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arrows, backpack, blanket, bedroll, belt pouch, flint&steel, sawback + kunai, silk rope (cost 10 gp), soap, wet-stone, water-skin (more then one, unless you got some1 casting create water), caltrops(cold iron), torches, chalk, acid flasks (cost 10 gp each. for them swarms), mirror,trail rations,
other stuff from this list that you like.

a mule\donkey (they will go into dungeons and are more stable then horses, also cost a lo less). make sure to also get saddle and feed for it.

this is obviously a mistake and they should use 'turn'.
if they meant it as the full 6 sec 'round' then the last part in the 5 ft step the op copied would mean one can take 5 ft step after his 'turn' in another person's 'turn' while on the same 'round':

"You can take a 5-foot step before, during, or after your other actions in the round."

remember it's not even an action!
talking is a free action one can use even out of 'turn', if 5 ft step isn't even an action and can be used after your actions but in the same 'round' (and not 'turn') one would be able to use it anytime he want's in that 'round' even on some1 else's 'turn'.


I think it's a carry over form 3.5 that never got patched:
from page 144 of the 3.5 player's handbook:
"You can move 5 feet in any round when you don’t perform any other
kind of movement. Taking this 5-foot step never provokes an attack
of opportunity. You can’t take more than one 5-foot step in a round,
and you can’t take a 5-foot step in the same round when you move
any distance.
You can take a 5-foot step before, during, or after your other actions in the round."

right, that was a house rule from my gm I have adopted and forgot it was one. Where you could 'save' your swift action for an immediate action before your next turn without taking the next turn's swift action. kinda like a ready action taking this turns action not the next.

the start of your turn reset all your actions. (move, standard and swift if you didn't use a swift action in your last turn and an immediate action between turns).

so in case #1 once your turn start you gain all action uses including your movement or the option to take a 5 ft step. using an immediate action before your turn doesn't prevent you from taking a move action or 5 ft step once your turn start. (it does prevent you from taking a swift action, depending if you used a swift action in your previous round or not). the immediate action in fact is accounted for your previous turn (if any) and has no movement restriction on your actions in your new turn.

to prevent you from taking a 5 ft step in your next turn, the ability need to specifically call it out to be prevented (for example see the step up feat).

in case #2 you take the immediate action in the enemy's turn, after yours was done. so again not part of your turn's movent and has nothing to do with that turn's 5ft step -and thus you may use it.(the same for that matter with the step up feat mention above)


the only time this action would hamper your 5 ft step is if on your turn you provoke an attack of opportunity (not for moving. say from ranging in melee) and use the immediate action to move with Dodging Panache during your own turn actions. this movent will prevent you from then taking a 5 ft step until your next turn.

ok lets get some rules figured out.

general rule is for all cases not specifically calls out an exception. it effect all things under it's rule unless called out otherwise.

specific rule is an exception to the general rule and can only effect itself. one can not use a specific exception to set the rules to other unrelated to it. it is not a general rule.

back to us:

the general rule for outsiders call out general outsiders traits among them the proficiency in all martial and simple weapons. same general rule also say that should a specific creature entry say otherwise it trump what the general trait say.

the specific of each 'planetouched'(a non pathfinder name but meh) creature rules for player playing them include some of these traits, but removed the proficiency in all martial weapon proficiency etc. so they don't get it.

the fact a specific monster entry (Undine) include what seem to be a proficiency in trident, said monster is not player approved and is set as a monster for gm use. as such it should NOT have any effect on the rules for player played Undine. Hack at the same link bellow are the character Undine traits and again no proficiency in martial weapons is mentioned.

why does the gm monster has such proficiency?
GM fiat exception? favored god weapon? it doesn't matter! it is NOT there as a player character and as such has no effect on the rules for one. trying to apply the rules from it is the same as asking why doesn't all Undine character have a free cleric level.

I marked in bold more then one line in my answer. make sure you read the first one before asking 'why not'.

here it is AGAIN:
"unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry"

the auto proficiency or any other trait the outsider get in the GENERAL outsider type info depend on that the SPECIFIC creature of said type doesn't note a difference. and in plaintouched (as i pointed out with the Oread) it DOES. it call out SOME traits that outsiders get (like 60 darkvision) while removing others (like the proficiency) hence anyone who want to use the traits in the type to claim they SHOULD get the proficiency need to comply with the entire text they use -not just the pretty shinny bit they like.

and the entire text include the part that say that if the creature specifically change anything from the general type traits then that is what he actually get and not what the type say!

yes and No. for normal player option races it's no.
And reason is, if you read the outsider type info in the beastry it say:
"An outsider possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).

- Darkvision 60 feet.
- Unlike most living creatures, an outsider does not have a dual nature—its soul and body form one unit. When an outsider is slain, no soul is set loose. Spells that restore souls to their bodies, such as raise dead, reincarnate, and resurrection, don’t work on an outsider. It takes a different magical effect, such as limited wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection to restore it to life. An outsider with the native subtype can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living creatures can be.
- Proficient with all simple and martial weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry.
- Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Outsiders not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Outsiders are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of armor.

for a player's race the creature entry is the one that explain what you get as playing these races.take for example the info for Oread character (from the beastry's section about oread, scroll down to the end at'Oread Characters').
In there some of the above is written (like the 60 ft darkvision) and some are not. and the GENERAL rule of the outsider's traits say that you go by the specific info if it's say differently. the info for player character races doesn't include proficiency in all of them weapons so it doesn't gain them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

you have a NE boss that leave a lot of corpses around?

I would team him up with 1 (or more) Orphene(s). NE fey that has command undead at will and 1/day animate dead (caster level 6), as well as a Desecrating Aura which boost the undead made.

All them dead bodies littering the place around can be used for something other then props!

With command undead at will at caster level 6 this fey can command unintelligent undead with no save, and each use of his sla last 6 days!
Give him enough time (or teammates) and he can animate every corpse in the area and control it (dogs and horses as well as birds. don't limit the undead to just the humanoids).

(voice drifting down the hill)
"come play with us!"

Goz mask + saltspray ring. (some races, spells and abilities can replace the goz mask)
And stay 10 ft away at least (which you probably already doing since you are ranging)

you're welcome.

If you are going slayer and don't mind loosing the studied target ability for a cool factor with good defensive and utility abilities then I would suggest to go with an Ankou's Shadow. by level 5 you can have 2 mirror images constantly following you (until destroyed\discharged but can be recalled) and since it's level 5 they can also aid another (in combat, doesn't seem to be for skills, not at this level) and give flanking.

the Cool factor is that you can almost always appear to leave after images and make anyone nervous by not knowing which one of the triplets the real you is.

Diego Rossi wrote:
Ju-Mo. wrote:

Ever had a swarm with levels in rouge or monk?

You know the one you can only DMG with AoE spells which are mostly Ref Saves? And giving them Evasion, so that they are nearly invulnerable.
Like a Bat swarm (CR 2) with 2 levels in rouge.
+3 to Ref from the class +2 from Dex (+4 Dex for class adjustment) and evasion.
Thats a "CR 3" creature with a +12 Ref, evasion and swarm abilites.
And I bet a lot, that most level 2/3 partys would die against this monster.

Thanks. I just envisioned what power a vampire with the ability to turn into a bat swarm and two levels as a rogue would have.


that's already an option with this feat

that would not be a CR 33 monster but a cr 43 monster.
the rules for adding classes to monster say that if the class fit the monster 'style' it add it's full level to the cr, if not it add half. so an arcane spell casting, half bab, monster who gain fighter levels get half the class level to it's cr, while if it gained wizard class levels it would gain the full levels to it's cr.

a Solar a a full hd\bab with divine spells (and detect evil etc) is pretty much a 'monster' paladin so adding more paladin levels to it should add the full paladin levels to the cr.

distance perception penalties in pathfinder is wunki at best.
you get -1 penalty for perception for each 10 ft to the target (a rule which i have not seen anyone actually use). so that is -80 to perception at 800 ft range. pretty sure not a lot could tell the difference if they are both wearing similar clothes and fighting.

but then again following these rules by the letter mean one can't see the sun or moon at all (as penalties for stealth for size cap at colossal and the stacking penalties for the opposed perception to notice it do no cap)

Diego Rossi wrote:
Benefit: While in a tavern or other drinking establishment,

It only works in taverns or drinking establishments.

Great at the Oktoberfest, useless in a street filled with angry people.

Read the 'special' part at bottom (which led to my 2nd question in my 1st post) - can be used on a large group if suppling the booze even outside a bar.

about stacking, does anything (other then time\resources etc) prevents taking 10 more minutes, in case of starting with unfriendly, to get them bar into friendly mood?

That's because usually such effects state the target 'die' without explaining\care for how much damage it took (if any), and breath of life return one to life by fixing the damage (so with no damage value to fix it's ineffective).
As such while not as 'per written' it's reasonable to allow it to fix death caused by damaged caused by a death effect.

I will nitpick that the spell is not capped at 200 as Diego wrote, if your effective caster level is above 20 the damage can go higher then 200.

So I have read this feat a long time ago, but stumbled into it again today while looking for something else and I noticed important things that seem to make it a lot more stronger then I initially thought.

reading thig feat effect (and the fact that one can use it even outside taverns if he supply booze worth at least 5 gp) it seem that the attitude shift is:

1.An auto success not requiring a skill check (which if using diplomacy would have been at dc 20+targets cha for unfriendly).
2. As a follow up since it is not the result of the diplomacy skill check it can stack with it. (the diplomacy check to change an attitude cannot shift the target more then 2 stages using it alone).

this mean that targeting an unfriendly group, even outside a tavern buy spending 5 gp, will move them into indifferent which can then be further improved up to helpful with a high enough followed diplomacy check.

so as long as the targets are not straight up hostile and you have 11 minutes to sing, one can move them into indifferent or even better with ease.

any thoughts?

also how many is 'a large crowd of people' in your mind? (or more importantly how few are still a large group so this can work on them?)


Suddenly anyone can pull a Cuben Pete


Drunekn Sing-along:
Drunken Sing-Along
Source Inner Sea Taverns pg. 59
With a raised tankard and catchy tune, you can get large groups of people on your side.

Prerequisites: Diplomacy 1 rank, Performance (sing) 1 rank.

Benefit: While in a tavern or other drinking establishment, you can change the attitude of the patrons from unfriendly to indifferent or from indifferent to friendly by spending 10 minutes engaging in a group sing-along. For the following 24 hours, your attempts to gather information in that tavern take only 2d6 minutes if the patrons are indifferent or 1d4 minutes if the patrons are friendly. You must be able to speak the same language as the majority of the patrons to use this feat.

Special: You can use this feat with a large crowd of people outside of a tavern if you supply at least 5 gp worth of alcohol to the group.

A bard getting countersong with ready action? anyone hearing can use his skill check as a save. and that (especially at higher levels with all the added bonuses one can pile on skill checks) can be set to be so high no dc can ever hope to reach.

I find countersong to be one of the least used abilities of the core bard, about time it got used for a something. I considered even to homebrow a feat to let a bard start it as an immediate action just to make it more usable.

heck at high enough level a bard can have up to 3 performances running at once, so he can have one of them to be countersong for the whole fight, no need to ready. (shadow bard and that spell\feat that let him run a 2nd performance, don't remember atm how it's called).


Another rarely used basic function is to counterspell against the banshee wail.

Then there is the silence spell that can be used ether on the party as protective or on the caster (or on an item near him, like one a close melee wear) to shutdown all his verbale depended spells. (in some ap I had casters royaly screwed by this as ALL of their spells were verbal)

the only offensive spell wand I tend to go with is Ill omen or stuff with no save (or no save without interaction, like illusions).
Even then it's for the help to wield. the main character has better things to use his action on.

and the needed spell is an empowered acid arrow. which is a (bumped up)4th level spell. you can't cast it at 3rd level.

the words you posted:
" but never lower than the minimum level needed to cast the needed spell."
to cast an empowered acid arrow spell the minimum caster level is 7th. (reminder that one can't use his class\trait abilities to lower the metamagic level when crafting)

just make sure your archer can deal with the other two common arrows shutdowns (beside deflecting\cut from air) - wind wall and a fighter who move and ready his tower shield once you start shooting.

Pizza Lord wrote:


It would be (spell level 4 x caster level 3 x 750 gp) or 9,000 gp for as empowered wand of acid arrow (CL 3)....

Small nitpick, if the spell level is increased, in this case to 4th, the caster level must be one able to cast the same spell level

- 4th level spell - 7th caster level in this case (assuming wizard spell progression, sorcerers or others might have higher caster levels for 4th level spells).

so the minimum wand cost in that case would have been 750x4(spell level)x7(caster level) = 21,000 gp.

wand base costs is at (750 gp)x(caster level)x(spell level) with a max of 4th spell level (higher and you need a staff).
figure out the final spell level after the metamagic (with no trait\ability to reduce spell level etc) and decide on the caster level (must at least use minimum caster level for such a spell level) and fill the formula above.

for example, if it end as a 4th level spell and you want to use a 20 caster level (also make sure you have a caster with enough levels) then it would cost 750x20x4 = 60,000 gp base cost (that is to buy it, half for crafting costs).

remember to add any costly material (at 50 times for each charge)

for some reason the image was only temporarily set.
here is a link that should stay longer

where else would one get one's catgirl?

and no, catlfolk girl =\= catgirl

As a made up race you won't find any race feats for it so you have to adjust other race feats to fit it.

While a limited wish is as mentioned overpowered and have a high material cost, you might want to consider taking the extra specific feat race build option (it cost less then the free extra feat, since it's a fixed feat) and give the race a re-flavored gifts from the sea feat. (keep the rule text, but change the requirement to this race and remove the sea flavor). this is a watered down 1st level version for a wish, but can get the lure part done. call it 'gift from X' (nature or whatever was supposed to give the wish to your race in the first part)

5. holy water effect incorporeal undead (or other incorporeal creatures that are effected by holy water) at 100%.
The part about holy water is separated from the rest and as each part before took the time to explain if it effect at full or part. since all that is said is "Although it is not a magical attack, holy water can affect incorporeal undead" without calling out any reduced effect, it mean it's effect is not reduced.

Same for channel energy.

As a side note, in my games this extend into ANY positive energy meant to deal damage to undead. So cure light wounds or disrupt undead gain the same benefit of 100% damage and no miss chance vs incorporeal undead. since it seem like a theme and I like to have a general rule instead of an expectation to each case. (I don't like saying 'positive energy in a vail of water or from a holy symbol works, but the one from a ray made with a spell doesn't, just because it wasn't mentioned')

As I said, by your own account it still has the rule that when you lose dex bonus you lose the cha bonus.
This is not spelled out to say only in cases when you lose ALL of the dex bonus you will lose ALL the cha bonus, so any effect that make you lose any dex bonus will make the same cha bonus lost. so armor max dex still is in effect.

The fact it is spelled out to do so in another ability that resemble it doesn't mean it has to be spelled out here too, the rule already cover it as is.

if 'conditions that make you loose dex to ac still apply' then this includes conditions that make you loose part of the dex. such as armor max dex. the fact you don't loose all of your dex is that it depend on the armor you use. if some armor would say '0 dex to armor' it would be easy to apply. the fact each armor have a different score to max out doesn't change the fact that if you have more dex you loose some dex bonus.

Testing that the knowledge and ability of a wizard is his alone goes against wizardly tradition, the very basic and honorable way wizards conducted themselves for years (ever since 1st edition).

As the creator of 'Mathmagician' put it back then:
"To copy from another wizard's spell book is plagiarism, to kill him for it is research!"

no, if you lower him one space down he can use any of his corners from which a straight line to any of the target's corners will not pass through any wall but hit the target corner BEFORE it reach the wall. (he attack from and to a space before ether wall start so his line doesn't cross it)

same for melee. all his corners only need to reach the corners of the target that are facing him (not the ones behind. remember melee goes by "to the target’s square" in melee as opposed to "to any corner of the target’s square" in ranged) still no wall in the way.


it's easier to think of if you look at each space border as thicker inwards, with attacks lined from his border's corner. since every one attack from inside his space's reach, not outside it. and if there is a wall in the same lane that wall exist to the full range of it's spaces, but the wall does not extend to the space beyond it.

like this image:
pink and yellow can't reach each other's top right corner without going through a wall border.
But green and yellow can to each other.
-with pink actually functioning the same as the wall here, as people -other then one self, can give cover to each other. but as pink's (and the wall's) space end before the next space down starts, he doesn't provide cover in the case of green to yellow.

Taja the Barbarian wrote:
Diego Rossi wrote:
zza ni wrote:

top-right, the lower left is targetable from the attacker lower left corner.

(or did you mean the attacker lower left goes through the wall to get to the target's top right?) we're dealing with ranged cover so the best corner the attacker can pick to attack from is his lower left.

anyway, in this case they BOTH have ranged AND melee cover from each other. both have a top right corner which has cover from all the other's coroners, neither can reach said corner of the other without going through the wall's border and corner.

The LOS e LOE runs along a blocked border. It there is a wall on the border, the border is blocked.

So fighting in a 5' wide corridor gives cover to everyone???

I have to read this as 'through' a border not being the same as 'along' a border.

no. not unless you are in the same space as the wall. I mentioned above that :

"since the attacker's space and the wall's space stop at the same line, his corner will go through the wall's corner"
you are not in the same lane as the walls in a 5 ft corridor, they do not block you. but in the case above your space end in the same lane as the wall, you attack FROM inside your space (the corner of it) and as such you must o through the inside part of the all to reach the far corner of the target. (I made the picture so it would be easy to tell, did you bother looking?)

it seem like that for melee with reach they took PART of the words from the ranged cover. they let him decide which corner to check from like the ranged cover rules, but they kept his melee rule of only needing to reach the targets square, and not all of it's corners. ("to the target’s square" in melee as opposed to "to any corner of the target’s square" in ranged)

the ogere's top left corner can reach the two facing corners of the rouge to his left and as such she doesn't get cover from his melee+reach attack.

Cover in melee has the penalty of having to use all your corners, but the benefit of only aiming at the part of space closer to him without need to reach all the far away corners. melee with reach can pick his attacking corner AND only need to reach the facing corners. Cover in ranged can pick his attacking corner but must be able to target all the enemy's corners (or all the corners of 5 ft of him if larger)

top-right, the lower left is targetable from the attacker lower left corner.
(or did you mean the attacker lower left goes through the wall to get to the target's top right?) we're dealing with ranged cover so the best corner the attacker can pick to attack from is his lower left.

anyway, in this case they BOTH have ranged AND melee cover from each other. both have a top right corner which has cover from all the other's coroners, neither can reach said corner of the other without going through the wall's border and corner.

in this case I would give the target cover from ranged attacks of the attacker.
You can't see it in the op example, since it's using the text base picture, but if you use a grid map you can see that to get to the right top corner of the target (the one in the corner of the two 'W' spaces) the attacker must go through the wall's coroners and border.
Using the text to make a picture leave a gap but the target should be seen as touching the walls and that corner is thus covered by them from the attacker's corners (since the attacker's space and the wall's space stop at the same line, his corner will go through the wall's corner).

picture for reference

for extra reach when needed I always recommend a swordmaster's flair: blue scarf. more so if you have panache or grit to fuel it to more then one minute per day. (and it was FaQed to count as a free hand for stuff)

back in older edition when you could lose a level you would have lost the level you gained last (and die if you reach level 0 somehow).

how to deal with it in pathfinder, I can see two things related to it:

this tirual send some1 back to 1st level to start over by removing his memory, sound like what the Fool card do but on a higher level, so you can use it as guidance for only one level.

another option that I can think about is that losing a level can also literally mean you now have a negative level (not in game terms but as in what it logically sound like), so if you don't use the solution above you can give the target a negative level that doesn't go off (even with spells) until he gain enough xp to be back on his level.
-say he lost 10k xp and now just under 2k xp from the minimum for his current level. I would give him a semi-permanent negative level until he gain 2k more xp.

The way to not have leadership get out of hand is simple - keep it up with the rules.

(do note, simple doesn't also automatically mean easy)

the cohort and followers in the feat are specifically called out to be NPC as in NON Player character.

the players can have a say in the orders he issues, and as to what kind of cohort he look for and accept, they should NOT have a say in their build\use of wealth and decisions IF to follow their orders. they can try and influence those but only in game and the final say should be up to the GM (via the Npc).

It's when a GM give up his control over these things that the leadership feat tend to get out of hand.

A player should be able to say what he looks for in his followers\cohort, for example if he looks for for a healer, mounted archer or spell caster etc followers\cohort. Then the GM should have applicants come over to offer their services (or better have the player in game try and talk to NPC that he meet to see if they would become his followers\cohort). But how the NPC decide to allocate their resources (this include attribute, feats and wealth) should not be in the player's hand (unless they contribute to that in game - give items, convince and teach the npc specific things etc).
The more specific the player is in what he look for in his followers\cohort the more effort he would have to make into finding such help. An archer follower is easier to find then say a gold dragon with the tulpa template who is also a proficient in magical item crafting. a player who look for the first should have an easier time finding one (more so if he doesn't care for race\age\gender) then if he seek the later.( the game world might not even have a gold dragon with such statistics)

I beg to differe, the feat name is Whirlwind attack, not Whirlwind attacks.

Let's face it, if the feat's text stopped after saying "instead make one melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach" you wouldn't even ask about using more then one weapon.

Then it continued to explain that each enemy get his own attack roll -notice that it didn't say you make a separate attack against each enemy but an attack roll, to me this come to explain how the rules manage this one attack. If it was a separate attack against each enemy the word roll is unnecessary, it should have just said:
"You must make a separate attack against each opponent.".
Forcefully adding the word 'roll' mean the attack is one, the rolls are many.

the feat is separated into 3 segments:
1: the action it take is a full round action.
2: you give up all attacks for one attack against all enemies in reach.
3: to see who is hit with this one attack you roll separately for each enemy.

yea, I have to say, if casters can get away with it, a character that is built on hitting with his bow and his ability also say that it ignore cover and concealment, should get no less.

the feat say:
When you use the full-attack action, you can give up your regular attacks and instead make one melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. You must make a separate attack roll against each opponent.

it is clear that you do not get any iterative attacks. you gave them ALL up. you get to make one attack, which is rolled separately vs each enemy in reach.

it's one AOE attack.

Sphynx wrote:
"Loose objects" is never used to describe entities, only inanimate items not in the possession of others. ...

Yet the spell goes on to include 3 things in this 'loose items' list, 2\3 of those oppose your statement. The animated objects (which are creatures) and a creature wearing an armor, both of which are not inanimate objects (the first) nor an object not in possession of others (the armor).

So while you claim that this was never before used to describe such things, this spell specifically take trouble to add just that! (AND STILL make sure to exclude the words metal\stone, when referring to the loose items)

For which I say again. the loose item include everything it have when counting it's weight, even non meta\stone parts.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

This spell creates waves of invisible energy that roll forth from you. All metal or stone objects in the path of the spell are pushed away from you to the limit of the range. Fixed metal or stone objects larger than 3 inches in diameter and loose objects weighing more than 500 pounds are not affected. Anything else, including animated objects, small boulders, and creatures in metal armor, moves back. Fixed objects 3 inches in diameter or smaller bend or break, and the pieces move with the wave of energy. Objects affected by the spell are repelled at the rate of 40 feet per round.

The 500 pound limit is for lose objects. A creature in metal armor is not a lose object. RAW the spell moves back a creature in metal armor regardless of the weight. The GM is of course free to rule otherwise but at that point it is a house rule.

It doesn't say "loose Metal or stone objects..." it say "loose objects..." (compare to the first item on the list "Fixed metal or stone objects...")

The way I see it you first consider what might be effected by these spells -as in made out of metal for the metal spell, wood for wood etc. , then calculate the whole item's weight and see if it's effected or not.
If it happen to be attached to a 5 ton creature then the item's full weight is more then enough to keep it in place. It's not just the metal parts rather it's it full weight, non metal\stone parts (such as creatures) included.

a somewhat reflection to the prestige class can be found in the Eldritch scoundrel rouge aretype. it goes all the way to level 20, get less sneak attacks but keep his caster level.

if your'e not locked down on spell casting a reasonable replacement that I like for a 'magic powered' themed rouge is the Sylvan trickster. Getting hexs (and later on major and grand hex) without giving up sneak attack is a great power.

"Large or larger creatures using reach weapons can strike up to double their natural reach but can’t strike at their natural reach or less."

from the combat section about smaller and bigger creatures.
so if he has 10 ft nat reach and using a reach weapon sized for him, he would have a reach of up to 20. if he has 15 it's 30 etc.

(note the rule about not being able to strike closer is for striking with the reach weapon, and that should also only be with reach weapons that are unable to hit closer, so stuff like whips should work as usual)

this guy claim that the rules for towers are in a booklet added to the deluxe Harrow deck. do you still have it?

I don't own that but the pathfinder wiki has a section to explain a bit about the game.

After a bit more googling I found this review that include the rules for the towers game, I don't know if it's all of them though. Another thread in that forum suggest that there are more rules then what the review list. (also that if one can't finish up ALL the towers fleeing at the start would be the best option. If that is true I would add the rule that anyone who finish a tower can add that tower's cards to any player's penalty cash, divided as he see fit)

oh you mean the altered old prestige classes.

since AON is rule-bound to be the officially Paizo rule site they had to replace the old prestige classes with the new version.

you can still find the old requirements on d20pfsrd if you look.
if they only changed the requirements both old and new are on the same page (for example evangelist). in case the class abilities were changed they have a separate page for each version.

I was really down when my souldrinker got the nerf.(on d20pfsrd it's called souleater for trade name reasons)

Just remember that d20pfsrd automatically dump any specific requirement for a named deity follower (sometimes completely sometimes they alter it as they see fit)

You need to look in the prestige classes section.




Do note, there are more prestige classes like these for specific pantheons (devil based, horsemen, demon lord, celestial lords, first world deities etc).
Make a search and mark in the 'prestige classes' for the word "Obedience" (there are different feats for different 'religions') and you should find them all.
- Crimson Templar, Demoniac, Diabolist, Evangelist, Exalted, Feysworn, Mystery Cultist, Proctor, Sentinel and Souldrinker.

Azothath wrote:

just ignore the irrational rants

BTW- wizard is a more powerful caster without spell list issues, join the complaint line behind Alchemist and Investigator...

Me: "The balance of casters vs warriors is bad enough. At least the wizard can't cast all them highly destructive and controlling spells while wearing a full plate, leaving something for the poor fighters."

Psychic: "well..."

Sure some spells are out of the psychic spell list. but let's not kid ourselves over what he still have. and the payoff for being able to do so? not merely balanced enough!.
As you noted a wizard is hardly balanced compared to other classes, to give a class the major ability of wizards AND remove one of it more common limiters? sure is NOT balanced

the monk was for the ac AND flurry, you want to increase your dps somewhat after all the nerfing you get from using a one handed weapon and delaying your precise damage, and it give 2 feats you need for crane style chain for free.

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