What Ancestries are you still craving?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Jacob Jett wrote:
I could use a Lycanthrope archetype.

As a fan of Beastkin as the "were creature lite" option, I would love to see the kind of expanded abilities afforded to archetypes with a shapeshiftery beastfolk focus.

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I was a little underwhelmed by the base Book of the Dead archetypes, but the expansion that Ghouls got via Blood Lords was a lovely shot in the arm.

Content Warning (indirect suicide talk):
An allip cleric of Naderi trying to protect others from her fate sounds just fascinating to play. We aren't likely to get allips in PF2 with this ORC stuff, though, and we definitely aren't gonna see a playable version regardless.

I'm kind of old-fashioned and think that good undead should be relatively rare. So the idea of dozens of pure undead ancestries leaves me cold. I much preferred the approach employed in Horror Adventures, which maybe wasn't executed always well but distilled the idea down that undeath should be a curse.

That said, I'd like some a ghoul equivalent to dhampirs. Pathfinder pulls a lot from the mythos and human-ghoul interbreeding is certainly a thing in that set of fiction.

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Honestly, that's just how I interpret the ghoul archetype. It reminds me of ghoul sorcerers. But that's just me.

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keftiu wrote:
I was a little underwhelmed by the base Book of the Dead archetypes, but the expansion that Ghouls got via Blood Lords was a lovely shot in the arm.

I'm hoping that vampires get a similar expansion with the Tian Xia sourcebooks, either through a Jiang-Shi archetype, or by sliding jiang-shi style feats into the Vampire archetype itself.

Honestly one of my favorite kinds of characters to play is a person who was one thing, but then was altered somehow to be a new thing, so I yummed up the undead archetypes, as well as the Fleshwarp ancestry.

(I'd yum up any other aberrant archetypes we got as well, but that's another can of worms ... literally. I'd love a chance to play a Worm that Walks, though I'm not sure how tied to the OGL that particular concept is.)

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

This isn't so much a craving as me expressing my intrigue at what we know is coming: since hags are getting completely revised, with Paizo going back to the folklore on wicked witches and whatnot, changelings are going to get some interesting changes in the first Player Core!

Especially since with alignment's removal, the concept of a hag being in an actual relationship with a changeling's non-hag parent like in The First of Many becomes a heck of a lot less improbable! Sure, some hags will still be cannibalistic creeps lurking in the woods and brewing foul hexes, but now there's potential for some hags to just be cantankerous magic old ladies who wanna be left alone, or even scary-godmother-style tricksters who reward the polite and clever and gleefully terrorize the greedy and arrogant! A lot more can now be done narratively with hags and their changeling progeny.

I know I can't wait to roleplay a changeling baker whose mom was a Sweet Hag!

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

This isn't so much a craving as me expressing my intrigue at what we know is coming: since hags are getting completely revised, with Paizo going back to the folklore on wicked witches and whatnot, changelings are going to get some interesting changes in the first Player Core!

Especially since with alignment's removal, the concept of a hag being in an actual relationship with a changeling's non-hag parent like in The First of Many becomes a heck of a lot less improbable! Sure, some hags will still be cannibalistic creeps lurking in the woods and brewing foul hexes, but now there's potential for some hags to just be cantankerous magic old ladies who wanna be left alone, or even scary-godmother-style tricksters who reward the polite and clever and gleefully terrorize the greedy and arrogant! A lot more can now be done narratively with hags and their changeling progeny.

I know I can't wait to roleplay a changeling baker whose mom was a Sweet Hag!

Whose name is Hansol (Hansol? Honsol?) and whose Mothers name is Witch Hazel :)

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We need the bunny folk!

Bunnyfolk are an astounding void, come to think of it. I feel like, in the "furry pantheon", there's dogs/wolves, cats, foxes, bunnies, and bats.

On a sidenote, I actually hope we get batfolk that aren't just some version of nyktera. I don't like batfolk having six limbs like strix. The whole fun of a batfolk is that the wings are your arms. It gives a cool "cloak" vibe.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
We need the bunny folk!

I'm hoping for an all-encompassing Bhopanese ancestry that will allow furries to play whatever humanoid animal they wish some day.

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That's already beastkin, really. I'd honestly prefer to keep it to a heritage, and focus the animal-people ancestries a bit more narrowly.

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Kobold Catgirl wrote:

Bunnyfolk are an astounding void, come to think of it. I feel like, in the "furry pantheon", there's dogs/wolves, cats, foxes, bunnies, and bats.

On a sidenote, I actually hope we get batfolk that aren't just some version of nyktera. I don't like batfolk having six limbs like strix. The whole fun of a batfolk is that the wings are your arms. It gives a cool "cloak" vibe.

Luis Loza has a write up in the Pathfinder Infinite webpage for like six dollars, I love the art with the lop earred bunnies!

Ravingdork wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
We need the bunny folk!
I'm hoping for an all-encompassing Bhopanese ancestry that will allow furries to play whatever humanoid animal they wish some day.

My understanding is that the werekin are more were creatures as opposed to catfolk and the monkey and rhino people. I think that the bunnies fall under the monkey people more than a were creature.

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
We need the bunny folk!

My opinion: we could see the bunny folk in the Tian Xia books. The legend of the "moon rabbit" is common in many asian countries, so maybe we could have an Usagi ancestry related to Tsukiyo.

Liberty's Edge

But then we need ninja catfolks and batfolks too ;-)

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
The Raven Black wrote:
But then we need ninja catfolks and batfolks too ;-)

Turtles, too.

We already have rats.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I posted in this thread about 30,001 posts ago that I felt the game risks having too many ancestries.

Bio-diversity is great but gets a bit silly when there are more kinds of sentient life than there are types of plants... ;)

You need enough space on a world for an ancestry to support genetic diversity (unless you're talking about something like the skeleton or poppet ancestry) and have a place to raise the kids.

It also starts to feel increasingly depressing to realize that somewhere between when the setting was 'Pathfinder' and when it hits 'Starfinder' most of these ancestries will go extinct.

That said...

The recent announcement for Centaurs and Minotaurs does have me remembering that my favorite fantasy ancestry is Faun, and so few RPGs have ever let me play as one.

So that's my ask. Even if it will go extinct before the era of Starfinder happens...

Personally, when I make a setting for fiction that has multiple sentient forms of life - I like to start out with a list of half a dozen or less, and NEVER grow it for that setting. But I get it that in tRPGs people want to play everything. After all, I'm still waiting for the day I can play a Faun character.

Faun is largely already avaiLable though the Fey ancestry options.

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Riccardo Olivieri wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
We need the bunny folk!
My opinion: we could see the bunny folk in the Tian Xia books. The legend of the "moon rabbit" is common in many asian countries, so maybe we could have an Usagi ancestry related to Tsukiyo.

Rabbits also play a significant role in Mesoamerican mythology, so honestly I think Arcadia is probably the most natural place for them to hang out.

Bring on da bunnies! Bring on da bunnies!

Gortle wrote:
Faun is largely already avaiLable though the Fey ancestry options.

How so?

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Gortle wrote:
Faun is largely already avaiLable though the Fey ancestry options.
How so?

The feat you are after is Fey Influence. There is an option there called Faun.

It can be used with any ancestry. It is a good option. Take it.

Obviously the implication is you always looked liked that. Perhaps not that you suddenly select an option at level 5. But give your GM the heads up and everything should be fine.

Interesting feat! Thanksfor sharing this!

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MMCJawa wrote:
Riccardo Olivieri wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
We need the bunny folk!
My opinion: we could see the bunny folk in the Tian Xia books. The legend of the "moon rabbit" is common in many asian countries, so maybe we could have an Usagi ancestry related to Tsukiyo.
Rabbits also play a significant role in Mesoamerican mythology, so honestly I think Arcadia is probably the most natural place for them to hang out.

Luis Loza has published a 3pp rabbitfolk ancestry, and I'd love to have them in Arcadia to play on those fun Aztec myths.

I bought Luis's product in January or February. I love dem buns and I appreciate the art. No Watership Down :)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gortle wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Gortle wrote:
Faun is largely already avaiLable though the Fey ancestry options.
How so?

The feat you are after is Fey Influence. There is an option there called Faun.

It can be used with any ancestry. It is a good option. Take it.

Yeah that just doesn't feel the same as having it as an actual ancestry or even versatile heritage.

It's something, but coming at level 5 and with an impact that is just a weird once a day spell gives it a very different feel.

I'm holding out for an actual Faun heritage or ancestry.

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Howl of the Wild unlocked awakened animal, which means we can play as rabbit/bunny in a legit way!

The term is a bit weird though...

"Awakened animal" usually refers to a "talking animal", with no humanoid feature. In this case, it's an "anthropomorphic animal", which is your typical bipedal creature.

I wonder they'll make it so their awakened animal... can be different from their other animal-based ancestries.

JiCi wrote:

The term is a bit weird though...

"Awakened animal" usually refers to a "talking animal", with no humanoid feature. In this case, it's an "anthropomorphic animal", which is your typical bipedal creature.

I wonder they'll make it so their awakened animal... can be different from their other animal-based ancestries.

The game rules pretty strongly assume two arms, so whatever tweaks or hand-waves are necessary to avoid locking an ancestry out of that have to be available. If you're playing a monk, kineticist, or even a caster, you can probably get away with a quadrupedal character. Sand badger was probably chosen for Dr. Pom in part because badgers can stand on two legs, even if they're not much for walking, so the changes could be a lot smaller than cat-to-catfolk.

I'd include the talking badgers and beavers of Narnia, the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, and Puss in Boots (both fable and DreamWorks versions) in the awakened animals category, and even pick those as my primary examples. All of them have enough manual dexterity to use tools (serving meals, using a pocket watch, and wielding a sword).

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You could also have said "Zootopia" and/or "Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3" XD

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JiCi wrote:
You could also have said "Zootopia" and/or "Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3" XD

Eh, sure, but I wouldn't consider those as good of examples in this context? They're neither fantasy nor classics, and Zootopia doesn't show them around anything other than more animals. At least personally, if I'm playing an awakened rabbit, it's gonna be much more White Rabbit than Judy Hopps.

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Yeah, Zootopia evokes much more "catfolk/ratfolk" vibes to me. A big part of an awakened animal has to be that it does have a culture--being an animal! An awakened badger has likely spent the majority of its life burrowing and eating gophers and wasp larvae, and I'd expect most awakened badgers to be influenced by that upbringing as much as anything. An awakened raccoon might have strong opinions about how gross it is that humans "don't rinse their food before they eat it", or fail to understand why a farmer would object so harshly to her eating his chickens. In a darker (or more comedic) game, an awakened cat and awakened mouse might not even understand any moral dimension to the former trying to eat the latter. They wouldn't naturally have taboos against acting on those kinds of instincts.

It would only be after several generations of awakened animals that you'd start to get, like, distinctly "awoken" cultures.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I suppose a Sphinxian Treecat counts as an "awakened" animal. I wonder what Laughs Brightly, AKA Nimitz, would think about that. Better, I wonder what his mate Golden Voice would think of it. Not much in either case I imagine.

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Ed Reppert wrote:
I suppose a Sphinxian Treecat counts as an "awakened" animal. I wonder what Laughs Brightly, AKA Nimitz, would think about that. Better, I wonder what his mate Golden Voice would think of it. Not much in either case I imagine.

Awakened Animal Monk with a psychic archetype? I could see it. Getting the third pair of legs could still be tricky, though.

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Here's another question: how are they going to classify / regroup them? I mean, they cannot have 100+ heritages for awakened animals. How are they going to pull it off?

I could see...
- Feline (cats, tigers and lions)
- Canine (dogs, wolves and foxes)
- Rodent (rats, squirrels and capybaras)
- Raptor Avian (eagles and falcons)
- Passerine Avian (ravens and songbirds)
- Water Avian (gulls, ducks, pelicans and flamingos)
- Ophidian (snakes)
- Piscean (fishes)
- Reptile (lizards, turtles and crocodiles)
- Amphibian (frogs and salamanders)
- Bovine (cows and goats)
- Ursine (bears)
- Cetacean (whales and dolphins)
- Mustelid (badgers and wolverines)
- Equine (horses, donkeys and zebras)
- Cephalopod (squids and octopi)
- Porcine (pigs and bears)
- Pachyderm (elephants, hippos and rhinos)
- Cervid (deers and mooses)
- Procyonidae (raccoons)
- Simian (monkeys and apes)
- Leporid (rabbits)
- Camelid (camels and alpacas)
- Pinniped (seals and walruses)
- Laminid (sharks)
- Hyaenid (hyenas)
- Dinosaur (name it :P)

I... think I got them all XD

Liberty's Edge

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JiCi wrote:

Here's another question: how are they going to classify / regroup them? I mean, they cannot have 100+ heritages for awakened animals. How are they going to pull it off?

I could see...
- Feline (cats, tigers and lions)
- Canine (dogs, wolves and foxes)
- Rodent (rats, squirrels and capybaras)
- Raptor Avian (eagles and falcons)
- Passerine Avian (ravens and songbirds)
- Water Avian (gulls, ducks, pelicans and flamingos)
- Ophidian (snakes)
- Piscean (fishes)
- Reptile (lizards, turtles and crocodiles)
- Amphibian (frogs and salamanders)
- Bovine (cows and goats)
- Ursine (bears)
- Cetacean (whales and dolphins)
- Mustelid (badgers and wolverines)
- Equine (horses, donkeys and zebras)
- Cephalopod (squids and octopi)
- Porcine (pigs and bears)
- Pachyderm (elephants, hippos and rhinos)
- Cervid (deers and mooses)
- Procyonidae (raccoons)
- Simian (monkeys and apes)
- Leporid (rabbits)
- Camelid (camels and alpacas)
- Pinniped (seals and walruses)
- Laminid (sharks)
- Hyaenid (hyenas)
- Dinosaur (name it :P)

I... think I got them all XD

I would likely base Heritages on usual broad environments that map to special movements : ground (no special movement), underground (burrow speed), heights (climb speed), atmosphere (fly speed) and water (swim speed).

The Raven Black wrote:
I would likely base Heritages on usual broad environments that map to special movements : ground (no special movement), underground (burrow speed), heights (climb speed), atmosphere (fly speed) and water (swim speed).

That would be lighter, but then again... how will the other abilities be used?

Liberty's Edge

JiCi wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
I would likely base Heritages on usual broad environments that map to special movements : ground (no special movement), underground (burrow speed), heights (climb speed), atmosphere (fly speed) and water (swim speed).
That would be lighter, but then again... how will the other abilities be used?

Which other abilities ? I sincerely do not get your meaning.

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I imagine that they could handle most of the other more finicky differentiation with ancestry feats. Do you have a natural attack? That's a feat. Do you have particularly tough skin? That's a feat... and so on.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I except the heritages to probably be grouping incredibly broad catagories akin to how the skeleton does it (so like "you're an aquatic animal", "you're a sturdy animal", ect.) . Similarly, I also expect it to be a "medium or small" ancestry, with tiny and large options both being gated behind heritages. I'd love if everyewhere from tiny to large was accessable just by default, but I doubt it from a simplicity angle.

JiCi wrote:

Here's another question: how are they going to classify / regroup them? I mean, they cannot have 100+ heritages for awakened animals. How are they going to pull it off?

They could take a more functional approach. Classify the hertitage by basic body shape, then allow you to take the features that fit your base animal.

The Raven Black wrote:
JiCi wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
I would likely base Heritages on usual broad environments that map to special movements : ground (no special movement), underground (burrow speed), heights (climb speed), atmosphere (fly speed) and water (swim speed).
That would be lighter, but then again... how will the other abilities be used?
Which other abilities ? I sincerely do not get your meaning.

Anything, really.

Take the Animal Companion list and check the Support Benefits and Advanced Maneuvers. They all have something unique, for the most part.

For instance:
- a Badger can Rage
- a Bird has Flyby Attack
- a Boar can Charge
- a Cat can Pounce
- a Horse can Gallop
- a Snake has Constrict
- a Wolf has Knockdown

This is why I'm questioning how they'll split the heritages so you don't end up with weird species ^^;

Liberty's Edge

JiCi wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
JiCi wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
I would likely base Heritages on usual broad environments that map to special movements : ground (no special movement), underground (burrow speed), heights (climb speed), atmosphere (fly speed) and water (swim speed).
That would be lighter, but then again... how will the other abilities be used?
Which other abilities ? I sincerely do not get your meaning.

Anything, really.

Take the Animal Companion list and check the Support Benefits and Advanced Maneuvers. They all have something unique, for the most part.

For instance:
- a Badger can Rage
- a Bird has Flyby Attack
- a Boar can Charge
- a Cat can Pounce
- a Horse can Gallop
- a Snake has Constrict
- a Wolf has Knockdown

This is why I'm questioning how they'll split the heritages so you don't end up with weird species ^^;

TBT I think not ending up with weird species will be the GM's purview. Because Paizo cannot cover every species out there. Just provide basic building blocks and guidelines for target power levels.

Also I am not sure Animal Companions' abilities should be used as a benchmark for required Awakened Animals' abilities.

The Raven Black wrote:
TBT I think not ending up with weird species will be the GM's purview. Because Paizo cannot cover every species out there. Just provide basic building blocks and guidelines for target power levels.

So... "your species starts with 3 abilties from these menus" kinda blocks?

Also I am not sure Animal Companions' abilities should be used as a benchmark for required Awakened Animals' abilities.

No, but it can be helpful.

I want Samsaran as an ancestry.

I had a lot of fun playing one about 8 years ago that could remember a huge number of his past lives but got splitting headaches all the time and needed to find weird magical artifacts to settle his soul so he could think clearly and cast spells.

Then he'd go off on a tangent when meeting an ancient red dragon about how he got eaten by it 37 lifetimes ago.

Fun times.

Dragonbane999 wrote:
I want Samsaran as an ancestry.

Good News- Samsarans are in the Tian Xia Ancestry book.

Dragonbane999 wrote:

I want Samsaran as an ancestry.

I had a lot of fun playing one about 8 years ago that could remember a huge number of his past lives but got splitting headaches all the time and needed to find weird magical artifacts to settle his soul so he could think clearly and cast spells.

Then he'd go off on a tangent when meeting an ancient red dragon about how he got eaten by it 37 lifetimes ago.

Fun times.

They’re confirmed for the upcoming Tian Xia books!

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

something I'm curious: is anybody interested in kovintus ancestry? xD

That one felt bit too niche for me

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CorvusMask wrote:

something I'm curious: is anybody interested in kovintus ancestry? xD

That one felt bit too niche for me

A quick skim of their lore seems fine enough - peaceful nomads with strong ties to Primal magic who try to respect all gods - but I admit I’m not leaping out of my seat to demand them. Their art looking pretty human doesn’t help.

I wouldn’t be upset to see them in print, but I’m not demanding them!

Lashunta, Sekmin, and Wyrwoods are most of what remains of my wishlist at this point.

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