DM Under a Dark Sun |

Folks, I'd like give Zok a chance to post before moving along, and we're coming up on a holiday for the Americans among us. I've been pretty easy-going about weekends, I'm afraid the lack of posting is starting to hold things up too much. I'd like everyone to try to post something - at a minimum check in here - on Friday. I'll be moving things along after the weekend regardless, and may have to drop folks who have not checked in for a while.

Zok the Butcher |

I'm sorry I wasn't able to check in yesterday, I'm afraid that I'm going to have trouble posting for about 10 days. I got an opportunity to speak at a conference at a camp in the back woods and not only do I have to prepare seven hours of presentations but do my regular two jobs on top of it all. My prep time is anytime I'm awake, and although this is a great opportunity for my career, it really is turning me into a intermittent poster for the time being. I do apologize for the inconvenience, and I understand if you want to drop the character.

Gorkhan Trask |

Ahh, good to know. Thanks.
Question: Does such a "broken" weapon merely have the "broken" condition with the -2 to hit, etc. (and also thus easier to fix with say a mending style cantrip) or more like "destroyed"?

Grit |

I'll be on the road all weekend so will not be posting much if at all Saturday and Sunday. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll still be around all day today.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Folks, just an FYI but Zok's player has had to drop from the game due to RL committments. I'm going to move ahead with just the group of five for now but may consider adding another player down the road. Although you'll be lacking in cannibalistic punch, you've still got several melee types so I think it will be fine.

Raun |

Awww, that's a pity... we should be fine but still, Zok was pretty interesting :)

Grit |

I liked him and was looking forward to further play with him. But he has proved to be less than reliable in the past both as a player and GM. I guess he is a busy guy.

Safia |

HP roll 1d8 ⇒ 1 well, that becomes a 4.5 then, so a 4 for this level and I'll remember the .5 in case I need it next level I guess?
Not sure about my feat, but I know my Revelation of choice will be Many Forms. The basic idea is that she draws on the collective memory of the dead to take their shapes. The progression to beast shape and other forms could be her learning to reach out to the spirits of dead beings that aren't humanoid in nature.

Gorkhan Trask |

HP: 1d8 ⇒ 2 Ok, so 5 (the initial recruitment post says round up).
Feat: Psicrystal Containment
Skills: Acrobatics, Autohypnosis, Disable Device, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Powers: Inevitable Strike (from Path), Chameleon
New abilities: Assassin's Trance & Assassin's Maneuver
He'll get rid of the broken tembo sword.
Any chance of someone identifying the longsword? Has enough time passed since the first detect/identify attempts of the party?

Grit |

Grit should be able to check it now, and again after we rest, using the once a day rule quoted by our DM.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
After our rest he is likely to be a little better at spellcraft, if that does not get it. :)

Grit |

Leveling - Taking a level of Druid (of course).
Hit Points: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 One better than average. I'll take it!
Skill points go into:
Knowledge Nature:
Feat will likely be Furious Focus but I am still researching.
He is going to start memorizing Entangle unless you tell me it does not work well in this world in the terrain we are in.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

On HP: Yes, you can take the average and round up if you roll low, so 1d6 is a minimum of 3, 1d8 is a minimum of 5 and 1d10 is minimum 6.
@Grit: Entangle could be limited in some circumstances (sand dunes w/ no vegetation, in a cave, etc.) but roots and cacti of one form or another would be present much of the time.
RE identifying the bone sword: Keep trying!

Grit |

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 - Hey I did get better!
Anything else need identifying?
Oh, and for the cat, do you want me to do hit points just like a PC?
And how far down are his stats? With care you can gain a point a day per stat I believe I am have been rolling good heal checks...
I just need to know how many lesser restorations I need to get when I memorize spells. :)

DM Under a Dark Sun |

@Gorkhan: The dwarves will give you 5 cp for the broken tembo sword, which I've added to the coins you already were carrying.
@Grit: Assuming you also cast guidance and got an assist from Safia, you are able to identify the bone sword. You think the elven symbols on the blade read "Swift Bite." It is a +1 keen bone longsword that grants the wielder haste for one round any time the weapon is used to confirm a critical hit.

Grit |

HIt Die: 1d8 ⇒ 5
HIt Die: 1d8 ⇒ 5
HIt Die: 1d8 ⇒ 6
Pretty average. :) Actually, just 1 point above minimum. :( lol.

Grit |

Grit would like to be able to trade his shield for a master work shield while he is here with the dwarves. He can cast masterwork Transformation, but I am not sure how the material component would work out - I doubt I am going to find 150 gold pieces laying around. :)
And since he is using a speak he would love to claim one of the daggers modified into a spear as it does a little more damage that he spear he currently has.
A sling and bullets would be an upgrade too.
I guess a backpack would be nice. And some extra water skins, even empty ones.

Raun |

HP: 1d12 ⇒ 12
Level: Barbarian (Though may consider some levels in Fighter or more likely Ranger at level 5... see how the character develops...
Class Ability: Extreme Endurance, yay permanent Endure Elements (Hot Conditions)
Skills: Craft (Leather), Knowledge (Nature), Perception
Am I right in thinking that Craft leather includes both tanning hides to obtain usable leather as well as being able to make things out of leather? Or do I need to pick up Profession (Tanner) for that?
Feat: Endurance
Gear/Equipment Raun would like: Not too much. The soapstone thing could be useful, but probably more beneficial to one of the casters. Would it be the same slot as Raun's fetish? IF noone else wants it then she'll grab one of the daggers to make into a spear. She still has four obsidian ones and countless other weapons though, so if someone else can use it then go ahead.
As to things the dwarves may be able to provide, a set of Masterwork Leatherworking tools would be nice, non-masterwork acceptable if they don't have them or aren't willing to give them away to her. Raun's going to make herself a Hide Shirt :) (or would that require craft armor specifically?).
If they could help her modify her sled to make it a bit smoother (and leave less of an obvious trail as I'm sure it does at the moment), and generally improve it that'd be good. Some proper clothes wouldn't go astray either, but she can probably handle that as she goes with her new-found ability with leather :)
Oh, eventually she'd like to get a bow that she can use effectively. A Large MW Composite Longbow (+5 Strength) should only be what... 1000gp? :p

DM Under a Dark Sun |

I'll put together a list of what you're able to trade for after everyone has put in their requests.
@Grit: The cost of masterwork transformation would be in ceramic pieces (or 1/10 of that amount in silver).
@Raun: Remember, Endure Elements doesn't completely negate hot conditions, but moves them down "one step," per the House Rules.
I'm fine with a pretty broad interpretation of craft skills, so Craft (leather) would cover the creation of leather and hide goods (including armor and shields) from start to finish.
The soapstone amulet uses the neck slot, as does the bone fetish.

Raun |

Yeah I remember. That, combined with Endurance (and rolling a 12 for her HD) makes Raun pretty resilient though :)
Just to see how awesome I can make her against heat, would Endurance stack with Desert Dweller, and would Raun qualify for that yet? (doesn't really indicate how much desert experience is required. She meets the other prerequisites.)
Awesome, good to hear on the Craft, just needs to get some tools now so she has a positive skill (currently +0, stupid 7 intelligence)
Figured about the amulet, so yeah Raun's definitely not interested.
Need to figure out how currency works in this crazy land too. It doesn't impact too much on Raun since she's not overly concerned about having cash, but so I know how much things she wants would take out of party funds.

Nnn'tkklik'l |

hp, min 4: 1d6 ⇒ 3 +2 con
+1 ref save
Drain Health supernatural ability
Telepathy supernatural ability
one 2nd level power: this can be changed out form day to day. I am thinking of starting with Resist Toxin for obvious reasons.
feat: not chosen yet, i will follow up on that in my next Discussion post.
3 skill pts: knowledge psionics, heal, perception
favored class: +0.5 collective member
5pp from class (net gain from wis bonus: 2)
as for gear wanted, definitely a waterskin to replace what was stolen from him (i assume we attributed the lost waterskin to our lost party member, as it is common that someone intent on traveling through the desert would need it).
Also, a psionic staff or crystal or really any psionic item would be good. he doesnt use armor or shields, and his BAB is now 2 points behind full, making standard weapons increasingly useless to him.
survival kits, healing kits, etc would all be useful to him as well.
Nnn'tkklik'l finally got his class's primary attack: Drain Health. now he can use his Unwilling Participant feat to pull enemies into his collective, and then drain the health from a foe and heal us.
also, for future use, could i get a clarification on any houseruled modifications to the Sustenance power?

Nnn'tkklik'l |

DM Under a Dark Sun |

@Raun: Desert Dweller would stack (reducing the heat level one step and granting the bonus vs thirst/starvation), although that's a lot feats to invest in one thing. As for currency, 100 ceramics=10 silver=1 gold=1/10 platinum. Most non-metal items cost 1/100 normal cost (so convert to cp, rather than gp) but metal items cost the normal cost in gold, which is much rarer.
@ Nnn'tkklik'l: Resist Toxin isn't going to help much, as it only grants temporary immunity. At the end of the duration, Grit would be affected by every dose of poison he was exposed to while the power was active, which would be one per casting of purify food and drink. As for sustenance, I'll allow it to work as normal, but you would have to augment it with +2 pp to affect a Large creature like Raun.

Raun |

Ahh okay, thanks for the info DM :) So standard conversion rate between coins, but everything is much cheaper.

Nnn'tkklik'l |

could multiple manifestations allow for him to be immune for the whole time the poison runs its course?
And what about the detoxify aspect of it? i'd have to be a higher level for that though, but perhaps later in levels i could do it.

Nnn'tkklik'l |

i was basically hoping to make him immune to the damage for long enough for his body to fight off the poison naturally, or with the aid of someone casting guidance

Gorkhan Trask |

Cool sword. Some questions on it:
- Does the hast activate in the round of the crit and/or is it active the following round? So if I move & crit, will the haste begin working then (giving the +1 AC, but no extra attack or movment) and end after the following rounds actions (allowing for an extra attack)? Or is it in the same round (so if a crit without movement will allow for an extra attack or an extra 30' on move in that same round)?
- Do bone weapons, including this sword, have a -2 damage?

DM Under a Dark Sun |

@Nnn'tkklik'l: The way I read the power, it just delays the poison- the toxin isn't
"processed" at all during the duration. At higher leves you can augment it to try to neutralize the poison.
@Gorkhan: The haste effect begins immediately and lasts until the end of your next turn ( unless activated by an AoO, in which case it would las until the end of that opponents next turn). Non metal weapons don't take a damage penalty, except in some cases may use a smaller damage dice (I'll let you know when that's the case). In any case, magic weapons are as strong as iron, so no penalties and then you add the +1 to hit and damage.

Grit |

I was thinking that the dwarves, being great craftsmen and all, might have some masterwork gear for trade. Grit does not really need the iron sickle and could offer it for trade if the dwarves are tempted by it.
He would also like a healer's kit. Good idea Nnn. How many total coins do we have? Per my understanding I would need material components = 15 silver to cast Masterwork transformation on armor. Twice that (30 silver) for a weapon, and a third that )5 silver) for a tool. As we get gear we want to keep Grit will offer to cast that spell for the group - pending the availability of coin.
For water, If we have to have more or if we need it to trade the dwarves- Grit would consider buffing up and casting Purify food and Drink again - that can transform 8 gallons of water per casting. With good buffs and party help (heal checks for each save, Guidance, and maybe Resistance spells) he has a good chance of making the saves. And he can get Lesser Restoration spells now to fix himself. Maybe the dwarves have a Cloak of Restoration he could borrow for the casting too??? Of course this would slow the group down by as much as a day, unless he gets lucky in his saves. And it will still cost them the time to go back to the oasis, unless the dwarves have tainted water here. Hmm. likely they would. Are they interested in bartering for Grit casting that spell agin?

DM Under a Dark Sun |

@Grit: There's really no need for you to cleanse water for the dwarves - they've got their own, more powerful cleric, and they'd rather your group got started after Durwadala.
RE trading: Just eye-balling what everyone is carrying, you've got about 180 cp in coins plus the caravan master's silver ring, worth 50 cp. You've also got quite a few unused weapons and suits of armor that could be traded - I'll put together a list of what might be bartered for and post it later.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Also, on the subject of purifying the water: In case it wasn't clear earlier, when Grit experimented with cleansing the water, he only tried to purify a quart mug, which exposed him to a single dose of poison. Purifying 8 gallons with a single casting would equal 32 doses at once, meaning the poison would last 99 rounds with a DC of 80, per the poison stacking rules. Purifying just a gallon at a time still increases the duration from 6 rounds to 15 with a DC 24 - which is why the dwarf cleric, Caelum, is so sick after spending most of the day purifying small batches of water.

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Ok, on trading:
Between everyone, you have 10 sp and 79 cp, as well as the silver ring worth 5 sp. Not counting magic items (which, even if unidentified, I assume you want to keep) you have the following unused (and apparently unwanted) equipment: iron sickle (carried by Grit); MW comp longbow (+2) w/ 20 bone arrows, MW bone trident, spare large obsidian morningstar, MW leather, obsidian battleaxe, tembo sword (all carried on Raun's sled).
If you trade all of the above to the dwarves, you could get:
* A large, masterwork stone earthbreaker for Raun (net +0 to hit, 2d8 damage)
* A masterwork chatka that had been crafted for Durwadala (+1 hit, 1d8 damage)
* A masterwork sling and bullets (+1 hit, 1d4 damage)
*A masterwork shield
* Masterwork leatherworking tools for Raun
* A pair of healer’s kits (10 uses each)
* A pair of (empty) one-gallon waterskins for each of you, as well as about 40 pounds of food.
In addition, they will mount each of the steel daggers to spear shafts, creating a pair of MW steel spears (+1 hit, 1d10 damage).
If there are items on the "giving away" list you'd rather not give up, let me know and I will adjust. If there are items on the gain list no one wants, let me know as well - you could keep some coinage or trade for the materials needed to cast masterwork transformation on existing equipment like Raun's morningstar, Nnn'tkklik'l's crossbow or Safia's armor.

Raun |

Oooh, earthbreaker...
As to things Raun might not want to give up, she was keeping the battleaxe and tembo sword as tools, so she'd likely want a large hatchet and large dagger to replace them. I imagine that should still result in a net gain for the party selling the weapons and getting replacements.
As to magic equipment, does anybody actually want the soapstone sense motive medallion? I haven't seen anyone express interest in it, so maybe sell/trade that too? Otherwise we should figure out who gets that.

Grit |

+10 is very good. Grit will take it for use in those cases where we have to discern if someone is lying to us. He is already +4 at Sense Motive and plans to get better at it. If someone else is better at sense motive they should have it though. I do not recommend we get rid of it.

Raun |

Hmm fair enough, I think the axe is the main thing to keep in case we need to hack our way through vegetation or something else. The tembo sword was the only thing that was a decent size for her to slice things rather than chop, but it's probably not terribly well suited to that anyway, so happy to give up sword and keep axe if that helps us keep some coins. Needs to find something for skinning animals for leather and fur though unless that'd be included in the tools.

Nnn'tkklik'l |

The kreen has two spears. Be could give up one easily. He would give up the crossbow if asked to now that he can drain health.
Can anyone identify the crystal he got from the cave with the cat?

DM Under a Dark Sun |

Ok, I'll leave the axe with Raun but trade out the tembo sword for a few coins. The trade-in value of Nnn'tkklik'l's spears is negligible and the crossbow wouldn't cover the MW shield, so that's out. Here's what I'm removing, so you can update your sheets:
* All coins
* The silver ring
* From Grit: iron sickle
* From Raun: MW comp longbow (+2) w/ 20 bone arrows, MW bone trident, spare large obsidian morningstar, MW leather
The stuff you are getting (Note, since Raun is getting the earthbreaker, I assigned the second steel spear to Safia):
* * A pair of (empty) one-gallon waterskins for each of you, as well as about 40 pounds of food (added to Raun's sled)
* A large, masterwork stone earthbreaker for Raun (net +0 to hit, 2d8 damage)
* Masterwork leatherworking tools for Raun
* A MW steel spear for Safia (+1 hit, 1d10 damage)
* A MW Steel spear for Grit (+1 to hit, 1d10 damage)
* A healer’s kit for Grit (10 uses)
* A healer's kit for Nnn'tkklik'l (10 uses)
* Since Grit is taking one of the steel spears, I will move the MW agafari spear to Nnn'tkklik'l (unless someone else wants it) and add the thri-kreen's obsidian spears to Raun's stash of ammo. The soapstone amulet goes to Grit and Nnn'tkklik'l will hold on to the as yet unidentified crystal.
That leaves the following items unassigned:
* A masterwork chatka that had been crafted for Durwadala (+1 hit, 1d8 damage) - This is a martial throwing weapon. Nnn'tkklik'l? Gorkhan?
* A masterwork sling and bullets (+1 hit, 1d4 damage)- Grit? Safia?

Grit |

Hey Safia, you can take the steel spear if you let me use the scimitar... I am giving up the sickle as part of the the trade and have learned its good to have a bladed melee weapon.

Grit |

That would be me. I have a point in Craft Weapon. With Masterwork tools I can take 10 and get a 15. That should be enough to eventually provide you with a scythe if provided the right mats.

Raun |

Heh, musical weapons :p
Well Raun is more than happy with what she's ended up with :p Everything she wanted and more. Now she just needs to kill something big with a good hide so she can skin it and wear it. Hmmm, that might be a bit harder.
I should probably figure out how much her sled weighs now too. That will have to wait until Sunday...
EDIT: I can just see Raun trying to do the math. "How much does 40 lbs of food weigh?"
EDIT2: Hmm, Earthbreaker is a two handed weapon isn't it. We'll there goes some AC...