![]() I came this close to taking all of you and running an 8-person group, but that way madness lies, and the abyss, and no good thing. Apologies to those not selected, it was a very difficult decision. That said, please will Elisabetta Filosa Kyra Kyralina Luciana García Sasha Elena Pyrope Violetta di Valori report to the discussion thread. ![]()
![]() COMPLETED/IN PROGRESS CrusaderWolf - Adrianos Garibaldi, Altori Hawk fatmanspencer - Bianca Lucia Donatia, Altori Knack Itzi - Elisabetta Filosa, Altori Bravo Kittenmancer - Kyra Kyralina, Iberican Key The Lobster - Saoirse Storm Crow, Calrayan Hawk Nikolaus de'Shade - Violetta di Valori, Ilrienne Key Tareth – Sasha Elena Pyrope, Garnetyne Eye TheWorstFighter - Luciana García, Iberican Couth INTERESTED/BASIC CONCEPTS Azure_Zero Dorian ‘Grey’ ![]()
![]() Getting there... COMPLETED/MOSTLY COMPLETED SUBMISSIONS AGM Lemming - Bertrand Strahnd, Human uRogue(Scout/Shadow Scion) AJM8665 - Aelbourne Silverleaf, Half-Elf Rogue (scout) Aldizog - Wulfric Tilernos, Human Cavalier Codanus - Thurim Ironbeard, Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric (Torag) Critzible - Audrennila Moonblossom, Elf Arcanist (Calistria) Grumbaki - Sven the Shieldbearer, Dwarf Slayer Ironpereti - Brand the Bold, Aasimar bloodrager LDDragon - Ragnar Thorwood, Human Oracle Malinor - Crastor Deems, Human Paladin (Abadar) Mark Thomas 66 - Iolandra Zamfi, Human Druid (Green Faith) Pinvendor - Murielle, Human Soulbound Summoner Ridge - Daxiana Gloridia Medvyed, Human Ranger Sensen - Agak the Visionary, Half-Orc Shaman SqueezeMeNow - Tehs, Kobold Unchained Rogue Veniir - Pulap Kaduk, Halfling Bard Wandering Wastrel - Allandír Dinúvriel, Elf Wizard (conjuration) DOTTED/INITIAL CONCEPTS Calabanian - half-elf investigator
![]() @The Lobster - I can work with that. On a more general note, in Ilrien someone like Colm would be regarded as a monster - and, worse, gauche. You shouldn't need to cut someone's fingers off to send a message when with the right attire and the right bearing, you can cut them dead with a look. The Ilrienne know that what is best in life is to snub your enemies, to see them shrivel before you, to know from their lamentations that you're winning. Recruitment closes in 2 hours. It may take me a while to make my selections, thank you again to everyone who posted, I really wasn't expecting this much enthusiasm! ![]()
![]() @The Lobster - that's helpful, thanks. I too like the idea of a character who isn't born into the game but who masters it despite/because of that. If the visual of the missing fingers is important to you, perhaps it could be an injury she acquired in early adulthood? PTSD/nightmares and so on are fine. Let me know what you think. @Kyra - looks good. Part of the BitD ethos is "play to find out" so I don't need all the details ironed out in advance, just enough to get a sense of your character. ![]()
![]() @The Lobster - lots of details, I have a clear sense of Saoirse's personality and I like the secrets, definitely a lot for a GM to work with! The only thing that gives me pause is the theme: Saoirse would fit right in to a Blades in the Dark campaign, 12-year-olds getting their fingers sliced off, deliquent youths being shot in the back of the head, eyes being gouged out, all grist to the mill. But for Court of Blades, it's a bit grimdark and it's not really what I'm going for. I guess the question I'm asking, in typical roundabout fashion, is how important are those elements to your character concept? ![]()
![]() @Luciana - looks good! I think she'll be well-suited as a Couth, you can always 'borrow' some special abilities from the Eye playbook when you advance. @Bianca - the game is extremely open-ended (hence my encouragement in the opening post for players willing to "lead the dance") and will accommodate a lot of goals (e.g. Sasha wanting to regain her family's ship is entirely achievable). The goals you've listed are fully manageable :) Recruitment will close 9 pm (UK time) on Wednesday ![]()
![]() COMPLETED/IN PROGRESS CrusaderWolf - Adrianos Garibaldi, Altori Hawk fatmanspencer - Bianca Lucia Donatia, Altori Knack Itzi - Elisabetta Filosa, Altori Bravo Kittenmancer - Kyra Kyralina, Iberican Key Nikolaus de'Shade - Violetta di Valori, Ilrienne Key Tareth – Sasha Elena Pyrope, Garnetyne Eye TheWorstFighter - Luciana García, Iberican Couth INTERESTED/BASIC CONCEPTS
Azure_Zero Dorian ‘Grey’
The Lobster – possible Hawk Recruitment closes on WEDNESDAY @fatmanspencer - feel free to come up with some goals for your character; those players who are picked will also get a "Session Zero" where we answer some questions, including Bonds, and generally flesh out more of the initial concept. This will also include coming up with a name for your Coterie and some initial goals for them. What I'm looking for right now is as much background as you want to write (within reason) but more importantly some sense of who your character is (what makes them tick, what ticks them off, attitudes to problem solving, that sort of thing). Hope that helps? @Adrianos - magic in this game is generally based on "what Effect are you trying to achieve?" Sharpened senses would probably be fine, but dulling to pain could be an issue because it could be used to negate negative consequences like harm. My answer therefore is that it sounds fine in principle but we would have to negotiate what it looks like in practice. I like the concept of black powder-based magical power so that's not a problem. @Violetta - short version of your backstory is fine for now, it can be fleshed out later during Session Zero. The main thing I need is some sense of who your character is (what makes them tick, what ticks them off, attitudes to problem solving, that sort of thing). Actually, that goes for most of the submissions so far - the mechanics look good and the background (where provided) makes sense but a sense of personality (or a description that goes beyond merely what they look like) would be very helpful. ![]()
![]() Iolandra Zamfi wrote: Wow, of the finished submissions so far no one is playing the same class. Not sure I've ever seen that before. Yeah, I noticed that when I was listing everyone - I've never seen it before either. I think it shows what a good job Paizo did with PF1 that the classes they put together (oracle, cavalier, arcanist, etc) are as popular as the traditional wizard/cleric etc classes they imported from D&D. Lots of submissions now! I don't envy the GM their decision. ![]()
![]() Bianca Lucia Donatia wrote: This is the character sheet for fatmanspencer, but I am trying to figure out how the others got their sheets to look so professional and well crafted! Impressive, aren't they! Fortunately I'm looking for great characters rather than beautiful character sheets :) COMPLETED/IN PROGRESS Itzi - Elisabetta Filosa, Altori Bravo TheWorstFighter - Luciana García, Iberican Couth Tareth – Sasha Elena Pyrope, Garnetyne Eye Kittenmancer - Kyra Kyralina, Iberican Key fatmanspencer - Bianca Lucia Donatia, Altori Knack INTERESTED/BASIC CONCEPTS Nikolaus de’Shade – possible Key Azure_Zero Dorian ‘Grey’ CrusaderWolf – possible Key fatmanspencer – possible Key or Knack The Lobster – possible Hawk ![]()
![]() I started, so I feel compelled to continue COMPLETED/MOSTLY COMPLETED SUBMISSIONS Codanus - Thurim Ironbeard, Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric (Torag) Critzible - Audrennila Moonblossom, Elf Arcanist (Calistria) Grumbaki - Sven the Shieldbearer, Dwarf Slayer Ironpereti - Brand the Bold, Aasimar bloodrager LDDragon - Ragnar Thorwood, Human Oracle Malinor - Crastor Deems, Human Paladin (Abadar) Mark Thomas 66 - Iolandra Zamfi, Human Druid (Green Faith) Pinvendor - Murielle, Human Soulbound Summoner Ridge - Daxiana Gloridia Medvyed, Human Ranger Sensen - Agak the Visionary, Half-Orc Shaman SqueezeMeNow - Tehs, Kobold Unchained Rogue Veniir - Pulap Kaduk, Halfling Bard Wandering Wastrel - Allandír Dinúvriel, Elf Wizard (conjuration) DOTTED/INITIAL CONCEPTS Violant
This thread is now quite long, but hopefully I haven't missed anyone. ![]()
![]() COMPLETE/MOSTLY COMPLETED CHARACTERS Itzi - Elisabetta Filosa, Altori Bravo TheWorstFighter - Luciana García, Iberican Couth Tareth – Sasha Elena Pyrope, Garnetyne Eye INTERESTED/BASIC CONCEPTS Nikolaus de’Shade – possible Key Azure_Zero Dorian ‘Grey’ Kittenmancer CrusaderWolf – possible Key fatmanspencer – possible Key or Knack The Lobster – possible Hawk ![]()
![]() @Kittenmancer - great! Excitement leads to enthusiasm, which leads to a great game. I look forward to reading your character concept in due course. @Elisabeta - looks good so far, some nice plot hooks already. @Sasha - your idea of "some bullet points" is a little different from mine! Some excellent ideas in there. Most people tend to see the Fortunato as the 'good guys' trying to stick it to the Bank of Brass & Bone, so it's really interesting to see you go in the other direction with them. I love it. Your idea for family heirloom being the focus for her Channel works for me. @CrusaderWolf - sounds good, I look forward to reading what you come up with. @The Lobster - thanks for dotting in! Looking forward to reading more about your Hawk. On the topic of Houses: the 4/5/6 (haven't decided yet) players that end up getting picked will get final say on which House they serve, but it's helpful to me to get some idea of which Houses aren't in the mix so I can start thinking about them as NPC factions. Nobody has expressed interest in Corvetto or Al-Mari, for example, so I already have some ideas about what direction those Houses are going to go in. ![]()
![]() fatmanspencer wrote: How well connected are we to each other, like we are all trying to make ourselves better and our group of is there to be a little cut throating amongst ourselves? Your group (or Coterie, to use the Court of Blades terminology) functions much like an adventuring party, so you are all on the same side. There's no "aha! My character is secretly working for House X instead" moments in this game. That said, and again like War for the Crown, this is an intrigue-based game so it's entirely possible that your character's interests don't always align with the other PCs - but I would expect everyone to discuss it with the other players so that it doesn't lead to PvP and/or stop being fun. I've seen some wonderful disagreements between characters where the players were on the same page... but I've also seen it get out of hand. EDIT: For anyone who's interested, Third Floor Wars (Youtube) did a great season of Court of Blades where the players were all clearly in sync but the characters were very much not always on the same page. It worked really well, but only because of the high level of trust the players all clearly have in one another and the GM. ![]()
![]() This is as much for my benefit as anyone else's, letting me see what's there and what niches might still be applied for. COMPLETED/MOSTLY COMPLETED SUBMISSIONS Veniir - Pulap Kaduk, Halfling Bard Critzible - Audrennila Moonblossom, Elf Arcanist (Calistria) Codanus - Thurim Ironbeard, Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric (Torag) Pinvendor - Murielle, Human Soulbound Summoner Ironpereti - Brand the Bold, Aasimar bloodrager LDDragon - Ragnar Thorwood, human oracle DOTTED/INITIAL CONCEPTS Sir Longears -
![]() @Luciana - looks good! I look forward to seeing what mechanics options you go for. The Couth is a versatile class. @fatmanspencer - that sounds like an intriguing character, I look forward to reading more. I'm really pleased this thread has already got so much interest, I was a bit worried a non-PF game might be met with crickets. I want to give everyone time to flesh out a concept but I also want to maintain momentum - I'm thinking I will close the recruitment next Wednesday 27 March, some time in the evening (UK time). Does that give everyone who's posted so far enough time to read the rules and setting and put a PC together? If anyone has questions on the setting and/or the rules please post them and I will reply as quickly as I can. ![]()
![]() @Sir Longears - thanks for letting me know, sorry it didn't work out this time. @rdknight - thanks for your post, feel free to read along! Hopefully we can create a story that the bards will still be singing for ages to come @Sasha - wow, you have put work into reading the lore! I will hold off on questions until we have a bit more to go with. @Kittenmancer - good question. Romance is/can be a big part of this game and so sexuality is also in the mix (although the two things are NOT the same: there were innumerable Bond girls, but only ever one Moneypenny). As far as I'm concerned, as long as you don't make any of the other players uncomfortable then we're good. Also, that reminds me of something I should have added in my first post - I wish this went without saying but it does need to be said: LGBTQ gamers and LGBTQ characters are fully welcome in my games. I'm looking forward to the story we will tell together. ![]()
![]() @Kittenmancer - great to have your enthusiasm! Girl by Moonlight caught my interest but I never got round to playing/purchasing it. @Crusaderwolf - thanks for dotting in, if you know the mechanics for BitD that's a big plus. In terms of the rulebook, I'm sympathetic to the $$$$ problem, and if we gamed at a tabletop I'd gladly share my copy of the rulebook... but we don't. You will need your own reference copy of the rules. I said in my previous post that I'd talk a bit about the noble houses, so here goes. In CoB, your group of PCs serves one of the six great Houses, the newest to rise to the Esultare. You get to choose which House you have collectively pledged your loyalty to. They are thematically and mechanically very different, so it's important you pick a House you can see yourself enjoying. ================
House al-Mari are known as “a Tower built of spit and spite” and their motto is “Mah Hafez [we keep].” They came as foreigners to Ilrien, but money knows no provenance. Swords know even less. Unfashionable, gauche even, they set to the task of securing their new prize. Once mercenaries from across the seas, now they are conqueror-princes. Their key strength is in supply (House Al-Mari is a self-sufficient House. They keep, indeed); their preference is for overcoming obstacles through dominance or aggression. ================
House Bastien are known as “the Rising Tide” and their motto is “And Yet We Rise” Among the lower orders of the city, House Bastien is held as proof that anyone sufficiently audacious may rise to the highest ranks. Among the old Houses, Bastien is often thought of as a distressing novelty. Their true words, if tavern talk is to be believed, are “They Said We Could Not.” Their key strength is in transport, getting what you need to where you need it (popularity opens many doors); their preference is for overcoming obstacles through audacity or unorthodoxy. ================
House Battalia are known as “the old House of Martial Valour” and their motto is “Ever Upon Our Shields” House Battalia won the freedom of Ilrien with blood and valor. With strength and honour, they hold it still. They are not naive, or blind to the games of the Esultare. They see the dance, see through the lies. What was won at the edge of a sword cannot be stolen by pretty words. Battalia stands vigilant and unimpressed. Their key strength is in force (House Battalia boasts more swords than any but the Grand Council); their preference is for overcoming obstacles through honour or tradition. ================
House Corvetto are known as “the Majestic Tyrants” and their motto is “Beneath Our Wings” The people of Ilrien would be hard-pressed to think of a time when House Corvetto did not dwell within the city, plucking arcane strings and dispatching assassins from atop their shadowed towers. There is an old saying: Better under a Corvetto wing than a Corvetto beak. Their key strength is their magic (the Corvetto hoard magic and boast more magicians than any other House); their preference is for overcoming obstacles through coercion or majesty. ================
House Elanda are known as “the Fist around the Heart of Trade” and their motto is “Gold Does Not Rust.” Ilrien was once a city of merchant houses; dozens of tightening fists around the gold which flowed through the city of canals. Now, only House Elanda remains. If there is something you need, be assured the Elanda either make it, import it, transport it, or ensure that you needed it in the first place. Their key strength is their wealth (none can match the accounts of House Elanda. They like it that way); their preference is for overcoming obstacles through guile or extortion. ================
House Lovell are known as “gossipmongers of Wealth and Taste” and their motto is “Far Sight & Foresight.” Everyone in Ilrien talks. From the Twist to the Palace, words drift in scores of tongues. Somehow, by guile or magic, they all make their way to the ears of House Lovell. It is no surprise that many of those words are words of admiration for the House. We do not speak ill when they are certainly listening. Their key strength is intelligence (if you mean to keep it secret, House Lovell already knows); their preference is for overcoming obstacles with secrets or discernment. ![]()
![]() Glad to see there's some interest! I guess that makes this an official recruitment thread, then :) @TheWorstFighter - it's very similar mechanically to BitD, but it seems to play very differently. It's more a question of tone and theme than anything else. You're not at all getting ahead of yourself in thinking about what playbook(s) you would like. @Tareth - good to see you. Eye and Knack are both solid choices, and I see you've already started thinking about what House you want to serve. I will get into more of that later today once I have more time to post. @Nik - the Key is a good choice for a political schemer who unlocks people and contraptions with equal ease. @Itzi - the Kiss is one of the two advanced playbooks (the other being the Curse) which are off-limits for basic play. Given this is my first time running it, I'd like to stick to the basics please. ![]()
![]() This is an interest check for Court of Blades, a fiction-first RPG based on the Blades in the Dark game system. Ultimately, if you liked the War for the Crown AP but thought it needed more intrigue, more skullduggery, more romance and just generally more, then this may be a game for you! I already have 2 (possibly 3) players interested but I’m looking to build the group out a bit as PbP seems to work best with between 4 and 6 PCs. Court of Blades takes place in the vibrant, fantasy renaissance city-state of Ilrien, in a world populated by scheming nobles, court magicians, and dashing duelists. In Court of Blades you take on the role of a talented retainer to a newly-risen House of the Esultare in the great city of Ilrien. The Esultare, composed of the six Houses Major, are considered to be the most powerful families in the Principalities. Amongst them they have their own pecking order, and every citizen of Ilrien is aware of every house’s position within that order. In the service of your House, you will engage in the polite civil warfare of the great families. You will host lavish balls, and manipulate the courts, uncover the plots of your rivals, protect the city from arcane dangers, manage your own intrigues and personal scandals, leverage your reputations, connections, and so much more. We play to find out if our noble retainers can play the Great Game and win it all, or if they'll fall prey to the machinations of their rivals or their own human failings. If that (hopefully) caught your interest, I’m looking for players who are prepared to: *Learn at least some of the rules of the game AND the setting: I’m happy to handle rules queries and describe the setting, but the more you understand them yourself, the more fun you (and, frankly, everyone else) will have. One big difference in this game over d20-based games is that the players get a huge say in how the game world works, and get to take part in the world-building. It therefore helps to know about the game setting so that you can contribute to it. You can get hold of the game here. *Live daringly: you can be anything in Ilrien, except boring! This is a game where you swing from the chandeliers, run across the rooftops and make that jump from dockside to the gondola, thumbing your nose at the condottieri you leave behind in your wake; where you seek a dance – or perhaps more – from that person you know you absolutely, positively, shouldn’t. It’s not a game about playing it safe. *Laugh at failure like the imposter that it is: in this game, consequences and miss results on the action roll are what drive things forward as you succeed but cause new problems that add to the DRAMA of the game. Don’t be afraid to roll actions you are not good at, trust that it will all work out in the end. Failure might be an option, but fear of failure is no option at all. *Lead the dance: this game is NOT an adventure path with a predetermined railroad that the GM pushes you along: your goals and your desires will significantly govern the direction the game takes. As the GM, I’m your partner-in-crime rather than your adversary – be proactive in driving the game forward and trust me to follow your lead in providing you with opportunities to be awesome (which yes, on occasion, you will fail spectacularly). ![]()
![]() Oof. That's a tough encounter! The text says that the bodies are "fresh kills" - which presumably means the bodies marked on the map died within the last hour? Lots of 1-action heals for an adjacent ghoul. Combine that with swift leap to get out of trouble... a 3rd level party could have real problems putting these things down. Also, I love the art of the dapper ghoul with the cane - undead, not unsophisticated! ![]()
![]() Hi all, I'm on UK time so will generally be posting on a different rhythm from some (most?) of you :) Thanks to the GM for inviting me into this game, I'm looking forward to it immensely. In terms of classes, I am wondering whether paladin (tortured crusader) would fit the tone of this game? Nidal is a land of evil so paladins would need to be mostly undercover; by RAW I can find nothing that requires them to brandish their holy symbol either for lay on hands or smite evil... but with that said, I always have my paladin characters carry a holy symbol simply because, well, paladin. The second issue is really that of tone which is hard to define but you know it when you see it (the classic example is not playing a ninja when your DM tells you the campaign is Renaissance Europe-themed courtly intrigue). If paladin doesn't look like a good fit, I will probably go with a bard. ![]()
![]() ^^^ this is actually a really good point for non-humans as well. My character took the "Issian" trait because the phrasing ("You are descended from an able and intelligent people, and you have grand ambitions, a mind alert for opportunity, and the tenacity to fight for your goals no matter the challenge... You see yourself as a citizen of Brevoy through and through") stuck with me - he was effectively rejected by his homeland but has found welcome (and love) in his adopted homeland and he does consider himself to be Brevic (albeit he spies occasionally for Kyonin - but as the saying goes consistency is a hobgoblin, or something). Having said that, I never checked it with you but hopefully you'll tell me if it's an issue. ![]()
![]() Angus Elphinstone wrote: With the recruitment wrapping up, I want to take the opportunity to thank you for running the game, we players do appreciate it. +1 on this Dm Joseph Rauel wrote: Wandering Wastrel If they are spells in your spell book you can totally have scribed the scrolls with your starting goal. Thank you! In that case I believe Allandír Dinúvriel is ready for adventure. ![]()
![]() Dm Joseph Rauel wrote: Heirloom Items Just so everyone is on the same page. These do not need to be the typical armor/weapon kind of items. Elizabeth Ardoc (LizArdoc) is using gardening tools as her heirloom choice. It can be anything under the sun. Except your family’s trusty +5 Vorpal Longsword… Thanks, that's really helpful (although I'll have you know that sword has been in my family for generations). I was getting hung up on thinking in terms of masterwork weaponry/armour but that's clearly not where you were going with this so I appreciate the clarification. As such, Allandír's heirloom item will be a cold iron holy symbol of Yuelral, the Elven deity of magic (among other things). It hangs from his belt, and - like the elf himself - it has seen better days: battered, twisted and pitted from continual contact with the demonic toxicity of the Worldwound. I have completed the background and description for Allandír Dinúvriel, turning my previous wall of text into something more legible. I will do the stats later this week. I have also done a background and description for his dwarf cohort, although I would like to hold off on doing the stats until I know what would help the party most: if we end up needing a meat shield, he will be a Warrior (trending Ranger) and if we decide we need a healbot he will be an Adept (trending Cleric). I hope that is ok - let me know if you want a clear decision. ![]()
![]() @DM JR - that's an entirely reasonable response to a slightly off-the-wall request :) Honestly, while I love the idea of an heirloom item that we all start with, I'm slightly stuck for ideas. Wizards can't wear armour and don't have a lot of use for weapons so I was just throwing something out there to see if it sticks. I'm not familiar with the Legacy Item rules from 3.5; is it anything like the scaling magic items from Pathfinder Unchained? ![]()
![]() I have used the ten-minute background that you linked to, although it is horribly misnamed. It took me LOT more than 10 minutes! But I have to say that it's been really helpful in putting my character together. I haven't done the mechanics and stats yet, suffice to say for now that he's an elf wizard with the conjuration specialist school. Firing darts of acid seems in keeping with his acerbic personality. I will do the dwarf cohort later on. DANGER: wall of text:
ALLANDIR DINUVRIEL, Elf Wizard 5 Background Elements Write five things about your character’s concept and background, five things that you think are the most essential parts of your character. 1. Allandír’s concept is a deliberate rejection of the Tolkienesque love affair with elves: immortal, all-knowing, fair-spoken, beautiful, wise, etc. etc. etc. Allandír is none of these things – decades of conflict at the Worldwound have left their mark, physically and spiritually. For all that, he does live up to the other Tolkienesque trope of “looks foul but feels fair.” He is Good aligned, but that doesn’t stop him from being somewhat bitter and on occasion sarcastic. His more recent bereavement hasn’t helped, but there is a good person in there somewhere. 2. Allandír’s birth was something of a shame to his family in Kyonin: he was born with very pale skin (it is still noticeably on the sallow side) and the ability to see in the dark – both indications of drow heritage somewhere within the family. This was a source of considerable embarrassment to his parents, and Allandír has always felt the sting of suspicion. It was this need to prove himself to be on the side of good and not evil that drove him to volunteer his services in combat at the Worldwound. 3. Allandír is – or more precisely, was – a powerful wizard, and if I get the chance to utter the phrase “I once knew every spell in all the tongues of Elves or Men” you can bet I’m going to take it. His speciality is Conjuration, and his ability to summon Celestial allies in the fight against the demons doubtless saved many lives. But the fight was endless, demons are not in short supply; and after two decades or more, Allandír realised that he had to leave or he would become not much better than the things he was fighting. 4. He ended up in Brevoy because he was in search of wilderness but unwilling to return to Kyonin where he would forever be under the taint of suspicion due to his heritage. The forests of Brevoy are still mostly untouched, and it was peaceful there. With his salary from the war, he bought a small house on the edge of the Lake of Mists and Veils and set up as a woodcarver – he's always been good with his hands, and shaping things that way was a good alternative to magic. He never intended to fall in love, and certainly not with a human; but Elinor Medvyed won his heart almost from the moment she entered his shop. She was in some senses an outcast from her family, as well: sick of the endless intrigues of spoilt nobility, she had invested much of her funds in setting up an orphanage. The two had much in common, and Allandír found himself telling her things he had not told any other soul. Their marriage was the final straw for her family, who disinherited her; not that they cared. 5. After several years of intense happiness, tragedy struck when they tried for a child of their own: the complications in childbirth killed both Elinor and their daughter, Miranda (Allandír insisted on a name for the gravestone). In the 18 months since, Allandír has wandered aimlessly; unable to leave the land where his wife and daughter are buried but unable to move on. It was when he struck up a recent friendship with a similarly displaced dwarf that he realised (or perhaps remembered) that life is for living. At the urging of another friend from his days at the Worldwound, he accepted the charter for exploring the Greenbelt because it is a fresh start, and a chance to do some good. 2 Goals List two goals for the character that you, as a player, think would be cool to see accomplished in-game. 1. At the moment, Allandír cares very little about whether he lives or dies – he's not actively seeking death but he doesn’t see much to live for. My goal would be to see that change, as he forms bonds with his new companions and they adventure together and he rediscovers some of the pleasures of life. 2. I would love to have Allandír set up a magical academy that trains Good-aligned wizards, as some sort of counter to the Infernal binders of Cheliax. But that would be quite a ways off: they have to establish a kingdom first! 2 Secrets List two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help in creating plots that center around your character. 1. It is no secret that Allandír has a conflicted relationship with his homeland: he was born in Kyonin and loves the land and cares for it, but whenever he visits he is aware of the suspicion he is under on account of his drow heritage, which he can do nothing about. Going to the Worldwound was a way of trying to prove his loyalty to the cause of good. What is a secret is that he reports back to Kyonin on local matters, keeping them informed of anything they might need to know. The word “spy” is loaded and not attractive, but it is also not an inaccurate description of his role. 2. Demons are unfortunately not the only thing you fight at the Worldwound – there are many humans who willingly give their souls over to evil in exchange for power. During his time there, Allandír fought against and defeated one of these cults; what he doesn’t know is that the leader survived the fight and fled into the vast, empty reaches of the Stolen Lands. 3 Important People Describe three people that are tied to the character through blood, romance or honor. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. Why do they deserve to be saved, helped, thwarted, or die? 1. Friendly: Halvar Brandt. Now quite old, for a human, Halvar served alongside Allandír at the Worldwound and was lucky enough to survive the conflict and retire. He insists that it was Allandír who saved his life and the elf never has to buy a drink whenever he is with Halvar. Halvar was best man (and one of the only guests) at Allandír and Elinor’s wedding, and it was Halvar who suggested that perhaps it was time for the elf to stop moping and do something useful with the remainder of his life (“You were always going to outlive her, boy, eh?” For some reason, he calls the elf “boy” and Allandír for some reason puts up with it.) Halvar pulled some strings to ensure that Allandír was awarded the charter. 2. Friendly: Sarvir Noldren. An elf merchant who periodically travels through Brevoy; he is also Allandír’s contact for passing information back to Kyonin. Sarvir has no doubts about Allandír’s loyalty – in his view anyone who fights at the Worldwound is a hero and should get medals from their homeland, not suspicion and effective exile. Sarvir is increasingly tired of the endless politics within Kyonin, and finds himself travelling more and more in the outside world as a way of escaping. 3. Hostile: Karl Medvyed. Elinor’s brother, and next in line to rule the House of Medvyed. He dislikes Allandír both because he had no business in marrying a noblewoman but also, less snobbishly, because he believes that if his sister had married someone else she would still be alive. Whether or not that is true is irrelevant: grief takes many forms and is rarely rational. He will hate Allandír until his dying breath. 3 Memories Describe three memories that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor. 1. The moment he realised that his homeland, the place where he was born, would always regard him with suspicion no matter what he did. Taking leave of his parents with barely a word, in the dead of night, not really expecting to see them again and not caring much. 2. Standing at the graves of his wife and daughter, as the reality of his loss sank in and realising that he would never see them again, never hear Elinor’s laugh or watch Miranda take her first steps. 3. Reaching the borders of Brevoy, about to set foot beyond it and leave forever; and realising that he couldn’t. This land is where is family are buried, and he is not yet ready to say goodbye. For better or worse, he is tied to this location for now. Question on heirloom item: my idea is that he was a reasonably powerful wizard who hasn't practiced for over a decade and has effectively let his skills atrophy (in game terms, "resetting" to first level). But he still has his spellbook from his earlier days, so I was wondering if that could be his heirloom? ![]()
![]() @DM - thanks, I'll go with that. There's a lot of information on the Vanishing and other stuff in the back section of the first book of the Kingmaker AP (Stolen Land). I ran the game on these boards a few years back (it died during the pandemic, sadly) so I am familiar with the game but good at keeping player knowledge separate from character knowledge. I will put a character and their cohort together in the next couple of days. ![]()
![]() I really like your pitch for this game, particularly the cohort and Leadership feat. I have a quick question about the lore of your game: as written, House Rogarvia vanished 10 years ago; and at the same time, the dwarven holds under the mountains in Brevoy also disappeared, or at least became inaccessible. Are you still running with that? I have as an idea for my cohort a dwarf who can't go home again but I wanted to check with you to see if that makes sense in your game world. ![]()
![]() My current thought is a pyrokinetic trouble-shooter for the clan; something of a dilettante (dabbles in lots of things but not mastered anything) and not terribly physically imposing, but well-connected in the mortal world. Very enthusiastic about modern technology, especially Marconi's wireless telegraphy (radio). I looked it up and Marconi was awarded the Nobel prize for his discoveries in 1909! ![]()
![]() I'm very much not up on the lore of Vampire or World of Darkness generally, I enjoyed the games but it was a long time ago. I'm limited to knowing what's RAW in the V20 book, and that seems to suggest that the Tremere weakness means that the first point of blood you drink counts as two, so you would be fine with taking a point to learn a discipline as long as you then didn't take a second point from the same vampire, because then you would be bound. As far as I can tell, being 'partially' blood bound isn't a thing by RAW - you either are or you aren't; but if I'm wrong then please correct me. ![]()
![]() Yeah, we're not quite into the noir or pulp era yet, 1910 is almost still fin-de-siecle as the 19th century still has a hold and the 20th century struggles to get going. That said, it looks like there was a lot of interest at that time in parapsychology and occultism so one idea I'm considering is a dabbler/seer type who tugged at the edges of the Masquerade once too often and got dragged behind the curtain. ![]()
![]() Flamer is thematic for the ecclesiarch character, for sure! I love the smell of burning heretic in the morning. Smells like victory. On a more practical note, I think it does depend on how many of the group will be focused on melee vs shooting, as they won't thank you for roasting them (Exhibit A and it depresses me how long ago that comic was) ![]()
![]() Impressive stuff. I'm guessing if your game setting is 1910 (or even 1970) there's no use for skills like computing? (incidentally, I think 1910 would be a fascinating period to play in - the great powers in Europe manoeuvering but not yet ready for war, Russia turbulent but still nominally subject to the Czar while Lenin sips coffee in exile and plots, the USA gradually emerging into the dominant economic power of the age while the Brits still claim to have an empire on which the sun never sets... and beyond all of them, the Camarilla and Sabat wage their eternal conflict)