Update me on the status of your PF1 campaign!

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Let me hear about your current PF1 campaign. I’m currently playing via Zoom every week, with actual minis on a variety of actual battle maps. Just hit 7th level after finishing a heavily-modified version of ‘City of Golden Death.’

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Here, here and here.

TLDR, slowly. I hope to be done in a couple years.

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My current campaign is a series of connected one-shots, after each session the players are back to their base. The idea is from West Marches, but otherwise it's rather conservative, with a classic backstory and a fixed group of players (and PCs). A few quests needed two sessions instead of one, I am trying to battle this with optional encounters (which can be used or cut, depending on time left during the session). The campaign is mostly online due to distance, with real meetings (hopefully) once or twice a year.

I placed them close to the Dwarven citadel of Janderhoff, but this settlement is currently closed due to a plague. Their base is a Dwarven hamlet I made up, trying to minimize the hooks to keep them there - so they focus on their quests instead.

Players are currently level 3, with a emphasis on divine casters (inquisitor, shaman, omdura). The fourth player runs a barbarian, so far they all have a blast. We use Unchained's revised action economy, which turned out a tad too melee-friendly (for my taste), but the pacing is still way more enjoyable than high-level combat.

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We have 2 Pathfinder v1 campaigns currently underway.

I'm DMing Rappan Athuk, and we are about to hit our 100th session. This is our first pure Pathfinder campaign, as the one prior was a hybrid of 3.5/Pathfinder. RA characters are 17th level and rapidly approaching the end. We've all grown a bit tired of that campaign, so we're skipping lots of levels / side-quests and focused on the levels that are needed to get to the end.

The same group is also playing Wrath of the Righteous, but I'm playing and one of the Rappan Athuk players is DM. We're at 4th level, having just finished "book 1" of the AP. We took a break from Rappan Athuk back in November 2020 to start WotR and then picked back up with Rappan Athuk in May 2021. Haven't decided how far we'll go in RA before switching back to WotR.

Once RA is over, I'm planning to DM Curse of the Crimson Throne. We'll probably rotate between WotR and CofCT every 6 months or so.

We play over Fantasygrounds, with Discord for voice and out-of-game communication. We've been playing virtually essentially since the start of 2002, which is shortly after I moved away from the group. Now only 2 of us remain from that original group, and the current players are more spread out geographically (New Jersey, Virginia, Texas, and Ontario) so we'll be virtual forever.

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SheepishEidolon wrote:
Players are currently level 3, with a emphasis on divine casters (inquisitor, shaman, omdura). The fourth player runs a barbarian, so far they all have a blast. We use Unchained's revised action economy, which turned out a tad too melee-friendly (for my taste), but the pacing is still way more enjoyable than high-level combat.

I use Unchained Action economy in the PF1 game that I run. I find that it making that game more 'melee-friendly' is a good thing but would suggest that (if you havent already) you don't remove swift actions from the action economy. Make quickened spells a single action, but preserve things like swift action bardic inspiration, paladin lay on hands, etc. Warpriest still have to spend a single action to 'buff' themselves with fervor.

As for my PF1 games...

1) (The Twilight Reach) My game take places on an alternate plane of reality, loosely connected to the core Golarion cosmology. To be specific, that universe still exists and it is possible to travel between, but it is in credibly hard. The setting mostly takes place on one of the 13 inhabitable moons orbiting a massive gas giant. The 13th moon is where the adventure is happening, as it is the focal point for all the corruption to gather, and serves as a proving ground where people go to become powerful and gain wealth. It is also the point at which the fabric between realms is the weakest and where inter-dimensional travel is possible (still very hard).

2) Tyrant's Grasp: I play a venerable Aasimar barbarian/mortal usher with a bunch of Half-elves (an Aether/wood Kineticist, a Paladin of Saranrae, and a cleric of Saranrae) and Tengu bloodrager. Normal rules are in effect for the game. Only houserules are limits on multiclassing and archetypes.

3) Giantslayer: I play a mess of a multiclassed character that focuses on buffing and grapples (White-haired witch/Strangler Brawler/Unchained Rogue Sylvan Trickster/VMC Magus). Other party members are a Eldritch Archer Magus, an inquisitor and a multiclassed Aasimar Paladin/Oracle.

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1) My homebrew home game went on hiatus before Covid, and it looks unlikely that we'll ever get back to it. I had been getting burned out creating a campaign with all-original material, then scheduling issues made the game stall out. It's been long enough now that I just can't seem to get excited about restarting it.

2) Just before Covid, I started playing in a "Society mode" play-through of a couple Adventure Paths (alternating books between Giantslayer and Shattered Star), plus a few modules to fill in leveling gaps. We had to go online after only a couple levels of play, and have been playing at least every other week ever since. The group is mostly the regular GMs for our local community; one ran GS, one ran SS, and they split the other modules. Now that we've finished both APs, one of the other GMs is running the next couple adventures. We have just reached 18th level, and will be playing through 20th.

(There's been some discussion of what we'll run/play after this wraps, but nothing has been settled yet. If we do another AP, it's likely to be in campaign mode, because it feels like we missed a lot of important bits of the story from both APs doing it this way.)

All of my other PF1 games are PFS scenarios. I earned my 3rd GM star around the beginning of this year.

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Campaign 1: Lost City of Barakus

We play 1/month, with a brief hiatus during the pandemic followed by a few sessions online. The module is supposed to go at Slow advancement but the players asked to go Medium instead. Characters are level 6. Party consists of a half-dwarf Paladin, half-elf Unchained Monk, elf Unchained Rogue (Scout), and a human Wizard (Fire Wizard)

Campaign 2: (Homebrewed) Against the Alchemists
Began as an homage to The West Marches but the players didn't like having to get missions all the time. They kind of forced themselves onto a linear path to defeat a league of evil alchemists working to resurrect pools of power left behind by an old Black Dragon. Party is level 10, consisting of a half-elf Druid (Swamp Druid), a skinwalker (crocodile-kin) Bloodrager/Brawler/Fighter, a half-orc Barbarian/Bard, and a ratfolk Investigator/Wizard

Campaign 3: Lost City of Barakus

This version is moving at Slow advancement. We meet randomly so this campaign hasn't gotten very far (they did not want to do any online games over the past year). Currently the party is level 2 and consists of a human Paladin, an elf Druid (Cave Druid), half-orc Fighter (Polearm Master), and a human Magus

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We haven't played since February. With any luck, we're getting together this coming Saturday, the 24th.

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Our D&D 2e conversion of Night Below has diverted almost completely into a different storyline because the DM who took it over thought it would be too much of a slog as written. We're still playing in the setting provided by the module, but each of us, for the most part, have been given our own background side quests to work on during the campaign. My universalist wizard/loremaster, and Enigma of the College of Mysteries, will be retired soon. However, due to the responsibilities of a new addition to our family, I may not be able to play the final sessions. I'm ok with it, really. I kinda burned out on the character a while back. High level wizards are complicated. My Iron Gods campaign that has been on hiatus for a few years is on hold for a little while longer, but we have converted to 5e as our chosen system. My group made a deal that if they didn't like how the new versions of the characters play, we'll switch back to PF. However, they seemed to enjoy how they played pretty well during a short adventure detailed in the third book of the AP.

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Two primary campaigns I'm running. (very loose definition of running)

Hell's Vengeance
In Book 3, but have been on Hiatus for a few years now. Need to kick the dust off the tires and either get the old party motivated to pick it back up, or get new players and start from scratch.

Strange Aeons
When lockdown started, I was trying to get people to play in my VTT of choice, Fantasy Grounds. SA is available for it, and several of my players are big Lovecraft fans, so we took off like gang busters! And, then the group pretty much died a couple months in. I need to get that one going again as well.

Since then I've been dabbling with solo play of a few card and board games (RIP PACG) and DCC and CoC. But nothing consistent.

I think I need to just suck it up and realize I have more drive to game than my friends, and just need to join some online-only VTT game groups.

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Still need to run the last "extra credit" Choral the Conqueror dragon encounter for my Kingmaker campaign... really want to get the party to level 20 for completion's sake. They were level 19 when they killed Nyrissa, and I just didn't feel that encounter was enough to push them into level 20. It's been months, though, I really need to get us back together to wrap that up.

Other than that, I am collecting materials for a gestalt pirate campaign based loosely on Skulls & Shackles. It will include a bunch of pirate-related content from previous DnD editions, as well as a fair amount of homebrew. In the process of gestalting named NPC's in the S&S books right meow.

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We're just about to start The Hook Mountain Massacre. Two of my players are 5e GMs who are both finding the much more challenging combats of PF1 very satisfying. I included the Dawn of the Scarlet Sun module once they reached Magnimar. Avalexi left them all stunned by how outclassed they were by a foe.

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SunKing wrote:
Let me hear about your current PF1 campaign. I’m currently playing via Zoom every week, with actual minis on a variety of actual battle maps. Just hit 7th level after finishing a heavily-modified version of ‘City of Golden Death.’

We’re swinging in and out of the underlying plot to ‘Ironfang Invasion.’ I intend to cleave pretty closely to the plot of ‘Assault on Longshadow’ soon, once they’re the appropriate level. I have a slayer (heavily-amended iconic Zadim); cleric (heavily-amended iconic Kyra); a fighter focused on combat manoeuvres; and a well-rounded party-animal arcanist. It’s a great group of both players and characters, and it makes for a great 90 minutes or 2 hours every Thursday night.

Last night night, the fighter tried to toe-to-toe with an erinyes, and got brought down by a barrage of arrows. The party used a house rule we have whereby players can gift hero points at 2-for-1, and brought him back from the brink…

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Our GM is running two parallel games and I ended up with a character in each. For the one I play a Dwarf Scholar (Spheres of Might) working with a Halfling Monk, couple of Human Rogues and a Witch investigating murders and diabalism in a Dwarf stronghold. In the other I am a Symbiat (Spheres of Power) working with a Werebear Monk, Changeling Witch, Ranger, Magus and Cleric of Calistria and we are looking into some giants gathering an army to make a mess of the region.

Both of my characters just about died from poison in the same week.

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Greylurker wrote:

Our GM is running two parallel games and I ended up with a character in each. For the one I play a Dwarf Scholar (Spheres of Might) working with a Halfling Monk, couple of Human Rogues and a Witch investigating murders and diabalism in a Dwarf stronghold. In the other I am a Symbiat (Spheres of Power) working with a Werebear Monk, Changeling Witch, Ranger, Magus and Cleric of Calistria and we are looking into some giants gathering an army to make a mess of the region.

Both of my characters just about died from poison in the same week.

So your GM is running two totally different games at the same time, from what appears to be mostly homebrew? That’s impressive.

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SunKing wrote:
Greylurker wrote:

Our GM is running two parallel games and I ended up with a character in each. For the one I play a Dwarf Scholar (Spheres of Might) working with a Halfling Monk, couple of Human Rogues and a Witch investigating murders and diabalism in a Dwarf stronghold. In the other I am a Symbiat (Spheres of Power) working with a Werebear Monk, Changeling Witch, Ranger, Magus and Cleric of Calistria and we are looking into some giants gathering an army to make a mess of the region.

Both of my characters just about died from poison in the same week.

So your GM is running two totally different games at the same time, from what appears to be mostly homebrew? That’s impressive.

actually it's the same campaign, both plot lines are apparently interconnected and what one group dose will have a ripple effect that reaches the other group. I'm the only one playing in both groups at the moment (was supposed to be a temporary thing until I got a Mutants & Masterminds game going but I didn't manage to find enough people)

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We'e almost finished book 4 of Iron Gods. The party consists of:

- A Halfling Geish Bard who was butler to the missing wizard in Torch

- An Android Techslinger/Cleric of Brigh who's looking for his "family"

- A Ratfolk Wizard from Redtooth's pack in Rustwall (character joined in book 2)

- And my Half-Orc Abberant (read: Alien) bloodline Bloodrager with dip in Oracle (after he died and was resurrected he came back posessed).

We all also have a vested interest in taking down the Technic League.

We're currently 12th level, and I think 2 rooms away from finishing book 4. We're (accidently) so optimised and synergistic as a party that we've absolutely stomped through the last book.

We're also on hiatus from our Carrion Crown game, but I've just run out of time to talk about that ... maybe next time =P

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Three active campaigns currently, one weekly on Tuesdays, the other two bi-weekly on Fridays.

The Tuesday campaign is where I'm GM'ing Hell's Rebels, where the party is currently in the second third of module three. I'm prepping for the Big Event which caps module three and, man, that's probably the most complex setpiece I've ever seen in an AP. Great fun overall in the campaign, the party this time around isn't even that well optimized and we are playing with some house rules to make the opposition more dangerous as well.

In the first Friday campaign I'm GM'ing Curse of the Crimson Throne and the party is in the last quarter of module three. This campaign also has been very fun so far, currently the group is playing it pretty safe and I'm actually having to push them to be more aggressive, so that they don't miss out on a lot of loot and XP. One player optimized his character too much, but he has some weak points I can attack, while the rest are pretty much in line for their level. Overall they got a better class combination than in the Tuesday campaign, though (Investigator/Arcanist/Ranger/Shaman). Same house rules as in the first campaign.

The second Friday campaign is one where I can be the player and we are playing a modified Ironfang Invasion wilderness campaign. I'm playing an Arrowsong Minstrel Bard named Flynn Fairbanks and we are still early in the campaign, just made level three. Quite fun, although we are wandering quite a bit in the wilderness and trying to figure out what to do and where to take the people we are responsible for.

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Oh I meant to put in some more personal notes!

Our PCs are: Kalatek the Android Gunslinger, Nemia the Halfling Geisha Butler-Bard, Skivven the Ratfolk Wizard, Remus the Half-Orc Bloodrager.

Deceased/absent PCs: Romulus the Half-Orc Sorcerer, Amerus the Human Archaeologist-Bard and a Druid who I forgot the name of (we started with only 2 players and a GM, so each player had 2 PCs. Romulus and the Druid were our other characters, but when we got more players they ... "left". Amerus sadly died in book 2)

Slight spoilers, but unless you're playing it right now it's probably fine.

Iron Gods PC relationships:

In Torch we made friends with Konir (The Wizard, I forget how to spell his name since we started calling him NICOLAS CAGE) and his daughter Val. Remus the Bloodrager particularly has a soft spot for Val, and is teaching her to fight whenever we visit Torch. Before the party left Torch they recruited Nicolas Cage's Halfling butler Nemia, and she joined them on their journey (and they ditched Romulus and the Druid because ... "reasons" ... they were spare PCs ok!)

On a more recent visit Remus the Bloodrager went mad from drinking Numerian Fluids and murdered his twin brother Romulus by throwing him down a pit that leads to the underdark. He's definitely dead and there's no chance he'll come back for revenge.

In Rustwall we made friends with the Redtooth Raiders. We also cemented ourselves as the most badass gang around - the Grey Earls, rjn by the best tea-brewer this side of The Shire. We were joined by an Archaeologist-Bard called Amerus, who was a bit of a goof, but always seemed to muddle his way through everything with sheer goodluck. Remus and Amerus were sadly killed by *cough cough spoilers cough*, but Nemia and Kalatek provailed. We had a scroll of Resurrection and brought Remus back from the dead. When he came back he started hearing the voice of an undead Kasatha called Hetuah who the party had met earlier in the adventure. One of Redtooth's clan - a Wizard named Skivven - decided to join our party. Outside of town Nemia found the grave of her parents and an Arc Pistol that was left for her.

In Eidenveigh we basically thought they were all a bunch of backwood hicks, and the woman who runs the cartography shop is a hack and a cheat! We helped them, but gods-willing we'll never come back ... meanwhile we made friends with a Star Monarch called Longdreamer, and truly learned to hate Ghosts. Kalatek discovered that the android that we've been tracking has a personal connection to him, but he hasn't unlocked all the memories yet.

In The Scar Of The Spider the group made "friends" with a robot called Binox. We also made friends with a Kasatha called Isuma, and rescued some Android friends of hers (took them back to Torch). We then went to find the rest of her crew, which is what we're doing now. Remus has really connected to Isuma since Hetuah (the Kasatha spirit inhabiting his body) has been getting stronger. We managed to complete Hetuah's unfinished business and he moved on. Isuma was so moved by Remus/Hetuah's connection that she unmasked herself in front of Remus (you're shocked I can tell!).

We've also heard rumors that one of the Orc clans in the area - the Ghost Wolves - recently stopped destroying technology and has started employing it's use. This is obviously unsettling as a tribe of tech'd up Orcs could be a serious problem, but this is also Remus's clan!

I'm sure there are some things I've missed, and I'm sure hou can all tell which PC is mine simy by the level of detail remembered =P

That's everything I can think of off the top of my head. I'd forgotten a few bits there until I started writing it all down. I hope you enjoyed reading it =)

Dark Archive

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Just finished the first portion of Book for in Return of the Runelords. A big highlight has been a player who picked up the Harrow feats and does regular readings. The cards (not just the readings) have an uncanny track record of accuracy.

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Just have one game going at the moment. looks sadly back on the free time of yesteryears

We do a homebrew campaign every other Saturday at a friend couple's house. Schedules can be tricky, so some gaps here and there, and we try to do pick ups to fill the holes when we can. We built a world as a group out of islands and some medium sized continents. All of the land masses and regions are inspired by different iconic historical and/or fantasy settings, so almost anything goes for characters, creatures, and story elements.

We share GMing duties. There are 6 of us who play (7 soon), and we all run the same characters. Each story arc one player is GM, and their PC becomes a background character (or gets abducted, recruited, put in stasis, called home, etc.). We have differing levels of skill and investature from our players, so we all decided to level by milestones instead of tracking xp. We level each time we finish a GM's story arc. Currently we're level 3, and we're trying to find and rescue our missing kobold shifter companion before a psychotic cult of a death dragon sacrifices him.

We play gestalt. Players who don't want to gestalt get an extra bonus feat every single level to compensate.

We have an Undine Bard/Cleric who dances the Hakka, a medium sized Centaur Ranger, a Half-Elf Cleric/Arcanist (pray for her), a Gnome Monk/Alchemist who likes to shrink himself and try to climb his targets to bomb their throats, our missing Kobold Shifter, and me, a Ratfolk PlagueBringer Alchemist/Pestilence Sorcerer (who may or may not be named after a certain global issue . . . . . let's just say he's the 2nd Czar of the clan Corona)

Once built we're being joined by a semi-noobie who should be bringing in a Half-Orc Ranger. Looking forward to that.

My husband (the Kobold) is the current GM. The Undine will run something next. It will be her first time GMing for a group of adults. She loves story telling, so looking forward to what she comes up with.

Assuming we don't all somehow die, I'll be running us at lvl. 5. I've got plans to shrink us down using the rules from Microsized Adventures. I intend to take us on an epic journey that crosses vast terrains (in all of 30 feet).

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PbP for Skull & Shackles. We're in the 2nd part of book 3. People have dropped out so we're down to a witch and my arcane duelist bard. Wrapping up when this part is done, seeking out Chelish spies in the Shackles. It's been a long ride, and my tiefling will be looking to join up in another game when it's done. I've enjoyed the game, but die roll luck has been painful.

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Welp, our first game since February 6th was an unmitigated disaster - for the bad guys. We actually ended up finishing earlier than expected because the dice rolls the players were making were all insanely good (though some terribly low Initiative rolls occurred that didn't affect the outcome whatsoever) and all the bad guys' rolls su-huh-hucked. While most of the party engaged what I believe is someone's homebrewed monster (the origins of which I cannot recall called an Eye of Oblivion. Drejk is it one of yours?) and several very, very angry cultists, all of them covered in their own diseased blood and attempting to infect the players with a disease called Bloody End from "Horror Adventures" (look it up...yeesh), the player with the Unchained Monk took out the Anti-Paladin single-handedly. He had the worst Initiative in the entire combat round and went last. He was knocked prone and never got a chance to regain his feet before she sent him into the double-digit negatives.

But ya know what? We had fun. We ate bad food. We made terrible puns. We got sidetracked over and over because we hadn't been together in person in almost half a year, and we laughed until we were breathless. I'll gladly accept my terrible rolls for that stuff any day. It was a good day to dice.

Normally we only get together on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month but we're going to try and gather again this coming Saturday to wrap up a couple of things in this particular story and get a start on the next story arc, one that will hopefully lead into the first truly major storyline of the campaign so far when a lawful good sword carried by the party's Rogue fully awakens to fulfill its purpose, which is to destroy its evil counterpart that has been found by an entity known as The Bloodwalker.

Shadow Lodge

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I am currently running 2 campaigns.

One is a savage tide conversion, they just started Tides of Dread last session, went to the tar pits.

The other is more homemade.
Volstus did gather his army of giants and rampaged through the hold all the way to the border with Cheliax ehere they started to fight.
Cheliax is using an orb of Dragonkind of their own.
A draconic convocation gathered to discuss this world and resolved into a pandraconic alliance (minus the black) to stop them both.
This was secretly all engineered by a group of blue dragons (the blue council) who seek to create the precedent for draconic rule (one where they would always be the real power behind the throne) and get rid of Daralathyxl as a dangerous rival.

The father of the half-orc bloodrager pillaged Korvosa and he now wears the crown of fangs. He started to use the party to try and find the rest.
The son of Kazavon is actually behind all this as a member of the blue council.
The party is nowhere near to uncover what is happening and they are currently working for the kazavon possessed orc and alongside the dragons.
They are in Nirmanthas at the fringe of the war, trying to reclaim it from the giants.
Last session is the first time they impacted the giants seriously enough that they have taken notice.

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Sounds amazing

EDIT: I forgot to add: "!!"

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Rise of the Runelords, nearly done with Burnt Offerings!

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For our paralle campaign Group A is heading out to spy on a meeting of giants and was nearly killed by a Chimera. Had the fight gone 1 round longer the thing would have breathed on us again and that would have been it, TPK. Damn lucky the Ranger is going for a Archer build and just peppered the thing full of arrows. My Symbiat got himself a Corrosive Longsword from the thing's horde

Group B is doing fairly well, investigating a Dwarven crypt full of Infernal Ghouls. Discovered my Scholar's Flashbangs don't work so well on Undead (They are Fort saves which of course Undead auto pass, unless they would work on obj). Still aside from that the group is developing into a rather effective murder squad as more than half of us have sneak attack (or equivalent in my case). We even took a Teamwork feat together for an extra d6 of damage. I do fear what is going to happen once we encounter something we can't sneak attack

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Had to postpone our game. My two long distance players were trapped in a traffic jam trying to leave Memphis and hadn't moved in an hour and a half, so they called to let me know they couldn't make it. That would have left only a single front line fighter, an Unchained Monk, backed up by a Rogue, a Diviner Wizard, and a Druid. It would've been an abbatoir with the bad guys winning.

The whole thing worked out for the best, though, I suppose. My pain levels are insane today and my pain doc has been "out of town" all week and wasn't available to authorize a refill for my opioid pain med. It'd have been a bummer of a night. The big drawback is it will be August 21st before we can get together again.

Ah well. What can ya do?

Scarletrose wrote:

I am currently running 2 campaigns.

One is a savage tide conversion, they just started Tides of Dread last session, went to the tar pits.

The other is more homemade.
Volstus did gather his army of giants and rampaged through the hold all the way to the border with Cheliax ehere they started to fight.
Cheliax is using an orb of Dragonkind of their own.
A draconic convocation gathered to discuss this world and resolved into a pandraconic alliance (minus the black) to stop them both.
This was secretly all engineered by a group of blue dragons (the blue council) who seek to create the precedent for draconic rule (one where they would always be the real power behind the throne) and get rid of Daralathyxl as a dangerous rival.

The father of the half-orc bloodrager pillaged Korvosa and he now wears the crown of fangs. He started to use the party to try and find the rest.
The son of Kazavon is actually behind all this as a member of the blue council.
The party is nowhere near to uncover what is happening and they are currently working for the kazavon possessed orc and alongside the dragons.
They are in Nirmanthas at the fringe of the war, trying to reclaim it from the giants.
Last session is the first time they impacted the giants seriously enough that they have taken notice.

This sounds amazing. I tip my hat.

Shadow Lodge

SunKing wrote:
Scarletrose wrote:

I am currently running 2 campaigns.

One is a savage tide conversion, they just started Tides of Dread last session, went to the tar pits.

The other is more homemade.
Volstus did gather his army of giants and rampaged through the hold all the way to the border with Cheliax ehere they started to fight.
Cheliax is using an orb of Dragonkind of their own.
A draconic convocation gathered to discuss this world and resolved into a pandraconic alliance (minus the black) to stop them both.
This was secretly all engineered by a group of blue dragons (the blue council) who seek to create the precedent for draconic rule (one where they would always be the real power behind the throne) and get rid of Daralathyxl as a dangerous rival.

The father of the half-orc bloodrager pillaged Korvosa and he now wears the crown of fangs. He started to use the party to try and find the rest.
The son of Kazavon is actually behind all this as a member of the blue council.
The party is nowhere near to uncover what is happening and they are currently working for the kazavon possessed orc and alongside the dragons.
They are in Nirmanthas at the fringe of the war, trying to reclaim it from the giants.
Last session is the first time they impacted the giants seriously enough that they have taken notice.

This sounds amazing. I tip my hat.

Thanks a lot.

We actually played earlier. The group stumbled on an ogre ranger, found out that the giants are crossing red dragons and fire drakes (bigger than drakes, easier to dominate than red dragons) and they caught a glimpse of the flying fortress of Voltus starting to maneuver their way.

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RedRobe wrote:
Our D&D 2e conversion of Night Below has diverted almost completely into a different storyline because the DM who took it over thought it would be too much of a slog as written. We're still playing in the setting provided by the module, but each of us, for the most part, have been given our own background side quests to work on during the campaign. My universalist wizard/loremaster, and Enigma of the College of Mysteries, will be retired soon. However, due to the responsibilities of a new addition to our family, I may not be able to play the final sessions. I'm ok with it, really. I kinda burned out on the character a while back. High level wizards are complicated. My Iron Gods campaign that has been on hiatus for a few years is on hold for a little while longer, but we have converted to 5e as our chosen system. My group made a deal that if they didn't like how the new versions of the characters play, we'll switch back to PF. However, they seemed to enjoy how they played pretty well during a short adventure detailed in the third book of the AP.

This should have said "Our Pathfinder conversion of the D&D 2e adventure, Night Below..."

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So this weekend I had a session of my Lost City of Barakus game. Since the PCs are level 6 I changed

the goblins on level 2 to gnolls

Last session after discovering a long straight tunnel with arrow slit windows on either side through which the u-rogue could see some gnolls. Naturally the party whomped through the area, using spells and ranged attacks to slay the guards and throwing open the doors on the far side where more guards were defeated. We ended with the party on the doorstep of the chieftain's hall.

This past session the PCs opted for Diplomacy over combat. I don't really understand why but I rolled with it. The paladin negotiated a truce between the gnolls and the ratfolk above who are allies of the party. In exchange, the gnoll chieftain required only 2 things: he and his gnoll minions be left alone to deal with a black dragon and that the party track down and return a giant weasel "pet" that had escaped the PCs weeks earlier.

A skill challenge of Knowledge: Nature, Perception and Survival led the party to a small cave network that spans the bedrock between levels of the dungeon. Here they encountered a fouled pool of mineral water and several saw-toothed beetles. The weasel was trapped down here by the vermin and showed obvious signs of festering wounds.

The paladin used his Handle Animal skill to command the weasel to perform the trick Down and then fed it beetle meat while pushing the weasel to Stay. While it remained somewhat calm he used LoH and his Diseased Mercy to heal and cure the creature. After a failed attempt to get the animal to Heel the party subdued the weasel with a Sleep spell, a net and rope.

Despite this last fail the paladin insisted on walking the weasel in on its own paws. After a makeshift muzzle and the most humane leash harness could be made, the animal was secured and the paladin went through the Down command again, followed by Heel. This time both were successful and the paladin made a point of rewarding the animal with food each time.

So with the weasel under control the PCs made it back to the chieftain's lair, returned the weasel to the gnolls and left unharmed. As they were going the weasel caught the paladin's gaze and I played the sad piano song from the old Hulk TV show from the 70's on my phone.

As the game progresses I'm going to have the weasel break free from the gnolls and find the paladin to try and be his pet. Of course, this will lead to a conflict with the gnoll chieftain but we'll burn that bridge when we come to it. For now the paladin player FINALLY got a session where he got to shine and I proved to my players again that not every encounter needs to be resolved through battle.

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Mark Hoover 330 wrote:

This is your super optimized, min/maxed, mostly murder hobo crew right? That sounds like a great session. I hope your players can appreciate the difference, and find a better balance moving forward. Hopefully a few more sessions like this can soft sell the "role" playing side of the game back to your crew. However it goes, glad to hear you got this story piece in.

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After being trapped by a person that is capable of killing 20th level characters in a dimension no ones ever escaped our 15th level characters finally found the way out liberally using the commune spell. We decided to go into hiding for a solid year as retired merchants and build insanely expanse magic items via the vast wealth available in said dimension. Now formulating a plan to defeat a foe which appears impassable.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber

My 'Chapter 7' of Strange Eons is currently on hold due to the Sydney lockdown. The level 19 mythic tier 3 characters are attempting to obtain an Elder Sign an a planet that is totally not 'R'yleh'. We were meeting once a fortnight on Wednesdays.

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Sysryke wrote:
Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
This is your super optimized, min/maxed, mostly murder hobo crew right? That sounds like a great session. I hope your players can appreciate the difference, and find a better balance moving forward. Hopefully a few more sessions like this can soft sell the "role" playing side of the game back to your crew. However it goes, glad to hear you got this story piece in.

You're correct, these are my optimizers. Funny thing is, I didn't plan it as a story piece.

Through some emails the paladin player revealed to me that while he's ok being a low DPR martial type, he's getting frustrated that he's got all kinds of skills that never see any use, even though he's better with those than with dealing damage. I'd also confided to him and the fire wizard's player that I'd been feeling kind of burnt out on always resolving everything through combat; "not every encounter is a combat" as Quixote is fond of reminding me.

But again, this was all between sessions. I'd still planned an epic fight between the gnoll chieftain's forces and the players, with waves of them scattered around. The first thing out of the fire wizard's mouth in session was "Hey, maybe we should try negotiating with them?"

I was taken by surprise but rolled with it. Honestly, by RAW, the negotiations should've broken down the minute they opened the door to the chieftain's hall. There's no way that chieftain should've been at Unfriendly in attitude. Still this is the first time since level 1 they've tried to actually talk to a foe at all instead of just rampaging, so I let it play out.

Also I get why the paladin player doesn't do this often. In many campaigns past he's played with GMs that like to take his words said in character and twist them against the party. This player is not great at improv and heroic monologues, but for my game he's made a PC with Charisma 22 and Diplomacy +15.

So, during the course of the scene, I asked the player what general sense or meaning he was attempting to convey. I asked leading questions like "how would your character do that, without sounding too intimidating since that's a different skill" or "if you were negotiating with a rival merchant, how would your character get them to come to the table in a negotiation?"

At one point the player actually turned to me and said, player to GM, he was nervous because while his character is high Charisma, he's not a very good public speaker. Basically my response was, whatever you choose to say in character, as the GM I will factor in your Charisma, your alignment, and the general intent you're shooting for and weigh those against the personality of the chieftain. You play your character and let me worry about the numbers.

Also, the weasel bit was something I just made up on the spot. Several levels ago the PCs had fought 2 gnolls and a giant weasel and the animal escaped, so since this chieftain is ALSO a gnoll I just decided that his "pet" was out on loan with a couple scouts when it went missing. After intel he's gotten back from other scouts in the dungeon who've interrogated some kobolds a floor above, the chieftain deduced that the PCs were the ones that caused the weasel to flee.

Anyway, it was fun for me and 2 of the players. The u-monk and u-rogue players were into it a little but they're SUPER optimized for combat and that's really their jam, so they were a bit bored or disengaged here and there. One of these players I've tried to work with several times but I know he's just kind of there to beat stuff up.

The u-rogue player though, her I'm trying to work with more. She says it was a decent session but she's sad they didn't get further in the dungeon. I don't know that she'll ever be up for really engaging in RP but I think she's at least willing to approach encounters as tests of Skills as well as combats, so that's something.

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So I’ve been GMing straight for 11 months, only 90 minutes to 2 hours a week, but long enough that I asked for a brief reprieve to recharge my imagination batteries. We’re going to play ‘Forbidden Lands’ via Foundry for a few weeks, taking us to our annual (albeit delayed by COVID) gaming weekend.

Then I’ll fire up the forges of my imagination again. I’m planning on using a weird mix of ‘Assault on Longshadow’ from ‘Ironfang Invasion,’ ‘Rebel’s Ransom,’ a great ole’ PFS scenario, and some of my own stuff.

End the campaign with a bang at about 10th level by Christmas? We’ll see…Work may get in the way of gaming from late October to mid-December…

However, I’m sure I’m not the only one who values brief breaks from GMing to let the imagination fire up again.

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Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
At one point the player actually turned to me and said, player to GM, he was nervous because while his character is high Charisma, he's not a very good public speaker. Basically my response was, whatever you choose to say in character, as the GM I will factor in your Charisma, your alignment, and the general intent you're shooting for and weigh those against the personality of the chieftain. You play your character and let me worry about the numbers.

Exactly. Everyone playing characters with high mental stats of skills needs to learn, know, or rembember this. Not everyone is a great actor, and you don't have to be to enjoy the game.

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My gaggle of 10th level misfits are getting closer to discovering where Orcus’ Wand is, and how to destroy it.

2e Planescape Module Dead Gods, originally a 3.5 conversion ported over to PF 1 as it evolved. Play by post, now the site’s oldest continual game (I think) - since 2008

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Patrick Curtin wrote:

My gaggle of 10th level misfits are getting closer to discovering where Orcus’ Wand is, and how to destroy it.

2e Planescape Module Dead Gods, originally a 3.5 conversion ported over to PF 1 as it evolved. Play by post, now the site’s oldest continual game (I think) - since 2008

Cool accomplishment!!

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At our last session (and the first since February) they pretty much resolved everything but there are some loose ends to tie up before I send them on the next story arc (that was the game we were supposed to play this past Saturday). I'm planning for it be a really long journey because a sword the Rogue found a long time ago has awakened and bonded itself to him. They don't know it but it's a Holy Avenger whose sole purpose is destroying its "evil twin" which has been found by a warlord known as The Bloodwalker. It should be a pretty long story arc with lots of side quests along the way for the party to level up enough for the final confrontation. I base the continents on my game world pretty much on Earth's so they'll have 1500 miles to cross. Lots of room for stuff to happen. It will be overland, as well, and I hope the encounters on the way will buff them up some before encountering The Bloodwalker.

Our next session isn't scheduled until August 21st, though. Two steps forward, one step back seems to be the way things keep going here.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

About three encounters away from ending Curse of the Crimson Throne (including the last boss) in the game in GMing. Been going for years and let me tell you, I'm very ready for this one to be over. It's a great AP, but it's time for it to be finished.

DeathlessOne wrote:
SheepishEidolon wrote:
Players are currently level 3, with a emphasis on divine casters (inquisitor, shaman, omdura). The fourth player runs a barbarian, so far they all have a blast. We use Unchained's revised action economy, which turned out a tad too melee-friendly (for my taste), but the pacing is still way more enjoyable than high-level combat.

I use Unchained Action economy in the PF1 game that I run. I find that it making that game more 'melee-friendly' is a good thing but would suggest that (if you havent already) you don't remove swift actions from the action economy. Make quickened spells a single action, but preserve things like swift action bardic inspiration, paladin lay on hands, etc. Warpriest still have to spend a single action to 'buff' themselves with fervor.

The actual book sidebar doesn't say Swift 1/rd. It says do as many times as want unless it becomes an issue.

When I run it next, I decided 1 free action (swift) a rd then they cost 1 action.
Also cantrips cost 1 act, but each component of a spell is an act with spells. Eschew takes away Material, Silent takes away Verbal, and Still takes away Somatic. And if they use Occult, Logic takes away Emotion.

I'm planning to run Jade Regent soon with UAE (I think in Sept). I'm planning use 2E's shield mechanics.
Everyone gets Shield Block as a basic ability (like Elephant in Room which I'm also adding)

Instead of Shield Other, I'm letting Whispering Strike be able to raise/block like a shield. Yes, +1 Wakizashi's only have 12 hp as they are small blade but they have decent hardness.

I'm including most of basic 2E Shield feats like Quick Block, Reactive, Aggressive, and Angle Shield (from a designer's blog). It is possible player's don't even use shields making all this for nothing lol

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Casting lesser animate dead...

Finally started Curse of the Crimson Throne by playing out the players' backstories. It worked pretty well since they were open to it - and they enjoy personally tailored content. They encountered named enemies and it became quite personal. Only drawbacks were that one player had to wait hours until he got to play (he didn't mind though) and that I had to improvise quite a bit after another player rolled way too well.

Regarding Unchained action economy: Given the players' choices, being able to take multiple swift actions per round shouldn't be an issue. We don't have any paladin, inquisitor or other class that would heavily profit from it.

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We didn't get to play from October of last year until April of this year. As a result, the same story arc I mentioned from August of last year is still ongoing as we've only had two sessions so far because of illnesses and work or vacation schedules. We were were supposed to play this past Saturday but more than half of the players had to drop out at the last minute for various things. Going to try again soon.

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Just got finished with the fight at the Eiffel Tower battle in Strange Aeons AP this past Sunday.

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Lost City of Barakus update: forward momentum has stalled. We're still playing but the PCs seem to be stuck in perpetual "Munchkin" mode. By this I mean the Steve Jackson game; they kick in doors, loot rooms and essentially progress the plot forward randomly.

Just after the last time I posted was the last "proactive" push the PCs made. Their allies in the megadungeon were being threatened by kobolds who worshipped a dragon. The PCs helped construct defenses around their allies' area, then they went toe-to-toe with the kobolds and learned how to find the dragon. Their tactics weren't optimal but they survived the dragon fight and while they were recuperating other low-level adventurers helped clear out the last kobold stragglers.

Recently they've learned of a force of ghouls, ghasts and festrogs that are harassing their allies and threatening the countryside. They've also learned these creatures have a "ghoul king." They know nearly everything about this faction except where the big bad makes its lair. Unlike with the dragon though the PCs are just being completely reactionary.

The wizard in the party is L8 and has access to a vast pool of spells through an arcane college he's involved with. Did you know Scrying is a L4 wizard spell? Like, while expensive he could be casting that RIGHT NOW. The PCs recently had disposable income and tons of downtime; they also had in their possession a gemstone from the crown of the ghoul king.

Let's say they didn't want to shell out for the wizard learning this new spell and a 1000 GP mirror. The PCs know of places the ghouls have set up ambushes and several members of the party have high Survival skills. The PC u-rogue has insane Stealth and Perception for spying and scouting. The PCs have fought several intelligent, elite NPC undead working as close allies to the villain - the party has a grappling specialist and a couple different interrogation techniques.

But instead the party is currently wandering level 2 of the megadungeon, following up on clearing out a bunch of minotaurs in a side-quest. Two of the players now at level 8 have so many different options in combat that fight scenes grind, so between that and their exploration they're not getting very far in the dungeon. They're frustrated, I'm frustrated, and since I don't want to just come right out and tell them what to do it might be this way for a while.

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Did our session Zero for the Night Below (I updated the old2E box set for Pathfinder), we start the actual campaign this friday.
Group is

Dwarf Paladin (Stonelord)
Aasimar Cave Druid with a Celestial Badger companion
Created (from the Skybourne setting) Armiger (Stancemaster)
Human Psion (Shaper Discipline)

They seem like a pretty solid group and I'm looking forward to DMing the campaign.

After 2 years we are playing Face to face once more and I am looking forward to showing off all my 3d Printed terrain

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contentedly playing Rise of the Runelords via play-by-post on Discord. We recently started Book 3

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Night Below - Day 1
And so our story beings. A small group of wanderers, recluses and mercenaries are brought together on the outskirts of the Dwarf town of Stonehold. Each hunting down the same group of bandits, though for their own reasons. The Hermit Druid Belton with his companions Bartholemew the Badger, the Ruin Delver Azrel with his powerful quarterstaff, The mysterious Stone Dwarf Axonite , devoted champion of the Earth Goddess and the strange Psion Ashillar who's goals are unknown.
With Belton and his pet leading the way the group tracked the bandits to their lair, they launched a lightning fast night time assault Defeating most of the bandits before they even realized they were under attack. Their half orc leader, Kargos, put up a desperate fight but he fell quickly to the heroes teamwork managing to land a heavy blow against Axonite with his dying breath (Orc Ferocity is a fun thing).
So with half the bandit gang captured and their leader killed, the group gathered up their ill gotten gains and freed a young boy named John West who was help in a cage by the gang. Victorious they return to Stonehold to collect a modest bounty

Pretty good night, felt great to get back into the swing of things. Only got to use half the cave I'd made though. Group made a ruckuss so the Boss came to them

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