Starfinder Armory

4.70/5 (based on 11 ratings)
Starfinder Armory
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It's a dangerous universe out there, and often the difference between survival and being the next meal for an angry ksarik is having the right equipment. From guns to augmentations to high-tech and magical devices for every imaginable situation, Starfinder Armory is your guide to everything you need, whether you are a frontline fighter, stealthy spy, or scholarly spellcaster. Inside this book you'll find the following:

  • Scores of new weapons, filling out the options for weapons of every category, level, and type and rules to customize your weapons through weapon accessories, weapon fusions, and different weapon manufacturers.
  • New suits of armor, including light, heavy, and powered armor for nearly every level and numerous armor upgrades.
  • A wide range of new equipment-themed player options, including class features for every class!
  • Dozens of new pieces of technological, magic, and hybrid items, as well as numerous personal items, new augmentations from cybernetics to magitech and necrografts, and more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-041-5

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Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
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Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscription.

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4.70/5 (based on 11 ratings)

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Yup, it's an armory alright




Something for Everyone


In some respects, Armory is Starfinder's version of Pathfinder's Ultimate Equipment: a book filled to the brim with weapons, armors, adventuring gear, and magical items. However, unlike Ultimate Equipment, Armory isn't a compilation of equipment that has appeared in other books--it's mostly all new material and also includes some new class options. It's the sort of book that certain types of gamers will absolutely love (spending hours poring over the detailed entries for how to best outfit their PC) and others will find a relatively boring reference book to be pulled out occasionally. I should also note at the beginning that it's only 159 pages, continuing the Starfinder trend of comparatively short but expensive books compared to the first edition of Pathfinder.

The book starts with a two-page overview that's essentially a series of very general, sentence-long descriptions of each section of the book. It can be safely skipped without missing out on anything.

Formally, the entire book contains only two chapters: "Equipment" and "Class Options". But each of these chapters is broken down into several sections--the "Equipment" chapter, for example, has fifteen sections and is 137 pages long. A book like this isn't exactly a joy to read cover to cover--much of it is table after table of gear, with occasional two-page spreads of artwork and brief descriptions. I have to give credit to the writers of the equipment descriptions--I don't know how often people actually read the fluff (compared to just evaluating stats), but some of it is pretty interesting! As an aside, I find Starfinder's economy hilarious at times--you can buy something like seven armed helicopters for the price of one set of spiked knuckles that do 6d10 damage. Anyway, here are some very brief comments on each section.


* WEAPONS: The section introduces dozens of new weapon special properties, such as "free hands", "guided", and "subtle". There are also some new critical hit effects, including some really powerful ones like "suffocate." I'm glad the disintegrator line of weapons from Dead Suns made it in. The section also includes some basic "legacy" type weapons like greataxes, lances, and mauls. I've never taken the time to use them, but there are some new special manufacturer modifications that can be added in to any weapon. In sum, there's something like 50 pages just on new weapons, which gives you a sense of how much gear is crammed into the book.

* WEAPON ACCESSORIES: These are things like scopes, collapsing stocks, flash suppressors, etc. I don't like how bayonet brackets make every pistol-wielding character able to take AoOs, and I've also encountered problems in games due to bipods and scopes/sights serving as very cheap and easy ways to negate cover.

* WEAPON FUSIONS: There a lot of clever, useful ones here. I particularly like "advancing", "conserving" (a life-saver for one of my PCs), and "guarded".

* SPECIAL MATERIALS: These provide pretty minor changes--I probably wouldn't bother.

* ARMOR: I like the description and artwork in this section. There are a lot fewer types of new armor then new weapons, but there's also a lot fewer variables to work with. I've used the new "mining jack" on a dwarf PC and "regimental dress" on a Steward PC. As an aside, I've never really noticed before that around level 8 or so, the difference between light and heavy armors of the same price isn't very significant.

* POWERED ARMOR: This section has a special new rule that makes all powered armors upgradeable to any level (if you have the credits to pay for the alterations). It also introduces several new suits of powered armor, and there are some cool concepts here, though I've never tried any of them.

* ARMOR UPGRADES: There's over 70 new armor upgrades here, and although there are definitely some "meh" ones, there's bound to be some good ones too. I particularly like the auto-CPR unit, the auto-injector, and the computer interface ones.

* AUGMENTATIONS: Be the Bionic (Wo)Man! Some good choices here, including regenerative blood and synchronous heart. My favourite might be the optical laser just because I love the image (even though it doesn't really do much damage).

* TECHNOLOGICAL ITEMS: A ton of stuff here, and something for everyone. Dermal staplers, grenade scramblers (!), and a lot of useful drones. Tool kits are overpowered, giving really big bonuses to some skills for a very cheap price. It's also weird that every single thing you can buy here gives some sort of mechanical bonus, even goofy things like board games.

* MAGIC ITEMS: There's a good selection of some classic and some new ones here. Consumables are still way over-priced for what they do. A couple of items, like the containment tesseract and the trafodi paradox, would make for good plot devices.

* HYBRID ITEMS: These are techno-magical items. The captive star amulet is useful, and I like the creator capsule. Mischievous folks will have lots of fun with wonder grenades.

* PERSONAL ITEMS: If you want to buy an umbrella, some perfume, or a sleeping bag, this is the place. Aerosol spray is a really cheap way to find invisible foes!

* DRUGS: My drug-addicted solarian would like to note that drugs are still way-overpriced for what they do. It costs 23,500 credits for just one dose of an excitant to gain immunity to sleep effects for four hours! That's more than it costs to own outright a Level 8 Armored Transport vehicle.

* OTHER PURCHASES: This catch-all section actually has some really important information. There are rules for buying medical treatment and for hiring NPCs to serve crew roles on starships (great for small gaming groups). I like the little capsule descriptions of the different cuisines of the Core Rulebook races.

* VEHICLES: I've never really done anything with vehicles in Starfinder, but if you have 3,750,000 credits to buy a Level 20 Ultimatum Hover Carrier, this would be the place.


This section is 16 pages long and contains two pages dedicated to each of the Core classes. A two-page intro contains a new archetype, "Augmented", which is a Verces-themed option for characters who are heavily into artificial personal upgrades. It's passable.

* ENVOY: They receive some new improvisations and expertise talents, and overall there are some good additions to the game.

* MECHANIC: Some new tricks; "Tech Tinkerer" adds a lot of versatility to a character. Many of the options also help with starship combat. For drone fans, there are four new mods.

* MYSTIC: There's a new mystic connection, "Geneturge", which is all about DNA. Two new spells support the connection. Kinda fun, and I like the idea of having a self-help guru Mystic.

* OPERATIVE: I'm firmly of the opinion that operatives should be stripped of options rather than getting more. Anyway, this section contains several new exploits, with Trap Spotter extraordinarily useful (providing an automatic chance to detect traps just by getting close to one). There's a new operative specialization, "Gadgeteer", that's fine (and fun when combined with the "utility belt" exploit).

* SOLARIAN: Several new stellar revelations and a couple of new zenith revelations. Solarians who use stellar armor get a couple of nice choices. I love the quantum entrapment zenith revelation--send a foe out of reality for a few rounds!

* SOLDIER: Several new gear boosts accompany a new fighting style called "Shock & Awe". It's kinda silly, but fun to imagine.

* TECHNOMANCER: Four new magic hacks and three new spells. The "enchanted fusion" magic hack could be useful in helping to exploit particular enemy vulnerabilities.

And that's the end of the book. To be honest, if I wasn't a collector/subscriber, I probably wouldn't buy this book--all of the gear and class options will appear on Archives of Nethys anyway, and there's no major campaign setting details or other flavour that can be found only in the PDF or physical copy. Starfinder Society players, however, will no doubt find it handy to have so many additional options.

Worth the price


Got mine today and am very impressed. Read it through cover to cover and wow, does this ever fill in gaps that were glaring. Some new goodies that will be very welcome, especially for beefing up a Solarian. Will probably get the PDF too to have it handy.

Space Equipment Galore!


Simply a great and useful book with, of course, a LOT of equipment, but also good info' for backgrounds, creating deeper characters.
Really adds to the scope of the story.

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Scarab Sages Webstore Coordinator

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Announced for July! Product image and description are not final.

15 people marked this as a favorite.

Will this have towels.

Also, Yay!!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Page count? Hopefully more than 160 for the price.


8 people marked this as a favorite.

*Crosses fingers for an extra page, paragraph, sidebar, or something that gives a satisfactory answer to why shields and armor work they way they do; i.e., why your shields don't take damage until after your armor has already failed to do its job despite shields being traditionally envisioned as OUTSIDE and IN FRONT OF the armor.

It's not a gameplay issue at all; it's a world immersion issue.

July can't get here fast enough. :)

Just in time for my birthday! Was really hoping for a book like this. So glad its coming out soon.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I expect this book to be 160 pages, as it is the same price as the Alien Archive.

So we now seem to know the three Starfinder hardcovers in 2018:

-"Pact Worlds" in march

-"Armory" in july

-"Alien Archive 2" in oct-dec

Also, they redid the Starship skill DCs. Any chance of that appearing in print here? Just for the convenience of having that in print, I mean.

Alright! Here come the tech toys!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Gorbacz wrote:

These "isometric" pictures have always been hardcovers.

Liberty's Edge

Marco Massoudi wrote:
I expect this book to be 160 pages, as it is the same price as the Alien Archive.

Good catch!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*Hoping for Grav Tanks* I like.

Mechs? Or at least better power armor (and not ones that make players rediculous sizes.

Liberty's Edge

Tectorman wrote:
Also, they redid the Starship skill DCs. Any chance of that appearing in print here? Just for the convenience of having that in print, I mean.


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Paladinosaur wrote:
Tectorman wrote:
Also, they redid the Starship skill DCs. Any chance of that appearing in print here? Just for the convenience of having that in print, I mean.

See the Starfinder FAQ here.

Grand Lodge

Marco Massoudi wrote:

I expect this book to be 160 pages, as it is the same price as the Alien Archive.

That's really small for this price though.

The Alien Archive was top notch quality, only feedback you could give about it is that it's too small per $. We can't use the argument anymore that Starfinder is a game where we would still need to find out the popularity.. ;-)

Tectorman wrote:
Also, they redid the Starship skill DCs. Any chance of that appearing in print here? Just for the convenience of having that in print, I mean.

That will probably go in the CRB reprinting, since it's just some adjusted numbers.

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

Varun Creed wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

I expect this book to be 160 pages, as it is the same price as the Alien Archive.

That's really small for this price though.)

What do you think the standard price for modern 160 page hardback RPG books is? to work that out, you can't look at other books of different sizes and try to extrapolate. Find other 160 page hardback full color RPG books printed this yea, and check their price.

Varun Creed wrote:
We can't use the argument anymore that Starfinder is a game where we would still need to find out the popularity.. ;-)

You might be surprised how far out these books are planned and scheduled. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

More weapons? Count me in! The weapon progression was something that kinda bothered me. Unless you're a Solarian, you'd basically be switching back and forth between different weapon styles or elements just to keep up. Here's hoping we can expand that arsenal, not only for more variety, but to also allow me to be thematically consistent while progressing through levels!

And as unlikely as this, I am also hoping for something akin to the Shield Weaves from the Phantasy Star Portable/Online series, completely segregating defense from aesthetic. It wouldn't really do much gameplay-wise, but when the only armor that matches your character flavorwise is Defrex Hide, and maybe Second Skin... I say it'd be pretty nice.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Not sure I'm gonna' make it man!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hoping for some equipment that feels more futuristic. Data cloaks, smart ammo, smart grenades, surveillance equipment, etc.

I'm also hoping for more light armors with armor upgrade slots.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My birthday is the last day of July. I signed on for the main book subscription service. I do hope this means that by the time my birthday rolls around I will have more toys to include in the pre-gens I intend to make for the furry con I will be attending the weekend before Halloween as well as a few things for my ysoki solarion to dream about using in starfinder society.

I'm on board for this.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I would really like to see a machine, maybe something for your ship, that can break gear back down into UPB's. Since money and UPB's are interchangeable, and literally everything except drugs are made from them, why not just make a device that converts them back? It would make it so a properly outfitted group would never have to worry about going back to town unless they want to.
Just a thought...


4 people marked this as a favorite.

We could definitely use more power armour, given we only have 5 and they all have different niches, making it extremely difficult to make a long-term character focused in it.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It would also be interesting if they added some advanced melee weapons with the Operative property.

The Exchange

Starfinder Charter Superscriber
BretI wrote:
It would also be interesting if they added some advanced melee weapons with the Operative property.

I doubt it will happen because of the damage curve with trick attack.

The Sideromancer wrote:
We could definitely use more power armour, given we only have 5 and they all have different niches, making it extremely difficult to make a long-term character focused in it.

Amen to this! I plan on going into power armor and I'm more a little worried about the gap between level 5 battle harness and the level 10 Spider Suit... It would also be nice to have more "generalist" medium-size power armor options like the battle harness. Spider/Flight are both awesome concepts, but they're also rather specialized and being Large/Huge can be a serious detriment in the wrong campaign. Having to strip down to your Second Skin (TM) because your tank can't fit inside the dungeon is not a good feeling.

I'd especially love a level 7 Power Armor. A full BAB character who's serious about his armor can spring for it at 5 (buying a level+2 armor as soon as he qualifies for Power Armor feat) and any character with medium BAB who picks the feat up at level 7 has an equal level armor option available instead of having to settle for the battle harness, an armor that's already two levels below them.

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
You might be surprised how far out these books are planned and scheduled. :)

I've always wondered about this - is there any point in making suggestions or asking for specific things when a product is announced, or has the content already been decided on and/or written by the time the book shows up on the website?

This book will start shipping in ~seven months. At what point is the content locked in?

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Kudaku wrote:
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
You might be surprised how far out these books are planned and scheduled. :)

I've always wondered about this - is there any point in making suggestions or asking for specific things when a product is announced, or has the content already been decided on and/or written by the time the book shows up on the website?

This book will start shipping in ~seven months. At what point is the content locked in?

While a book is technically still in flux until we send it to the printer, we generally have the content decided months in advance of that when we outline it and assign it to authors. Suggestions and wish lists, thus, often come after much of a book's work has been done, but that doesn't mean that we couldn't make last-minute changes to get in a particularly vital idea. It's more likely, however, that we'd look to past product threads when outlining future projects in the same vein. There's a reason, after all, that fans generally start a Bestiary request thread long before the next volume in the line has been announced.

Thanks for the inside scoop. :)

I need vehicles! Land,sea,and air. Can I get bikes and skates and skateboards. Fine spaceships and more guns.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Would be interesting to get formulas to generate armour/weapons/vehicles to make up the missing levels for things.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Shaudius wrote:
BretI wrote:
It would also be interesting if they added some advanced melee weapons with the Operative property.
I doubt it will happen because of the damage curve with trick attack.

Operatives need to spend a feat to get advanced melee weapons.

Others are likely to be interested in Operative weapons and some of them (such as ranged Solarians) would have the proficiency and are likely to have a better Dex than Strength.

That plus I find it hard to believe in a world with Technomancers and such, you wouldn’t get someone making a plasma dagger or something like that. Once the blueprint is available, anyone with the UPBs and skill could craft one.

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
Kudaku wrote:
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
You might be surprised how far out these books are planned and scheduled. :)

I've always wondered about this - is there any point in making suggestions or asking for specific things when a product is announced, or has the content already been decided on and/or written by the time the book shows up on the website?

This book will start shipping in ~seven months. At what point is the content locked in?

While a book is technically still in flux until we send it to the printer, we generally have the content decided months in advance of that when we outline it and assign it to authors. Suggestions and wish lists, thus, often come after much of a book's work has been done, but that doesn't mean that we couldn't make last-minute changes to get in a particularly vital idea. It's more likely, however, that we'd look to past product threads when outlining future projects in the same vein. There's a reason, after all, that fans generally start a Bestiary request thread long before the next volume in the line has been announced.

Mark's right.

Sometimes we find that, as a result of how the art and text flow, we need to add 500 words to a section at the last minute, in which case knowing everyone desperately wants star-halfling cyber-muffins is really useful. Other times we read these threads and think "If only the book hadn't;t already shipped to the printer."

usually we're somewhere between those two extremes.

But what can't change on a dime is things like how big a book is. When scheduling the workflow, we need start and end dates not just for writing, but development, editing, art and map orders, layout, and so on. And those dates can't be before the previous books are done, and cannot push back when alter things on the schedule happen 9and there's never just one book going through the pipeline).

So even if everyone agrees six months before a release date that it's be better if a book was 64 pages longer, the schedule just can't accommodate that without pushing back everything, including products in unrelated lines that have subscribers ex-ecting monthly (or bi-monthly, or quarterly) products. And while we try to build in slack, we NEED that for when some disaster strikes, like play testing discovering a whole subsystem is broken in a very specific way very late in the process.
We can, of course, make books SMALLER, but no one ever seems to advocate for that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ahpook The Destroyer wrote:

I would really like to see a machine, maybe something for your ship, that can break gear back down into UPB's. Since money and UPB's are interchangeable, and literally everything except drugs are made from them, why not just make a device that converts them back? It would make it so a properly outfitted group would never have to worry about going back to town unless they want to.

Just a thought...


You can already break items down for their UPB (10%). The issue is that it doesn't say how or how long it takes to do so.

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Kudaku wrote:
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
You might be surprised how far out these books are planned and scheduled. :)

I've always wondered about this - is there any point in making suggestions or asking for specific things when a product is announced, or has the content already been decided on and/or written by the time the book shows up on the website?

This book will start shipping in ~seven months. At what point is the content locked in?

While a book is technically still in flux until we send it to the printer, we generally have the content decided months in advance of that when we outline it and assign it to authors. Suggestions and wish lists, thus, often come after much of a book's work has been done, but that doesn't mean that we couldn't make last-minute changes to get in a particularly vital idea. It's more likely, however, that we'd look to past product threads when outlining future projects in the same vein. There's a reason, after all, that fans generally start a Bestiary request thread long before the next volume in the line has been announced.

Mark's right.

Sometimes we find that, as a result of how the art and text flow, we need to add 500 words to a section at the last minute, in which case knowing everyone desperately wants star-halfling cyber-muffins is really useful. Other times we read these threads and think "If only the book hadn't;t already shipped to the printer."

usually we're somewhere between those two extremes.

But what can't change on a dime is things like how big a book is. When scheduling the workflow, we need start and end dates not just for writing, but development, editing, art and map orders, layout, and so on. And those dates can't be before the previous books are done, and cannot push back when alter things on the schedule happen 9and there's never just one book going through the pipeline).

So even if everyone agrees six months before a release date that it's be better if a book was 64 pages...

I really should check the pathfinder boards more often, missed this post for over a week. Thank you for the comprehensive reply Owen! :)

Reading between the lines here, and feel free to ignore this because I'm fishing shamelessly: Have there been any discussion on or plans to make larger Starfinder AP/rules books in the future...?

doc chaos wrote:
I need vehicles! Land,sea,and air. Can I get bikes and skates and skateboards. Fine spaceships and more guns.
Ellias Aubec wrote:
Would be interesting to get formulas to generate armour/weapons/vehicles to make up the missing levels for things.

I'm hoping for the sum of these two. Really wanting to make a Ysoki that rides a medium sized hover bike but I have no idea how to upgrade the crummy Goblin Junkcycle at the moment as I level.

BretI wrote:
Shaudius wrote:
BretI wrote:
It would also be interesting if they added some advanced melee weapons with the Operative property.
I doubt it will happen because of the damage curve with trick attack.

Operatives need to spend a feat to get advanced melee weapons.

Others are likely to be interested in Operative weapons and some of them (such as ranged Solarians) would have the proficiency and are likely to have a better Dex than Strength.

That plus I find it hard to believe in a world with Technomancers and such, you wouldn’t get someone making a plasma dagger or something like that. Once the blueprint is available, anyone with the UPBs and skill could craft one.

Well, there is the Inferno Knife, page 12 of Dead Suns volume 2. Not quite a plasma knife but halfway there and with the Operative tag. Since the blurb mentions its needless complexity yet it is still classified as basic melee, I could see a plasma knife being spec'd the same.

Oh man I CAN"T WAIT. I like the sound of smart grenades and smart ammo. Something like remote controlled rockets or explosive devices, all of this would be short range, like within 200 feet.

Maybe a shield that can collapse into a gauntlet and then on command unfold. Like a heavy shield equivalent in pathfinder.

Maybe this is too much but maybe some modules that can enhance the AI of the mechanics cortex.

Now I am fishing, unless I missed it somewhere, what is the plan for Player companion equivalent in Starfinder?

Dark Archive

Micheal Smith wrote:

Oh man I CAN"T WAIT. I like the sound of smart grenades and smart ammo. Something like remote controlled rockets or explosive devices, all of this would be short range, like within 200 feet.

Maybe a shield that can collapse into a gauntlet and then on command unfold. Like a heavy shield equivalent in pathfinder.

Maybe this is too much but maybe some modules that can enhance the AI of the mechanics cortex.

Now I am fishing, unless I missed it somewhere, what is the plan for Player companion equivalent in Starfinder?

So far no Player Companions are planned for SF.

But there will be 3 hardcovers every year it seems (one of them an Alin Archive), which personally i like much better than a monthly PC, because it gives the developers more time to collect ideas and fine-tune them than a monthly book.
At 160 (Alien Archives)-216 (Pact Worlds) pages for $45 it is also the size of 5-6 Player Companions at the price of only three.

This looks interesting. Curious what will all be inside and how weapons will develop. And if there will be spells perhaps.
Hoping for more operative weapons!

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Micheal Smith wrote:

Oh man I CAN"T WAIT. I like the sound of smart grenades and smart ammo. Something like remote controlled rockets or explosive devices, all of this would be short range, like within 200 feet.

Maybe a shield that can collapse into a gauntlet and then on command unfold. Like a heavy shield equivalent in pathfinder.

Maybe this is too much but maybe some modules that can enhance the AI of the mechanics cortex.

Now I am fishing, unless I missed it somewhere, what is the plan for Player companion equivalent in Starfinder?

So far no Player Companions are planned for SF.

But there will be 3 hardcovers every year it seems (one of them an Alin Archive), which personally i like much better than a monthly PC, because it gives the developers more time to collect ideas and fine-tune them than a monthly book.
At 160 (Alien Archives)-216 (Pact Worlds) pages for $45 it is also the size of 5-6 Player Companions at the price of only three.

I was just curious. I really hate the Player Companions. Would rather them not do it. But some time into the books and make them worth the money. And for content to be totally worth it.

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Kudaku wrote:
Reading between the lines here, and feel free to ignore this because I'm fishing shamelessly: Have there been any discussion on or plans to make larger Starfinder AP/rules books in the future...?

Many. And there will be more. We nearly have that conversation anew every time we schedule a new hardback. (Softbacks tend to be more standardized sizes, though we also periodically investigate if those make sense at their current size). Very little is done here without some thought (and often a meeting or two) going into it.

However looking at things and discussing them often can't overcome the factors that caused the original decision to get made, and there's no point in constantly declaring "We thought about changing something... but we're not going to," so many things look unconsidered and monolithic from the outside, despite us reviewing and reconsidering and analyzing on a regular basis.

Very excited about this. I'm a gear junky, I have problem.

Steven "Troll" O'Neal wrote:
Very excited about this. I'm a gear junky, I have problem.

And admitting you have a problem is the first step! LOL

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Kudaku wrote:
Reading between the lines here, and feel free to ignore this because I'm fishing shamelessly: Have there been any discussion on or plans to make larger Starfinder AP/rules books in the future...?

Many. And there will be more. We nearly have that conversation anew every time we schedule a new hardback. (Softbacks tend to be more standardized sizes, though we also periodically investigate if those make sense at their current size). Very little is done here without some thought (and often a meeting or two) going into it.

However looking at things and discussing them often can't overcome the factors that caused the original decision to get made, and there's no point in constantly declaring "We thought about changing something... but we're not going to," so many things look unconsidered and monolithic from the outside, despite us reviewing and reconsidering and analyzing on a regular basis.

Awesome! Even if you don't implement changes it's good to know that you're keeping your options in mind when looking at the publishing schedule ahead. :)

To throw in my $.02, I love Starfinder's increased focus on hardcovers over more frequent softcover material like the player companions. I feel confident that the material will be kept up to date with FAQs and erratas, and I don't feel as overwhelmed as I did when I initially tried to keep up with the Pathfinder publishing schedule and was bombarded by bi-weekly releases. However I really wouldn't mind seeing more pages added to the SF hardcovers. Alien Archives is a great book but it feels a little light, especially if you compare it to the first bestiary.

I'm also a little concerned that my groups seems to be going through Dead Suns books faster than they're being released. I've picked up the first book of Legendary Planet as a backup in case we run into a "gap month", but I'm less than thrilled with the idea of putting Dead Suns on hold - in my experience players tend to get excited about their new character concepts, then the old game goes on the back burner or dies off.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Ellias Aubec wrote:
Would be interesting to get formulas to generate armour/weapons/vehicles to make up the missing levels for things.

If there's one thing I have to have in a book like this is would be formula to create content that feel is missing.

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