Castamir's Flaxseed Station

Game Master Chris Marsh

GameDay XIII
Play by Post Lodges and Guides
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Gm aerondor and anyone else who is curious:
Thanks, so what class would you use it for?

Grand Lodge


I had someone play one in my Truth of the Seeker game a little while back as a Wild Warden Mystic, if you'd like to see an example.


He did some good roleplaying. On another note, I have a level 13 character, but sadly no level 13 tier or higher scenarios yet. Wonder if he is now considered retired?

Edit: I'm also thinking about purchasing the Rising Star (Slotless Boon) from the Starfinder Society guide. Which character do I email them about? The one that purchased the boon to become a in-world venture captain, or the character I gave the boon to?

Dark Archive

Scenario and AP Tracker

Outpost III: Putting on the Ritz GM's please check out the announcement link below.

Outpost III Announcement Link

Book reader 2/Japanophile 1/Cat Animal lover 1/Undecided 3

So I have a question about how boons, chronicles, and leveling works. I built a solarion with the core rulebook and tried to make a good ranged shooter. I fudged up at level two and gave him Plasma Sheath completely missing that it is melee only. A mnemonic editor should be all he needs and he has enough prestige for one.

However, now that COM is out, and the solar flare connection, I'd love to change his connection. The character hasn't been played at level 3 but has enough chronicles to be level 3. Is there a way he could buy the required editor and reset his 1st and second levels or is he considered level 3 for all purposes and needs a mk 2 editor as well. (assuming they even stack).

EDIT: After double checking his chronicles, I realized that he is still only level 2, one of them was a pregen scenario that can only be applied from levels 3-4, so he has one more game at level 2. However I am still curious as to what would happen in that kind of scenario.


Ysoki Roboticist Mechanic (Exocortex) 14 | SP 126/126, HP 86/86, RP 15/15 | EAC 31, KAC 32 | Fort +12, Ref +16, Will +6
Acro+21,Athl+14,Comp+32,Cult+25,Eng+31,Int+4,LiSci+25,Med+27,Myst+18,Perc+2 2,PhysSci+25,Pil+22,Prof+12,Ste+16,Surv+4

Mnemonic editors cannot be stacked. So...the character would be stuck with the decisions made at level 1.

A Mk 1 Mnemonic Editor is level 5. The earliest you could legally acquire one is at level 3, which only allows you to retcon your level three and two choices.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Book reader 2/Japanophile 1/Cat Animal lover 1/Undecided 3

The Basic Purchasing Plan boon allows one to buy one with 4x mk of the editor purchased, so unless I'm missing something it should allow one from the time you have 4 fame.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Those aren't limited by character level, so it looks like that would work.

Shadow Lodge Contributor

Sedoriku wrote:
The Basic Purchasing Plan boon allows one to buy one with 4x mk of the editor purchased, so unless I'm missing something it should allow one from the time you have 4 fame.

^ This is 100% correct, and is also called out by the Basic Purchasing Plan's reputation tier requirements.

So i do have a general question. Are all the scenarios i see on the Outpost III spreadsheet play-by-post and how does it work when i see a discord server as the 'location'? Because live in one session is depending on timezones of players and GM very hard to coordinate.

And do i really have to put my discord name into the spreadsheet? I prefer to contact my GM directly with my nickname there.

And i do have no clue how to get onto those servers.
I am looking for SFS scenarios and would love to know more about the Cosmic Crit Discord and the Roll for Combat Discord.

Grand Lodge


Those games are still play-by-post, just posted in a Discord channel rather than a forum page. They tend to go a little faster in my experience, but they are not in real time.

  • Cosmic Crit Discord

    I don't seem to be able to generate an invite for the Roll for Combat server at the moment. Maybe someone else can chime in with that one.

  • Ah, thank you.

    So i have a look around and will finish the sign up.

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Scenario and AP Tracker

    Starfinder FAQ and errata has posted!!! (Link)

    I found the discord servers. Thanks!

    Dark Archive

    Scenario and AP Tracker
    Tigerkralle wrote:
    I found the discord servers. Thanks!

    Excellent. If you have any questions at all let us know and we will help you as best as we can!

    Dark Archive

    9 people marked this as a favorite.
    Scenario and AP Tracker

    With this virus going around a very high amount of store games and meatspace con's have cancelled. We are working with these teams to help bring them into the fold of online games, whether it be PbP, PbD or VTT and making sure they are able to run their games during these troubled times.

    With this said you will see a far greater number of newer players and GM's alike coming to each of our Lodges. Please provide a helpful hand wherever you can. Help them set up characters. Take a moment to explain stuff as online can be just a little different. Let's show them how great we can be and offer them a home until their stores become active once more.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    VC - Sydney, Australia

    Our meatspace con (EyeCon) in Sydney Australia just got cancelled - so I have spoken to the organisers and am in the process of raising it as an online con (which is going well).

    We're in the process of helping players get an intro into PbP & VTT, and I expect that this will be 'the new normal' for a while.

    Dark Archive

    Scenario and AP Tracker

    Let us know if you need any assistance Shifty! We have been making several step by step slides and videos for folks to learn the ropes on both sides.

    Yeah. It's becoming the new normal for a great many. An exciting time for online play, but a terrible reason for it though.

    VC - Sydney, Australia
    Tyranius wrote:

    Let us know if you need any assistance Shifty! We have been making several step by step slides and videos for folks to learn the ropes on both sides.

    Got some handy dandy links?

    Dark Archive

    7 people marked this as a favorite.
    Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

    Here is a few of the links.

    VTT Links:

  • Flutter's Guide to branching out to playing PFS Online
  • How to make a Roll 20 Table
  • How to fill out a chronicle sheet online with Foxit
  • Roll 20 Macro's

    The macro one is no longer really necessary unless you truly want to use them. Roll 20 has character sheets you can fill out prior that you can click on the skills and it will do the rolls for you now.

    Finegas made a twitch stream video of all of this as well a couple days ago and should be uploading it soon. Once it is loaded I will post it around Facebook and here as well.

  • VC - Sydney, Australia


    The Exchange

    Father 10 / Geek 8

    Quick Question: What’s the best Year 2 adventure to run newbies through? I‘ve got my three boys locked in with me. All teens. Want to introduce them to SFS.

    VC Australia - WA
    DEREK LANE 127 wrote:
    Quick Question: What’s the best Year 2 adventure to run newbies through? I‘ve got my three boys locked in with me. All teens. Want to introduce them to SFS.

    SFS 2-07 Four for the First isn't bad. Initial social encounter and then four discreet mini-missions. No starship combat so they don't have to learn that straight out the gate, though if that is what appeals then it may not be the best choice.

    Dark Archive

    |Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

    So, what is the typical course of action when a convention table doesn't get enough to hit legal size even with the GM pregen?

    The First Mandate non-discord games are at 2 and 0 currently. There is room on those discord tables but that isn't as simple for consolidating.

    First time it has happened to me personally so not sure the usual course of action since it has a specific start date.

    Dark Archive

    Scenario and AP Tracker

    You can try to recruit that one more within the Lodges to get the table to go with 3 and a pregen. If that doesn't work the table isn't able to play.

    male human

    I just looked through my chronicles. I have not played First Mandate yet. I will be willing to sign up if you still need.

    Not the Discord though. After a month of trying, it still will not download onto my computer correctly.

    Dark Archive

    Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★
    philipjcormier wrote:

    I just looked through my chronicles. I have not played First Mandate yet. I will be willing to sign up if you still need.

    Not the Discord though. After a month of trying, it still will not download onto my computer correctly.

    Looks like they could use you Philip. It is Line 77 on the sign up sheet and on these Paizo forums.

    Sign up sheet

    Dark Archive

    |Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

    Thank you for the save!

    Dark Archive

    6 people marked this as a favorite.
    Scenario and AP Tracker

    Big Announcement (Link)

    Exciting news and when more information is available we will post it.

    Edit: Also the Blog is now posted: Paizocon Online!

    Paizocon Online Blog Post (Link)

    Manifold Host

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    820-701 Female NG Feychild Gnome Xenoseeker Envoy 11 | SP 100/100 HP 68/68 | RP 5/10 | EAC 29; KAC 29 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (+2 Fear & Despair, +2 vs illusion) | Init: +5 | Perc: +13, SM: +13+1d6+2 | Speed 50ft | 3/3 - dancing lights, ghost sound, and token spell. | Eternal Hope 1/1, Spot of Luck 1/1, Salvation's End 1/1, Vestments Reroll 1/1, Coin Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: Telepathy via Mind Circlet

    Oooh, Paizocon Online!

    Dark Archive

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Scenario and AP Tracker

    I am sure most of you have seen already but I wanted to put it all in one place for you all. The Paizocon Discord is up as well as GM Registration. Reminder that there are no PbP games for this Convention, it will be live games via voice on Discord and your choice of VTT / Google slides.

  • Paizocon Discord (Link)

  • GM Registration Instructions

  • PaizoCon Online 2020 Warhorn

    Please keep in mind that the monthly view of the warhorn is not showing every game as it was overloaded with 2800+ games. If you click on the individual day or Agenda view you will see all of the games.

  • GM Game Submission

    With this form keep in mind that the form's times are set in GMT timezone while the games in warhorn are in PDT timezone (Or whichever timezone you have your settings currently on) Just make sure you google the conversions until this is fixed.

    EDIT: This is not for Player Sign-ups yet, Please do not sign up as a Player for any games.

  • 5 people marked this as a favorite.
    "Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

    Three things:

    1) The online team has been requesting on the Outpost III thread that we report our Outpost III games early, even if they are still running! They've got to get ready for the deluge of being HQ at PaizoCon, so let's help them out by getting our games in early.

    2) You can now sign up as a GM to do Origins Online!

    3) I'm hoping to "meet" some of you at my games at PaizoCon. I'm going to be doing an ultra-primitive VTT using google slides for maps and discord for voice and dice rolls.

    My GM Schedule:

    Wednesday Afternoon - Noon PST
    Wandering Water Bear
    A submersible adventure for 4th level Starfinder characters! Not for OrgPlay credit.

    Thursday Morning - 6 am PST
    SFS 2-24 Cornered Rat

    Thursday Afternoon - Noon PST
    SFS 2-20 Shades of Spite

    Friday Afternoon - Noon PST
    Wandering Water Bear
    A submersible adventure for 4th level Starfinder characters! Not for OrgPlay credit.

    Saturday Morning - 6 am PST
    Wandering Water Bear
    A submersible adventure for 4th level Starfinder characters! Not for OrgPlay credit.

    Book reader 2/Japanophile 1/Cat Animal lover 1/Undecided 3

    I'd love to sign up for one of those but either a 10 PM or 4 AM start times would be hard to do for me!


    Male NG kasatha priest soldier (phrenic adept) of Weydan 6 | SP 40 HP 39 | RP 6 | EAC 21; KAC 23 | Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +2, blindsense (emotion)* | Speed 25ft | arcane sight (via RP), psychokinetic hand 3/day, comprehend languages 1/day | limited telepathy (Common, Kasatha, Ghibrani, Morlamaw, Copaxi, Celestial, Eoxian, Akitonian, Castrovelian)

    So I've been building up rep with Jadnura with my 701 character to use the Seeker of Knowledge boon so I could replay 1-05 with this character (my 702 character).

    But then I found this thread . My question is basically OP's question #3. I just want to check that the answers they got are correct. If so I've been wasting my time. :(

    702 can't earn enough rep with Jadnura to do it himself because he would out-level the scenario.

    If the answers they got are correct, is there any other way I can get a replay?

    VC - Sydney, Australia
    Guide wrote:

    You can use this boon once for every Reputation Tier you possess with the Second Seekers (Jadnura) faction. Each time you use this boon, you can replay one scenario you’ve previously played as though that scenario had the repeatable scenario tag. This allows you to earn a Chronicle sheet and all associated rewards with the scenario, though you cannot select a scenario you’ve already played with this character.
    situation wrote:

    Two characters, 701 and 702. 701 has played in (non-repeatable) Scenario X, and has Tier 1 Reputation with SS(Jadnura.) 702 has not played Scenario X. Can 702 use 701's Seeker of Knowledge to play Scenario X and get credit, even though 702 does not have that boon themselves?


    The character with the Faction boon can use that faction boon. This boon (in essence) is allowing that character to play a scenario that you, the player, has already played - so long as that character had not previously played that scenario. You could play 1-05 with 702, and then use this boon to play it again with 702 (who is SSJAD Faction), but not the other way around.

    Follow on Q.
    "If the answers they got are correct, is there any other way I can get a replay?"

    GMs earn the ability to replay one scenario once per nova earned.
    Although these are 'non-rechargeable' they are a way to deal with this very specific problem

    Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

    Any word yet on SFS at GenCon Online and/or Origins Online?

    "Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

    Origins Online is happening, GenCon Online will happen but they haven't announced how yet.

    Regarding Jadnura and replays... If you're going to want replays of low level scenarios, your best bet is to arrange your first three scenarios to be the SS Jadnura faction. I was doing this for a while on all of my low level characters in order to make it easier for me to arrange evaluation tables as a VC.

    Shifty wrote:
    You could play 1-05 with 701, and then use this boon to play it again with 702 (who is SSJAD Faction), but not the other way around.

    I fixed Shifty's typo here! You cannot ever replay the same scenario on the same character, Jadnura or not.

    Now that I am no longer a VC, Jadnura is not getting as much of the love from me as he used to, because there are still so many SF scenarios that I have GMed rather than played. Still, if you want to enable replay, doing three missions for Jadnura early in your character's career cannot hurt.


    VC - Sydney, Australia

    Thanks that’s correct Hmm - teach me to type before 5am

    Grand Lodge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    GM Hmm wrote:

    Now that I am no longer a VC, ....


    We can fix that. Overthrow the Tyrant and return to your throne as Queen of PBP! Or even better, lead the revolt against the Iron-fisted-Helix and ascend to be the new Empress of the Online Realms!

    Your loyal subjects implore you out of love!

    In spite of the name, the current VC is no tyrant.

    Also you would have to convince HMM she wants the mantle back. As I understand it, she likes being an ex-VC.

    Liberty's Edge

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    Warm-hearted thanks to our VOs for the time and effort they give for us!


    You have 0 tables of credit for Pathfinder Society Second Edition.

    You have 51 tables of credit for Starfinder Society.

    You have 45 tables of credit for Pathfinder Society First Edition.

    I have 3 quests done for Pathfinder Society Second Edition and when I filter out my stuff to show Dmed stuff for Starfinder Society, I counted only 48 for Starfinder Society. Stuff I dmed for Pathfinder society Second Edition is showing up as Starfinder credits for some odd reason, when I go to refresh points.

    Grand Lodge


    They said they're still getting quests working right for PF2, so it's no surprise those aren't showing up correctly. As for the Starfinder tables, are any of them Skitter Shot, Skitter Crash, or an AP book? That could account for the discrepancy, since they count for more than one table. It's also possible that there are just a few tables that aren't showing up in the filter.

    Lantern Lodge

    SFS 05-99 BftB

    They used to show up on the table line as being worth multiple credits.

    Here is my entry for the first of the Eyes of the Ten scenarios, which counted for two:

    My organised play, sessions wrote:

    Jul 6, 2017 Aerondor #46: Eyes of the Ten—Part I: Requiem for the Red Raven 2 Pathfinder (first edition) GM Credits

    46589 Aerondor PBP events 54 100387 Vrald Sehir Sovereign Court GM 2 GM ranking: +2 Edit

    Dark Archive

    Scenario and AP Tracker

    Yup SFS Tables had been showing 0 for awhile while they worked on AcP. It is all still in the works and being worked on.

    Paizo Blog

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    VC - Sydney, Australia
    Tyranius wrote:
    Yup SFS Tables had been showing 0 for awhile while they worked on AcP. It is all still in the works and being worked on.

    It legit drives me up the wall. I want to keep pumping that table count and see the numbers grow on my quest to 5 Nova, and yet all I see is the numbers reading 0, or now wrong because they have broken something else (eg table counts not recording correctly) and, depending on what screen I'm on I can show up as two nova or three nova...

    Irks me.

    Silver Crusade

    Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | SFS1e 1-35 | SFS1e 6-14 | PFS1e 6-04

    Hopefully now that PaizoCon is over, they'll be able to relax and debug that area.

    VC - Sydney, Australia

    Cool, I want that 4th Nova in place for PaizoCon South-Pacific :p

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