2nd Edition Guide to the Guides!


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Shadow Lodge

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2nd Edition Guide to the Guides

Hello All!

I've started the Guide to the Guides for 2nd edition! This will be just like the Pathfinder 1st Edition Guide to the Guides but for 2e.

If you know of any guides, please post them below.

2nd Edition Guide to the Guides

Hm. I should probably formalise the Wololo Guide into an actual adventure conversion structure guideline and tutorial.
...I may have some time next week.

Silver Crusade

Helpful as always! Hope we get it sticky somewhere

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You have my expected damage by level comparison, but I have a lot more here

pf2 character guides

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Would my Crazy Character Emporium qualify? It's meant to help people find inspiration for their own characters.

Scarab Sages

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I'd recommend Gisher's Proficiency Tables for an interesting look at available proficiency bonuses for each class.

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A quick meta request for those writing guides - please add something in addition to color coding for your choice rankings! I'm colorblind and reading Pathfinder guides can be hell trying to skim through. Numbers of stars is an easy, universal way to make that visible even to those printing out black and white copies or that can't tell certain colors apart. A colorblind-friendly pallete would be the next best thing, to at least avoid asking readers to differentiate between red and green.

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doktorJung wrote:
I'd recommend Gisher's Proficiency Tables for an interesting look at available proficiency bonuses for each class.

Thanks. I'd love to have it added to the list, but this newer link is probably better. It's easier to view and print than the original was. it also includes a few corrections.

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Helmic wrote:
A quick meta request for those writing guides - please add something in addition to color coding for your choice rankings! I'm colorblind and reading Pathfinder guides can be hell trying to skim through. Numbers of stars is an easy, universal way to make that visible even to those printing out black and white copies or that can't tell certain colors apart. A colorblind-friendly pallete would be the next best thing, to at least avoid asking readers to differentiate between red and green.

I'd love it if you could take a look at my Proficiency Tables and let me know how I could improve the format for you.

Gisher wrote:
Helmic wrote:
A quick meta request for those writing guides - please add something in addition to color coding for your choice rankings! I'm colorblind and reading Pathfinder guides can be hell trying to skim through. Numbers of stars is an easy, universal way to make that visible even to those printing out black and white copies or that can't tell certain colors apart. A colorblind-friendly pallete would be the next best thing, to at least avoid asking readers to differentiate between red and green.
I'd love it if you could take a look at my Proficiency Tables and let me know how I could improve the format for you.

What you've got is actually pretty good. The black lines separate everything out visually. Only change would be to use a colorblind-friendly palette to differentiate between the green/broown(?) and red/orange, just to make it easier to refer to the chart key to see what proficiency is what.

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Helmic wrote:
Numbers of stars is an easy, universal way to make that visible even to those printing out black and white copies or that can't tell certain colors apart. A colorblind-friendly pallete would be the next best thing, to at least avoid asking readers to differentiate between red and green.

Number of stars/asterisks is also search/CTRL+F friendly!

Shadow Lodge

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Great, and added all of those!

@Ediwir - I'd love to see that. I think a lot of people would find it useful.

@citricking - Do you have a discussion thread in the forums to go along with that?

@Ravingdork - Most certainly! Always happy to see these builds.

@gisher - These look great, thank you.

2nd Edition Guide to the Guides!

Working on it, I'm also opening it up earlier to some other GMs who worked on conversion for experience feedback. I'll post an open link as soon as I have a general outline and then work on refinement.
You might want to fix the link to Wading Through Chaff, by the way.

Since you have a builds section, I'd like to nominate (inspired by ravingdork's 1e thing) my own character emporium to go with rd's: james014Aura's Character Emportium

Good idea, I made a thread here

Whatevs, I'm posting it. I'm still writing on it, but I could use feedback because as of now, I have no clue what's written clearly and what's relying too much on my own understanding.

The Wololo Adventure Conversion Standard Guide

Shadow Lodge

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Added those all. Thanks!

2nd Edition Guide to the Guides

Shadow Lodge

A bunch of new guides have been added. Keep them coming folks.

2nd Edition Guide to the Guides

Guide for using expected damage comparison grapher

I made a guide for my tool for comparing expected damage of different attack routines. You can compare against different AC targets for levels 1 to 20, or against different ACs for a set level.

Here's a link to the tool
The guide linked above can explain how to use it.

Thread here

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Be nice if we could get this stickyed

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I agree on the stickying. This is excellent!

Dark Archive

Helmic wrote:
A quick meta request for those writing guides - please add something in addition to color coding for your choice rankings! I'm colorblind and reading Pathfinder guides can be hell trying to skim through. Numbers of stars is an easy, universal way to make that visible even to those printing out black and white copies or that can't tell certain colors apart. A colorblind-friendly pallete would be the next best thing, to at least avoid asking readers to differentiate between red and green.

I’ll be more than happy to update the Wizard guide like that!

Seems a simple enough change. Plus it means half stars can be a thing in the way that half colour really can’t.

The Wizard guide needs a LOT of updating . . . could turn into a real rabbit hole . . . .

^Ignore my last post -- I thought I was posting in the discussion thread for the 1st Edition Guide to the Guides.

Dark Archive

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

^Ignore my last post -- I thought I was posting in the discussion thread for the 1st Edition Guide to the Guides.

Panicked there!

I try to stay on top of my Wizard guide as best I can, but its a long term project that I only really can devote a few hours a week to. Even without correcting rules errors / updating with new products, doing a deep-dive guide is a rabbit hole!

That said, feedback on my 2e would be welcome!

Want to do that some time. Just got done looking over a different 2nd Edition Fighter guide this weekend, but I also need to learn 2nd Edition itself, so I had to confine myself to a few notes about typos and astray links.

And here's the link to Brawn and Steel: FedoraFerret’s Guide to the Fighter pt. 1, pt. 2, and the associated discussion thread.

Just now starting on your (RPGBOT) 2nd Edition Fighter guide. I wish Pathfinder 2nd Edition had a decent option for a smart Fighter, but I guess we're going to have to wait for additional material for that. At least 1st Edition had Elven Battle Focus, although the number of prerequisite feats and BAB +4 requirement were annoying.

Proofreading items (Spoilered here since I can't find your Fighter Guide's discussion thread):

The early Skill Feats line is duplicated.

UnArcaneElection wrote:
I wish Pathfinder 2nd Edition had a decent option for a smart Fighter, but I guess we're going to have to wait for additional material for that. At least 1st Edition had Elven Battle Focus, although the number of prerequisite feats and BAB +4 requirement were annoying.

The only CRB "smart Fighter option" before was Combat Expertise and related feats. This is just a case of less published material for a newer system. That said, I would not expect any smart Fighter options published in PF2 to be simple numbers bumps like int to damage of the feat you described. More likely it will be some special maneuver or action, as that's the new way of doing things.

Liberty's Edge

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UnArcaneElection wrote:
I wish Pathfinder 2nd Edition had a decent option for a smart Fighter, but I guess we're going to have to wait for additional material for that. At least 1st Edition had Elven Battle Focus, although the number of prerequisite feats and BAB +4 requirement were annoying.

Going high Int on a PF2 Fighter is actually a fairly solid call if you want to achieve things outside of combat. The extra Skills (and even languages) are nice, and you can raise it along with Str, Con, and Wis. I mean, your Reflex Save lags a tad, but your AC isn't hurt at all and Reflex is the least necessary of the three Saves in many ways.

It doesn't give in-combat advantages at the moment (instead making a fairly minor in combat reduction for a boost in non-combat stuff), but it does work.

BellyBeard wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
I wish Pathfinder 2nd Edition had a decent option for a smart Fighter, but I guess we're going to have to wait for additional material for that. At least 1st Edition had Elven Battle Focus, although the number of prerequisite feats and BAB +4 requirement were annoying.
The only CRB "smart Fighter option" before was Combat Expertise and related feats. This is just a case of less published material for a newer system. That said, I would not expect any smart Fighter options published in PF2 to be simple numbers bumps like int to damage of the feat you described. More likely it will be some special maneuver or action, as that's the new way of doing things.

I could go for that, and it would be better (at least conceptually) than the simple numbers bump.

Shadow Lodge

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New guides have been added to the list. Keep them coming folks.

Moderators, as others have mentioned a sticky would be helpful for people trying to get into the system.

2nd Edition Guide to the Guides

Finally got to read the RPGbot 2nd Edition Wizard guide.

Proofreading item (spoilered here since I didn't see a link to a corresponding discussion forum):

Archetypes: Cleric: "If you take Domain Initiate (and possibly Advanced Domain), your domain spells provide and additional option to use your Focus Points if your school's Focus Spells aren't always useful." -- change "and" to "an" before "additional option".

Edit: Just verifying that I posted this in the discussion thread for the 2nd Edition Guide to the Guides, not the one for 1st Edition.

Also, I gather from the guide that starting as a Wizard and then using the Champion or Fighter class archetype to become a gish doesn't work very well, so I guess we're going to have to wait for an actual Magus class.

Shadow Lodge

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Happy Holidays!

Any more guides floating around?

2nd Edition Guide to the Guides

Dark Archive

Broken Zenith wrote:

Happy Holidays!

Any more guides floating around?

2nd Edition Guide to the Guides

I came across this Alchemist guide on reddit today!

Old_Man_Robot wrote:
Broken Zenith wrote:

Happy Holidays!

Any more guides floating around?

2nd Edition Guide to the Guides

I came across this Alchemist guide on reddit today!

It says "Sorry, unable to open the file at this time." / "Please check the address and try again."

I believe this is the guide
they were trying to link

^That looks like the discussion thread -- maybe you meant this for the guide?

Dark Archive

Welp, thats what I get for trying to copy a google doc link while on mobile!

UnArcaneElection wrote:

^That looks like the discussion thread -- maybe you meant this for the guide?

Yep that's the one! Since there were potential problems linking to the guide itself, I figured I'd link to a link I knew worked. Adds a bit of work, but figured it'd make up for it in insurance.

Shadow Lodge

Thanks guys! Good find, and added it.

2nd Edition Guide to the Guides

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Is there any way to comment or send a message to RPGBOT's site? I'm reading the monk guide and there's a couple glaring mistakes. Namely, they say that monks can't use shields and that you can apply both voluntary flaws to the same score, neither of which are true.

^I was wondering the same thing myself, since the RPGBot series of guides doesn't seem to have any associated discussion threads.

Dark Archive

Salamileg wrote:
Is there any way to comment or send a message to RPGBOT's site? I'm reading the monk guide and there's a couple glaring mistakes. Namely, they say that monks can't use shields and that you can apply both voluntary flaws to the same score, neither of which are true.

I've never found the RPGBot guides all that good or helpful really. At their best they are really bare-bones and shallow class overviews, at their worst, they are just trash.

Old_Man_Robot wrote:
Salamileg wrote:
Is there any way to comment or send a message to RPGBOT's site? I'm reading the monk guide and there's a couple glaring mistakes. Namely, they say that monks can't use shields and that you can apply both voluntary flaws to the same score, neither of which are true.
I've never found the RPGBot guides all that good or helpful really. At their best they are really bare-bones and shallow class overviews, at their worst, they are just trash.


...but also I wanted to send some feedback on the Wizard one because of major inaccuracies, so I guess kinda true.

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Hello, after going to through every weapon in the game,I have constructed a balanced guide to custom weapon creation. Here's the link
https://paizo.com/threads/rzs42wf8?After-going-over-evary-weapon-in-the-gam e-I

Pronate wrote:

Hello, after going to through every weapon in the game,I have constructed a balanced guide to custom weapon creation. Here's the link

https://paizo.com/threads/rzs42wf8?After-going-over-evary-weapon-in-the-gam e-I


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FedoraFerret has a good ranger guide going.

part 1

and part 2

^Just checked this out, and (since no discussion threads linked):

FedoraFerret's Ranger Guide Part 1:
Chassis: "Hunt Prey (****) The primary engine of your class, you pick an enemy, hunt them, and all your stuff now works on that person. It’s a bit annoying to burn an action per enemy every combat just turning on but it’s not much worse than fighter or monk stance and." -- seems like something is missing at the end.

Goblin introduction: "Darkvision (****) Protection from stubbing your toe when you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night." -- win.

FedoraFerret's Ranger Guide Part 2:
"Firebrand Braggart (LOCG) ()" -- the rating is blank.

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Ah, discussion thread for the ranger guide is over here.

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New Champion Guide available.

The Gentleman's Guide to Duty. I'll be refining it as comments come in.

https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/eonzk9/the_gentlemans_guide_ to_duty_the_pf2_champion/?

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This is the link to Gentleman's guide (assuming I formatted it properly (EDIT: I did)). That didn't show up right on mobile.

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