About GritPhysical Description:
Grit is short, even for a Mul, standing just 5 feet tall. But he is lean and hairless and almost as wide as a dwarf. His thick skin is the color of red sandstone and its texture is not far off from the stone either. His clan tattoos mark his family and trade, but new marks have been added that also show his status as property. Used to dressing in Animal hides and chitin, and using weapons of stone and bone, he prefers a staff or club of fire hardened wood when he can get it. Often he shares the company of some animal he has befriended. Background:
A half human raised by dwarves, grit is a druid and friend of nature. His dwarven training was as a weapon smith and his favored materials are stone and bone and, and when he can get it wood. His dwarven mother loved him but failed to truly integrate him into dwarven society. His crafting skills were sub-par compared to true dwarves and his love for nature further alienated him from his clan. As a young adult he was allowed to apprentice with a group of kreen druids where he thrived, even if he did not quite fit in. He visited him home often and his new skills with druidic magic made him quite welcome in the clan hold. But his visits were always short as he cared for the land and wanted to try to heal its wounds. In the end that is how he was taken. He refused to retreat from a group of humans that contained at least one defiler. He recalls well the life draining magic that took him. He watched his animal friend die to feed the destructive magic of the defiler and felt his own strength weakened from it. He had seen defiling magic destroy the land, turning fertile ground, green with life, to ask from the casting of a single spell. But until the day of his capture he had never realized what would happen to the living around the casting of such a spell if there was no life in the land to power the spell. And so he was taken. Vows were sworn that day. He worked for his captors, crafting items as best he can and even working the mines. He even sometimes has to fight in arenas for them, although he is no pit fighter. But he does not cast his magics for them. That power is his secret, at least so far. That power belongs to the land and he does not want to taint it in the service of those unworthy of it.
Special Attack: Wild Shape 5/day Wild Talent: Prescience, Offensive - Your awareness extends a fraction of a second into the future, allowing you to better aim blows against your opponent. You gain a +2 insight bonus on your damage rolls. Druid Spells Prepared (CL 9th; concentration +13)
Spells Used:
Base Atk +7; CMB +13; CMD 28 (32 vs Bull Rush and Trip).
Languages Common, Druidic, Dwarven, Kreen, Giant SQ:
Klar-Killer's cloak:
This heavy cloak of klar hide grants a +1 resistance bonus to saving throws and +1 deflection bonus to AC. When reduced below half his normal hit point total, the wearer must make a DC 14 Will save or be affected by a rage spell for five rounds. Note the cloak has been upgraded to +3 resistance. Feral Talisman:
This simple hide cord is strung with the claws of many beasts. When the wearer assumes a new form using wildshape or a similar ability or spell, the new shape takes on a feral appearance, with larger horns and claws or a protective carapace. Any bonus to natural armor granted as part of the change is increased by 2 and the wearer gains a +2 enhancement bonus to either Strength, Dexterity or Constitution while in the new form. fist-sized stone enchanted with continual flame Druid Vestments (3) one-gallon water skins (Full), 2 two-gallon waterskin (full) good quality leather outfit and sandals healer's kit (10 uses) MW weaponsmithing tools riding kank with saddle, +1 studded leather barding and Battle Fettish for tigone Orb of Jah-hoz:
This fist-sized chunk of red marble can be used by a druid to augment wildshape. By calling on the orb and taking on an aspect of the spirit within, the druid can wildshape into an earth elemental as if his or her druid level was two levels higher than normal. The druid also gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution while in earth elemental form. For 24 hours after using the orb, the druid is treated as two levels lower when using wildshape to take any form other than an earth elemental. --------------------
Elemental Wild Shape May add an Elemental template to your animal form
Elemental template:
Elemental Wild Shape You can infuse your wild shape with the power of the natural elements. Prerequisite: Wild shape class feature, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks. Benefit: When you use wild shape to take the form of an animal, you can expend an additional daily use of your wild shape class feature to add the elemental template to your animal form. This form grants you the following abilities: *Darkvision 60’ *Damage reduction 5/-. This increases to DR 10/- at 11th level. *A 50 percent chance to ignore critical hits, bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. The chance to ignore increases to 75 percent at 11th level. *Immunity to fire, cold, electricity or acid (choose one when you change form). *Once per use of wild shape, as a swift action, you can shroud your limbs in the energy type to which you are immune. For one round per level your natural attacks deal +1d6 points of damage of the chosen energy type. Power Attack Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells. Spontaneous Casting The Druid can convert stored spells into Summon Nature's Ally spells. Trackless Step (Ex) You do not leave a trail as you move through natural surroundings. Wild Empathy +11 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy. Woodland Stride (Ex) Move through undergrowth at normal speed. Wild Shape 4/day: Beast Shape I (Small and medium animal) for 9 hours. Woodland Stride (Ex) Move through undergrowth at normal speed Wishlist:
Long term (4TH Level and beyond), Some druid specific items, like the reasonably cheap druid's vestment that allows an extra shape change a day and armor with the Wild Shape enchantment (my first choice really). At some point heavy chittin or dragon hide full plate armor with the wild enchant. And finally some cool druid useful staff with magic that summons swarms, or controls large bugs, or something dark sun ish. Huge Dire Tiger:
Init +3; Senses low light vision, Scent; Perception +13
Elemental Template:
Medium Combat Form:
Deinonychus, Raptor Init +3; Senses low light vision, Scent; Perception +13, -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 26, touch 14, flat-footed 23 (+7 armor,, +3 Dex, +4 natural, +2 Deflect) hp 110 (10d8+44) Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +15; +2 vs. Poison and Disease --------------------
Large Combat Form:
Dire Tiger Init +3; Senses low light vision, Scent; Perception +13 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 26, touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+7 armor, +2 Dex, +6 natural, +6 Deflect, -1 Size ) hp 110 (10d8+44) Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +15; +2 vs. Poison and Disease --------------------
Flight Form:
Eagle - Small Animal Init +5; Senses low light vision, Scent; Perception +13 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 28, touch 17, flat-footed 22 (+7 armor, +5 Dex, +3 natural, +1 Defelct, +2 Size ) hp 110 (10d8+44) Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +15; +2 vs. Poison and Disease --------------------
Fly skill is +5, Stealth is +3
Swim Form:
Dolphin or Squid, Medium Animal Init +3; Senses low light vision, Scent; Perception +13 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 26, touch 14, flat-footed 23 (+7 armor, +3 Dex, +4 natural, +2 Deflect ) hp 110 (10d8+44) Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +15; +2 vs. Poison and Disease --------------------
Animal Companion Tigone N Large Animal Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +9 --------------------
Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Weapon (Bite), Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus Bite Tricks Air Walk, Attack, Attack, Attack Any Target, Defend, Down, Fighting, Guard, Seek, Stay, Track