
Giltman Pennywhistle's page

362 posts. Organized Play character for cartmanbeck (RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16).

Full Name

Giltman Pennywhistle


Human (Adopted by Gnomes)


Warpriest 4, AC 16, T9, FF16, (CURRENT AC 17/T10/FF17, 3 DEX DAMAGE); Init. -1; CMD 14; hp 24/24; [ON FIRE] Fort+5, Ref+0, Will+7; Percept. +3; Diplom. +9; Fervor 5/5; Blessings 7/7; Sacred weapon 4/4 rounds








Nivi Rhombodazzle

Strength 16
Dexterity 9
Constitution 12
Intelligence 9
Wisdom 16
Charisma 14

About Giltman Pennywhistle

Giltman is a human lad who was orphaned at a young age and raised by kind gnomish parents. His father was a priest of Nivi Rhombodazzle, the gnomish deity of community and luck. This upbringing created a deep belief that the community is to be protected, and as soon as he came of age (14 years) Giltman asked to be sent to a fighting academy. He trained there under the tutelage of a legendary priest/warrior who taught him to use his faith in his deity in battle.


Giltman Pennywhistle
Male human warpriest of Nivi Rhombodazzle 4
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init -1; Senses Perception +3

AC 16 Touch 9 FF 16 (+7 armor, -1 Dex)
hp 31 (4d8+4)
Fort +5 Ref +0 Will +7

Melee +1 Adamantine light hammer +8 +10 [ROLL TWICE ON SINGLE ATTACK (not on crit confirms)] (1d6+3) (1d6+5) or cold iron shield bash +5 (1d4+3)
Ranged Light hammer +3 (1d6+3) (1d6+5)
Special Attacks Fervor (1d6 positive energy, DC 15), channel energy (2 uses of fervor) Sacred Weapon (light hammer, +1 enhancement as Swift 4 rounds/day), Weapon of the Chosen (light hammer, Swift action to count as magic and either chaotic or good)

Warpriest spells prepared
2nd (2/day) - bull's strength, weapon of awe
1st (4/day) - divine favor, liberating command, shield of faith, bless
0 (at will) - detect magic, guidance, light, stabilize

Blessing spell-like abilities (7/day, DC 15)
minor communal aid, copycat
Domains Community, Trickery

Str 1620, Dex 9, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 15
Feats Power Attack, Weapon Focus (light hammer), Weapon of the Chosen, Improved Weapon of the Chosen, Greater Weapon of the Chosen
Skills Diplomacy +11, Handle Animal +7, Heal +10, Kn. (religion) +7, Spellcraft +3, Survival +8 Armor check penalty -8
Traits Blessed Touch (+1 healing with channel or cure spells), Mediator (+1 Dipl. and to save DCs resulting in peaceful actions)
SQ Aura (chaotic), blessings (minor), fervor (4/day)
Combat gear banded mail, cold iron heavy steel shield, adamantine light hammer, light hammer (5), holy water, wooden holy symbol
Other gear backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candles (10), cheap holy text, flint and steel, grappling hook, iron pot, mess kit, hemp rope (50 ft), soap, spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (4), waterskin

wand of cure light wounds, 38 charges
scroll of heart of the metal plus a chunk of adamantine
2x scroll of daylight

Temp gear:

Feat descriptions:

Weapon of the Chosen
The influence of your deity guides your favored weapon.

Prerequisite(s): Weapon Focus with deity's favored weapon, must worship and receive spells from a deity.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can call upon your deity to guide an attack you make with your deity's favored weapon. On your next attack in that round with that weapon, your weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction or striking an incorporeal creature. If your attack misses because of concealment, you can reroll your miss chance one time to see whether you actually hit.

Improved Weapon of the Chosen
You gain even greater favor when you use your deity's favored weapon.

Prerequisite(s): Weapon Focus with your deity's favored weapon, Weapon of the Chosen.

Benefit: This feat acts as Weapon of the Chosen, except you gain the benefits on all attacks until the start of your next turn. Your attacks gain a single alignment component of your deity—either chaotic, evil, good, or lawful—for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. If your deity is neutral with no other alignment components, your attacks instead overcome damage reduction as though your weapon were both cold iron and silver.

Greater Weapon of the Chosen
Your deity guides your hand when you fight with her favored weapon.

Prerequisite(s): Improved Weapon of the Chosen, Weapon Focus with deity's favored weapon, Weapon of the Chosen, worship and receive spells from a deity.

Benefit: When you use your deity's favored weapon to attempt a single attack with the attack action, you roll two dice for your attack roll and take the higher result. You do not need to use your Weapon of the Chosen feat to gain this feat's benefit. As usual, the reroll does not apply to any confirmation rolls.

Chronicle boons:

One free use of divination from cleric of Asmodeus in Egorian
Kassen's Blessing [ONCE] - Reroll one attack, save, or skill check
Friend of the Family [PERM] - +1 Diplomacy and Kn.Nobility when in Absalom.

Has played:

#01 Silent Tide
#02 Hydra's Fang Incident
#03 Murder on the Silken Caravan
Module: Crypt of the Everflame
#6-02 The Silver Mount Collection