)
MW climbing gloves (I can fly, who needs climb?)
2 blankets tied with leather harness (I still have those? One blanket in a nice backpack might be enough)
Add Keen property to the Seeker's Blade
Handy Haversack or MW backpack
Ring of Sustenance?
WIS or PP boosting items
Stealth boosting items
Speed boosting items (although I already have an enhancement, insight and circumstance bonuses)

Raun |

Oh, I'll be away monday, which I guess for you guys is Sunday. Should only be that day, maybe two (overnight stay)

Däina |

Ah, I have some time.
That wrap up was great DM!
With the option open, yes I want to rebuild Daina as an arcanist. I still intend to be very generous with haste spells, but I am going to go away from summoning to help simplify. I'm not sure what I'm going to focus on yet, perhaps more dakka.
obsidian dagger
wooden quarterstaff
MW light crossbow w/ 20 obsidian bolts
traveling clothes
a wizard’s kit
two waterskins
riding kank with saddle
cinnabar necklace (necklace of fireballs type IV)
wanderer's cloak
Helgren’s haversack
knuckle-sized obsidian orb (as pearl of power I but lose 1 hp when used)
ring of sustenance
scroll of fireball (CL 8)
shroud of night
headband of intellect +2 (Bluff)
(2) scrolls of dispel magic
Lord Sanet's spellbook (all 0-level spells plus comprehend languages
disguise self, frostbite, magic missile, mount, protection from good, ray of enfeeblement, shield, shocking grasp, unseen servant; bear's endurance, blood transcription, blur, elemental touch, invisibility, scorching ray; arcane sight, dispel magic, hold person, lightning bolt, vampiric touch)
2 gp, 148 sp, 15 cp
Once I get finished copying from Lord Sanet's spellbook that's the only thing I want to get rid of.
Wanted Stuff:
Upgrade to Current Gear
Ring of Protection
Moar Scrolls
Wand of Mage Armor
Blessed Book

Woki |

I'm still figuring out what equipment to keep/dump and if I want to remake Woki as a shaman. Leaning that way right now but trying out options in my head.

Grit |

I thought of rebuilding Grit as an Lion-Shaman druid. That would give him Beast Shape 3 powers at 6th level. Which would mean his his animal form, as long as it was a cat, would already be maxed out and he could take some barbarian levels. This is likely the more powerful path for combat. But I like his spell casting and it seems he is powerful enough in combat now. If I went Lion Shamen there are feats that would let his animal companion continue to advance even if I took other classes.

Raun |

*twiddles his thumbs*
I assume Raun's new anti-spellcaster abilities (-4 to concentration checks when she threatens you, -6 if she's raging) work on psionics too?
Just waiting on any gear changes to update Raun's profile. Changing my second level spells to Scorching Ray and See Invisibility

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Yep, I'm treating magic as psionics for the most part, so her anti-magic static is anti-psionic, too.
Ok, here's the equipment for everyone but Daina and Woki, who are still tweaking characters (maybe). If there are no changes needed I will update the equipment lists on the Campaign Info tab.
A couple of things up front - everyone is above the PF standard wealth-by-level, although that's balanced out somewhat by the general scarcity of "Big Six" items and presence of some items that are less efficient in terms of character power per gp. That's all intentional.
Gorkhan and Raun, who both recently received psychic reliquaries, set the cap for the group in terms of loot. Neither gained much overall, although I traded out a few things. Others received a net increase in gear to bring them up to that level.
(Changes: New armor, consolidated weapons, enhanced helm to boost Will saves)
+ 1 large stone earthbreaker (+1 to hit, 2d8+1)
MW large obsidian hatchet (net +0 to hit, 1d8)
MW large composite shortbow (+4) (+1 to hit, 1d8+4), 20 iron arrows
(2) MW iron spears (+1 to hit, 1d8)
+1 silk wyrm scale breastplate (+7 armor bonus altogether, +5 max dex, -1 ACP)
amulet of shadows
headband of intellect +2 (Stealth)
fist-sized stone enchanted with continual flame
potion of invisibility in crystal flask
helm of contemplation (+1 insight to AC, +2 resistance bonus to Will saves)
nightmare beast tattoo
psychic reliquary holding the Champion
Riding kank with pack saddle, (4) one-gallon waterskins (full), common clothing, leather pack holding 15-gallon cask of water (full), bedroll and large tarp, rations (enough to feed a human for 20 days), MW leatherworking tools, (x2) 50' lengths of silk rope and (10) bone pitons, 15 sp, 50 cp.
(Changes: Got rid of some miscellaneous gear, added oils, cloak)
The Seeker's blade (+2 steel bastard sword, +2 to hit, 1d10+2 one-handed or 2d6+2 two-handed; other abilities)
Gorkhan's blade (+1 obsidian bard's friend, +1 to hit, 1d4+1/18-20x2, plus poison ability)
stalker's mask
punisher’s ring
psychic reliquary containing the Seeker
(2) pots of oil of keen edge
blackguard’s cloak (as cloak of elvenkind)
high quality leather clothing, (4) one-gallon waterskins (full), skin of cheap wine, well-made pack and bedroll, bag of rations (enough to feed a human for 10 days), 15 sp, 50 cp
(Change: got cognizance crystals)
crystal staff of battle
mul-back cords
crystal mask of knowledge (psionics)
belt of levitation
psychic reliquary containing the Warden
the three eyes of Ios (This is a set of three linked cognizance crystals. One stone stores 3 PP, the other two store 1 pp each. When meditating to regain power points, a user may designate one power known. For the next 24 hours, the user can pool the crystals' power points (spending up to 5 pp total) when using them to manifest that power)
focusing crystal (+2 Autohypnosis), a well-made leather harness made to carry four, two-gallon waterskin (full), bag of rations (enough to feed a human for 10 days), healer's kit (10 uses), 15 sp, 50 cp.
(Changes: Replaced armor and shield, lost wand of mage armor)
+1 steel scimitar (so +1 to hit/damage, 1d8 damage)
MW steel spear (+1 hit, 1d10 damage)
MW sling and bullets (+1 hit, 1d4 damage)
+2 agafari heavy shield (as darkwood)
+1 spiked breastplate made from the carapace of the Crawling Doom. (By expending an additional use of wild shape, the wearer retains the armor’s bonus to AC while wild shaped and gains a +1 enhancement bonus to melee attacks and damage.)
Klar-Killer's cloak
iron fists of El
feral talisman
fist-sized stone enchanted with continual flame
wand of cure light wounds (18 charges)
wand of lesser restoration (6 charges)
+1 studded leather barding and battle fetish for tigone
(3) one-gallon waterskins (full), two-gallon waterskin (full), good quality leather outfit and sandals, well-made pack and bedroll, MW weaponsmithing tools, bag of rations (enough to feed a human for 10 days), healer's kit (10 uses), 15 sp, 50 cp, riding kank with saddle

Raun |

Uhh, I guess it's not too much of an issue considering I just rebuilt her, but Raun had swapped out Medium Armor proficiency for Armor Optimization, I should change that back then? If so what does silk wyrm scale do? A non-metal mithril equivalent?
Otherwise looks good, will update sheet :)
Oh! Does she still have her shield? She doesn't use it much, but I could still see it coming in handy. Especially since she can now make herself Huge. That's a big barrier :p

Raun |

Hmmm with this new armor I could take cats grace and Raun would be able to get up to 26 AC (24 raging) :p too much?

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Raun: I keep forgetting you swapped out Medium armor proficiency. You'll need it to use the silk wyrm scale armor (which is equivalent to mithral) but it will still be a net +1 increase to AC after you trade back Armor Optimization.
I got rid of the shield but will add it back if you want it. Any mundane equipment, within reason, is fine.

Däina |

Ok Daina is all ready to go. I actually found an ability similar to her teleportation thing, although it does not function as dimension door so I can use it and still do other things afterwards in the same round.

Gorkhan Trask |

Good to go.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Ok Daina is all ready to go. I actually found an ability similar to her teleportation thing, although it does not function as dimension door so I can use it and still do other things afterwards in the same round.
Daina, it looks like you've rebuilt as an arcanist 6. You should be level 7.
Also, you might want to choose a feat other than Craft Wondrous Item. You will be on the move and on a timeline for much of the foreseeable future, so opportunities to use it would be rare.
How's this for gear?
Changes: Lost some miscellaneous stuff, including the remainder of her cinnabar necklace, got scrolls, staff, swapped wanderer’s cloak (which can't be used with shroud of night) for ring
Helgren’s haversack
knuckle-sized obsidian orb (as pearl of power I but lose 1 hp when used)
ring of sustenance
agent’s ring (+1 deflection to AC, +2 resistance to saves)
shroud of night
messenger's staff (The wielder of this staff may cast the message cantrip as a swift action. In addition, the staff holds 10 charges that can be used to cast the following spells: shield 1 charge; warding weapon using the staff as a focus, 2 charges; fly 4 charges.)
headband of intellect +2 (Bluff) (4k)
(2) scrolls of dispel magic
scroll of fireball (CL 8)
2,000 cp of additional scrolls (can be used to scribe new spells, as well)
MW iron dagger, MW light crossbow w/ 20 iron bolts, fine clothes, a wizard’s kit, (3) one-gallon waterskins, bag of rations (enough to feed a human for 10 days), 15 sp, 50 cp, riding kank with saddle,
spellbooks, iincluding all desired spells from Lord Sanet's spellbook (all 0-level spells plus comprehend languages, disguise self, frostbite, magic missile, mount, protection from good, ray of enfeeblement, shield, shocking grasp, unseen servant; bear's endurance, blood transcription, blur, elemental touch, invisibility, scorching ray; arcane sight, dispel magic, hold person, lightning bolt, vampiric touch)

Däina |

Blah, I knew I was forgetting something! I'll get her to level seven tonight when I have some time.
Gear looks awesome!
I remember Grit really wanting me to pick up some crafting feats, but if you think it unlikely to be used I'll change it.

Grit |

DM is right though if we are going to have little down time. Besides, we are ahead of the wealth curve so its less needed.

Woki |

I'm mostly done with Woki's re-write as a Shaman (with the Witch Doctor archetype). Only thing left really is the spirit animal stats and picking starting spell/wandering spirit/wandering hex loadout.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Woki: I realized that you lost the ability to add your Wisdom to AC when you changed classes. Would you like to have some actual armor? If so I could change the +3 armor bonus on the rattling skirt to a +2 deflection bonus, which would allow you to add a suit of +1 leather or +1 studded leather. Alternatively, changing the bonus on the skirt to deflection would stack with the Air Barrier hex if you took it instead of, say, Wind Ward.

Woki |

Changing it to deflection and I'll take the Air Barrier works. I was going to go with that Hex at first anyway until you gave me the rattling skirt.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Ok, this gear should be final - if you see anything missing, let me know, and if there is mundane equipment you'd like to add, that's likely fine, as well. If there are no other changes I will get this all added to the Campaign Info tab.
It's possibly I will get a post up in the Gameplay thread tonight but tomorrow evening is more likely.
crystal staff of battle
mul-back cords
crystal mask of knowledge (psionics)
belt of levitation
psychic reliquary carrying the Warden
the three eyes of Ios (This is a set of three linked cognizance crystals. One stone stores 3 PP, the other two store 1 pp each. When meditating to regain power points, a user may designate one power known. For the next 24 hours, the user can pool the crystals' power points (spending up to 5 pp total) when using them to manifest that power)
focusing crystal (+2 Autohypnosis), a well-made leather harness made to carry four, two-gallon waterskin (full), bag of rations (enough to feed a human for 10 days), healer's kit (10 uses), 15 sp, 50 cp.
+ 1 large stone earthbreaker (+1 to hit, 2d8+1)
MW large obsidian hatchet (net +0 to hit, 1d8)
MW large composite shortbow (+4) (+1 to hit, 1d8+4), 20 iron arrows
(2) MW iron spears (+1 to hit, 1d8)
+1 silk wyrm scale breastplate (+7 armor bonus altogether, +5 max dex, -1 ACP)
MW large wooden shield
amulet of shadows
headband of intellect +2 (Stealth)
fist-sized stone enchanted with continual flame
potion of invisibility in crystal flask
helm of contemplation (+1 insight to AC, +2 resistance bonus to Will saves)
nightmare beast tattoo
psychic reliquary holding the Champion
Riding kank with pack saddle, (4) one-gallon waterskins (full), common clothing, leather pack holding 15-gallon cask of water (full), bedroll and large tarp, rations (enough to feed a human for 20 days), MW leatherworking tools, (x2) 50' lengths of silk rope and (10) bone pitons, 15 sp, 50 cp.
+1 steel scimitar (so +1 to hit/damage, 1d8 damage)
MW steel spear (+1 hit, 1d10 damage)
MW sling and bullets (+1 hit, 1d4 damage)
+2 agafari heavy shield (as darkwood)
+1 wild breastplate made from the carapace of the Crawling Doom.
Klar-Killer's cloak
feral talisman
fist-sized stone enchanted with continual flame
wand of cure light wounds (18 charges)
wand of lesser restoration (6 charges)
+1 studded leather barding and battle fetish for tigone
(3) one-gallon waterskins (full), two-gallon waterskin (full), good quality leather outfit and sandals, well-made pack and bedroll, MW weaponsmithing tools, bag of rations (enough to feed a human for 10 days), healer's kit (10 uses), 15 sp, 50 cp, riding kank with saddle
The Seeker's blade (+2 steel bastard sword, +2 to hit, 1d10+2 one-handed or 2d6+2 two-handed; other abilities)
Gorkhan's blade (+1 obsidian bard's friend, +1 to hit, 1d4+1/18-20x2, plus poison ability)
stalker's mask
punisher’s ring
psychic reliquary containing the Seeker
(2) pots of oil of keen edge
blackguard’s cloak (as cloak of elvenkind)
high quality leather clothing, (4) one-gallon waterskins (full), skin of cheap wine, well-made pack and bedroll, bag of rations (enough to feed a human for 10 days), 15 sp, 50 cp
Helgren’s haversack
knuckle-sized obsidian orb (as pearl of power I but lose 1 hp when used)
ring of sustenance
agent’s ring (+1 deflection to AC, +2 resistance to saves)
shroud of night
messenger's staff (The wielder of this staff may cast the message cantrip as a swift action. In addition, the staff holds 10 charges that can be used to cast the following spells: shield 1 charge; warding weapon using the staff as a focus, 2 charges; fly 4 charges.)
headband of intellect +2 (Bluff) (4k)
(2) scrolls of dispel magic
scroll of fireball (CL 8)
2,000 cp of additional scrolls (can be used to scribe new spells, as well)
MW iron dagger, MW light crossbow w/ 20 iron bolts, fine clothes, a wizard’s kit, (3) one-gallon waterskins, bag of rations (enough to feed a human for 10 days), 15 sp, 50 cp, riding kank with saddle,
spellbooks, including all desired spells from Lord Sanet's spellbook (all 0-level spells plus comprehend languages, disguise self, frostbite, magic missile, mount, protection from good, ray of enfeeblement, shield, shocking grasp, unseen servant; bear's endurance, blood transcription, blur, elemental touch, invisibility, scorching ray; arcane sight, dispel magic, hold person, lightning bolt, vampiric touch)
+1 guided small spear
small MW bone short sword
small bone dagger
small blowgun w/ 10 MW darts
small MW sling
lesser metamagic rod of reach
Watta's head (functions as a grim lantern, made from the head of a halfling named Watta)
Gubba’s head (shrunken head of a halfling shaman, grants +2 Wis and functions as a headband of intuition)
rattling skirt (belt of elven finger bones, grants +2 deflection bonus to AC. Once per day as a swift action, sacrifice a 1st level spell slot to cast false life or expeditious retreat)
serpent bracers (see above);
calcified tentacle of a dune horror (functions as iron spike of safe passage)
hot-weather outfit, human-stomach satchel containing wooden holy symbol (carved from a piece of lightning scarred deadfall), spell component pouch, rations (random pieces of salted, dried meat sufficient to feed a halfling for 10 days), waterskin x2, sling bullets x10, blanket (ratty piece of hide), clay jar of animal glue, ball of plant fiber twine, assortment of teeth and claws, bag of cooking herbs and spices

Raun |

I am back! Woo, glad to hear we're about ready to start :) will readd the shield to her sheet and all ready!

Grit |

So, who all has major character changes? Grit did not change. Are we assuming the each person has suddenly had time to do major retraining? Or is it more like they have had this build since the beginning. If the latter then Grit should know at least something about your abilities, right?

Woki |

Woki is now a Shaman with the witch doctor archetype that is bound to the Wind spirit. I took a self-buff AC hex, fortune(you can roll twice once per round and take better), misfortune(enemy rolls twice on every roll and takes worse), and chant(add one round duration to misfortune/fortune/evil eye/fury/etc as a move action). The Witch Doctor archetype gives me channel energy like a cleric three levels lower than myself for a couple hexes, and later the ability to use one of my 'domain aka spirit magic' spell slots to cast remove curse or dispel magic spontaneously, and later still the ability to counter spell any individual once per 24 hours like I casted dispel magic as a hex.
As a shaman, Woki right now can also take another spirit(mystery) that can change every day that will give out a unique ability, a list of spells, and one extra hex from any of the spirits Woki is bound. I'll probably be taking Battle, Nature, or Life most times depending on needs.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

The rebuild isn't meant to be retraining, just a different mechanical way of representing the same character. Woki's still a weird little servant of the rain spirits. Daina's still a preserver, Gorkhan's still a floating psionic bard. Raun changed the most, but she's still essentially a berserking warrior with anti-psionic abilities. Her new abilities are being flavored as either psionic static she creates or psionic abilities manifested by the Champion.
Also, Grit, can you update your profile with your 7th-level abilities? I know your tigone gets big and gains pounce, and you're the first to get 4th level spells.

Grit |

Working on it. I finally figured out how to add templates to Hero Lab for Shape Shifting. Its not strait forward at all. I may or may not be able to do it again. lol.
I can go ahead and do everything but the new form templates today.

Raun |

Yup, what the DM said, I'm planning to fluff most of her new abilities as being due to the champion. I have purposefully taken mostly Personal spells to reflect this; it doesn't make sense for Raun to start hurling attacks and stuff (though I did take Scorching Ray... :p)

Grit |

Grit's updates are made. Note that I need to check the math on the shifted forms still. Those are there mostly for reference anyway.

Däina |

Also I took the sacred geometry feat. Expect shenanigans. I'll do an example to show what it's going to be like.
Let's say Daina wants to throw an empowered fireball as a 3rd level spell.
First I roll d6's equal to her ranks in engineering.
Numbers: 7d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 3, 1, 1, 6, 6) = 27
So we have the numbers: 4, 6, 3, 1, 1, 6, 6. Referring to the prime constants table under the feat for a 5th level spell (the level an empowered fireball normally is), I need to use the four basic operations of math to get those numbers to somehow equal 43, 47, or 53.
I have successfully found a combination of the numbers that equals one of the prime numbers for the normal spell level of an empowered fireball. I now cast an empowered fireball as a 3rd level spell, although I do increase the casting time to a full round action.
The increased casting time is negated when applying quicken spell. However, the higher the effective spell level the harder the math is. Let's say I tried to cast a quickened fireball.
Numbers: 7d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 3, 5, 2, 6, 6) = 26
1, 3, 3, 5, 2, 6, 6. Since quickened fireball is a 7th level spell, referring to the prime constants table I need to get these numbers to become 71, 73, or 79.
So in that case I would get the quickened spell off.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Also I took the sacred geometry feat. Expect shenanigans.
It is not April Fool's and that's not even close to funny. Unequivocally NO.
(Also, I really, really hope you meant that to be a joke. That feat was published less than six months ago and already has a reputation as one of the worst feats ever designed. Shudder.)

Däina |

Thank you for realizing that with an elementary math degree that feat is the most overpowered ridiculous piece of crap that has ever existed. Seriously, I take 2 minutes to do some basic math and I'm basically a 15th level caster.

Grit |

Can you do any type of energy admixture? What do you do against things resistant to fire?
I am a believer that a controller wizard is more effective than a blaster, but have to concede that sometimes if just feels good to blast. :)