
Ronnam's page

139 posts. Alias of James Hunnicutt.


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contentedly playing Rise of the Runelords via play-by-post on Discord. We recently started Book 3

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JiCi wrote:
On a sidenote, someone told me that "4E is good if you change the rules", but when I need to do that, it just means that the established rules are broken.

Great point. I liked your whole spiel on 4e. I agree with those criticisms. At the time, I was more aggravated by the fact that gnomes, druids, barbarians, etc. weren't in the PHB. And how regimented and boring magic items were.

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Tender Tendrils wrote:

Thank you, good point. And thank you for pushing back against McDonalds’ disgustingly successful PR propaganda campaign against that seriously injured plaintiff. Preach!

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I'd like to echo everyone's praise for Paizo's hard-working employees & creative talents. I'm sure we're missing many, but I'd like to add:

Joe Pasini:
I've had some interactions with Joe Pasini, and always found him to be incredibly friendly, witty and self-effacing. At PaizoCon 2018 he GM'd the Starfinder delve and I was so happy to be at that table playing Keskodai the Mystic, doing all I could to keep the PCs standing with heals while Joe tried to kill us all. I adore the scenario Cries from the Drift he authored, as well as the wealth of other Starfinder works which he authored or contributed to. Thank you Joe!

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Sara Marie was wonderful here on these forums, and IRL. She taught me how to play Five Minute Dungeon at PaizoCon 2018. What a sad development. You are loved & missed Sara Marie!

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Rise of the Runelords, nearly done with Burnt Offerings!

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Phaedre wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Perilous Vistas?

It was a four book set from Frog God that each was centered on a type of terrain/environment, and had a bunch of rules, feats, spells, etc. in addition to three or four adventures featuring the same.

Marshes of Malice (swamps/marshes), Mountains of Madness (mountains), Dunes of Desolation (deserts), and Fields of Blood (plains/grasslands).

They were pretty good! I've used some of the adventures.

Huh, never heard of em, thank you for the tip

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Melkiador wrote:
It may just be the 5E juggernaut sapping new players away.

I enjoy 5e quite a lot, but PF1 will always be my fave :)

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Kasoh wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Glass Cannon?

The Glass Cannon Network is a podcasting/Twitch group that produces Pathfinder 1e, 2e, Starfinder, Delta Green, and other systems liveplay content.

It has a strong comedy vibe and overall, captures the feeling of playing at a table relatively well. If you're in the market for a Pathfinder Liveplay podcast, their Flagship product, "The Glass Cannon Podcast" is a 1st edition playthrough of the Giantslayer Adventure Path and has entered book 6, available for free using whatever podcast catcher you prefer.

Yeah, you nailed it. They take their time. There's over 200 episodes, each an hour+ long, of PF1 action. They took a pause during lockdown, but now are back in the studio back to Giantslayer.

Plus, their pause during lockdown was just a pause from Giantslayer. Over Zoom/Roll20 they played Feast at Ravenmoor and Midnight Mirror, all 1st edition PF. They do Dark Suns for Starfinder, and I don't know the PF2 they're doing but I know they're doing some PF2 on a different podcast too :)

Ryze Kuja wrote:

Yes, if you have really good cocaine, then it will attract many Attacks of Opportunity.

J/k :)

well played

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HighLordNiteshade wrote:
Evilserran wrote:
I think the forums slowed down a lot, because lots of games slowed down with the birth of Corona.
For some of us, COVID had zero impact because we haven't played in person in years (in my case, not for decades). We've been virtual (with a variety of tools) since 2001. :-)

Agreed. There's a healthy lot of online play these days including PF1. I was recently invited to Play-by-Post Rise of the Runelords per PF1 rules, totally loving it... nearly done with Burnt Offerings!

And I'm still listening to Glass Cannon, still have not got through all of their PF1 content.

I'm so glad these PF1 forums are still humming along

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Tale as old as time. Started with the red box in 1984, loved 2nd ed AD&D, loved 3rd edition, excitedly bought the three core 4e books, loved the art, hated everything else, jumped ship to Pathfinder, happy as a clam.

David knott 242 wrote:

From the early Starfinder interviews, PF2E was under development well before Starfinder was designed, as they mentioned taking bits from the developing PF2E rules and using them in Starfinder.

In hindsight, a major motivation for developing Starfinder obviously was to ensure that they had an active product line during the expected slump in Pathfinder sales after they publicly announced PF2E but before they actually released it.

Oh interesting, I was fully unaware of all that, thank you for sharing.

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Artofregicide wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
it wouldn't end any arguments but it would be nice to have.

It would end some arguments, start some others, and definitely be nice to have.

It's also never going to happen, first party anyway.

Yeah, some mysteries shall persist into perpetuity.

Dispel Magic
Calm Emotions
Remove Radioactivity
Neutralize Poison

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Oh I thought the OP was more or less inviting people to wax nostalgic about our personal preferences. Is there somewhere else for that?

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Dragon78 wrote:
If Paizo made more 1e products( yeah I know "and monkeys might fly out of my butt"), but if it actual happened, would you buy them?

Yes, definitely.

I continue to buy PF1 materials off the secondary market, but I would buy them new if in print.

Dragon78 wrote:
Also would you be more interested in mostly new, roughly 50/50 new and reprints, or mostly reprints/updated stuff?


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At the end of my scenario, players rolled for con boons, and my brain went entirely blank. Can someone please remind me how those work? Thank you!

That is too awful of a roll. Gonna use my t-shirt reroll.
Gunnery: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 245d10 ⇒ (6, 4, 6, 2, 3) = 21

Hello! Very much looking forward to this. I've played a lot of Starfinder Play-by-Post on Discord, this will be my 1st time here on the Paizo forums :) So please don't hesitate to correct me if I breach posting etiquette etc. here.

Here's my boons: SS Luwazi Champion (Faction), Scoured Stars Survivor (Personal), Alien Access (Social), High Society Influence (Ally)

For the Starship boon, I got Enhanced Shield Regeneration from the Guide and Defender of the Fleet from 1-99.

Scottybobotti wrote:
Looking to put together a party to run through 2-24 The Cornered Rat. It's a 9-12 level adventure and I'm hoping to play in the 11-12 tier if possible. However, if we can't get enough high level PC's to do that I'm fine playing in the lower tier. We have two PC's so far. Post here if you are interested.

Sounds cool. Is that play-by-post? In that level range, I only got a 9th level guy, but I never mind playing out of tier if you still need players :)

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Have there been surveys about this?

Put me down for "pro boons on chronicle sheets" :)

woohoo! So pumped!


Hurray! Very happy to see this coming soon

Agreed. Take my $!

Joe Pasini wrote:

There have been a number of questions about the ring of fangs, a magic item from The Cult of the Devourer article in Starfinder Adventure Path #2: Temple of the Twelve.

In this thread, we'll answer those questions in order to help GMs adjudicate its use.

Thank you, thank you!

Great answers too. Those all make sense. Much appreciated.

P.S. I love Starfinder. I'm still drooling over Alien Archive 3 right here.

This is super cool. Hurray for the candidates!

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VestOfHolding wrote:
Oof, look at all the stuff y'all found since I went down with the sickness earlier this week. This is gonna be one heckin' update. Here we go, I did my best to get them all in here:

Wow! Thank you for alll your hard work VestOfHolding! This kind of effort & attention to detail is super helpful. Paizo should put you on the payroll.

UnArcaneElection wrote:
Ronnam wrote:

Legacy of Fire was lots of fun, and I cannot off-hand recall anything uber-dark about it. I think that could be played with a light, fairytale theme. I mean, you have

** spoiler omitted **

I wonder if the most depressing part of Legacy of Fire might be where you start from.

** spoiler omitted **

Easy to skip over all that. I don’t recall any of that, so we must’ve left that aspect out. I don’t think that was integral to the overall story.

Legacy of Fire was lots of fun, and I cannot off-hand recall anything uber-dark about it. I think that could be played with a light, fairytale theme. I mean, you have

silly pugwampis, genies, fantastical demiplane, romp through the City of Brass, wishes, etc.

Thank you GMs for prepping and putting in all the hard work!

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I'm very pumped to see this. Should be stellar

I'm very happy to hear of this development. Starfinder + Wiz Kids = Joy

Sara Marie wrote:
Folks, Just a heads up, WizKids has issued a press release regarding WizKids Starfinder Battles Miniatures.

Thank you for sharing this happy news. I appreciate your hard work on here

NielsenE wrote:
8am was the start session time for most PFS stuff.

Thank you!

Hello, I'll probably fly into Seattle the morning of Friday. I'm trying to figure out when the early Friday games start. I noticed on these forums some GMs suggesting their times slots start at 7:45 a.m. Is that when the games actually start, or when doors open to the ballroom, or something else? Thank you very much.

oh gotcha! thanks. I thought I was missing out on some inside jargon.

Ediwir wrote:

-even in P2, 7 is still a number

I'm not quite as fluent: what does that sentence mean? Thanks!

Super excited for the Starfinder Beginner Box!

Yes. The backup generator was the the first armor upgrade my Shirren Soldier bought. He and his teammates were glad to have it when away from civilization.

I feel like Androids, Vesks, and Humans are the most common I'm seeing.

I'm currently playing a Shirren Soldier, Ghoran Vanguard, and Half-Elf Mystic.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Happy holidays to all of you as well!

Happy Holidays! Thank you to you and Mr. Seifter for checking in and posting here on these forums. I hope everyone is enjoying Christmas today.

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The more I play Starfinder, the more I like the Stamina-Resolve system.

Mark Seifter wrote:
Happy holidays everyone!

And to you as well!

I'm very happy with these revisions. This playtest process has been fascinating. I appreciate the developers working so hard and trying to make a great product by considering such disparate opinions and viewpoints. I look forward to checking out the final version next year.

Thank you Dante for posting.

Hiruma Kai wrote:
Actually, the Vanguard gets a special weapon specialization at 3rd level which lets them add their full vanguard level to damage with Entropic strike, even though its an operative weapon. Other class levels still only add half damage.

Thank you! My eyes glossed right past that.

Are there other Starfinder classes who have Weapon Specializations that function differently?

And operative weapons only get half the benefit of Weapon Specialization, so that's another reason to try Strength-Vanguard. I'm gonna make one for fun, see how it goes.

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Ascalaphus wrote:
Can you use entropic strike on a thrown weapon? They're melee weapons.
If the melee weapon is one that allows you to add its weapon special properties to the entropic strike, yes. Otherwise, no.

Thank you for this, and the other clarifications. This playtest is awesome :)

If you want to focus on thrown weapons, Strength build could work nicely. You can use entropic strike with melee weapons that have the thrown special weapon property.

WagnerSika wrote:

Great instrumental music:

Two Steps from Hell


Also, soundtrack to the video game, Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures

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