What Ancestries are you still craving?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeaaah their geomancy theme feels niche to me and aesthetic wise we already have so many human like ancestries :'D

Liberty's Edge

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I'd like to see Umasi become playable someday. I don't think they'd be super popular as a player choice, having limits on healing will do that, but they'd still be fun to be.

I'd be down for Kovintus

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Do we have an "arms race" here between how many classes and how many playable ancestries Pathfinder will have?

Ed Reppert wrote:
Do we have an "arms race" here between how many classes and how many playable ancestries Pathfinder will have?

Classes are never going to catch up to ancestries. A class requires a playtest, but you can drop like 4 ancestries into any rulebook or setting book if you want.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Kovintus do have some interesting lore with how they die, and their map-making to remember where loved ones have passed. IDk I love ancestries that have interesting and thought out cultural aspects around death.

Although seeing them being talked about here was the first time I noticed them.

I would honestly love it if Bugbears got to join their Goblin and Hobgoblin cousins, I have a fond memory of playing a Bugbear from 5e.

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I apologize if I already posted this, but I am hoping for a Yeti ancestry in the Tian Xia book, especially after fighting some yeti monks in Ruby Phoenix. There is a lot of weird directions you could take that ancestry.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I wonder if remastered means that pathfinder yeti could go back to unique 1e design rather than 2e's kind of generic design that looks familiar from D&D :'D

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
Do we have an "arms race" here between how many classes and how many playable ancestries Pathfinder will have?
Classes are never going to catch up to ancestries. A class requires a playtest, but you can drop like 4 ancestries into any rulebook or setting book if you want.

There's also the fact that at one point, classes will start to be too similar to each other ^^;

Albatoonoe wrote:
I apologize if I already posted this, but I am hoping for a Yeti ancestry in the Tian Xia book, especially after fighting some yeti monks in Ruby Phoenix. There is a lot of weird directions you could take that ancestry.

Ooo, +1 to this wish from me. My setting has Yetis. Twould be nice to give my players the option.

Something to fill the slow but bulky niche besides dwarfs. A snail/slug ancestry would be a great fit for this.

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_shredder_ wrote:
Something to fill the slow but bulky niche besides dwarfs. A snail/slug ancestry would be a great fit for this.

Huh. I seem to recall...

_shredder_ wrote:
I desperately want this guy ( https://imgur.com/tA4pQH4 ) from the paizocon keynote as an ancestry. It looks slug based and ancestries that don't follow a boring bipedal humanoid shape are just the coolest.

Yep. About a year ago. So... that was the Osharu, right?

Thanks for the reminder, you have much better memory than me... The creature in the picture turned out to be some kind of elemental, with cool but rather PC-unfriendly lore if I remember it right. I'm personally not the biggest fan of osharus aesthetically , giving slugs goofy legs so that they walk around like generic humanoids instead of gliding on the ground like actual slugs kinda ruins them for me.

_shredder_ wrote:
Thanks for the reminder, you have much better memory than me... The creature in the picture turned out to be some kind of elemental, with cool but rather PC-unfriendly lore if I remember it right. I'm personally not the biggest fan of osharus aesthetically , giving slugs goofy legs so that they walk around like generic humanoids instead of gliding on the ground like actual slugs kinda ruins them for me.

Hmmm... Fair. On the bright side... well, we've got both centaurs and merfolk confirmed as coming in about a year. So... maybe some day?

I suppose it might be possible to run some sort of "awakened animal - slug" thing?

I'm going to be honest, with so much off the wall ancestries that Paizo has made, I feel like for the first time in my TTRPG experience, I can't immediately think of a niche that needs filling.

The only thing I can really think of are medium sized dragon people, a race of wolf people, and like a full on extraplanar being. But arguably a lot of those fantasties can be created with the current ancestries/versatile heritages.

Crouza wrote:
The only thing I can really think of are medium sized dragon people, a race of wolf people, and like a full on extraplanar being. But arguably a lot of those fantasties can be created with the current ancestries/versatile heritages.

Well, the Wyvarans, Rougarous, Lashuntas and Kasathas have yet to return.

At best, I'd give Wyvarans the special "trait" to access Kobold feats, since that's what they're are as well.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
Yeah, being reborn as a skeleton is an entirely different process... ^‐^

Skeleton knight intensifies.

I definitely want to see Bugbear added

damirwhite14 wrote:
I definitely want to see Bugbear added

Bugbear I believe is DnD property.

I would like to see a non-aqudic lizardfolk. Or something like a pangolin race

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With all of this Elemental Wood fun in Rage of Elements, [insert Bernie meme] I am once again asking for Wyrwoods.

Dragonhearthx wrote:
I would like to see a non-aqudic lizardfolk. Or something like a pangolin race

There’s plenty of non-aquatic Iruxi; they can be chameleons, and lots of them are desert critters!

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Dragonhearthx wrote:
damirwhite14 wrote:
I definitely want to see Bugbear added
Bugbear I believe is DnD property.

Bugbear is a relative of bogeyman and boggle in folklore in that, "bugge" refers to their frightening nature. There may be something specific about the incarnation of the scarebear as a goblin type humanoid, though I wouldn't expect it, but a spooky monster called a bugbear is far from Wizard property. We will have to see if the kind of bugbear we're familiar with is too OGL in the meantime, but I could hardly mind finding a way to give the scariest and strongest goblinoid a more unique identity again.

I mean Pathfinder Hobgoblins seem pretty similar to DnD Hobgoblins apart from some small details so not saying they will be dropped but I wouldn't be surprised and the same goes for Bugbears

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Pieces-Kai wrote:
I mean Pathfinder Hobgoblins seem pretty similar to DnD Hobgoblins apart from some small details so not saying they will be dropped but I wouldn't be surprised and the same goes for Bugbears

Pathfinder's "obsessed with fear" Bugbears are pretty distinct from D&D's "big and dumb" Bugbears. Ditto for Hobgoblins; 2e has moved Pathfinder's hobs away from being faux-samurai, and they're products of strange alchemy rather than 5e's goblinoids being fey.

keftiu wrote:
Pieces-Kai wrote:
I mean Pathfinder Hobgoblins seem pretty similar to DnD Hobgoblins apart from some small details so not saying they will be dropped but I wouldn't be surprised and the same goes for Bugbears
Pathfinder's "obsessed with fear" Bugbears are pretty distinct from D&D's "big and dumb" Bugbears. Ditto for Hobgoblins; 2e has moved Pathfinder's hobs away from being faux-samurai, and they're products of strange alchemy rather than 5e's goblinoids being fey.

I was looking at Bugbears as "big guys who are surprisingly stealthy for their size and love to kill" and Hobgoblins more from both societies being very much militaristic

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

To be honest, I'm not sure of a way to roleplay the bugbear's love of inducing fear as a PC ancestry in ways other than the "serial killer" vibe they're mostly known for in their villainous roles a la Ironfang Invasion or by being the obnoxious prankster who spooks their fellow party members for giggles.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
To be honest, I'm not sure of a way to roleplay the bugbear's love of inducing fear as a PC ancestry in ways other than the "serial killer" vibe they're mostly known for in their villainous roles a la Ironfang Invasion or by being the obnoxious prankster who spooks their fellow party members for giggles.

A heavy focus on intimidation checks, and causing fear in your enemies as a dominance display and demonstration of your own superiority? Maybe even make it quasi-religious... when you inflict fear on someone, you are taking something from them at an ineffable level. It is thus rude and selfish to do it to your friends and allies, acceptable against unfriendly neutrals, and laudable against foes.

Alternately, a sort of Halloween/horror movie vibe where they spook little kids in ways that said little kids find entertaining as much as actually terrifying. "I'm a big, scary monster coming to eat you up!" and all that.

Dragonhearthx wrote:
damirwhite14 wrote:
I definitely want to see Bugbear added
Bugbear I believe is DnD property.

Bugbears are from British folklore, like Hobgoblins. The Pathfinder Bugbear is pretty distinct from the DnD version, and much closer to the folklore.

So I think they are safe, although I could still see a "new" name for them, like the Duergar got.

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
To be honest, I'm not sure of a way to roleplay the bugbear's love of inducing fear as a PC ancestry in ways other than the "serial killer" vibe they're mostly known for in their villainous roles a la Ironfang Invasion or by being the obnoxious prankster who spooks their fellow party members for giggles.

I could see one doing a Dexter route with one, but yeah, I would prefer if the vast overwhelming majority kept their nastiness.

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Sanityfaerie wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
To be honest, I'm not sure of a way to roleplay the bugbear's love of inducing fear as a PC ancestry in ways other than the "serial killer" vibe they're mostly known for in their villainous roles a la Ironfang Invasion or by being the obnoxious prankster who spooks their fellow party members for giggles.

A heavy focus on intimidation checks, and causing fear in your enemies as a dominance display and demonstration of your own superiority? Maybe even make it quasi-religious... when you inflict fear on someone, you are taking something from them at an ineffable level. It is thus rude and selfish to do it to your friends and allies, acceptable against unfriendly neutrals, and laudable against foes.

Alternately, a sort of Halloween/horror movie vibe where they spook little kids in ways that said little kids find entertaining as much as actually terrifying. "I'm a big, scary monster coming to eat you up!" and all that.

So like the Monsters Inc. crew more or less? I can get behind that as a player facing suite of RP opportunity and featurettes.

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When it comes to Bugbears, Pathfinder already has a God of Fear who isn't evil in Kalekot. It seems like his edicts would totally be in their wheelhouse.

Liberty's Edge

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I feel the most agressive deities of Good would like having worshippers that put THE FEAR OF [DEITY'S NAME] in their enemies' heart.

I just wish Bugbear were renamed because the current name does not sound like being part of the goblinoid family at all.

HenshinFanatic wrote:
Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
Yeah, being reborn as a skeleton is an entirely different process... ^‐^
Skeleton knight intensifies.

I'd like to know why skeletons aren't versatile heritages...

Were there balance issues between selecting living and undead feats or something?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
JiCi wrote:
HenshinFanatic wrote:
Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
Yeah, being reborn as a skeleton is an entirely different process... ^‐^
Skeleton knight intensifies.

I'd like to know why skeletons aren't versatile heritages...

Were there balance issues between selecting living and undead feats or something?

The listed reason is that skeletons don't really keep enough of their prior biology to really count--how different does a, say, halfling skeleton act from say a gnome one? And on the opposite end: a halfing skeleton from a flesh and blood one? Once you reach the point where lots of the physical based ancestry feats just don't apply any more and the cultural ones don't really apply either as by default skeletons aren't super connected to their 'pre-skeleton' life, they felt it should just be its own ancestry. Funnily enough, skeleton being an ancestry originally got spoiled on accident when someone asked whether a vampire (or some other undead) would be an ancestry in BotD and the one dev said something along the lines of "no, you keep too much of your former biology. Something that'd make more sense as an ancestry would be something like a skeleton as what you were beforehand doesn't really matter much. Ah wait-"

Definitely not the only option, you can probably design a skeleton V. heritage, but not the option Paizo went with. (Sidenote: if you were gonna convert an ancestry into a V. heritage, I'd convert fleshwarp before skelly, most of the fleshwarped characters even show themselves being noticably members of other species to it really could be. Kinda why I'm exited about how they're writing the mixed ancestry option in Player Core as it might allow that)

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JiCi wrote:

I'd like to know why skeletons aren't versatile heritages...

Were there balance issues between selecting living and undead feats or something?

For what it's worth, As in life, so in death exists if you want a way to tie your skeleton a bit closer to their mortal self.

Liberty's Edge

IIRC we should have the guidelines for Half-whatever Ancestry Versatile heritage in Remastered. Half-skeleton FTW.

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The Raven Black wrote:
IIRC we should have the guidelines for Half-whatever Ancestry Versatile heritage in Remastered. Half-skeleton FTW.

Like Hel or Mazikeen!

I'm surprised that we still don't have a halfling/gnome hybrid...

Like, seriously? There has NEVER been a "gnomeling" since D&D's creation in the 70s?

JiCi wrote:

I'm surprised that we still don't have a halfling/gnome hybrid...

Like, seriously? There has NEVER been a "gnomeling" since D&D's creation in the 70s?

Probably because they are so bad individually, no one would want to combine them. That would be synergising the awfulness.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Im just gonna ignore that gnome and halfling slander. Lol.

I would like to see another bird ancestry. But perhaps with tengu, Beastkin, and eventually awakened animal we have a decent amount.(not to mention how Nephellim can have animal traits) idk i just think there is some potential there.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
pixierose wrote:

Im just gonna ignore that gnome and halfling slander. Lol.

I would like to see another bird ancestry. But perhaps with tengu, Beastkin, and eventually awakened animal we have a decent amount.(not to mention how Nephellim can have animal traits) idk i just think there is some potential there.

You forgot Strix...everybody forgets Strix

pixierose wrote:

Im just gonna ignore that gnome and halfling slander. Lol.

I would like to see another bird ancestry. But perhaps with tengu, Beastkin, and eventually awakened animal we have a decent amount.(not to mention how Nephellim can have animal traits) idk i just think there is some potential there.

Potential for... what, exactly?

What is it that you would want in a bird ancestry that you cannot get in the bird ancestries you have thus far?

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I've seen a few suggestions for oozes throughout the thread, so I'd like to say something more specific!

Apallies! They're an ancestry I've wanted since before the end of 1e. They're Small oozes that can transform into a humanoid form and desire to integrate into society, but their transformation undoes itself in sunlight. I just want to be able to play as one of these cute little guys :)

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
The Raven Black wrote:
IIRC we should have the guidelines for Half-whatever Ancestry Versatile heritage in Remastered. Half-skeleton FTW.

Half-skeleton? That's absurd.

The Raven Black wrote:
IIRC we should have the guidelines for Half-whatever Ancestry Versatile heritage in Remastered. Half-skeleton FTW.

A person who is part man, part skeleton? I'd ask which part is the skeleton part, but we all know the answer. It's the skeleton ... part.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Ed Reppert wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
IIRC we should have the guidelines for Half-whatever Ancestry Versatile heritage in Remastered. Half-skeleton FTW.
Half-skeleton? That's absurd.

I mean, is it really? Most people I know are far irl closer to being a half skeleton than a half elf. In fact, I myself am a one fifth skeleton!

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Invictus Fatum wrote:
pixierose wrote:

Im just gonna ignore that gnome and halfling slander. Lol.

I would like to see another bird ancestry. But perhaps with tengu, Beastkin, and eventually awakened animal we have a decent amount.(not to mention how Nephellim can have animal traits) idk i just think there is some potential there.

You forgot Strix...everybody forgets Strix

I actually Didn't. Strix are bird adjacent but feel largely like their own thing to me. I did debate about including them in the list though.

JiCi wrote:

I'd like to know why skeletons aren't versatile heritages...

Were there balance issues between selecting living and undead feats or something?

I don't think it's a balance issue but more of a flavor one. There are quite a few ancestry feats that make use of the special biology of your ancestry, like the grippli "tongue" feats, that a skeleton couldn't do even if it was from that ancestry in life. The first level "as in life, so in death" feat give you a currated access to your living ancestry feats, so you can take those that still make sense for a skeleton.

Good point ^^;

As far as ancestries go, awakened animals... will probably fill the blanks for any animal-headed character.

I've mentioned this in the other topic (about the Zoetrope), but I'd like to get non-standard heritages for centaurs merfolks.

- Centaurs, now with lower bodies belonging to wolves, lions and bears.
- Merfolks, now with lower bodies belonging to octopi, sharks and eels.

Sure, centaurs can get heritages based on equine species (draft horse, zebra, donkey, mule, etc), and merfolks based on fishes (name it XD), but that would be a good way to further expand your choices ;)

Bonus points if you can play a clownfish-based merfolk who literally transitions from male to female as it reaches adulthood :P

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