Grit |

Character profile is updated to show the steel scimitar. Thanks! a high crit weapon that does a d8 damage is nice. :)

Grit |

Did not help us much in the last fight... both he and the animal almost went down. but I understand your rational at least. You can only help 3?
The riddle is a little frustrating. Did we have any chance of knowing the answer?

Nnn'tkklik'l |

i could help 4, but then the temp HP would only have been 5
next round if things dont go terribly i can probably get you, the tigone, and whoever takes the worst hit of the original 3 (usually Raun)

Raun |

Raun does tend to draw fire, but that's kind of the point :p Wish her AC was a little better, but I'm not a big fan of sword and board. Two-handed is so much more fun.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

The riddle is a little frustrating. Did we have any chance of knowing the answer?
Sure. It wasn't about saying the correct words, but just making a sincere statement. You could have said "in my memory" or "in my heart" or "lost in the Gray" as long as you meant it. Asking "In the ground?" as a question (or Raun's suggestion, "In the next room?") are not the answers of someone mourning the dead. The mandalas and koans described in the spoiler were meant to be clues that this is a place of introspection.
Plus ... what good is a guardian statue if you don't get to fight it? ;)

Tenro |

regarding the collective, i have looked at the relevant rules again. the only disqualifying factor for collective i could find was a WIS of 0.
that being said, i dont recall if you had decided for or against a [mind-affecting] descriptor to the affect. i would say no (since it isnt really affecting the mind but connecting the bodies) but since it it psionic and kind of mental i could see it going either way.

Raun |

Damn it, are these caryatid columns? Those things suck!
Post later today. I don't think Raun would be dumb enough to break the hammer on them, even in a rage...
Wisdom check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Yeah, not gunna bust the hammer up :) have to go for a spear, or morningstar...

Raun |

Heh, fair enough :s Druids can get mending right?
Hmm, looking at the damage the Earthbreaker took, I thought it was stone, which normally has a hardness of 8.

Raun |

Mending should work I think. It's 10 minutes, and 1d4 hit points restored per cast though, so it may take him a while :p

Safia |

As far as reading and writing goes I'd say Safia has at least a basic grasp of it. Being the daughter of a mortician, a man who would be able to read and write even if it's just to make simple notes and read names, her father would have taught her at least the basics.

Nnn'tkklik'l |

Ooof I got sick too. Theyve been doing renovations where I work and the building is from the 1940s. I think theyve uncovered some mummy curse or something.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Also, before I forget, I had a realization about initiative last night. Instead of potentially three tiers (before bad guys, bad guys, and after bad guys) that usually get condensed to two through delays and whatnot, we'll just do two from the start. I'll roll initiative and anyone who beats the bad guys will get a full action. Then we can start each round after that with the bad guys going first. It's effectively the same as how we've been doing it, just simplifying the start.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Question for everyone: As we wrap up this chapter and move on to the next, would you be interested in recruiting a sixth player to replace Zok, or keep it at five PCs (and a tigone)? You have kind of a strange party composition, but don't seem to be suffering too much from the lack of arcane support or dedicated thievery.

Grit |

I would vote to replace him. Would like to have an arcane.
Also the Tigone has evasion and so would take no damage from the fireball.
I'll post my actions when I get home later tonight.

Raun |

I am likewise about to go dark for a while. Hopefully not too long at all but it'll probably be a few weeks if not longer; not really sure of duration at the moment. Please bot Raun as necessary (she's fairly straightforward, close with the biggest threat and beat at it until it has been smeared to paste), and if I'm not back in a few weeks... well I won't be upset if you replace me :) Raun will happily retire and become a leather worker with the dwarves :p

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Hey folks,
I'll be getting a gameplay update up later tonight. I've been working on a recruiting a sixth PC, as well, and would be interested in any feedback you have - you can post here or PM me with your thoughts on the characters or players. I'm most interested in recruiting someone who will be a reliable poster, as well as a fun addition to the group.
The recruitment thread can be found here.
Here's the list of applicants so far:
Gutta Darkmoon (Josh Shrader)-Elf Witch (bonded witch)(NOT FINISHED)
Daina (CampinCarl9127)-Half-Elf Wizard (conjuration [teleportation] specialist) (FINISHED)
Dukkoti Starbreeze (Anderlorn)-Elf Wizard (psychic mage) (FINISHED)
Thaxos (Draconas)-Half-Elf Wizard (transmuter)/Psion (telepath) (FINISHED)
Sythynis Shadethrift (Transylvanian Tadpole)-Half-elf Psion (kineticist) (FINISHED)
Lokee (Hayato Ken)-Halfling Rogue (bandit, survivalist) (FINISHED)
Marok of the Wastes (Cronax)-Human Psion (telepath) (FINISHED)

Grit |

Hey folks,
I'll be getting a gameplay update up later tonight. I've been working on a recruiting a sixth PC, as well, and would be interested in any feedback you have - you can post here or PM me with your thoughts on the characters or players. I'm most interested in recruiting someone who will be a reliable poster, as well as a fun addition to the group.The recruitment thread can be found here.
Here's the list of applicants so far:
Gutta Darkmoon (Josh Shrader)-Elf Witch (bonded witch)(NOT FINISHED) The player is a PFS DM with 2 stars. I like that. And he has GMed on the boards at least once. But I do not see the witch build so cannot review it. You say its not finished. Is there a draft somewhere? Hexes are powerful as they do not use spell slots and can be cast repeatedly, do not provoke, and do not have to overcome SR. but I want to see the build to see what type of player he is. Also I got the sense that he did not know the setting well.
Daina (CampinCarl9127)-Half-Elf Wizard (conjuration [teleportation] specialist) (FINISHED) - In one game with this player and its one where she stepped in and filled a spot where we lost someone. Doing fine. Seems to have a lot of characters and good posting history. The character itself is a good one - decent build without anything broken. I like it. This is my first or second choice.
Dukkoti Starbreeze (Anderlorn)-Elf Wizard (psychic mage) (FINISHED) I like what I see about the player and his build. More of a blaster build, but we might need that. In general I like controllers more than blasters. Neither wizard submission has the Haste spell which is a shame. This is my first or second choice. Likely second due to the blasty nature of the build.
Thaxos (Draconas)-Half-Elf Wizard (transmuter)/Psion (telepath) (FINISHED)Knows the rules well. Solid build, but I have to admit not understanding the archetype as well as I would like. Transmuters are usually more combat focused. I like the other wizards a little better, but maybe because I am familiar with them. Not sure why he has no 3rd level spells unless he does not get them due to the archetype.
Sythynis Shadethrift (Transylvanian Tadpole)-Half-elf Psion (kineticist) (FINISHED) I guess I like the wizards better than the psions. Player likely knows the rules but his php history is very limited so that is a risk.
Lokee (Hayato Ken)-Halfling Rogue (bandit, survivalist) (FINISHED) A good rogue build. And I miss having a hafting around. :) But overall I think a wizard adds more. Really depends on what we might be doing though. I would rank him third, after both Dianna and Dukkoti
Marok of the Wastes (Cronax)-Human Psion (telepath) (FINISHED) Not sure I understand the build. Is he a rogue? A wizard? He seems to have the skills of a rogue but no perception which is limiting. He spend his feats on weapon proficiency but does not have the stats to back that up. Looks like a very inexperienced player as far as how much board time he has. build would need some help I think.