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We'll be wrapping up this one is the next few days. Go ahead and post any day job rolls and let me know if you would like to check anything off on faction journal cards. Any other end of scenario type stuff?

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1. Elska, Mammut Princess
2. Hunter 2, Zen Archer 1
3. 75958-12
4. Grand Lodge
5. Day Job, Profession (mammoth herder): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
6. I checked off the Grand Lodge faction goal of "Adventure in a nation other than Absalom." (Zi Ha)

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Sadly I only received one of my 3 Gameday boons so nothing for Mido to chalk of...
Profession Instructor1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

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Sadly I only received one of my 3 Gameday boons . . .
That sucks.
I never got my GM boon for GD4. :/

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It might have something to do with the fact that I provided different E-mail addresses for different games... maybe some of my GMS never reported... life goes on...
Anyways thank you once again for running this ChaosOrbit I really liked this one even if we made it too easy on ourselves in the boss fight with all those crits...

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Yes, thank you Chaosorbit. I really liked this one. It was even better than Part 1.

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Giltman Pennywhistle
Warpriest 3
Silver Crusade
No Day Job.
Agreed with the others, this one was super fun! :)

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1. Beauregard
2. Brawler 5
3. 60921-10
4. Grand Lodge
5. No Day job, Bo lives for adventure, when he isn't here he is getting drunk telling stories of his adventures.
6. Grand Lodge faction goal of "Adventure in a nation other than Absalom." (Zi Ha)
Thanks Chaosorbit, I've had a lot of fun playing in Play By Posts and in your groups specifically!

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Thanks, I've enjoyed these to scenarios immensely as well, they are among my favorites, and having an excellent and fun group of pathfinders is definitely what made it so!
Looking forward to #7–15: The Deepmarket Deception which drops next week.
After we finish wrapping up here and I get the chronicles out to you; we will have a little less than a week till it comes out and I plan to jump right into it once it's out.
That gives you a little time to level up if needed and make some purchases.
I will update Gameplay a little later today.
Thanks for playing!

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Thank you again, you've been awesome, I can't wait!!

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@ Chaosorbit: What is the origin of your messageboard alias? Are you a physicist?

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@Elska -- I'm not nearly that cool. It's kind of a weird story, many moons ago, whist playing Magic, the card Chaos Orb was played. It made me remember something a science teacher taught in high school. That the orbits of the planets were in chaos, not in the short term, but over millions of years. Which I remember wondering at the time how on earth did scientists know that. So I told that story to my friend I was playing Magic with and we end up having like a 2 hour discussion on the topic and a bunch of chaos theory stuff.
So the original origin was sort of a play on words. I started using it and have ever since.

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Well, in any case, it is a cool alias! :)
(And I didn't know that about planetary orbits, so I'm glad I asked.)

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@Elska -- I'm not nearly that cool. It's kind of a weird story, many moons ago, whist playing Magic, the card Chaos Orb was played. It made me remember something a science teacher taught in high school. That the orbits of the planets were in chaos, not in the short term, but over millions of years. Which I remember wondering at the time how on earth did scientists know that. So I told that story to my friend I was playing Magic with and we end up having like a 2 hour discussion on the topic and a bunch of chaos theory stuff.
So the original origin was sort of a play on words. I started using it and have ever since.
So the interesting question. Do you still own that ChaosOrb?

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@Mido -- Alas no at one point I sold the vast majority of my Magic collection to include the Chaos Orb. I probably should have kept it.
Chronicles later today! It's a cool one!

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@Kelson -- your in for 7-15!
I think everyone is continuing so no empty slots if you were looking to bring in someone else.

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Chronicles other than Miyako (need a day job roll) loaded to dropbox.
Let me know if you have trouble downloading or if I messed anything up on the chronicles themselves.
I've also attached a sheet another GM put together that helps explain the boon without having to crack open Occult Adventures. It's a pretty cool Shared Seance boon!
Also note some of the items you can buy have alternate cost (gold + PP), very cool!

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Woo chronicles, three of my PbP games handed out chronicles this morning. Goodness, what timing!

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I'm a bit late, but here you go!
Name: Miyako_Okori
Player: StephNyan
PFS#: 115025-6
Faction: The Exchange
Day Job: Diplomacy (Caravan vanity), +5 for Faction Journal Card Reward: 1d20 + 10 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 10 + 5 = 26 = 50gp!
Checking the following box on my Faction Journal Card:
"Earn at least 50 gp as a result of a Day Job check."

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Miyako's chronicle is now loaded in the dropbox (link above).
I went ahead and set up the thread for the next game here:
Sign up at your leisure.

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I just remembered that I have a GM chronicle to apply to Elska, which will bring her to 4th level. I'll sign up with her after I get her leveled up.

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Elska got a little bit better with her bow, and Nuk gained 10 hp! :)

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Game will be starting in the other thread later today. At that point I'll make this thread inactive.