Alchemist 23 |

We’re playing Rise of the Runelords, so minor spoilers I guess? If you seriously haven’t played that yet? Or like seen any P1 artwork.
Long story short, we’ve got a Paladin of Iomedae who is like the rest of the party, 110% DONE with goblins. The GM has been merciless with the bastards. We’ve seen them light old people on fire, they killed the kids who were chasing butterflies, and have majorly screwed up one of our parties NPC wifues. The Paladin even tried sparing some of them from the raid and they just ended up burning a farm and killing the family in ways I can’t discuss on this forum.
So when we went rocking into the Goblin camp we have shown 0 mercy and are at times using terror tactics on the buggers. And then we get to the room with the goblin kids. General call was to just go Goblin Slayer on their little green butts. However the GM is stuck on whether or not the Paladin can take part, which he kind of wants to since his NPC sister also got badly burned and lost her house in the attack.
There is also the fact that there are no Goblins alive to take care of them and there an't none gunna come back cuz the huts are trapped. The our Oracle has been using the term Exterminatus.

Bjørn Røyrvik |
Probably, on occasion.
Depends on the setting. I'm not overly familiar with Golarion so I can't comment on Iomedae's doctrine or how goblins are treated in setting but given the circumstances and that even goblin children ping as evil, I would allow it in pretty much any other setting except Dragonstar (Principle of Active Morality and all that).
Paladins are holy warriors and killing evil is there whole purpose. If something pings as evil and there is no reason to believe it can be redeemed, it's fine for them to do their job. Killing innocents because they might do something bad later is a no no, obviously, but if something is evil enough to be noticed with Detect Evil it isn't innocent.

avr |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Detect evil usually only pings on evil creatures 5 HD+, or on clerics who follow an evil god, or on evil outsiders or undead. Your GM could be giving you a hint, they might not be familiar with detect evil or they could be trying to make the paladin fall with bad info; not enough data to tell.
Personally I'd call killing children evil, even children who have been raised to be evil themselves if they're not so old that changing that might be reasonably likely (CE goblin rogue 5 or CE goblin cleric of Lamashtu 1, not reasonably likely). There's a lot of varying opinions on any issue touching on alignment though.

Ryan Freire |
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Seriously, the player should talk with the gm. You'll get a lot of peoples personal takes on it but there are enough arguments in either direction that the only opinion that matters is the GM running for the paladin.
It is entirely reasonable in the years of training and religious observation that the paladin would quite simply know what the doctrine says about that situation. Paladins would have been in that situation at one point and either fallen or not, and you can bet that any organization devoted to serving the will of another being is going to examine situations where that beings displeasure shows up intently.
Ask for a knowledge religion roll to think of similar instances within the faith.

Bjørn Røyrvik |
People are products of environmental. Ship them off to sarenrae and feel better about not killing babies.
Heres a hint though. If you feel odd about it, a Champion of good should probably feel something too.
Good means do right by everyone.
You are assuming that goblins are people. If the GM has decided that they are always evil, no exceptions, then killing them out of hand is perfectly acceptable, even laudable.

SheepishEidolon |
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I'd go by Iomedae's paladin code:
When in doubt, I may force my enemies to surrender, but I am responsible for their lives.
I will be temperate in my actions and moderate in my behavior. I will strive to emulate Iomedae’s perfection.
Personal feelings about goblins shouldn't impact judgment, even if family was affected. That's part of being a paladin: You believe in something greater than your mortal instinct or emotions. Finally, it wasn't the kids who did all this. By RAW, goblins are not automatically evil:
Alignment and Religion: Goblins are greedy, capricious, and destructive by nature, and thus most are neutral or chaotic evil.
So for me the question would rather be: Can I allow my fellow adventurers to slaughter goblin kids?
Of course this is just one take on it.

zza ni |

if they pinged as evil in the evil-dar they might actuly already done evil stuff. in the goblin info i seem to recall that the babies are left to fend for themselves with little if any food and cannibalism is common. murder is evil, killing and eating someone is even more so. if they are kids and not babies i can see them being evil enough already to get the chop.

Meirril |
Just my neutral 2 cents, inaction on the part of the paladin is the same as participation. Allowing things to happen means your complicit in the action. If killing the goblin kids would cause the Paladin to fall, sitting idly by will also cause him to fall.
All in all though, the GM has had the goblins be enough of a bastard to excuse the Paladin for deciding the goblin tikes need to be put down. If the GM rules that is an evil act, well get an atonement and take it as on object lesson.
Or just be an ex-paladin.
BTW: As a GM I'd be more concerned about the traps. Leaving behind lethal traps in a ruin is a good way to kill something. Maybe innocent adventurers.

Kitty Catoblepas |
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The proper choice is to postpone adventuring and devote your lives to rearing the goblin children. You will need to establish a homestead away from Sandpoint and other settlements in case the goblins aren't able to overcome their early learnings and resort again to violence. You must raise them as your own, hoping that that they take any and all of your teachings to heart, bucking the norms of their society and becoming their own people. Perhaps learning individuality will help them understand that what their forefathers did was wrong and allow them to become members of civilized society. Once they're adults, you can perform summary execution on the lot of them; they reach adulthood at 13.
But seriously, you should ask the GM what the tone of the game is. Any GM who uses morality traps is just asking the campaign to get derailed, especially if the campaign expects the players to partake in genocide without batting an eye.

Quixote |
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Ah, yes. The moral conundrum underlying the little-discussed fact: people who get stabbed/stab others for a living aren't really all that "good" by real-life standards.
In 3rd, Good and Evil were not just different philosophies; they were real, quantifiable forces that governed the universe. I'm not sure how that got translated in Pathfinder, but some things are born evil. Are fundamentally evil. "Evil" is as much a part of them as their eyes, limbs, teeth and hair.
In one of my settings, orcs and goblins are Tolkienian; creatures warped by evil who only love war. They're not a people, they have no culture. They're a primal force, like mortal demons. Redemptionis impossible.
But in another, they're more akin to especially warlike tribes of people. They are strong and wild, but also noble and spiritually attuned, with traditions and goals outside of mindless bloodshed. Redemption is absolutely on the table.
As the others have said, you'll have to check in with the GM and make sure you're all on the same page. It doesn't sound like the paladin's god would be cool with it, but it really depends on whether the enemy is redeemable or not.
And yeah, allowing actions against your code to take place is just as bad as doing them yourself.
I'm not a fan of overtly grotesque, so-called "mature" content in games (you never know what sort of real-life trials your players have gone through), but I AM a big fan of this sort of temptation for a paladin. "These guys are evil. Oooh yeah, so evil. Want to smite them? You could. They deserve it. So bad. You should do it. DO IT." ...but you can't. There's no honor in butchery.

Alchemist 23 |

We think we found a work around. We're just going to lock the cages, then on our way out just toss them in bags and take them back to town. We figure we can just throw them at the church. They'll either become clergy or second class citizens, either way the wild goblins are taken care of. We already agreed we were going to take the Boss (You know the one) and their cohorts alive anyway so we have already borrowed the prison wagon.

Melkiador |

I don’t think you necessarily even have to take them to a church, though that might be the kinder option. Dropping them at any legitimate authority should be fine. If the city guard decides it would be better to kill them, then that’s their problem. And really who’s to say the local church won’t have an inquisitor who might want to kill them anyway.

Cavall |
Cavall wrote:You are assuming that goblins are people. If the GM has decided that they are always evil, no exceptions, then killing them out of hand is perfectly acceptable, even laudable.People are products of environmental. Ship them off to sarenrae and feel better about not killing babies.
Heres a hint though. If you feel odd about it, a Champion of good should probably feel something too.
Good means do right by everyone.
Are you saying that sentient beings that have tools, their own culture and songs and language arent people because they have different values?
That's barbaric.

VoodistMonk |

Cleanse them with fire.
The party in my Kingmaker campaign came across a Mite nursery after killing a
clan of Mites, and chose to adopt the babies rather than slaughter them. But they also befriended the Kobolds and the Spriggans and the Centaurs, so I can't say that it surprised me.
Honestly, though, the baby Goblins shouldn't have shown up on Detect Evil, so it seems like a trap. Either the GM doesn't know the rules of Detect Evil, or it's a setup to against the Paladin.

VoodistMonk |

One needs some degree of power to ping, as has been pointed out earlier.
The most evil of weaklings won't get much of a reaction.If those gobbo children ping, well, they're not actually kids. They're faking it, and hey : your paranoid paladin smelled it out before it became a problem.
I was thinking the same thing... either babies don't show up, or they aren't babies. Lol.

Yqatuba |

In cases like these, I'd say: if the creature in question isn't born evil (and goblins aren't, as they are a player race in 2e) I would think the paladin would instead take them to be raised by non-evil people or the like. If the creatures in question are born evil (e.g most evil outsiders, although most of them seem to be "born" as adults) I'd say it's ok to kill.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I guess the boards haven't been sustaining the requisite level of falling paladin threads. Has already been said, but goblin babies would not detect as evil unless they're really badass 5HD babies.
This is an old debate and it basically breaks down into two sides:
Side one says look, they have evil printed in their stat block. Pathfinder is a simplistic black and white world, so no problem, kill away. It's designed that way for guilt free fun (Just like Starwars).
Side two says the absolute morality of the alignment system is just a game mechanic conceit which we try to ignore and add shades of grey into the setting. So it comes down to which camp does your GM sit in.

Ryan Freire |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

In cases like these, I'd say: if the creature in question isn't born evil (and goblins aren't, as they are a player race in 2e) I would think the paladin would instead take them to be raised by non-evil people or the like. If the creatures in question are born evil (e.g most evil outsiders, although most of them seem to be "born" as adults) I'd say it's ok to kill.
2e goblins are an abomination and this is the 1e forum, where they need special gm permission to be played.

Greylurker |

Kind of depends on the setting.
If Goblins are evil as a product of their environment and culture then baby goblins might not be evil by default and could be raised to be productive if somewhat impulsive members of society.
on the other hand like in my homebrew setting Goblins could be a creation of the dark gods, meant to be easily replaced fodder for their armies against the light. Embodiments of Gluttony they can survive on little food but reproduce through over eating, growing pustules that drop off and grow into full goblins within a week, a handful of well fed goblins can quickly become a massive horde threatening everything in the area.
In my case Goblins are basically a Bio-weapon created by evil gods and a Paladin better have his stomping boots on.

Kimera757 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
We’re playing Rise of the Runelords, so minor spoilers I guess? If you seriously haven’t played that yet? Or like seen any P1 artwork.
Long story short, we’ve got a Paladin of Iomedae who is like the rest of the party, 110% DONE with goblins. The GM has been merciless with the bastards. We’ve seen them light old people on fire, they killed the kids who were chasing butterflies, and have majorly screwed up one of our parties NPC wifues. The Paladin even tried sparing some of them from the raid and they just ended up burning a farm and killing the family in ways I can’t discuss on this forum.
So when we went rocking into the Goblin camp we have shown 0 mercy and are at times using terror tactics on the buggers. And then we get to the room with the goblin kids. General call was to just go Goblin Slayer on their little green butts. However the GM is stuck on whether or not the Paladin can take part, which he kind of wants to since his NPC sister also got badly burned and lost her house in the attack.
There is also the fact that there are no Goblins alive to take care of them and there an't none gunna come back cuz the huts are trapped. The our Oracle has been using the term Exterminatus.
The paladin should fall if they participate or even allow Exterminatus. Honestly, the entire party sounds like they're evil.
Goblins aren't particularly educated, but they've survived generations dealing with stronger creatures. They're not suicidal. They would surrender before every last goblin gets killed, so there will still be some goblins alive to take care of the offspring, including at least one lactating female. (Circumstances where an entire city have fought to the death or committed suicide are vanishingly rare in history. I've only heard of that happening twice, to the same city. How was that culture transmitted?)
So shame on the party for not accepting their surrender (or shame on these goblins for being particularly stupid). Now the party are stuck with children. Killing children should be taboo. (For this reason I outright refuse to allow child adventurers. Children should not be put into such dangerous positions.)
Baby goblins aren't evil; that is a violation of common sense. Show me a statblock that says they are evil. There aren't even stats for humanoid babies. They certainly don't detect as evil (they are not clerics, are not supernatural, are not outsiders or undead, etc). I wonder if paladin smite-botting happens in campaigns that follow the rules (where 1st-level evil bartenders who water down drinks don't get smites).
Even though their parents are evil, those parents aren't around to raise them. Said goblins would probably end up as a kind of undercaste in the nearby (demi)human community (while the paladin shouldn't appreciate this, this is better than abandoning them to die). When those goblins grow up, other goblins are less likely to attack. (They probably won't even be able to talk to these "civilized" goblins as they would forget what little Goblin they learned.)

Nyerkh |

2e goblins are an abomination and this is the 1e forum, where they need special gm permission to be played.
Meh. Debatable. My only issue with goblin PCs as 2e presents them is that, by every right, they should be uncommon. It's what they're described as being, a marginal sliver of the overall population - short of certain specific places. And the traditional goblin way of life has always felt unnatural, in an interesting way, at least to me.
But that's another discussion entirely.Alignment auras have rules, and children should not have much in the way of said auras. Even goblin, orc or drow youths, no more so than a chelish kid or whatever other evil culture/race.
If they do, shenanigans are involved.

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Yqatuba |

Yqatuba wrote:In cases like these, I'd say: if the creature in question isn't born evil (and goblins aren't, as they are a player race in 2e) I would think the paladin would instead take them to be raised by non-evil people or the like. If the creatures in question are born evil (e.g most evil outsiders, although most of them seem to be "born" as adults) I'd say it's ok to kill.2e goblins are an abomination and this is the 1e forum, where they need special gm permission to be played.
Fine, but I doubt any humanoid race is born evil. I've always thought the only creatures that are born evil are evil outsiders, undead (which aren't actually "born", but you get what I mean) and maybe some aberrations (I think James Jacobs said things like love and compassion are completely alien to the algollthuh (aboleths and their kin), so it's hard to see how they could not be evil.)

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Ryan Freire wrote:2e goblins are an abomination and this is the 1e forum, where they need special gm permission to be played.Meh. Debatable. My only issue with goblin PCs as 2e presents them is that, by every right, they should be uncommon. It's what they're described as being, a marginal sliver of the overall population - short of certain specific places. And the traditional goblin way of life has always felt unnatural, in an interesting way, at least to me.
But that's another discussion entirely.Alignment auras have rules, and children should not have much in the way of said auras. Even goblin, orc or drow youths, no more so than a chelish kid or whatever other evil culture/race.
If they do, shenanigans are involved.
and with all rules there are exceptions even to these...
What if the gobbo kids actually HAVE 5 levels in assassin (or something) or are a 1st level (or higher) Cleric (or other class that gives an alignment aura) of an evil diety or ... heck something else equally weird?
I don't know, I am neither the GM nor a player in that game and I only have a few lines from a post in a chat board with which to judge it... and I have been playing this game enough to know that it could be anything from a rule mistake (from a timed overworked GM, "oops! my bad, sorry - moving on now"), to a incredibly intricate plot hook for an over-arching Universe SHATTERING HIDDEN STORY ELEMENT... or anything in between. Or even possibly all of the above.
My advice to the Paladin Player? Ask the GM for input. Should it be a "Soul-Searching Moral Dilemma" RP moment for the Paladin? then play it up big with much hair pulling and wailing of the "injustice of it all"! If not, then move on. Maybe drop 1K gp to pick up a Phylactery of Faithfulness next time you get a chance...

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When presented with this type of dilemma in the story line of a game I am running, I try to remove or mitigate it so as to spare myself and my players a bit of discomfort. Some things I have done in the past to "fix" this.
1) "Biology Fix" - Stealing a page from an old world setting named Harn I often use their Gargun ((they are a created race, brought about by a bad ass evil mage type for use as mooks. Essentially, they breed like ants or termites, with a Gargun nest having single fertile king and queen. Their "spawn" or larva are dangerous worm like creatures that dwell in a compost pit and will eat anything organic they can reach). Or something like that... (Broo from the RQ setting - to nasty to even discuss).
2) "Jonestown Massacre/Masada" - when presented with the possibility that the spawn/non-combatants will be captured, the "elite guard" ensures that everyone... isn't captured alive. Which makes the BBE even more evil.
(sorta - there is that one scene in 13th Warrior...before the final battle, Weilew brings a wrapped bundle to Olga, waiting in the cellar of the Great Hall, with the village's children and says:
Queen Weilew: When the time comes...
[She unwraps the bundle to reveal a set of daggers. Olga takes the bundle and hastily covers it again]
Queen Weilew: *Don't* let them be taken!
-- Queen Weilew

Bjørn Røyrvik |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:Cavall wrote:You are assuming that goblins are people. If the GM has decided that they are always evil, no exceptions, then killing them out of hand is perfectly acceptable, even laudable.People are products of environmental. Ship them off to sarenrae and feel better about not killing babies.
Heres a hint though. If you feel odd about it, a Champion of good should probably feel something too.
Good means do right by everyone.
Are you saying that sentient beings that have tools, their own culture and songs and language arent people because they have different values?
That depends on your definition of 'people'. In an case, that's not the point of this discussion, and bringing that in just distracts from the issue at hand.
If the GM has determined that goblins are always evil no exceptions, they are always evil no exceptions and killing them is a good act.
Sentience, culture and tool-use is irrelevant. If all their values are evil values then killing them is pretty much by D&Definition a good act.
If that is what the OP's GM was going for, and having kids ping as evil really indicates that, then killing goblin kids is fine. Killing all goblins is fine. At the very least, killing these goblins is fine.
People don't seem to have this problem with demons. Say every demon is evil and there's no problem with killing them. Say every goblin is and you have people screaming at the top of their lungs that this is horrible.

Ryan Freire |

Cavall wrote:Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:Cavall wrote:You are assuming that goblins are people. If the GM has decided that they are always evil, no exceptions, then killing them out of hand is perfectly acceptable, even laudable.People are products of environmental. Ship them off to sarenrae and feel better about not killing babies.
Heres a hint though. If you feel odd about it, a Champion of good should probably feel something too.
Good means do right by everyone.
Are you saying that sentient beings that have tools, their own culture and songs and language arent people because they have different values?
That depends on your definition of 'people'. You're clouding the issue, because that isn't what I was talking about nor what the OP was.
If the GM has determined that goblins are always evil no exceptions, they are always evil no exceptions and killing them is a good act.
Sentience, culture and tool-use is irrelevant. If all their values are evil values then killing them is pretty much by D&Definition a good act.
If that is what the OP's GM was going for, and having kids ping as evil really indicates that, then killing goblin kids is fine. Killing all goblins is fine. At the very least, killing these goblins is fine.People don't seem to have this problem with demons. Say every demon is evil and there's no problem with killing them. Say every goblin is and you have people screaming at the top of their lungs that this is horrible.
Actually say every demon is evil and they'll trot out a spoiler from an adventure path, and then another module and nocticula the redeemed, never minding the direct divine intervention in basically all of these examples.

Scavion |

Creatures with actively evil intents count as evil creatures for the purpose of this spell.
So the goblins likely were plotting to murder them!
Actually say every demon is evil and they'll trot out a spoiler from an adventure path, and then another module and nocticula the redeemed, never minding the direct divine intervention in basically all of these examples.
It still annoys me. Outsiders being literally made up of a concept of evil being redeemed is dumb.

blahpers |

Detect Evil wrote:
Creatures with actively evil intents count as evil creatures for the purpose of this spell.So the goblins likely were plotting to murder them!
Ryan Freire wrote:It still annoys me. Outsiders being literally made up of a concept of evil being redeemed is dumb.
Actually say every demon is evil and they'll trot out a spoiler from an adventure path, and then another module and nocticula the redeemed, never minding the direct divine intervention in basically all of these examples.
*shrug* I find the concept of evil having metaphysical properties wholly separate from either the intent or practice of sentient beings to be actively harmful to the gaming community, and I find Paizo's furtherance of this scheme in their settings to be their greatest creative and ethical failure. Fortunately, given enough likeminded players, we can all play how we want.

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I think as Pathfinder and Paizo evolved, they decided they wanted to move away from the moral absolutes of the alignment system they inherited from D&D and to make things more nuanced.
Just look at the goblins in question. They went from psychotic monsters to be exterminated on sight in their first AP to player characters in their new game.

Scavion |

I think as Pathfinder and Paizo evolved, they decided they wanted to move away from the moral absolutes of the alignment system they inherited from D&D and to make things more nuanced.
Just look at the goblins in question. They went from psychotic monsters to be exterminated on sight in their first AP to player characters in their new game.
I think that's less "progressiveness" and more Goblins are a very visible mascot race that separates Pathfinder from other TTRPGs. So it makes sense from a marketing standpoint to get people on board seeing them as more than evil gremlins.

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Just to note that by default the goblin baby cage room is currently empty but it has note for "If you want to have moral questions, add baby goblins" :p
Anyway, I find it kinda questionable yer gm had baby goblins ping as evil unless they were like fighter 5 baby goblins :p
Also just to note, 1e goblins aren't inherently evil, there is LN goblin as early as in Council of Thieves
Only thing that is fundamentally different in 2e non evil goblin portrayal vs 1e non evil goblin portrayal that 1e non evil goblins tends to be non evil because they are incredibly dumb or have latched onto idea that they really follow(such as the LN goblin who really thinks they are a hellknight despite being just goblin in fullplate hellknights use as sewer scout). Though I agree that orcs should have gotten core book treatment rather than goblins, goblins as written in 2e feel like they should be uncommon because apparently Varisian style goblins are still majority of them(even if in isger they tend to be milder mannered)

Ryan Freire |

Just to note that by default the goblin baby cage room is currently empty but it has note for "If you want to have moral questions, add baby goblins" :p
Anyway, I find it kinda questionable yer gm had baby goblins ping as evil unless they were like fighter 5 baby goblins :p
Also just to note, 1e goblins aren't inherently evil, there is LN goblin as early as in Council of Thieves
Only thing that is fundamentally different in 2e non evil goblin portrayal vs 1e non evil goblin portrayal that 1e non evil goblins tends to be non evil because they are incredibly dumb or have latched onto idea that they really follow(such as the LN goblin who really thinks they are a hellknight despite being just goblin in fullplate hellknights use as sewer scout). Though I agree that orcs should have gotten core book treatment rather than goblins, goblins as written in 2e feel like they should be uncommon because apparently Varisian style goblins are still majority of them(even if in isger they tend to be milder mannered)
Orcs or hobgoblins, although i'd lean toward hobgoblins given the way ironfang invasion shakes out canonically. the orc nation is crumbling, disorganized and as a race other than the one chieftan they're not big into diplomatic interaction with other peoples.
Shouldabeen hobgoblin.