About Nevharath
A Psychic warrior treats his base attack bonus as equal to his Psychic warrior level for the purposes of requirements for psionic feats. Base attack bonuses granted from other classes are unaffected and are added normally. At 1st level, a Psychic warrior chooses a path to adhere to (Mind Knight). When first taking a path, the Psychic warrior gains one of the two powers associated with that path (Call Weaponry). Powers gained from a path do not count against his number of powers known. When manifesting this power, called a path power, the Psychic warrior can either choose to manifest it for no cost by expending his psionic focus, in which case it cannot be augmented, or he can choose to manifest it normally, in which case his effective manifester level for this power is treated as one higher than normal. At 3rd level, the Psychic warrior gains the second power from his path (Inertial Armor). All of the above benefits apply to this additional path power. In addition, the Psychic warrior gains one additional class skill (Diplomacy), as noted in the path description. At 3rd level, the Psychic warrior expands his understanding of his chosen path. From this point on, he can use the Trance and Maneuver associated with his chosen path. Trance: Beginning at 3rd level, while maintaining psionic focus, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your initiative. In addition, when wielding a weapon you gain through call weaponry, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with that weapon. All of these bonuses increase by 1 for every four Psychic warrior levels you gain thereafter.
At 4th level, the Psychic warrior gains a +2 bonus to one skill associated with a path he is on (Autohypnosis). Every three levels thereafter, he can choose to increase the bonus to one of his path skills by +2 (to a maximum of +6 for any one path skill). This may be a skill he has already chosen or a new skill associated with a path he is on. At 6th level, if the Psychic warrior makes a melee attack, he can manifest one of his path powers as part of that attack action. The power takes effect immediately after the attack has been finished. Touch range powers are transmitted through the melee attack to the attacked target. ---------------
At 1st level, a war mind learns the first principle of warfare for the individual combatant: the ability to both deal punishment and take it. Calling upon inner reserves of knowledge and dedication, a war mind can provide himself with a +2 insight bonus to Strength and Constitution for up to 1 minute. A war mind can use this power three times per day. Activating this power is a free action. At 7th level, the insight bonus to Strength and Constitution improves to +4. If the war mind previously had manifesting in the Psychic warrior class, instead of gaining the war mind’s exclusive psionic manifestation abilities, he can choose to instead increase his Psychic warrior manifesting level. If he does so, the war mind gains additional power points per day and access to new powers as if he had also gained a level in Psychic warrior. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus feats, improved trances and maneuvers, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of war mind to the level of Psychic warrior, then determines power points per day, powers known, and manifester level accordingly. At 2nd level, a war mind learns the second principle of warfare for the individual combatant: the ability to avoid the enemy’s counterattacks if that enemy is not immediately overwhelmed. Calling upon inner reserves of knowledge and dedication, a war mind can provide himself with a +2 insight bonus to Armor Class for up to 1 minute. A war mind can use this power three times per day. Activating this power is a free action. At 8th level, the insight bonus to Armor Class improves to +4. At 3rd level, a war mind learns the third principle of warfare for the individual combatant: to unleash in oneself the spirit of the enduring body. The spirit of the ideal body transforms a war mind, granting him damage reduction 1/–. At 6th level, his damage reduction improves to 2/–. At 9th level, his damage reduction improves to 3/–. At 4th level, a war mind can tap his psionic energy to use chain of personal superiority or chain of defensive posture more than would normally be possible. If he has already expended all of his daily uses of either chain of personal superiority or chain of defense posture, he may spend 4 power points to gain an additional use of either ability. He can do this as many times as he wants in a day, provided he has power points left. At 10th level, he can expend his psionic focus and pay 10 power points to gain an additional daily use of chain of overwhelming force if he has already expended his daily use. At 5th level, a war mind gains the ability to make great, sweeping swings with a melee weapon. On each melee attack a war mind makes, he can choose squares he threatens that are adjacent to each other, and his attacks apply to creatures in those two squares equally. A war mind can use this ability on any attack, even an attack of opportunity or a cleave attempt. A war mind cannot use this ability if he has moved more than 10 feet since the end of his last turn. If a war mind hits one or both of his foes with a sweeping strike, he can attempt a cleave normally; however, he makes only one cleave attempt per sweeping strike, even if he successfully hits more than one foe. FEATS
FORMAT: Skill name: ##=Rank+Ability Mod+(3 if class skill and trained)+Misc Mod+Conditional Mod
5000gp Armor: +1 Floating Mithral Breastplate (+7 AC, +5 MD, -1 ACP, 15% ASF, Light 30ft, 30lbs; no ACP on Swim, +4 Circumstance to Swim)
Max Power Points: 80
Powers Known HISTORY:
We are looking for the khyber shards that used to be in the creation forge we just visited in the Mournland. Specifically the one containing Goshanan (?) the kalashtar / quori philosopher specialized in... preventing or subverting the cyclical nature of Dal Quor if I am remembering that half right. These guys might not have him, but the shards were last seen fenced to Jeboo (not totally sure on that part) and the aberrant lord here would want at least one of the shards because it houses some kind of khyber entity that presumably imprinted on Darkheart the warforged when the creation forge was active- as our guy imprinted on 606, the autistic warforged. PLAYER NOTES:
Starting Gear: 10200gp +1 floating mithral breastplate 5000gp 20 psionic tattoos 1000gp boots of landing 3000gp gloves of object reading 9000gp cloak of resist +3 16000gp belt of giant STR +4 16000gp headband of inspired wisdom +4 1800gp hat of disguise 15000gp Warrior's Bracer (Mind Knight) (treated as 4 levels higher for trance and maneuver) |