About GilChangeling Beguiler 8 / Recaster 5
Gil's skill at deception was discovered at an early age and she was nominated to the Karrnath military before she could get herself into too much trouble. There, they discovered that she also had a knack for enchantment magic.
As a result, Gil's first big assignment for military intelligence as deep cover as a student of magic in Metrol, mostly to allow her to improve on her skills, but also to keep eyes and ears open for word on military developments. Since she was reliant on gossip and only the occasional foray by dark of night, she was not able to provide much intel to her handlers, but they seemed to be pleased with her abilities. So much so, that shortly before the term ended at the academy her fourth year in attendance, she received a letter from "mother" asking her to come home - something to the effect of "she'd done the family proud and they needed her to come home to take over part of the family business." Since her cover was as the daughter of a war-displaced Cyran merchant family that had moved to Sharn in the earliest years of the war, her route home officially went through Eston, but she actually headed farther north, into the region that had been captured by Karrnath shortly before. Once she'd identified herself to the Karrn military there, they provided her with an escort in the person of a nervous young soldier. The two rode north into Karrnath and she safely made contact with her handler, Meri, to find out what her new assignment was. The assignment was a return to Cyre under different guise with a specific goal in mind, but two days later was the Day of Mourning. When she met with Meri to find out the specifics, she was told that there was no longer an assignment because there was no longer a Cyre. Since then, she has taken a number of assignments, but all of the time spent "specializing" on the lost nation of Cyre has tainted her in the eyes of some that could give her the big jobs. "It's not like it was my fault that the country disappeared off the map! They act like if they use me, another calamity will follow me!" Since then, she has spent her time while off-assignment (which is most of the time) developing a personality as Cassandra Thurandon, a half-elf low-level clerk in the Windwright's Guild of House Lyrandar. This has allowed her some slight opportunity to travel and see other areas of the continent. She's hopeful that such travel will allow her to discover some useful information and get her back in the good graces of her superiors. However, she's been contacted by her "mother" again with a request. Cassandra needs to secure passage to Sharn and locate a certain missing Karrnathi naval officer... Description:
Cassandra Thurandon:
Cassandra is the youngest child of a Cyran merchant family displaced early in the Last War. Due to some history her family won't speak of, her great-grandfather chose to move the family to Sharn rather than moving closer to Metrol. They still consider themselves Cyran and mourn the loss of their homeland, but the truth is no one from her father's generation has even seen Cyre. Cassandra was fortunate enough to attend academy in Metrol and even more fortunate to leave for a visit home shortly before the Day of Mourning. She feels the pain of her lost homeland even more keenly, having regained it for a short time. Cassandra has some minor magical ability that she's thrilled to share with those that might be interested. Her feelings of being without a homeland have awakened a wanderlust in her, enough to hire on with the Windwrights' Guild. She doesn't think there's any history of dragonmarks in her family, but she can always hope. Until then, she's happy to handle accounts and customer bookings for the wind galleons because the perks of House Lyrandar (opportunities to really travel when on holiday!) more than make up for it. And truth be told, she likes watching people, so the job really isn't a bother for her, either. Cassandra appears to be a slight half-elf woman, probably around thirty years old, with shoulder-length brown hair and bright green eyes. She generally wears a smile and often has a good word for those she meets. Matilda ir'Graanten
Elven swashbuckler
-------------------------------------- Init +4
AC 21, touch 16, flat-footed 17 (+5 [armor]+4 [DEX]+2 [deflection]) hp 79 (7d6 [34, beguiler]+4d6 [19, recaster]+26 [CON]) Saves:
Base Atk +6/1; CMB +6; CMD 20 Melee +1 Rapier +7/2 (1d6+1, 18-20/x2) Melee +2 Flaming punching dagger +8/3 (1d4+2, 20/x3) Melee +1 Byeshk Aberration Bane dagger +7/2 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2) Ranged shortbow +10/5 (1d6, 20/x3) STATS, FEATS, SKILLS, SPECIAL QUALITIES:
Alignment True Neutral Ability Scores STR 10, DEX 16 (18), CON 14, INT 19 (23), WIS 10, CHA 14 (18) Feats: Spell Focus (Enchantment) [1st], Combat Expertise [3rd], Silent Spell [Bonus, 5th], Extend Spell [5th], Eschew Materials [Bonus, 7th], Improved Feint [7th], Enlarge Spell [9th], Spell Penetration [11th], Spell Focus (Illusion) Skills: 118 [(6+Int Mod 4)*8, beguiler] +[(2+Int Mod 4)*5, recaster] +8 [favored class]
Special Qualities: Natural Linguist (Linguistics always a class skill), Minor Change Shape (Su), Favored class: Beguiler, Armored Mage (light), Trapfinding (Half Beguiler level bonus to Disable Device or Perception checks vs traps), Cloaked Casting (+1 DC), Surprise Casting (move action), Advanced Learning (Feather Fall), Metamorphic spell (components), Advanced Learning (Fly), Expanded Knowledge (Tongues), Sudden Metamagic 3/day (Extend Spell), Metamorphic spell (time), Expanded Knowledge (Dimension Door), Sudden Metamagic 3/day (Enlarge Spell), Metamorphic Spell (Space), Cloaked Casting (+2 to overcome SR) Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Riedran
Combat Gear Wand of CLW (UMD DC 20 to use, 43 chgs) (720 gp, 0 lb), Scroll Case (1 gp, 0.5 lb), Scroll of Resist Energy (150 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Resist Energy (150 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Eagle's Splendor (150 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Eagle's Splendor (150 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Shield (25 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Shield (25 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Shield (25 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Shield (25 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Fly (375 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Scorching Ray (150 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Scorching Ray (150 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Darkvision (150 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Spider Climb (150 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Knock (150 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Knock (150 gp, 0 lb), Scroll of Arcane Lock (150 gp, 0 lb), Wand of Lightning Bolt (CL 10, DC 18, 2 charges remain), Wand of Repair Light Damage (5 charges remain), Scroll of Remove Curse (CL 5), Wand of Bless (CL 1, 44 charges), Lesser Rod of Persistent Metamagic, Lesser Rod of Enlarge Metamagic, Belt of Dexterity +2, Scroll of Dimension Door, Scroll of Globe of Invulnerability From Ezreal Farlowe:
Note: Gil's made the Spellcraft to enable use of each of these spells but will need a UMD check (DC indicated for each) when she wants to actually put the spell to use. Other Gear Circlet of Persuasion (4500 gp, 0 lb, head slot), Headband of Mental Prowess (Intelligence, Charisma, +4, headband slot), Masterwork Thieves' Tools (100, 2 lb), Rapier +1 (2320, 2 lb), Shortbow (30, 2 lb), 20 Arrows (1, 3 lb), Glamered Mithral Chain Shirt (4800, 12.5 lb.), Handy Haversack (2000, 5 lb), Shawl of Bewitching (CompAdv) (3500, 0 lb), Traveler's Outfit (worn) (1 gp, 5 lb), Vestment of Many Styles (RoEb) (500 gp, 5 lb), 10 days' rations, 46 gp, 9 sp, 7 cp, 2 jugs of Goodberry Wine (from LB), 1 jug of Goodberry Wine, Ring of Protection +2, Papers for Matilda ir'Graanten persona, Papers for Cassandra Thurandon persona, Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath (2), Infinite Scrollcase, Byeshk +1 Aberration Bane dagger Encumbrance 30 + coin
Cantrips (0th-level), at will:
Dancing Lights Daze Detect Magic Ghost Sound Message Open/Close Read Magic 1st-level, Base save 17, 7/day, 1 used:
Charm Person (DC 18) Color Spray (DC 18) Comprehend Languages Detect Secret Doors Disguise Self (DC 18) Expeditious Retreat Feather Fall Hypnotism (DC 18) Mage Armor Obscuring Mist * Rouse Silent Image (DC 18) Sleep Undetectable Alignment * Whelm 2nd-level, Base save 18, 7/day:
* Blinding Color Surge; Illusion (Glamer); VSF (a small prism); 1 Standard action; Medium range; Targets caster and one creature; Lasts CL rounds; Will DC 19 save negates; SR Yes: You strip the color from your body and gear, turn it into a lance of energy, and hurl it at the target. When you cast this spell, you target a creature with the colors stripped from your form. The target must save or be blinded for one round. * You also gain the benefit of invisibility for the duration of the spell, even if the target creature succeeds on their save or their spell resistance protects them. Blur Daze Monster (DC 19) Detect Thoughts Fog Cloud Glitterdust Hypnotic Pattern (DC 19) Invisibility Knock Minor Image (DC 19) Mirror Image Misdirection See Invisibility Silence Spider Climb * Stay the Hand Touch of Idiocy * Vertigo * Whelming Burst 3rd-level, Base save 19, 7/day, 5 used:
Arcane Sight Clairaudience/Clairvoyance * Crown of Veils; Illusion (Figment); VSF (brass hoop 6" in diameter); 1 standard action; Touch range; Lasts CL hours (D) or until discharged; Will save negates (harmless); SR Yes (harmless): The spell creates a magic crown infused with illusion magic. The target gains a +2 competence bonus to Disguise and Stealth checks. * As an immediate action, the target can discharge the magic to gain a +8 competence bonus on a single Disguise or Stealth check, which ends the spell. * The crown occupies the headband item slot. If the crown is removed, the spell ends. Deep Slumber Dispel Magic Displacement Fly (Advanced Learning bonus, BEG7) Glibness * Halt; Transmutation; V; 1 immediate action; Close range; Affects 1 creature; Lasts 1 round; Will save negates; SR Yes: The target's feet become momentarily stuck to the floor. They stop moving and cannot move further on their current turn. The spell does not affect creatures that are not touching the floor and the target could still use an action to move via teleportation magic. Haste * Hesitate; Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]; VS; 1 immediate action; Close range; Affects one living creature; Lasts CL rounds (D); Will save negates; SR Yes: You fill a subject with doubt and misgivings, making it believe it is inferior to you. On a failed save, the subject can take no action other than a move action on its current turn. The spell confers no special bonuses for attackers of the target. If you attack the target, the spell ends immediately. * Each round, the target may attempt a new save as a swift action to end the effect. If successful, they may act normally. Hold Person * Inevitable Defeat Invisibility Sphere * Legion of Sentinels Major Image Nondetection Slow Suggestion Tongues (Expanded Knowledge, REC2) * Vertigo Field Zone of Silence 4th-level, Base save 20, 7/day:
Charm Monster Confusion Crushing Despair Dimension Door Freedom of Movement Greater Invisibility * Greater Mirror Image Locate Creature * Mass Whelm Nondetection, Communal * Phantom Battle Rainbow Pattern Shadow Conjuration Solid Fog 5th-level, Base save 21, 6/day, 4 used:
Break Enchantment Dominate Person (DC 22) Feeblemind (DC 22) * Friend to Foe; Illusion (Phantasm) [Mind-Affecting]; Components VSM (swatch of white silk); 1 Standard Action; Medium Range; CL living creatures, no more than 30' apart; Lasts CL rounds or until they deal damage; Will Save negates; SR Yes: You overlay images over your enemies, implanting an urge in them to kill and destroy each other. All subjects receive a Will save; those failing turn on the closest ally and attack until the first time they deal damage, which causes the spell to end for that attacker. Hold Monster (DC 22) * Incite Riot; Enchantment [Mind-Affecting]; Components V; 1 Standard Action; Close range; CL creatures, no more than 30' apart; Lasts 1 round; Will Save negates; SR Yes: Each creature failing its saving throw attacks the nearest creature, friend or foe. They attack with whatever weapon is at hand or with an unarmed strike. They will move to attack or charge if possible. Mind Fog Seeming Sending Shadow Evocation (DC 22) * Swift Etherealness; Transmutation; Components VS; 1 Swift Action; Close range; One willing creature; Lasts 1 round; Will save negates; SR Yes: The subject becomes ethereal until the end of its next turn. If they rematerialize within a solid object or an occupied space, they are shunted off to the nearest open space and take 1d6 damage per 5' traveled. Telekinetic Charge Telepathic Bond 6th-level, Base save 22, 4/day, 1 used:
Greater Dispel Magic Mass Suggestion Mislead * Overwhelm; Enchantment; Components VS; 1 Standard Action; Touch range; Target one creature; Duration Instantaneous; Will save negates; SR Yes: With a touch, you deal nonlethal damage to the subject equal to the creature's current hit point total. Repulsion Shadow Walk True Seeing Veil (DC 23) Gil in THE SUIT:
Init -1 Senses Perception +6, vs. traps +10, Darkvision, Low-light vision Speed 20 ft Failure Percentage 0%
Skills: 118 [(6+Int Mod 4)*7, beguiler] +[(2+Int Mod 4)*4, recaster] +7 [favored class]
The Suit (Minor Artefact) The Suit is a bipedal armoured vehicle which can carry and is operated by a single individual. It appears as a large, humanoid-shaped shell intended to hold a Medium humanoid body reasonably snugly, like a suit of armour. The entrance hatch, which pivots upwards like the visor of a helm, seems to be made of glass or some such transparent material, though it is as tough as steel. The inside of the carapace seems to have various switches and controls and is lined with padded leather. The golem's hands are fairly crude clamp-like claws on the left side, with strange nozzles and sockets emerging from the forearm, and on the right a huge hammer-like fist. Both are on the end of powerful-looking, jointed piston arms that currently flop at the golem's side, the hands resting on the floor. The legs are thick and heavy, broad flat feet planted firmly on the ground. An array of armoured cylindrical tanks attach to the back of the machine. It weighs 5,000 pounds. Its basic statistics are as follows: Size: Large
Speed: 20'
STR 32; DEX 9; CON -; INT -; WIS -; CHA -
The Suit can usually only be operated by a specially-trained individual. However, in the absence of such training, the various abilities and systems can be operated using the Use Magical Device skill. These systems (and the relevant DCs for Use Magical Device) are set out below. When actions within a single combat round include the use of more than one system, a single Use Magic Device check is made at the highest DC of the relevant systems: Open/Close Entry Hatch (DC 10) (Ex)
Movement (DC 10) (Ex)
Visual System (DC 15) (Su)
Address System (DC 15) (Ex)
Life Support (DC 15) (Ex)
Hammer Hand (DC 15) (Ex)
Fire Lance (DC 20) (Su)
Flamethrower (DC 25) (Su)
Anti-Magic Field (DC 30) (Sp)
Power Source
For each hour of standard operation (i.e. moving but not fighting, etc.): 5%
If the power source is exhausted, the results are as follows (d%):
The Suit power source recharges at 5% an hour, i.e. the chance of power source exhaustion reduces by 5% per hour for each hour it is not active. If the Suit has stopped operating (but not permanently) because of power exhaustion, it must be allowed to reduce to 0% before it will work again. General Operation
Hit point damage to the Suit can be repaired with Repair Damage spells. However if the Suit is ever reduced to 0hp it is rendered permanently inoperable and cannot be repaired. The Suit has a scrap value of 50,000gp. Notes:
Conversion of Beguiler to PFRPG Add to the Beguiler spell list the following: 4th level: Shadow Conjuration
Also, for Advanced Learning, take the additional spells from the Illusion, Enchantment, Transmutation and Divination Sorcerer/Wizard spell lists. Conversion of Recaster to PFRPG