Dark Sun, Pathfinder Edition (Inactive)

Game Master tribeof1

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Female Halfling Shaman (Witch doctor) 10 | AC 17(23), Touch 17, FF 13(19) | HP 68 | F +5, R +11, W +14, +2 vs fear and poison | Init +4 | Perc +18(+20)

Finally I can use gender specific pronouns!

M Mul - Dwarf and Human, raised by dwarves Druid 10 | AC 26, Touch 15, FF 24 | HP 110/110+0 temp | F +14, R +9, W +15, +2 vs. disease, Immune to poison | Init +3 | Perception +17, Darkvision

LOL. I Had no idea. :)

Female Halfling Shaman (Witch doctor) 10 | AC 17(23), Touch 17, FF 13(19) | HP 68 | F +5, R +11, W +14, +2 vs fear and poison | Init +4 | Perc +18(+20)

I didn't make the choice until it actually came up via either interaction (one of you asked Woki) or in a situation like a shared bathhouse...

The dice decided!

M Humanborn
DM Under a Dark Sun wrote:
As for currency, 100 ceramics=10 silver=1 gold=1/10 platinum. Most non-metal items cost 1/100 normal cost (so convert to cp, rather than gp) but metal items cost the normal cost in gold, which is much rarer.

nvm found it

so basically ceramic = gold if it is a non-metal item.

if it is a metal item, it ccosts 100x as much

ThriKreen Mender Vitalist (Life Leech) 10 | AC 16* Touch 13 Flat-Footed 13* | HP 90/90 | F +13* R +8 W +14 | Init +3 | Perc +19 (*=check traits)

here are some items i am thinking about:

Gravewatch Pendant unless someone has a more economical way to protect against undead. especially something that boosts saves.

also thinking of a

Folding Boat this would need a re-skin to be a silt skiff or something. Just thinking this may be a good idea in case our skiff goes down, or in case our skiff guy wont go all the way or won't come back for us.

I invite suggestions or comments regarding these two. My main two goals, which i fear only one may be furthered here, would be to assist in our safe passage there, or protect against the undead enemies we will face.

F Half-Giant Bloodrager (Invulnerable Rager) 10 | HP 108/108 | Init +3 | Perc +13
AC 21, Tch 15, Flat 18 | F +13 R +9 W +8 (+4 vs. psionics, +2 vs. friendly fire)
+20 HP | AC 19, Tch 15, Flat 16 | F +15 R +9 W +10 (+4 v psionic, +2 v friendly)

Uhh why has the ring of natural armor not been claimed? Looking back through the thread it looks like we might have just missed divvying up the loot from under that village.

Oh, speaking of that village do we still have the Villichi girl with us? Don't recall any references to her lately :p

as to loot. hmm... I know Raun had some money saved up from the last spending opportunity to upgrade her hammer's enchantment, 4000cp evidently, so she'll use that and 2k from her share to... oh I was just going to make it +2, but I'm also tempted to make it Undead Bane :D

Speaking of undead enchants and protecting against them, there is the Deathless armor property which absorbs negative energy damage, and gives a 25% chance to avoid negative levels, which is pretty nice. Even if you don't have armor, a +2 armor enchant is only 4k.

Gonna keep looking for sweet loots.

M Mul - Dwarf and Human, raised by dwarves Druid 10 | AC 26, Touch 15, FF 24 | HP 110/110+0 temp | F +14, R +9, W +15, +2 vs. disease, Immune to poison | Init +3 | Perception +17, Darkvision

Grit can wear the ring BUT it does not stack with the natural armor he gains when shifting.

I think the best thing Grit can do is to upgrade his cloak to +3. A plus 1 cloak at 9th level is pretty poor. :) And the upgrade should cost exactly 8K. Of course that leaves nothing to trade the wandering mage… If he goes to +3 he has 5K to spare for that purpose.

Note that most of the necromancer stuff we have to fear allows a save so buffing our saves is a good thing.

Nnn: Either of those would be fine, and I'd upgrade the folding boat to include a psionic "floatstone" needed to keep it from sinking. Requires PP to power it, but you'd be able to manage.

Raun: Not sure why no one claimed the ring of natural armor - if someone wants it, speak up. If Nnn heals the old noble's leg, you could pretty easily argue to increase the reward to make up for not trading it in.

Grit: Cloak upgrade would be fine. As for bartering with the Wanderer ... cash isn't going to do it, so don't worry about that. For now, spend what you've got because the chance is unlikely to come again.

M Mul - Dwarf and Human, raised by dwarves Druid 10 | AC 26, Touch 15, FF 24 | HP 110/110+0 temp | F +14, R +9, W +15, +2 vs. disease, Immune to poison | Init +3 | Perception +17, Darkvision

Ok. Then Grit is fine with the cloak upgrade to +3. I will update my profile.

Edit - I had forgotten that the +1 cloak Grit has has other properties. It is the Klan Killer Cloak. Are you ok with upgrading the resistance bonus on that cloak to +3 for 8K? I did not want to assume that was ok.

Yeah, no problem. We'll say you treat it with some exotic oils made of id fiend juice or something.

ThriKreen Mender Vitalist (Life Leech) 10 | AC 16* Touch 13 Flat-Footed 13* | HP 90/90 | F +13* R +8 W +14 | Init +3 | Perc +19 (*=check traits)

I will definitely heal the old man's leg if restore extremity would work. technically, it should work if i chopped his leg off and manifested it, but i would think it would work without that as well.

well, if no one wants the ring, Nnn should be able to use it. he already has natural armor, but doesnt the ring just boost that?

and as for the other members of the group, what do you think about my idea? should i go for the boat or something to protect vs undead?

F Half-Giant Bloodrager (Invulnerable Rager) 10 | HP 108/108 | Init +3 | Perc +13
AC 21, Tch 15, Flat 18 | F +13 R +9 W +8 (+4 vs. psionics, +2 vs. friendly fire)
+20 HP | AC 19, Tch 15, Flat 16 | F +15 R +9 W +10 (+4 v psionic, +2 v friendly)

The ring is an enhancement bonus yeah. Raun could use it too, but she has Displacement whenever she rages, so that's a lot more reliable than a 10% chance to hit her. So if you think you'd get use out of it Nnn then go ahead.

Daina helpfully reminded me of the obvious enchantment for Raun's weapon which I'd forgotten about, Furious; yaaay free +1 pretty much every time we fight :p

As for the other 6k I'm not sure... apart from the boring 'big six' I've found Boots of Swift Fury which are kind of nice but not especially helpful for what's coming up and beyond the remaining funds besides.

I could buy some elemental gems maybe?

Oh! What about a [urlhttp://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/horn-of-goodness-evil]Horn of Goodness/Evil[/url]? Would the circle move with Raun if she blew it? If so this might be the one to get :) Would just need another 350cp

M Mul - Dwarf and Human, raised by dwarves Druid 10 | AC 26, Touch 15, FF 24 | HP 110/110+0 temp | F +14, R +9, W +15, +2 vs. disease, Immune to poison | Init +3 | Perception +17, Darkvision

I recall now about why Grit did not want to take the ring. It does indeed stack with existing natural armor. But it does not stack with Barkskin. And since Grit can cast Barkskin he was letting someone else claim it.

Raun Furious is great for a barbarian. BUT it will cost you the full 8K to have it added to a weapon. While it is only a +1 enhancement, it must be added to a +1 weapon. So you have to pay for a +2 weapon (total of 9K, or 8K with an upgrade.)

Male Human Psychic Warrior (traceur) 3 / Slayer 3 / Elocater 4 | HP 98/98 | PP (3/3) 24/26 AC 25 Touch 18 Flat-Footed 18 | F +10, R +12, W +9 | Init +11 | Perc +19 {psicrystal +10, sighted 40'}
Active powers/abilities:
conceal thoughts, chameleon, darkvision, deathwatch, fly (75'), inertial armor, see invisibility

Hmm. I don't know what might be useful for Gorkhan. Sure the natural armor thing could be of use, but Gorkhan prefers not to remain close enough to be hit (although he still takes a good amount of damage). Maybe keenifying the Seeker's Blade?

F Half-Giant Bloodrager (Invulnerable Rager) 10 | HP 108/108 | Init +3 | Perc +13
AC 21, Tch 15, Flat 18 | F +13 R +9 W +8 (+4 vs. psionics, +2 vs. friendly fire)
+20 HP | AC 19, Tch 15, Flat 16 | F +15 R +9 W +10 (+4 v psionic, +2 v friendly)

Raun's hammer has been +1 for a while Grit :p and... that's not how upgrading enhancement bonuses works is it? You pay the difference not the whole price again.

M Mul - Dwarf and Human, raised by dwarves Druid 10 | AC 26, Touch 15, FF 24 | HP 110/110+0 temp | F +14, R +9, W +15, +2 vs. disease, Immune to poison | Init +3 | Perception +17, Darkvision

Right. The difference is 6K (was wrong when I said *K - Just could not recall). You have a +1 and are adding another 1 equivalent to it, making it the equivalent of a +2. So you pay for the difference between 2K and 8K.

Nnn: Cool, I'll assign the ring to you, and assume the noblewoman gives an extra reward for healing her husband (maybe you cut away the withered flesh, allowing healthy muscle to regrow ...). Either of those items could be useful in the future.

Raun: Yep, 6,000 cp to add furious to your hammer. Horn of goodness would be possible, too, and would be centered on you after you blew it. I'm sure someone would loan you the extra

Gorkhan: Adding keen to the +2 blade would cost 10,000 cp (The sword has some extra abilities, but I think I priced them as add-ons, not pluses).

I've also got Grit's item planned. Daina is out of contact for a bit, so we'll let her do some shopping retroactively when she returns. Woki? Anything catching your (newly feminine) eye?

ThriKreen Mender Vitalist (Life Leech) 10 | AC 16* Touch 13 Flat-Footed 13* | HP 90/90 | F +13* R +8 W +14 | Init +3 | Perc +19 (*=check traits)

Still thinking, no one has really said one thing or another about my boat idea.

I see it as helpful but worry i might be blowing tons of ceramics on something that is only of limited utility, and I'd hate to have it and then get messed up by some evil effect i narrowly missed the save for. auuughhh

F Half-Giant Bloodrager (Invulnerable Rager) 10 | HP 108/108 | Init +3 | Perc +13
AC 21, Tch 15, Flat 18 | F +13 R +9 W +8 (+4 vs. psionics, +2 vs. friendly fire)
+20 HP | AC 19, Tch 15, Flat 16 | F +15 R +9 W +10 (+4 v psionic, +2 v friendly)

right Grit, I think maybe you're implying I wouldn't have enough money to buy that and something else? I still had 4k left over from the last divvying and sale of loot so should work fine :) Just need a few hundred more cp for the horn.

As for your ideas Nnn, probably better to go for the undead protection if anything. They're both kind of narrow focus but the undead one could still come up later on. That's why I picked the Horn, if the campaign does continue we're bound to run into more baddies later on.

M Mul - Dwarf and Human, raised by dwarves Druid 10 | AC 26, Touch 15, FF 24 | HP 110/110+0 temp | F +14, R +9, W +15, +2 vs. disease, Immune to poison | Init +3 | Perception +17, Darkvision

Grit has 450 he can loan you.

Male Human Psychic Warrior (traceur) 3 / Slayer 3 / Elocater 4 | HP 98/98 | PP (3/3) 24/26 AC 25 Touch 18 Flat-Footed 18 | F +10, R +12, W +9 | Init +11 | Perc +19 {psicrystal +10, sighted 40'}
Active powers/abilities:
conceal thoughts, chameleon, darkvision, deathwatch, fly (75'), inertial armor, see invisibility

So with the 8k cp we received and Gorkhan's current 4k cp, he should be able to afford the Keen aspect with 2k to spare.

Female Halfling Shaman (Witch doctor) 10 | AC 17(23), Touch 17, FF 13(19) | HP 68 | F +5, R +11, W +14, +2 vs fear and poison | Init +4 | Perc +18(+20)

So either of two items Woki might like: Eagle Cape or Pearl of Power (4th level).

Female Half Elf Arcanist 9 | AC 14, Touch 14, FF 11 | HP 68/68 | F +7, R +8, W +7 (All +4 vs psionics) | Init +5 | Perc +15

OK I am making my return to the boards.

How much money do we have individually and as a group? I don't believe the Campaign Info tab has the information.

Woki: Cape would be fine. A level 4 pearl (16,000) is out of your price range, although you could get a level 3 pearl (9,000) if someone loaned you a grand.

Daina: You have "gems worth 1,000 cp, 15 sp, 50 cp" from your individual equipment list on the Campaign tab. You also get 8,000 cp from your share of the liquidated group loot and recent rewards.

Female Half Elf Arcanist 9 | AC 14, Touch 14, FF 11 | HP 68/68 | F +7, R +8, W +7 (All +4 vs psionics) | Init +5 | Perc +15

So after liquidating the gems I'll have 8600 cp to work with. If I can borrow 400 cp from somebody I can pick up a Lesser Metamagic rod of Empowering.

Female Halfling Shaman (Witch doctor) 10 | AC 17(23), Touch 17, FF 13(19) | HP 68 | F +5, R +11, W +14, +2 vs fear and poison | Init +4 | Perc +18(+20)

Oh yeah, my mistake. I was reading the cost to craft instead of the price on the pearl. I'll go with the cape. Which means I think I have some money left over it anyone wants something slightly more expensive.

Daina: You get full price for the gems, not half, so you've got 9,200 cp altogether by my count.

Female Half Elf Arcanist 9 | AC 14, Touch 14, FF 11 | HP 68/68 | F +7, R +8, W +7 (All +4 vs psionics) | Init +5 | Perc +15

Hey, I'm all good than! I'll buy the rod and have 200 cp leftover than.

F Half-Giant Bloodrager (Invulnerable Rager) 10 | HP 108/108 | Init +3 | Perc +13
AC 21, Tch 15, Flat 18 | F +13 R +9 W +8 (+4 vs. psionics, +2 vs. friendly fire)
+20 HP | AC 19, Tch 15, Flat 16 | F +15 R +9 W +10 (+4 v psionic, +2 v friendly)

Alright so Raun upgrades her hammer to a +1 Furious earthbreaker, buys a horn of goodness/evil, and owes 300cp to Grit :)

Ok, to recap:

Grit: Spending 8k to upgrade Klar-Killler's cloak to +3 to saves. Go ahead and keep the orb of Jah-hoz, as well - it wouldn't make much difference in what everyone has to spend.

Raun: Spend 6k to add furious to earthbreaker. Spend remaining 2K +4k from personal stash and a few hundred borrowed to get horn of goodness/evil.

Gorkhan: Spend 8k + 2k from stash to add keen to the Seeker's blade

Daina: Spend 8k + 1k from stash to buy a lesser metamagic rod of empowering

Woki: Spend 7k on eagle cape and add 1k to personal stash

Nnn: Go with the gravewatch pendant. I won't make you spend your own share on group modes of transport.

Everything correct?

Female Half Elf Arcanist 9 | AC 14, Touch 14, FF 11 | HP 68/68 | F +7, R +8, W +7 (All +4 vs psionics) | Init +5 | Perc +15

All good on my end.

Raun we should get to roleplaying you teaching me improved initiative :D

ThriKreen Mender Vitalist (Life Leech) 10 | AC 16* Touch 13 Flat-Footed 13* | HP 90/90 | F +13* R +8 W +14 | Init +3 | Perc +19 (*=check traits)

Is the Gravewatch Pendant the best thing against undead? Or is there something better I can afford?

F Half-Giant Bloodrager (Invulnerable Rager) 10 | HP 108/108 | Init +3 | Perc +13
AC 21, Tch 15, Flat 18 | F +13 R +9 W +8 (+4 vs. psionics, +2 vs. friendly fire)
+20 HP | AC 19, Tch 15, Flat 16 | F +15 R +9 W +10 (+4 v psionic, +2 v friendly)

it's 4.2k from Raun's stash and 300cp from grit to be more precise, but yeah :)

heh, well it's up to Daina to initiate that :p

M Mul - Dwarf and Human, raised by dwarves Druid 10 | AC 26, Touch 15, FF 24 | HP 110/110+0 temp | F +14, R +9, W +15, +2 vs. disease, Immune to poison | Init +3 | Perception +17, Darkvision
Däina wrote:

All good on my end.

Raun we should get to roleplaying you teaching me improved initiative :D

I could imagine that going something like this:

Raun: Block when I say go.

Daina: What?

Raun Go! Raun slaps Daina in the side of the head hard enough to knock her sprawling.

Daina, dizzy, crawls to her feet.

Raun: You have to get faster. Go!

Grit is good. and ready to move on.

F Half-Giant Bloodrager (Invulnerable Rager) 10 | HP 108/108 | Init +3 | Perc +13
AC 21, Tch 15, Flat 18 | F +13 R +9 W +8 (+4 vs. psionics, +2 vs. friendly fire)
+20 HP | AC 19, Tch 15, Flat 16 | F +15 R +9 W +10 (+4 v psionic, +2 v friendly)

Naw, Raun won't be quite that rough with her friends. Daina probably will end up a bit sore and/or rattled though, depends how Daina approaches her about it and frames the request I think, I've got some ideas.

ThriKreen Mender Vitalist (Life Leech) 10 | AC 16* Touch 13 Flat-Footed 13* | HP 90/90 | F +13* R +8 W +14 | Init +3 | Perc +19 (*=check traits)

if the girl is part of the combo to open up the evil bad doom thing, we probably shouldnt bring her. the bad guys have their own, but bringing a backup isnt a good idea

unless she has some way to help us cancel out the other one or find the other one

F Half-Giant Bloodrager (Invulnerable Rager) 10 | HP 108/108 | Init +3 | Perc +13
AC 21, Tch 15, Flat 18 | F +13 R +9 W +8 (+4 vs. psionics, +2 vs. friendly fire)
+20 HP | AC 19, Tch 15, Flat 16 | F +15 R +9 W +10 (+4 v psionic, +2 v friendly)

I swear we had this discussion before already...

Seems we didn't come to a decision then either. Raun's opinion hasn't really changed though.

Female Half Elf Arcanist 9 | AC 14, Touch 14, FF 11 | HP 68/68 | F +7, R +8, W +7 (All +4 vs psionics) | Init +5 | Perc +15

I say we bring her.

M Mul - Dwarf and Human, raised by dwarves Druid 10 | AC 26, Touch 15, FF 24 | HP 110/110+0 temp | F +14, R +9, W +15, +2 vs. disease, Immune to poison | Init +3 | Perception +17, Darkvision

Leaning that way myself. She believes she can be useful so do we dare not?

ThriKreen Mender Vitalist (Life Leech) 10 | AC 16* Touch 13 Flat-Footed 13* | HP 90/90 | F +13* R +8 W +14 | Init +3 | Perc +19 (*=check traits)

better to have and not need, than to need and not have

of course they might be saying the same thing! aaahhh

F Half-Giant Bloodrager (Invulnerable Rager) 10 | HP 108/108 | Init +3 | Perc +13
AC 21, Tch 15, Flat 18 | F +13 R +9 W +8 (+4 vs. psionics, +2 vs. friendly fire)
+20 HP | AC 19, Tch 15, Flat 16 | F +15 R +9 W +10 (+4 v psionic, +2 v friendly)

nothing from me. Lets roll out!

Male Human Psychic Warrior (traceur) 3 / Slayer 3 / Elocater 4 | HP 98/98 | PP (3/3) 24/26 AC 25 Touch 18 Flat-Footed 18 | F +10, R +12, W +9 | Init +11 | Perc +19 {psicrystal +10, sighted 40'}
Active powers/abilities:
conceal thoughts, chameleon, darkvision, deathwatch, fly (75'), inertial armor, see invisibility


Hey guys and gals, I had hoped to get a post up tonight but got side-tracked with packing for a trip. I'm going to be out of town and away from Internet access until late Wednesday, but will plan to get a post up then.

M Mul - Dwarf and Human, raised by dwarves Druid 10 | AC 26, Touch 15, FF 24 | HP 110/110+0 temp | F +14, R +9, W +15, +2 vs. disease, Immune to poison | Init +3 | Perception +17, Darkvision

Safe travels.

F Half-Giant Bloodrager (Invulnerable Rager) 10 | HP 108/108 | Init +3 | Perc +13
AC 21, Tch 15, Flat 18 | F +13 R +9 W +8 (+4 vs. psionics, +2 vs. friendly fire)
+20 HP | AC 19, Tch 15, Flat 16 | F +15 R +9 W +10 (+4 v psionic, +2 v friendly)

yeah, no worries DM :)

Female Half Elf Arcanist 9 | AC 14, Touch 14, FF 11 | HP 68/68 | F +7, R +8, W +7 (All +4 vs psionics) | Init +5 | Perc +15

I have a question on how firestream works. You get to shoot one line of fire per round of concentration, but do the previous lines persist and continue to do damage? Is the spell supposed to be a bunch of bursts of fire, or is it supposed to slowly cover the map in fire?

I read it as you get to direct a 20' line each round as long as you concentrate, but they don't persist. If they were supposed to stay around I'd expect some rules for people passing through as in wall of fire etc.

Female Half Elf Arcanist 9 | AC 14, Touch 14, FF 11 | HP 68/68 | F +7, R +8, W +7 (All +4 vs psionics) | Init +5 | Perc +15

That's a fair point, if that was the case they probably would have included some rules on it. That spell is actually not that good in hindsight, unless all you're doing is killing dozens of very low HD enemies that keep moving around.

Or do twice as much damage as a fireball over time to a stationary target.

Female Half Elf Arcanist 9 | AC 14, Touch 14, FF 11 | HP 68/68 | F +7, R +8, W +7 (All +4 vs psionics) | Init +5 | Perc +15

We can take a tarrasque now!

However another way to read it is since it says "You can select a new area for it to affect", that means you wouldn't be able to stack them on top of each other.

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