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DAOFS wrote:
I've only been posting since spring of 4723, but I've been lurking since mid-late covid, when I properly got into the game. So I win at being the baby of the site. :)

*Fussy toddler glares at the new baby*


I'm too bleary eyed at the moment to go hunting through my profile, but I'm just a baby on this sight. I think I came on somewhere in 2019, maybe 2020. So, I guess more a toddler than a baby :p

My apologies for any confusion, ADog. I read your post as a response to the OP.

I can see your point about costs helping to ground a setting. I just tend to think that that grounding needs to come through in both fluff and mechanics, even just little ones.

Racial traits can cover a lot of this depending on what's chosen. My husband is playing a kobold shifter, slowly becoming a dragon. Various alternate traits and racial feats have given him a tail attack, a bite, and wings in addition to the claws class feature.

Working with the cross blooded sorcerer archetype could open up some options. If there are any archetypes that let you mix in some summoner flavor, I know there are one or two feats that can let you apply evolution points to yourself. Most of the body part evolutions are only 1 or two points.

Another alternative race could be the "Sthein" from DreamScarred Press. You're already in House rule territory. This is a great 3rd party race you can find on the D20PFSRD site. Basically and elf-naga hybrid with good features and the physical body you want.

As to effective disguise, the tail is quite long, flexible, and at least pseudo-prehensile. It's a heavy investment of skills and gear if you want to go unnoticed (or at least pass for humanoid), but investing in disguise, bluff, and either Acrobatics or Perform (dance) could cover you.

Spend some of your starting gold on a quality/masterwork set of pants or long dress. Have the custom build include quick tear-away leg seams or binding cords. Have your character fold his/her tail into quarters and put them down the pant legs. Acrobatics or dance let's you "walk" on your tail, albeit probably with a speed penalty. Disguise is already covered. Bluff is to explain any gait awkwardness, stumbles, or loss of height as either being of a smaller race and/or having a limp, malformed limb, or other birth defect. The cords or tear-away seams are so that you can burn a swift (or move at worst) action to drop the garment and move unencumbered for fight or flight.

Regardless of the race you land on, that gear and skill comb can work from level one. Obviously it will be more challenging if you choose a skill starved class.

178. The perfect bite.

Any time your character eats something, the last bite will be the absolutely perfect bite. Flavors are stronger, juices more bursting, salads, sandwiches, or casseroles perfectly blended. Every meal ends on a high point. If the food consumed gives a mechanical benefit take a +1 to the next relevant roll OR extend the effect by 1 round. If no normal benefit, heal +1 HP after a rest OR gain a +1 to your next diplomacy check with someone associated with the meal as they pick up on your obvious appreciation.

AwesomenessDog wrote:
This really does just boil down into "Why can't I play real life simulator in my game about unrealistically delving into dungeons and killing dragons?"

I think the bigger issue from the OP (I get it's a six year old thread), is why did the game devs bother to list numerous types of food and meals, bedding, lodging, amenities, etc., all at different prices, and then not have any mechanical differences whatsoever. By comparison, every weapon, alchemical ingredient, spell component, crafting tool, and most clothing has some kind of mechanical difference. It seems like a lot of effort put into an idea that was left half finished. We don't need rules for the difference between eating an apple or a pear, but a good meal versus a poor meal implies that it should have a difference in effect, and not just on your pocketbook.

I'm fine with flavor and fluff. Leaving this to GM call is fine, but it feels like a situation where the rules should actively encourage a circumstance bonus. If you don't have the appropriate gear, cooking and survival should be more difficult skill checks. And, I'm pretty sure there are some rules for adjusting survival DCs based on terrain. Generally a forest should be more bountiful than a desert. Depending on what's available to scrounge, not everything can be safely eaten raw or roasted on a stick.

DeZrog wrote:

Do Animal forms with DR also grant you DR? Or they don't because it's an "ability" not listed in the Beast Shape description?

I can't find this anywhere online... but there are hints saying that people DO grant DR to their animal forms.

The OP understood things exactly correct. To your question DeZrog, you have to look at the description in the various polymorph spells and/or Wildshape ability. There is usually a description of perks, bonuses, or abilities that you get on the front end. These are applied to any shape or form you assume with the spell/feature. After that description, there is a list of specific sizes or types of creatures you can become. In that list, you'll see an additional listing of various animal abilities. Regardless of whatever a real/normal animal/monster can do, you only get the abilities of the animal that match that part of the spell description.

So, specifically for DR. You get a set amount for the use of the spell, regardless of the base creatures natural DR. Sometimes it's better, but often Wildshape is squishier than a real animal, unless you build to be a melee type Druid.

We do this in my home game. Everyone has the option to build a gestalt character. If you choose to build a standard mono-class character, you get a bonus feat every single level. Normal level requirements still apply to which feats you can take. It does make some martial builds ridiculous, but as you pointed out, it's not that hard to break things if somebody wants to anyway. Honestly, the only really broken characters we have, I haven't checked the math on as closely as I might like. There may be more than feat combo shenanigans happening there.

TxSam88 wrote:
Sysryke wrote:
Dragonchess Player wrote:
Sysryke wrote:
3.x hooked me by being the first system where any race could be any class. I love the nigh unfettered ability to customize. Pathfinder's archetypes and alternative class features enhanced that.

If you want a RPG with a truly "nigh unfettered ability to customize," then you should probably try to find a copy of Champions/HERO System...

You can literally "build" anything with that set of rules. Unfortunately, you pretty much have to build everything your character does from scratch; it's a steep learning curve.

Thanks for the tip. I feel like I got that same experience in the Marvel Universe RPG, but it's a diceless system. Maybe it's just a quirk of superhero themed systems . . .
I've played both HERO and Marvel, HERO is the superior system.

Just to be clear, which Marvel? I don't know the Hero system, but the Marvel generation I played was the diceless version where build points and energy in the game are described as white and red stones. In that version, you can literally build anything.

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Sysryke wrote:
3.x hooked me by being the first system where any race could be any class. I love the nigh unfettered ability to customize. Pathfinder's archetypes and alternative class features enhanced that.

If you want a RPG with a truly "nigh unfettered ability to customize," then you should probably try to find a copy of Champions/HERO System...

You can literally "build" anything with that set of rules. Unfortunately, you pretty much have to build everything your character does from scratch; it's a steep learning curve.

Thanks for the tip. I feel like I got that same experience in the Marvel Universe RPG, but it's a diceless system. Maybe it's just a quirk of superhero themed systems . . .

Azothath wrote:

it's always interesting to see what others think and the different experiences.

I really think different groups have different goals in what they want to have fun doing on the whole. Of course people vary individually in their style and approach. I've always felt people that really only played D&D variants are kinda stuck in that experience and model and don't experience detailed, stylistic, storytelling, or down right silly games.

I feel like I've played most of those types of games within D&D systems. Could you provide some clarifying examples of other games/systems that are more stylistic, detailed, silly? For reference, I've played quite a bit of the MURPG, a bit of WhiteWolf, and a smattering of Gamma World and ShadowRun. I don't want to derail the thread, but I'm firmly in the camp that holds all RPG's as storytelling. (Just my opinion, I'm not looking to tell anyone they're wrong, or have it explained to me why I'm wrong).

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Dragonchess Player wrote:

I'd still run AD&D 1st or 2nd...

PF2 is a based on a different paradigm that emphasizes teamwork during play instead of "white-room" character optimization. There is still customization, but the floor and ceiling of a given character are much closer together than in 3.x/PF1 and you can't "solo" an encounter in PF2 like you could in PF1 (unless it's designed that way). If anything, "optimization" in PF2 is a team sport where you brainstorm "combos" with your fellow players rather than applying a "build."

I'll probably stick with PF1, because it's what my group is comfortable with. We're all middle aged to mature adults, with busy lives, and not a ton of spare time or funds to invest in new systems. If I ever win the lottery, maybe my view will change.

All that said, if I ever do branch out again, the above post is the best dang sales pitch I've heard so far for PF2.

3.x hooked me by being the first system where any race could be any class. I love the nigh unfettered ability to customize. Pathfinder's archetypes and alternative class features enhanced that.

And though it's usually blasphemy to bring it up on these threads, I will say 4e was fun/strong on two fronts; ease of entry, and character/party balance.

Sysryke wrote:

I'm thinking a bit more medieval James Bond myself. You'd have to invest the coin, time, and crafting skill, but with enough time and resources a masterwork clock could be made with multiple slats or plates sewn inside. When whipped of and flicked in the appropriate technique (probably a standard action at least) the pieces can be made to interlock and become a shield. The heavier/sturdier/higher AC the shield, the greater the penalty applied to the stealth/disguise/slight of hand/bluff check for the clock/cape to pass scrutiny.

Alternatively, carry an open umbrella. The handle is a sword-cane, and the umbrella itself is or conceals a shield.

Depending on the culture, other disguises could be oversized hats, or avant-garde style tunics with ridiculously over-the-top shoulder pads and/or lapels.

"@$!&$@(+!?" AUTOCORRECT!!! Cloak, not clock! Hopefully that was obvious from context . . . . I'm a half wit, not a complete moron

I tend not to enjoy multi-classing personally. I think if every character in terms of making it to level 20, and I'm enticed by capstones. My group is also comfortable playing gestalt. All that said, outside of massive forward jump games, I've never played past level 12.

Dipping into Monk is absolutely worth it if it fits your character concept. Since you might be in a 3pc party, diversifying your skills and class features or party roles can also be beneficial. If you're only worried about your spell progression, then you could take up to three levels of monk without cutting off access to 9th level spells, just be sure the delay is worth it in terms of when you access higher spells.

How common are magic item finds like potions, scrolls, and wands in your campaign? What level are you realistically going to play to? If you're going to dip into Monk, might it be worth it to go for four levels and get the Ki pool? Only you can answer that.

As for feats, I get overwhelmed too. I tend to go to the help sights and scroll through scanning for keywords. If you don't have time for that kind of obsessive behaviour, the feats you listed are still solid choices. Otherwise, I like to look at race or class specific feats. Unfortunately on the race side, while there are some fun SLA's to pick up, most Aasimar feats are about becoming a shiny angel with wings. I imagine that would crimp your stealthy style.

I have to confess, I overlooked the delayed casting bit. I'm not familiar with that rules variant. Does it only nerf divine casters, or does it apply to all casting? Does it apply to activated magic or spell completion items? Does it apply to spell like abilities (SLA's). Either way, seems casting becomes more about out of combat utility, dire contingency, or superior coordinated tactics at best. It does make the dip into Monk a better call, and your channeling becomes a tiny bit more relevant.

Instead of generic magic marts, consider having a few artisans in town who only make pieces by commission. I'm thinking of Edna Mode from The Incredibles.

Either allow for a bit of time passes hand-wavium, or insert some magic or extra staff that allows them to craft faster than normal. Fill the craft/downtime with role-play interviews/assessments or skill/ability demonstrations that inform the pieces being made so that they are customized/personalized/unique to/ meant for each character. This could be a simple a a generic Dex belt with some embellishments other than the standard tiger motifs, to as specific as a set of magical ribbons that give a unique option or bonus effect to your dancing bard's specific bardic performance.

Bypass all the traditional haggling and shopping if you're bored with it. Keep loot somewhat generic, slap a monetary value on a whole bundle, and let the group turn it over to the local authorities in exchange for credit with the local vendors/artisans.

Plus 1 to all the above posts as well.

Seems interesting and fun. You have a character who likes to go unnoticed if possible, but reads others quite well. The features all suggest a niche you can fill, give you useful actions to take in multiple encounter types, and all seem to support or influence your flavor choices. What help or advice are you wanting?

I'm thinking a bit more medieval James Bond myself. You'd have to invest the coin, time, and crafting skill, but with enough time and resources a masterwork clock could be made with multiple slats or plates sewn inside. When whipped of and flicked in the appropriate technique (probably a standard action at least) the pieces can be made to interlock and become a shield. The heavier/sturdier/higher AC the shield, the greater the penalty applied to the stealth/disguise/slight of hand/bluff check for the clock/cape to pass scrutiny.

Alternatively, carry an open umbrella. The handle is a sword-cane, and the umbrella itself is or conceals a shield.

Depending on the culture, other disguises could be oversized hats, or avant-garde style tunics with ridiculously over-the-top shoulder pads and/or lapels.

Sysryke wrote:

I know I'm not crazy, but there's a sleeping kitten on my chest right now, so I'm pinned to the bed. There is at least one archetype and/or feat that can allow you to have more than one familiar. The source is one of the little 20 to 30 page splat books that Paizo printed, the kind of magazine style ones. I think it's called the Familiar Folio or some such thing, but like I said, I can't get up to find it right now.

Scratch that. I misspoke (mistyped?) It's four in the morning, and I got my editions and critter classes mixed up. There is a 3.5 feat called "Extra Familiar" from Dragon Magazine. My group I was transitioning from 3.5 to Pathfinder, so we allowed cross over feats.

The multiple critter archetypes I was thinking of are the Druid Pack Lord, and a similar ranger one for Animal companions. So aside from a bit of group and GM grace, no, there is no currently Paizo only RAW way to have multiple familiars. A bit odd since I think AC's are generally considered more powerful than familiars.

I know I'm not crazy, but there's a sleeping kitten on my chest right now, so I'm pinned to the bed. There is at least one archetype and/or feat that can allow you to have more than one familiar. The source is one of the little 20 to 30 page splat books that Paizo printed, the kind of magazine style ones. I think it's called the Familiar Folio or some such thing, but like I said, I can't get up to find it right now.

Anyway, I remember I used the build on a witch I was playing in a Kingmaker game. The gist is, every time you gain a level, you either level your familiar as usual, or you gain a new level 1 familiar. So, if you're a level 5 caster, you could have one lv. 5 familiar, 5 lv. 1's, or any combo in between as long as your total familiar levels don't exceed the class levels you have from the familiar granting class. Any bonus abilities like feats, skill points, or other perks and powers have to be split up amongst the various familiars, with the exception of the level locked features like the empathic link, or speaking with the master.

Did I wake up alone, or am I with other people? Do I know them? Am I/we in any way restrained?

Depending on those answers, I'm looking around to assess the space I'm in. Seeing if I can detect any observation equipment monitoring me. If I seem somewhat safe/secure in my immediate surroundings. I'm stripping down and checking every bit of my clothes, possessions, and body for any damage, marks, scars, tattoos, or evidence of implants. Any sign of how I was abducted and rendered unconscious.

After, I'm seeing if I still have my phone. Does it work? Do I have a signal. Then I'm going to scout for useful items in the room. Going outside will depend very much on if I can find a weapon and the time of day. I'm not going out unless there is a wide lawn/open space with clear 360 sightlines, and enough daylight to give me time to access my circumstances. I don't trust this darn house, but I don't trust the foggy woods either.

Any transit from my original waking point to the outside is conducted on a slow and cautious search of each room I pass through. I don't poke around in any dark areas unless I can properly illuminate them. Doors or cabinets and under furniture are swept under with a broom or something longer, or given a wide berth.

If you're still pursuing this, it sounds great! Since you aren't as concerned with damage output, the small size isn't a huge detriment. There are plenty of traits and feats that can let you overcome the CMD/B penalties. My husband plays a kobold shifter that does just fine. Natural attacks with any flurry type fighter can be fun, so don't overlook the race unique feats that can get you claws, a bite, or even a breath weapon. Also, kobold tail weapons are a thing,and at least one is designed for combat maneuvers.

I'm not opposed to this idea. Sometimes, simple is better. I might suggest you take a look at both 4e D&D (blasphemy, I know), but more so, the Marvel Universe RPG, a diceless system.

Aside from those, to make something like what you suggest work, it seems the flavor and mechanics of each magical class would need to be more heavily intermeshed than standard Pathfinder classes. The combination of types of magical effects, sources of magic, and intended application would need to be quite distinct.

Depending on the amount of magical focus out of each class, I would say three to five magical abilities for a pure magic class. Have one or two scale with leveling, one or two hit milestone thresholds a few times over the course of twenty levels, and the one or two just be basic staples of the class. Add expanded or new abilities to taste using the bloodlines, domains, mysteries, spirits, schools, etc. class features as a benchmark.

Well since this was necroed anyway.

I played in 4e. Absolutely none of the problem player's views/opinions/statements from the OP's story have any basis in any edition of D&D or Pathfinder I'm aware of, and definitely not 4e.

Druids absolutely can eat, fight, cause harm to plants or animals. You might argue that they need to be chaotic or evil to do this as a habitual thing. But, predation and/or self defense certainly fall within the purview of all druids and natural beings.

I do agree that UNDEATH is antithetical to most classic druid philosophy, but plenty of examples and rules have been provided to allow for the exceptions. I'm also a fan of reflavoring, so undead mechanics reflavored to corpse animating bacteria or fungi is fine with me. It also seems that the Blighter/Blight Druid is to the standard Druid, as Anti-Paladin is to Paladin. I'm okay with options that defy the norms, as long as they're not used the death ( or maybe that's the point :p )

Also worth pointing out, in Pathfinder, and 3.x if I recall, Druids in particular, and even some Clerics do NOT have to be bound to a specific deity, but can be the servant of a force or philosophy. You have to choose at character creation, and then stay within the lines if you want to keep your powers, but diversity is already there in the core mechanics.

doc chaos wrote:

Microsized Adventures has an option for sizes above Colossal. Third-party, but you can go way above colossal or way below Fine. Also a 5ft step is not the same for a colossal person as it is for a medium person. There are a couple of other neat rules too.

Other D20 books that can be used to get past colossal are Dragonstar and Star Wars D20, both with sizes for spaceships and star ports.

Great source! I absolutely love that book. Using it in a shrunken party story arc right now. There are rules for going to Fine(6) or Colossal(6), with formulas to extrapolate beyond. Basically anything from flea size, to darn near a mountain. We're currently all shrunk to the size of ants, about Fine(5), though the party doesn't officially know that yet.

Dragon78 wrote:
No, those thumb rings are not in Pathfinder, would be cool if they were. Do you remember what they were called and how much they costs?

Sorry, I don't. I'm pretty sure the thumb rings were an artifact (minor??) from D&D 3.0, maybe an older edition. I know they definitely did exist as a real, non-3rd party item, but can't remember the source. I just love the idea of being able to wear more magical rings. I've always found the only two rule to be an unsatisfactory disjunction between necessary game balance rules and good storytelling.

Not sure if it's available in Pathfinder or not, but the two magic thumb rings that let you equip/have active 8 magic rings at once are nice.

I'm not as system mastery savvy as others to address power level comparisons, but I look at this class sort of like early bards. There is some room for specialization, but this class's broad bonuses lend to the 'jack of all trades, master of none' model. When comparing to a fighter or paladin or the like, the specific class features of the other classes give them areas to shine and excel. Your Paragon becomes a bit more of a physical all arounder type. Sort of like how most leading characters in action films have a gimmick (or quirk), but are involved in almost every encounter, while their allies tend to be more specialized types needed for specific objectives.

The class is super simple, but surprisingly compelling. I tend to like magic and more flavorful class features, but I feel the generic nature of the features encourages a kind of "color your own canvas" approach to this class.

That said, while I know you want this class to stay simple, I would encourage an option to swap some of the Mighty and Resolute features. Just make it only one physical and one mental stat in the Mighty. I like the quirks, but do agree the list could be somewhat expanded. Maybe look at each class skill and give an option that supports that skill. I'm looking at Handle Animal and thinking something akin to Dar from Beast Master, but less than a Druid's animal companion.

A line of advanced and ultimate quirks could also be nice, just to give a bit more incentive to not dip in this class. For simplicity's sake most of these could be basic number bumps, penalty drops, or strong trait/weak feat additions.

Clearly I tend to overcomplicate, but truly, I like the core of what you have here.

Temperans wrote:

So paladin?

Is there a specific type of knight? Getting "just a knight" is can be got just by getting full plate, but more specific forms can help narrow things down.

Ex: Kinetic Knight Kineticist to go more "Jedi". While Faceless Enforcer and Masked Maiden Vigilante are more "Never/rarely take off the suit" types.

Second for the Paladin. What the OP describes is exactly the Paladin class. Original Paladin were heavily influenced by and modeled on Arthurian Knights. The only real change has been to bring them into the fold of the various deities of the many settings over the years. Depending on your deity and/or archetype choices, you can lean into the religious champion as much or little as you choose. Mechanically though, the Paladin is exactly what you described. If you don't want spells or any divine overtones, then Cavalier or Samurai is your answer, but Charisma doesn't matter quite as much for those unless you build with it in mind.

I'm not in a spot where I can access it right away, but there are several insectoid races in the expanded race options. I think at least a few are paizo official, more are 3rd party if you are open to such a thing. Any race or creature that isn't native to the primary plane you start your campaign in is an outsider. I know some people don't like the site, but just for quick reference, there are a lot of options on D20PFSRD

I'm particularly fond of Entobians (sp?)

Oh, there's a disease based Oracle Mystery too, that's quite tempting, but Sorcerer ended up being better for my character.

I'd have to go hunting for the specific sources, but yes there are rules for disease transmission, but almost all of them are tied to specific archetypes. I'm actually playing a gestalt plague bringer ratfolk alchemist who's also a sorcerer of the pestilence bloodline. As has already been pointed out, most of the time disease has no bearing in combat because the incubation and effects intervals are measured in weeks, days, or hours at best. At higher levels, many of the disease themed builds let you infect enemies and advance the disease through multiple stages in a few rounds. Infection, transmission, and effects all work the same as poisons, just normally they take a lot longer. Sometimes higher DCs, and potentially more horrific effects, but easyish to get healed up.

I don't know if there are any established pre-set DCs, but you could in theory harvest and save diseased samples the same as harvesting poisons, but keeping those samples viable would require special equipment.

As long as we're talking about just the four wands you mentioned, it makes sense to give them to specific NPCs who can reliably use them. However, if this is just the start of a larger stockpile, I still think the armory idea could be fun, depending on the type of campaign and settlement you're dealing with. A realm with surplus wealth and/or high magic might very well choose to train their guards in basic magics. Maybe the court smiths are all mage smiths, or the Court Wizard has a whole coterie of apprentices whose primary job is to crank out basic consumables.

Also, I'm not really solid on the RAW of Pathfinder magic items, but can't wands be built with keyword activation? If not, I'm down for some house rules if they fit the story. I also like the idea of recharging wands. I hate to see something that pretty, well crafted, powerful, and/or expensive be consumable.

I don't know that I could be called a "baby" gamer anymore, but compared to some of you I'm still just a pup (~15 years of play). Either way though, it is still fun to try an old concept, wether cliche, contradictory, or both from time to time. As Stranger said above, it's still fun when it's new to you. I don't necessarily care about "evil" races, but I do like to explore classical "monsterous" races.

Part of the fun of a fantasy setting for me is to get away from being just a human. Some of my favorite characters have been my dwarf and goblin fire wizards, my half-orc barbarian (based on Ferdinand the Bull), my Orc shaman/skald, and my current ratfolk. But, I've also had fun playing a dwarf paladin, an elven druid, and human clerics. Those have also been done to death. The fun and "original" part of any character is the details you put in, and the new or unique combinations of those various traits.

TxSam88 wrote:
ForsakenM wrote:

I've basically convinced myself to retire the character already, and one of the first things I looked at was the Skald, so knowing I could give everyone's weapons ACTUAL abilities and bonuses while not giving negatives to AC is pretty appealing.

so, I'm currently playing a 10th level skald, and this is what every member of my party gets when I use my inspired song

Inspired Rage Benefits:
+4 STR
+4 CON
-1 AC
Make all melee attacks have Shocking (+1d6 DMG) for 1 round, 3 times per rage
Energy Resistance 10 (Electricity)
Damage Reduction (1/-)
All Magical Healing grants additional +1 HP/CASTER LEVEL
Once per Rage, can add ½ LEVEL to any STR check or STR based Skill Check
Fast Healing 4

And, I can maintain the song as a free action if I cast a spell that round, plus it lasts for 2 rounds AFTER I quit "singing"

since the character can cast healing spells, I come close to out performing the cleric in the party when it comes to combat healing.
No, he sucks at combat, but that's not how I built him, he's built around spellcasting, and has tons of useful tricks.

The party wizard specializes in electricity spells, and has an ability to change all energy attacks to the element of his choice (electricity)within 30', so he can stand in the middle of the party and cast electrical fireballs with minimal risk to the party, or change a dragons breath from whatever element it is, into electricity, which the party has resist 10 to.

So yeah, a Skald can be tons of fun.

Wow! That is awesome. I played a skald several years ago, and I swear we got to level 11 or 12. I don't remember my rage song doing half of those things. Is that all standard to inspired rage, or is some of it coming from spells, archetype, or feat choices?

It feels like there is an easy dirty joke here, but that aside, I agree that either a rack or a slotted stand (like for a set of kitchen knives) makes the most sense. Something with some simple labels so the guards know what and they're grabbing. For a huge assortment, I would go with pre-loaded bandoliers.

Literally. I've procrastinated again, and I run my game tomorrow, so this is a bit of a Hail Mary. In my shrunken world quest I'm running my group in, we will likely run into some giant frogs soon. One or two should be plenty of challenge for my five person, level 5, heavily over-geared, gestalt party, but I want to throw in some tadpoles to flesh things out/fill in the battlefield a bit. I have found something called Bogwiggles, but I'm looking for other low CR creatures that could be reskinned as giant tadpoles to make this encounter a bit more interesting. Any ideas appreciated, links and/or typed out websites a bonus. Thanks all. :)

TxSam88 wrote:
Azothath wrote:
after 5 min you should have a Skill DC check
I second this, you should always have a dice roll of some kind to solve the puzzle - as mentioned, the players do not have the same abilities as the characters. So in the same way we make the players roll a die instead of lifting weights to make a bend bars check, we allow the players to make a die roll to solve puzzles. I'll agree that attempting puzzles can be fun, but just be sure to include the ability for a check in case the players are stumped. After all, the wizard might have a 200 IQ, whereas the player does not.

I agree with this with a codicil. For more organic storytelling, and your players to have a More rewarding roleplay experience, checks should give clues, but not entirely solve a puzzle riddle. As has been suggested above, you need to have numerous clues about every part of the puzzle. Checks should help to point to, highlight, clarify, and (in the extreme) outright explain the clues. The final solution or step though, still needs to be roleplayed out just a little bit, even if this just means putting all of the spoon fed pieces in the right order.

Ooh. That's another derail, but I'm going to jump on for a moment. I think whether you can consider an arranged marriage akin to slavery depends entirely on how (en)forced the fulfillment of the arrangement was. If both parties choose to go along with the matchmaking, free agency is still involved. If there is physical, legal, or other tyrannical imposition of the marriage, yeah that's a form of bondage (not talking about the alternative community).


Back on track, I'm in the camp that says real love could develop. Especially in a game where magic is real, love is an extremely powerful but ephemeral force that defies constraints. Even with all the crap going on from the Philter, the efforts and agency of the conscious mind and the souls/spirits fueling them will still be occuring, even through the enchanted static. However, as others have said, the introduction of the variable of knowledge of circumstance would create a new dynamic with many possible outcomes.

Since a lot of your symbols seem to be paintings or artwork, I will second those who've mentioned triple aspected deities. You could also do water, land, and sky. Six could easily be a rainbow, or a snowflake. I don't know too much about Golarion specific lore.

Just a thought, but doesn't True Strike fall under divination? I know for the OP, divination is an example and not necessarily the goal, but I would think a Div. focused caster could be a very potent combatant. Use mechanics like called shots to inflict debuffs, and carry an arsenal of weapons with various special properties that are just the right tool for the challenge you have foreseen. This character wouldn't be the party's prime damage dealer or AoE specialist, but would be a heck of a tactition, support, debuffer, and maybe even field controller.

A lot of good advice on here. I strongly +1, the advice NOT to do a solo campaign for a brand new gamer. Just a caution, really discuss with your friend what draws them to the game. The new movie was awesome and did a pretty great job with emphasizing backstory, character choices, and a world of magic. However, the main cast are definitely NOT level 1 starting characters. The sorcerer, the paladin, and the druid in particular use powers and features that are much higher level. If your player wants to replicate the feats from the movie, a low level character can't do it. Starting at a high enough level to use the really impressive powers is going to add another wrinkle to learning the game.

UnArcaneElection wrote:
Malik Gyan Daumantas wrote:

{. . .}

I guess i just got so used to killer DM's i build my character with the expectation that my DM is actively trying to kill me.

I haven't had the misfortune to have had one of those yet, but in my first few years of AD&D playing I was introduced to one (fortunately never met in person) via a primitive precursor of social media (yes, such things existed even in the late 1970s). That killer DM (a particularly vicious and capricious yet surprisingly popular DM who took joy in tearing up character sheets, and making the players start over with a new 1st level character(*)) was a university professor. I was going to say what they were a professor of, but first, anybody care to take a guess?

(*)I didn't think to ask about the highest level characters got to in that campaign, but for some reason the vicinity of level 8 or so sticks in my head.

Based on personal trauma, I would guess physics. But a twisted psychology or literature professor would also seem to fit here.

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Thanks Doc! Entobians is 3pp, but that's the race I was thinking of. They're kinda awesome.

The group I play with is half comprised of players from another shared Gaming, sandbox, homebrew game from years ago. When I ran in that group, it was my first major GM undertaking. We had fun for a few months, and then I TPK'd the group and killed the game. I'd really like to not do that again. Game/campaign killer is not the GM legacy I want to leave.

You can make an insect flavored skin walker. Lashunta, Trox, and Drivers can all be argued in a bug direction. There are several good 3pp options, but I'm not sure what's fair play in your games.

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As usual, this all comes down to preference. I'm an O.C.D., follow directions, order of operations type player. I enjoy level 1, and I often do play casters. However, I also play in bigger groups, we are generous with stat generation, and we always have eager/willing healers in the party.
I enjoy playing the "entirety" of my character's adventuring life. As far as backstory options go, most classes imply some level of training or experience to aquire the power and features of a level one character, so I see numerous options as still open. The truly new/raw/green character to me, is if you run the "level 0" session.
I tend to make themed characters. Not necessarily min/max, but certainly somewhat focused or specialized. Cantrips are actually part of this flavor to me. I like the "small" spells. The accuracy of cantrips helps offset the low damage for me, and I'm okay with not being a damage powerhouse at low levels, even if I am working towards being a blaster caster. As mentioned above, class features fill out enough, that a caster can do something magical every turn, even at level 1. However, if your game focuses more heavily to combat, I can see the desire to forgo the lowest levels.

Thank you all. I love seeing how your minds work. As far as bomb combos go, nothing too exotic. I want fun and a bit challenging, but complexly entertaining is a bonus. Ultimately, this character is meant to be a one time opponent. Since she is a member of a cult/terrorist cell, some minions/flunkies/mooks might be useful. I know conventional wisdom is that party vs. one fights are either too quick and dull, or too unbalanced and deadly.

That could work. Sounds good anyway. Mostly I want this character to chuck some bombs, and set off several pre-set detonations. If that can be done with crafted alchemy items that are explosive as opposed to the delayed bomb discovery, that's just fine. Basically I want fantasy's answer to remote detonated explosives. Bonus if I can have her temporarily wreathed in flames (like the jelly stuntmen use to safely burn in action films).

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