Aubrey's Eberron campaign. (Inactive)

Game Master Aubrey the Malformed

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Hp 92 of 92; AC 28 (29); Fort +13; Ref +9 (+10); Will +18 Human Male Cleric 7/ Exorcist of the Silver Flame 6; effects: Bless, Airwalk

Rod can auto-provide an Aid Another bonus (or take my diplomacy roll from above).

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1
Gil wrote:
Diplomacy 38

Plus Aid Anothers from me, Ezreal and Rod brings that to 46, and Haladon and Kazadar will bring that to 50. That's pretty respectable, I'd say.

Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116

diplomacy aid another: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11


Though he was not the most endearing sort, Kazadar was a high ranking member of a church that was not beholden to any nation. Though the Host and the Flame did not have a warm relationship, neither was it cold.

HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1

"In fairness, I have to admit we are extrapolating conclusions from what we have learned. Whether any of this is a credible threat to act on at a national level, each of you will decide for yourselves but I could not in good conscience let the opportunity pass without laying out the threat as I see it. Personally our immediate concern is of a smaller scale. To be more precise, Goshasanan's essence is split between the three shards, mixed with the other two lost Kalashtar-Quori. The kalashtar here in Sharn believe that only their elders in Adar might have the skill to extract the three and separate them. Thus restored, they hope that Goshasanan might help them hasten the end of this cycle in Dal Quor, or at least stop the Quori from preventing it.

And truly, I should clarify. We are not saying that the people of Riedra are your enemies. We are concerned about the extraplanar monsters who ride them like puppets, moving between host bodies that they have bred for this purpose over generations. Each Quori is tied to a lineage which act as vessels for possession. To this point I have never met a Riedran who was NOT acting as a Quori host so I cannot say whether they are any threat independent from their masters. Also you should know they may form willing pacts with others outside their lineage when their goals align, like Karile d'Cannith and the result is less of a pure possession and more of a temporary fusion of souls."

The tricky thing about evidence is that whether or not we were attacked by Helkashtai is the least of the things we need to prove. Zone of truth or similar magic will only verify that we think that we are telling the truth, not whether or not we are correct. Could have been someone else in disguise, she could be a singular bad actor, etc as far as they are concerned. Basically we are accusing a whole race of people of being up to no good at this point. We weren't really prepared to prove that case because we didn't realize we would need to. Bringing in heads of state kind of changed the framing of the situation.

Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116

well, to be fair, one of them can consult a pillar of fire that grants spells to an entire religion. Most of them have spies in Sharn. One or more of them have access to powerful divinations. There are definite steps they could take to confirm what we've told them, but whether they want to or not is another story.

79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler
Father Rod wrote:
I assume the result of the first Diplomacy check would be 35 rather than 56.

Heh, oops. That seems a fair interpretation of the roll.

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King Boranel grins. "A roll-call of some of the most fearsome places in Khorvaire. It sounds simply marvelous. I'd give my right arm to have had some of those adventures!"

"Always the romantic, cousin," smirks Queen Aurala, before turning to the group. "Very well, assuming what you say is true, what do you propose?"

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116

build a wall, make Riedra pay for it, nuke Sarlona and bar all of them entry, throw the rest in Dreadhold. Make Khorvaire great again.

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

Rod, Haladon:

"I'm going to launch some radical ideas here," Janosz mutters to the Flamers. "Keep an eye on our kalashtar friends - a supernatural one. I don't really trust either of them any more, but I am especially doubtful about Selkatari's motives and honesty."

Janosz steps forward again to address the gathered worthies. "We need to split up the Inspired forces and disrupt their lines of command. The nature of quori possession makes this particularly difficult - though killing Helkashtai would be both enjoyable and satisfying, it won't really change much, as her quori rider can just switch to a different host, and the diplomatic complications it would create probably won't be worth it."

"Instead, I would suggest merely removing her; even though her puppetmaster can just switch to a different body, it'll be hard-pressed to find one as capable as hers. Make up some sort of diplomatic pretext to have her leave Sharn - you know, 'the latest accusations from the kalashtar community are quite serious; while doubtlessly unfounded, it would be better for all parties if the Undersecretary went home while investigations are underway'-type stuff. While the Riedran leadership is disorganized, I guess we can sneak into their new temple-pillar and check out what's rally going on in there. If we can document damning behaviour, it shouldn't be too hard to rally the kingdoms against the Riedrans and their dream-demon masters."

"The Citadel can assist us in very valuable ways. In particular, we were very poorly prepared to deal with mind-mages; access to some special munitions and fetishes could alleviate a lot of this disadvantage, as could the opportunity to spend some time reading up on our enemies in a good library."

"Havakhad, Selkatari - as leaders of the kalashtar community, you know more about the Inspired and their giantish minions. Could you perhaps tell us a little more about their natures and strategies?"

Hp 92 of 92; AC 28 (29); Fort +13; Ref +9 (+10); Will +18 Human Male Cleric 7/ Exorcist of the Silver Flame 6; effects: Bless, Airwalk

Rod looks closely at Havakhad and Selkatari.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (18) + 21 = 39 and detect thoughts on Havakhad, DC 17 Will save negates.

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Havakhad clears his throat before addressing the assembled worthies.

"You majesties. We - the kalashtar of Sharn - first met these noble souls, known to the world as Rodergo's Reavers, when they were pursuing the mystery of a missing Cannith artificer. This much you know already. But we have been fighting the quori that rule Riedra for much longer. Thousands of years ago, quori spirits fled persecution in Dal Quor and were able to find refuge, merged with the souls and bodies of human Adaran mystics. Thus was the kalashtar race created. We are not possessed by quori spirits, but instead infused with their essence, forming a new form of being touched by Dal Quor but not of it. A single creature rather than a body and soul subjugated by an extraplanar entity.

"The kalashtar arrived in Eberron and simply wished to live in seclusion. But the road we travelled out of Dal Quor could also be followed by others, and in the end the quori found a way here too. Over centuries they altered the dreams the kingdoms that now make up Riedra, fomenting a series of wars which forged that nation that now virtually spans the whole of Sarlona. They interbred bloodlines of human, elvish and other races to create the Chosen, vessels that quori could use to enter this world as possessing spirits and wreak their havoc. They subjugated the people of Riedra so that they are little more than cattle: indoctrinated and psychically manipulated, living in ignorance, not permitted free thought, simply drones to service the needs of the Inspired in Eberron. It is true that Riedra is largely peaceful, but is the peace of a hive, where individuals do not exist, everyone is allotted their place in life, and those who dissent disappear and are never seen again.

"Having secured Riedra, the Riedrans turned their attention to war with the kalashtar in Adar. But Adar is severe and mountainous territory and the people determined, and so far we have resisted. And the kalashtar have always considered that all we need to do is wait. As young Master Farlowe says, the plane of Dal Quor is cyclical, and we have relied upon the turning of the aeons to eventually change the quori and remove the threat. As such, we kalashtar have tended to remain aloof from other races. We have considered this battle between ourselves and the quori to be a personal matter. And we have expected that it would resolve itself.

"But now we are not so sure. Quori are immortal unless killed on their home plane. Above all things, the quori fear that the cycle of Dal Quor will turn and destroy and remake them completely, changing their forms and obliterating their memories and identities - death in all but name. Scholars among us now fear that the quori are not so much interested in escaping to Eberron - existence on this plane as a possessing spirit is more of a chore, at best, for them. Instead, they seek to bring Dal Quor back into conjunction with Eberron. It is thought that their strategy is to secure and subjugate the dreaming minds on Eberron within an unchanging, static society. And by this, they will prevent the cycle within Dal Quor from asserting itself. The quori would reign supreme, eternally, over both Eberron and Khorvaire.

"Further, it is believed that the monolith across the river is part of this scheme. In the Riedran tongue it is called an hanbalan. They exist in every Riedran village and neighbourhood. They facilitate quori dream manipulation. But they also channel psychic energy to Dal Quor, helping to bring it inexorably closer to conjunction with Eberron.

"If this is true, the implications are grave for everyone. The kalashtar can no longer hope to sit out the war with the quori. And the quori must conquer more than just Sarlona, but the whole of Eberron. It seems that my race can no longer threat this was as a 'family matter' that will sort itself out in the end. We must reach out to other races if we are to prevent the quori plot.

"I cannot advise you on what steps you should take as leaders of your respective nations. But it is extremely important that the spirit of Goshasanan should be reconstructed. He was an expert on the nature of Dal Quor and the cyclical regeneration of that plane. His insights could be critical to how we progress. The extraordinary measures the quori have taken to recover the shards also suggests their great importance. So I must urge that the shards should be taken to Adar as soon as possible for this to take place."


Will save 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Selkatiri clearly doesn't like this being discussed, and has her usual scowl. But Rod picks up nothing from Havakhad to suggest he is not telling the truth.

Sorry for the silence. Busy week at work.

Haladon continues being quiet. He fears saying something wrong in such august company, but mostly some of the information his companions have stated are new to him. His memories have become very dreamlike in their keeping.

Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116

Kazadar speaks quietly, mostly to the group near him so as not to disturb the royal side of their conversation, "So the monolith near Sharn has access to quite a bit of dream energies... I wonder if they have built or tried to get permits to build those things near other big cities..."

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

"I don't like the idea of bringing the shards to Adar - it feels too much like walking into the froghemoth's lair. Is there any way we can bring these elders here?"

"Your prejudices are running away from you, Janosz," Haladon whispers. "We should give them the benefit of the doubt."

"This news is extremely disturbing," says Queen Aurala, "But at this point we have very little in the way of verification. While I do not doubt your sincerity, to forgo Riedran trade and assistance could be very damaging."

"I agree," says King Boranel, "We have little evidence of the hostile intent of Riedra. This discussion here certainly shows their generosity in a different light, and it definitely bears investigation. But I would be reluctant to throw the Riedrans out on their ears on the basis of hearsay."

"I would also be reluctant to move precipitately," adds King Kaius, "If these allegations are true, it would be a mistake to alert an enemy while they still believe us to be unaware. I would propose that we pool the resources of our kingdoms -"

"In what way?" asks Queen Aurala suddenly, "I hope this meeting hasn't been a Karrnathi bluff to undermine the intelligence gathering of our respective nations under the pretext of 'cooperation'?"

"No, of course not!" replies Kaius hotly, his eyes flashing. "I am interested only in peace, as I always have been."

"Very well, then," replies the Queen, "Then I am sure you will have no objection to these shards being transported to Aundair for further analysis. Our traditions in the arcane arts make us the obvious choice to examine them and perhaps reconstruct the personality within them, if there is one."

"Now wait a moment, Aurala," says King Boranel, "You can't just seize the only potential evidence we have of this! In any case, we have mages here in Breland who are the match of any you might have."

"I really don't think -"

"Perhaps the Twelve could undertake the analysis?" suggests King Kaius.

"Which conveniently puts the shards in Karrnath!" exclaims Queen Aurala as King Boranel simultaneously blusters, "What, you'd trust the dragonmarked houses in this?"

Havakhad murmurs to Rodergo, "The shards must get to Adar. Only there can Goshasanan be freed."

Hp 92 of 92; AC 28 (29); Fort +13; Ref +9 (+10); Will +18 Human Male Cleric 7/ Exorcist of the Silver Flame 6; effects: Bless, Airwalk

"How best to get there?" Rodergo murmurs back, quiet as a whisper. "Before our liege lords come to a concensus ... or break into fisticuffs."

"I... don't know. There are ways, none easy. But first we must get away from here, or somehow persuade these worthies to do what is right."

Hp 92 of 92; AC 28 (29); Fort +13; Ref +9 (+10); Will +18 Human Male Cleric 7/ Exorcist of the Silver Flame 6; effects: Bless, Airwalk

"If Gil couldn't convince them, I don't know what could," Rodergo mutters. "And getting out of this place won't be easy," he continues in a whisper. "Even if we could, there are few places in Khorvaire we could evade their forces ... and most of those I don't want to go ..."

"Can we try persuasion? Your Keeper has said little - can she sway them?"

Hp 92 of 92; AC 28 (29); Fort +13; Ref +9 (+10); Will +18 Human Male Cleric 7/ Exorcist of the Silver Flame 6; effects: Bless, Airwalk

Rodergo waits for a pause in the argument – he’s wise enough not to speak over a king. Then he speaks.

“Most Holy Keeper of the Flame,” he begins. “I … I hardly feel worthy to address you directly your holiness. But I do wonder … these most worthy kings and queens have differing opinions on what should be done here – understandably of course – but as a citizen of Thrane and a most – mostly – devout servant of the Silver Flame, I do wonder what wisdom you would advise on this matter, most holy one?”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (5) + 19 = 24

The Keeper's eyes fall upon Rodergo. Despite her youth and child's body, he suddenly feels as if something ancient is gazing deep into his soul. Then she smiles at him, and the odd sensation is gone.

"These shards seem to hold both the solution and the challenge. Clearly the Riedrans value them highly, as do the Adarans. And they seem to hold within them the seeds of conflict in Khorvaire, should we fall to squabbling over them.

"But you and your companions, Father Xativa, undertook the trials to recover them. Those of us gathered here have not had your experiences, and operate in a relative vacuum of understanding. Rather than leave us to argue over who should seek to understand these shards, you probably know more than any of us. What would you advise?"

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Hp 92 of 92; AC 28 (29); Fort +13; Ref +9 (+10); Will +18 Human Male Cleric 7/ Exorcist of the Silver Flame 6; effects: Bless, Airwalk

“Ah …” begins Rodergo thoughtfully. “Well; decisiveness is not a virtue I am blessed with in large portions. I do wish my friend Lightbringer was here – a being of action and quick decision. Well then. It is hard indeed to provide proof of any world threatening plot by the Inspired and their quori masters, but based on our encounters with the quori over the past few months, and what we have learnt of the dragonshards and the Riedran monoliths, my companions and I have truly come to believe that there is a dire threat to these Five Nations and in fact this world of ours.”

“Now, it is prudent of great kings and queens not to sour relations with a powerful nation like Riedra based on the opinion of a few adventurers – while we truly believe what we have told you, we cannot offer solid proof. So. However, even without proof of evil intention, it would be best not to hand over potentially powerful items like the dragonshards to a foreign power who’s real intentions towards the Five Nations are unknown. If any nation were to take possession of the shards it may put that kingdom in a difficult diplomatic position should the Riedrans come requesting them – or choose to take them by force.”

He starts getting on a roll now, speaking more quickly and with more confidence.

“So what to do with the shards? Well, I truly believe our friend Havakhad when he says that the thing we must do with them, for the safety of everyone, is to take them to the kalashtar elders in his homeland to free the spirit trapped within. I’ve used my abilities as an exorcist of the Silver Flame to read his mind – sorry Havakhad – and used my abilities as a keen poker player – sorry Keeper – to read his face, and I truly believe what he has told us. And anyway, it doesn’t seem right to keep an intelligent mind trapped and fractured does it? So I would advise that the great kings and queens here allow us – my companions and I – to travel to Adar and let us try to free Goshasanan. The nations can disavow any knowledge of us or our quest – most of us are truly not agents of any nation, and I’m sure we can work something out as far as Ezreal goes … he’s far smarter than I, I’m sure he’ll have a suggestion. Anyway, the Riedrans don’t need to know you know anything about all of this, the Five Nations can maintain diplomatic ties with them until they prove themselves to be horrible and evil – I’d definitely look into those monoliths if I were in charge of any country hosting one of them, but fortunately I’m just a simple adventuring cleric. We go on our quest. At worst we fail, you say ‘oh, they’re not working for us, they’re mavericks that lot,’ … and maybe the world ends soon after, but anyhoo … at best we’re right AND we succeed, we quietly save the world, and you don’t even need to reward us because we’re not working for any of you.”

“That’s what I’d advise … respectfully oh wise Keeper, your Majesties …”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (11) + 19 = 30

"That seems most cogently argued, Father Xativa, from both a moral and practical perspective," replies the Keeper warmly. "King Kaius, I know that you desire peace above all else. Father Xativa's solution would appear to offer the means of achieving our ends with the least amount of conflict, I'm sure you will agree. And it would be overseen by your most resourceful agents."

"Yes, well, I don't know about our ends," harrumph King Kaius, "But I agree that this could be a useful way of dealing with this. Between the resources of the kingdoms gathered here" - he gives a sour look to Queen Aurala - "I expect that we could deliver the shards to Adar."

"But is it wise to simply give them up, when they seem so pivotal?" argues Queen Aurala. King Boranel, strokes his beard, undecided.

Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116

"They aren't really pivotal until you give them up, your Majesty."

79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler

"If it pleases your majesties, honored Keeper, we don't plan to give them up so much as make them available. The Adar representatives here made us aware of them in the first place and have only asked for them, not attempted to take them by force. That course of action speaks well of their intent, for me. I have dealt too much with those on the wrong side of a moral or ethical decision and they often seem to be rushed, rude, or forceful in their actions. Or all three. The Riedrans have fit that mold quite well while these two have not. My instincts are to continue to work with them. I feel Father Xativa's suggestion is wise - sorry Rodergo." A small grin reveals that this last remark to the cleric is an attempt at humor.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

"Fine." Janosz seems unhappy, but resigned. "How do we get to Adar without the Inspired sniffing us out? The airship and surface ship options seem particularly unsuitable this time."

79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler

"I would say deception would be the order of the day, but if they can infiltrate our dreams..." The elven figure ponders, chewing on his lower lip.

Havakhad shakes his head. "I can only think of approach by boat or airship. Adar is... protected from other modes of travel."

Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116

"Perhaps a vessel willed with the best and brightest of the nations and factions represented here now would be good. That way, an attack on the vessel would strain the Riedran diplomatic position with all nations, and perhaps cause them to stay their hand for our journey."

HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1

"The elf has a point there. The quori have been spying on us through our dreams and so far we haven't found a way to prevent it. It will be an issue with such a long journey to Adar."

To Havakhad, "Could you expand on the protection Adar might have? Does it cover the land mass only? If we were to teleport high above or nearby but out to sea would that also be blocked? I imagine planar travel through the astral or ethereal may be blocked for obvious reasons."

79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler

The elf, lost in thought, nods at Ezreal's comment, "Indeed. Perhaps an airship could be sent ahead and we could teleport to it while it was still beyond the protected bounds. Our trip would be shorter and harder to intercept in such case. We would have to be kept in the dark with regards to our destination, so another spellcaster would have to provide the transportation..."

"Unless your people can help protect us from Quori mining our dreams for information?" He looks at the kalashtar as he asks this.

"An airship will require a Lyrandar scion in order to pilot it. That may not be practical," says Prince Kor.

"We prefer not to speak of the defenses to Adar in detail. I'm sure you understand," says Havakhad.

"Plus we haven't necessarily agreed to this scheme anyway," says Queen Aurala. "We seem to be finely balanced: Thrane and Karrnath on one side, Aundair and Breland on the other."

"Wait a minute, Aurala, I haven't declared either way!" says King Boranel.

As he speaks, the double doors to the chamber are blasted off their hinges.

Roll initiative.

Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116

init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1

Init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

Initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Actually, hold off on that for the moment. Probably got ahead of myself, but worth remembering those rolls anyway depending on how things go.

A strikingly beautiful woman with long purple hair strides through chaos. (Anyone who went to that party years ago recognises her as Helkashtai, and anyone at the fight recognises her as the Inspired telepath you were fighting.) She is flanked by a small detachment of grim-faced human guards. She stops and points at the adventurers.

"Prince Kor, please forgive the intrusion. But these villains have stolen relics of my people. They seek to undermine the stability of the Five Nations and of Riedra. I have come to set the record straight and take back what is rightfully ours!"

79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler

"All present here are well aware of your unprovoked attempt to kill us. You have quite the nerve to risk an international incident, attacking a gathering of the heads of state of Khorvaire with nothing but your transparent lies to back you up. We have stolen nothing from you."

"I presume the 'relics' you refer to are the items freely given to us. You never even mentioned them when you and your big blue thugs tried to burn down a Sharn tower around us without warning. It's not necessary to steal something when the one keeping them hands them over when you ask nicely. Obviously, you have yet to learn about asking nicely, but before you ask, we are not interested in handing anything over to you."

"Well, maybe Janosz is. He's got a special place in his heart for you."

Diplomacy to say all that as nicely as possible: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35

Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116

Kazadar puts his helmet back on but doesn't draw his warhammer.

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

When possessed, do the Inspired look any different? Glowing eyes, that sort of thing? Is she... a little different now?

Perception: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (3) + 26 = 29

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

Also, I strongly suspect that the human guards are actually Horned Legion goons in disguise. Can I use Perception to determine if they are too "heavy" - i.e. Large creatures glamered to look smaller? Finally, did any other invisible creatures tag along as she blasted open the door?

Perception vs illusory goons: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (12) + 26 = 38

Perception vs invisible sneaks: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (20) + 26 = 46

Hp 92 of 92; AC 28 (29); Fort +13; Ref +9 (+10); Will +18 Human Male Cleric 7/ Exorcist of the Silver Flame 6; effects: Bless, Airwalk

“Oh, hello again Helkashtai,” says Rod, dusting some small specks of debris from the blasted doors off his tabard. “Is blasting your way into the Royal Conclave Room of the Citadel your version of knocking politely? I suppose it’s a cultural difference between you Riedrans and us folk of Khorvaire. Is demanding that we ‘return’ something that doesn’t belong to you also a cultural difference? Maybe the rulers of Khorviare here should re-think the status of diplomatic relations, that being the case. Now, where are your Horned Legion thugs? Is that them in disguise?”

Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Did we have time to regain spells while we were cooling our heels in the embassy?

Yes, you did.


You can't pierce magical effects like that with just a Perception check. You hear not stealthy footfalls from invisble assailants. But the number of guards is that same as the remaining number of blue meanies when you fled the scene of the fire, which may or may not be significant.

Helkashtai glances at Janosz and flashes him a smile before replying to Rodergo and Gil. "I was concerned for Prince Kor's safety. Hence my eagerness. I obviously wish to apologise to His Majesty and the Prince for any damage I have caused." She briefly bows her head before continuing.

"And I apologise to you too, Rodergo's Reavers. I am sure you are working under the best of intentions. I hope you are able to exercise your free will, and are not instead just helpless mind-controlled drones of these" - she narrows her eyes and spits the final few words at Havakhad and Selkatiri - "vile villains!"

"The Adarans have been in conflict with Riedra for centuries. But it was not a war of our own choosing. Adar struck the first blow, with a series of devastating magical attacks culminating in the Madness of Yaruun - every single citizen of that city driven to insanity! Since then, we in Riedra have needed to be eternally vigilant against the machninations of the kalashtar of Adar. Do not fall for their deceitful ways."

Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

"Undersecretary." Janosz nods at the Riedran leader. "We meet again, and I see you brought your surviving Horned Legion drones with you."

He pulls out his bow and starts laying arrows on the string; while doing so he keeps his voice calm and conversational and the arrows pointed towards the floor. "Very considerate of you to show up here; it saves us the effort of searching all the Dragoneyes brothels for you. Also considerate - wearing practical clothing. I would have felt a little bad about drenching that beautiful dress of yours with blood." With that, his arrowheads burst into fire.

Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116

"Madam, you have an awful lot of claims, yet have brought forth no proof. It appears that you have no better a case than we do. Except that bit about attacking us on sight, that doesn't help your case. Someone who was in the right wouldn't do that. You had the means to contact us separately from your spiritual opposition, yet you chose to communicate with weapons of body and mind. You're behaving most unlike a diplomat, and more like a youngling who only wants a toy because her schoolmate found it."

HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1

Ezreal holds his tongue, content to let the others counter Helkashtai's lies. "Since you are supposedly here to argue your case, you won't have any objections to any divinatory magic will you? If you are here to tell the truth it should hardly be an issue."

Ezreal begins casting true seeing.

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Dennis Harry

Pierce - Flames' Arrow

HP = 127/127 - AP = 11/11 - AC 22 (T 15)(FF 17) - Fast Heal 3 - Darkvision 60' - F +17/R +16/ W +14 | Init. +12
(31 posts)


Consortium Agent
Ezreal Farlowe

HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1
(1,590 posts)
ithurielBor of Xen'drikKadesh



(406 posts)

HP 41/70, PP 162/199 ac25/t15/ff23 frt7*rfx8,will11* INit+2,percep+1detect remote viewing, telepathic links
(50 posts)



hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength
(1,943 posts)
MothmanFather Rod



HP:134/134; AC:34/27/28; Fort:14 Ref:19 Will:12; Perception +24; Active Effects:Barkskin Unchained monk (10) Unchained Rogue (3)
(45 posts)

Pixie Rogue


79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler
(1,874 posts)


Dragonslayer Dwarf
Kazadar Soranath

Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116
(457 posts)
TenroBor of XendrikNevharath

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