Wandering GM Wastrel |

Sorry to hear that but glad it turned out ok. Can confirm my own powers of concentration not what they have been, hence slowdown in posting. But still here and still posting.

Narièl Laeric |

My apologies folks, been away the last few days and am just getting dialed back in!

Raquel Cailean |

I will be on vacation from Saturday 10/10 until Monday 10/19. During this time, I won't have much chance to post. GM, please bot me if necessary.

Aivar Kurisyl |

I hope you have a good time! The weather here changed for the worse, hello rainy autumn, how do you do, and yes, I'm slightly envious of anyone who gets to seek out the sun and its radiant warmth right now.

Narièl Laeric |

Hey folks, sorry for the delay in posting... Canadian Thanksgiving this past weekend. I'll get something up either tonight or tomorrow.

Wandering GM Wastrel |

Hi all - sorry for delays in posting, am having RL motivational issues (for want of a better word).

Wandering GM Wastrel |

Hi all
I'm truly sorry for lack of posts here recently(ish). RL has been catching up with me and I have not had energy/time to post.
Thankfully that does seem to have passed and I would like to pick this game up again, if you are still here and willing to bear with me. I know Tristan's player has vanished and it looks like the Silver Dreamer/Arianna has gone too, which is really sad as she was a great player to have. Assuming the rest of you are still here and willing to keep going, we are down to four which is manageable. I will consider whether to pick up a fifth or sixth but the main thing is to get moving again.

Narièl Laeric |

Ditto! Sorry to see we lost some good players; that said, I think recruiting a fifth might not be a bad idea down the line.

Aivar Kurisyl |

It is my personal preference that we get 1 or possibly 2 new players, simply to revitalize the whole campaign. I understand that slotting them in might be a hassle, but if we recruit from the pool of players we're already sharing other campaigns with, it should be relatively painless to integrate them.
And brrr, whenever I see someone disappearing from these forums now, I can't help but fear the worst.

Sasha Yezhov |

I've had some decent success with ariana slots. Same goes for crazy monkey as a similar prospect. Had a really big win a few months ago, stopped playing for a while came back on and lots more wins.
lmao wtf is this
I'm still here. :)

Arianna Wending |

I'm still here, I could have sworn I had posted something more recently but I guess not. I wonder if I saved a draft somewhere...

Wandering GM Wastrel |

To be clear, this game is not dead - it's just... resting.
Apologies to all. The last few months have been especially crap and I have let this drop. Picking it up again is taking some effort, but I will get us moving.

Aivar Kurisyl |

I hope you're all doing well! I'm still checking in.

Narièl Laeric |

Still here, though presently only checking in once a week. When things get going again, I may be silent for a few days as such.

Arianna Wending |

I still try to look in every few days.

Sasha Yezhov |

Aivar Kurisyl |

What is this 'peacefully' you speak of?

Wandering GM Wastrel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Happy New Year!
We are underway again. Thank you all for checking in to let me know you are still around. I can only apologise again, but I have taken some time out from life (including a much-needed health break from work) and am now in a position to resume this game.
I cannot promise a post every day, but when I can post I will do so.

Aivar Kurisyl |

Wooo! I'll try to get a reply in tomorrow!

Narièl Laeric |

Hey all, happy new year! Great way to start off 2021 with a return to Wastrel's Kingmaker game. I'll get a post up in the next day or so.

Wandering GM Wastrel |

Thanks for your post, Aivar, will get a reply up later today :)

Aivar Kurisyl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Apparently Paizo had some hardware problems yesterday thanks to a storm (?). If you got troubles logging in, clear your cookies, and you should be able to log-in again.

Wandering GM Wastrel |

Ugh, I've had some longer-lasting account problems but it looks like I'm back now! Sorry for the wait :(

Wandering GM Wastrel |

So, let's talk projects and downtime.
There are a number of things you can do with your time: you can craft (Nariel), you can explore the Green Belt further, and you can engage in Projects. Of course, 7 days of each month is taken up with running your province but that still leaves a fair bit of time for other things.
A Project is something that takes more than 1 dice roll to accomplish. As a case in point: Tyg and Perl are terrified of the Queen. No matter how well you roll, you aren't going to persuade them in one go. That said, your amazing Diplomacy rolls gave you some good information :)
What I'm going to do is start a Project called "persuade Tyg and Perl to side with us". It's an ambitious project so I'm going to say it takes 9 lots of effort. But - you rolled well, so I'm going to say you managed to get 2 of those 9,. I've set up a spoiler in the header above labelled "Projects" so you can see your progress.
A Project takes time: if you commit to a Project in your downtime it takes 2d6 days. So Raquel and Sasha (and Yuri) spend 2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11 days in and around the hot springs, playing with Tyg and Perl and trying to win them over. At the end of those 11 days, they are at 2/9 on their Project.
The information Tyg and Perl gave you is also enough to make progress in another Project: Find the Redcap lair. This is an easier Project as they aren't exactly being subtle about their presence, so you are now at 1/5 on that.
Note that you don't HAVE to complete a Project. If you decide that trying to get Tyg & Perl onside isn't worth the time it might take, that's fine! There's a bunch of other stuff you can do.
Aivar has started not one but 2 Projects: Diplomatic relations with Kiravoy (Maegar Varn) and Diplomatic relations with Glenmere (Stannis Drelev). He rolled well on Diplomacy, but these sorts of things take time.
The other thing you can do is task your NPC advisers (Yuri, Eva, Karinna, Jhod, Kesten) with Projects. It won't be as efficient as doing it yourself, but it gives you a broader reach.
One Project you could assign them to is Exploration: instead of traipsing over the unexplored land yourself - although you totally can still do that - you can send them off with a small crew to go find what's out there. Of course, some of what's out there might eat them (they wouldn't have done well against the Scythe Trees or the Trolls!) so it's a risk. But it would get things done much faster.
Any questions, let me know!

Aivar Kurisyl |

Ah, check! I like the idea of simplifying complex in-game stuff and it gives me the impression that it will 'guide' our in-game efforts in a neat and tidy way that allows all of us to keep track of *what* we are doing and *how* we are doing :)
Also, welcome back!

Wandering GM Wastrel |

Thanks! I like to think that yesterday was the day that 2021 truly started :)

Wandering GM Wastrel |

I'm glad you asked :)
Your current spy network is you (plus Eva, if she's not being commandeered for someone else's project).
You can recruit more agents. We actually started something along those lines a while back, so i'm happy to give you one tick in that box - although it wasn't a terribly succesful roll. Let's call it "Recruit an Agent in Thornhold" and it's fairly straightforward so we'll give you 1/4. Three more "bits" of downtime and a decent roll or two and you're there.
If you don't need an agent right now, we can look at some domestic spy activities. There's a fair bit you can do, like "Keep an eye on Teneterfield" (the collection of tents and wagons just outside town). That would give you bonuses to keeping Unrest down. Or you could opt to "Keep an eye out on visitors" so that you are aware of what the travelling merchants are up to and hopefully identify any spies trying to infiltrate your province.
Once you have a bit of a network internally, it's time to look further afield and carry out operations in other towns...

Raquel Cailean |

Cool system. I assume, then, that Raquel and Sasha are currently engaged in the 11 days of influencing the faeries?

Wandering GM Wastrel |

We can handwave that time, and I'm going to move you both on in my next post. Just wanted to give you time to post something if you wanted.

Narièl Laeric |

Sorry, was having trouble logging in until I realized about the power outage. Problem solved, posting now!

Tristan Aislin |

Hello my hearts,
I've obviously been gone awhile, but I wanted to check in with old campaigns just to say hi, I'm alive, and healthy. COVID annihilated my life in many ways, but I've finally made time to remember that I had some fun campaigns going on here. :D
I don't know if I can slot in again, that's up to the GM, but I figured I'd say hello in any case.

Aivar Kurisyl |

I'm simply glad to hear you're still alive and kicking. I hope all is ok! Corona and 2020 decisively dunked on me too, so I know the feeling, but I think you're doing the right thing by returning to what brings you joy, even if it means you have to cross some awkward and uncomfortable social thresholds.

Wandering GM Wastrel |

Tristan, I'm glad to know you're still around! Feel free to drop back in.
To everyone: about 12 months ago the company I work at got involved in a patent dispute - as one of the technical people involved in the relevant department, I've been hugely involved in consulting with the legal department about the lawsuit (on top of my actual, you know, job) and it's taken over my life. Anyway, the hearing is tomorrow so after that I'm free. It doesn't look like I'm going to be cross-examined, thank god but I do need to be around in case I'm called on to elaborate on my depositions. After that, life should get back to normal.
I'm sorry for not saying anything about it on here, although you've probably all guessed that *something* was up, but I wanted one piece of my life that wasn't contaminated. Although looking back at my posting frequency (or lack thereof) I'm not sure I succeeded there, either.
I will pick us up on Thursday and let's see if we still have a game.

Aivar Kurisyl |

Oof. I hope today finally brings clarity and some much-needed relief!

Tristan Aislin |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Glad to hear your own life may get back to normal-ish soon as well, Wastrel.
I'm going to try and catch up on things and also decide whether or not I really can drop back in or if I need to formally withdraw.