
Saint Bernard's page

633 posts. Alias of DougErvin.


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Katina Davis wrote:
Good news, folks! We are expecting a reprint of this book to reach us sometime in late December. The status on this page says "available now," but that's because I've fiddled with the product so you can preorder your copy now. Those should start shipping out ASAP once we receive them in our warehouse in the next few weeks.

Will the reprint be remasteered?

I had a similar thought but I am also hopeful and trust Paizo.

Just getting started on understanding the Guardian. Personally I see a lot of overlap with the Champion, PC2 may change that. I can see some possible role playing of a professional rivalry between a Champion and a Guardian in the same team.

Any word on when AON will have the remastered material available?

Do anyone think there will be any interest in new guides after the Remaster?

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Mostly we use the spells in the Core Rule Book, Advanced Players Guide and Secrets of Magic. So no big deal.

Unicore wrote:
Saint Bernard wrote:

Overall, I like all of the changes we have seen so far. My biggest problem is with the name changes. Magic missile has been magic missile since the 70s. How it worked has changed in every edition but not the name. Now I have to call it Force Barrage. I'll get used to it.

Getting rid of alignment will be smaller adaption for me as I mostly play Clerics and Champions. Spirit damage and Holy/Unholy are an improvement over alignment damage.

I am GMing Kingmaker in my home campaign. For one of the players the change to wizards school will be a major change. Her wizard currently is a specialist in Conjuration (Teleportation). She and I will have to see which of the new schools comes close to having a similar flavor.

All in all, it will just take some time to adjust.

why would you try to make a player make changes to a game in progress? That sounds like extra work for everyone. Why not just treat all the new content as new options and then make a formal switch if you go to a new campaign? Kingmaker will always be OGL content.

Good advice, I'll talk it over with the group.

This makes me even more excited for the Play Core book.

Overall, I like all of the changes we have seen so far. My biggest problem is with the name changes. Magic missile has been magic missile since the 70s. How it worked has changed in every edition but not the name. Now I have to call it Force Barrage. I'll get used to it.

Getting rid of alignment will be smaller adaption for me as I mostly play Clerics and Champions. Spirit damage and Holy/Unholy are an improvement over alignment damage.

I am GMing Kingmaker in my home campaign. For one of the players the change to wizards school will be a major change. Her wizard currently is a specialist in Conjuration (Teleportation). She and I will have to see which of the new schools comes close to having a similar flavor.

All in all, it will just take some time to adjust.

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Pandora's Box.

With the ancestry changes I will finally get to play a character concept from my Kingdom of Kalamar days. A orc half elf paladin dedicated to Iomadae.

Saint Bernard

Once the Player Core goes on sale, will having the Pathfinder CRB be good enough to play a PFS event or will we have to purchase the Player Core?

Saint Bernard

Whether domain initiate gives a cleric or champion a focus point.

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The biggest problem I will have is removing alignment, I've been playing since 1977 so it is pretty ingrained in me.

For all spell casters a Shadow Sigil ring from Secretes of Magic is a good item. Allows the spell caster to target either the Fortitude DC or Reflex DC instead of Armor Class with attack spells. A common, level 10 item.

The 4th printing is the current one and has the latest updates.

Thank you, that is what I thought.

Can druid use a staff of healing?

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Is the Case still available.

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The one thing I would like to see are Rings of Elemental Control. They have been around since OD&D.

Just got this yesterday. Very impressive. Loved the writeup on House Avanstar. My next PFS character may be a member of House Avanstar.

One tin solider...

Sorry to hear that.

This looks like something I will need. Wish I had had the money to pledge in the kick starter.

Glad to see you are back. My answers to your question would be:
What is your quest?
To rid the world of Treerazer.
What is you sword?
A Holy Avenger of course.
What is your shield?
A greater sturdy shield.

My question of you is: Is life better now?

Looking forward for the pre-order to be opened. I have been waiting for this since the kickstarter ended.

With Crown of the Kobold being released soon, is there any discussion on rewriting this one with the PF2 rule set?

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Any word on when this will be available for retail sale? I want to get a copy so my son can GM it.

Saint Bernard

The Green Faith allows followers of NG, can a Redeemer be a follower of the Green Faith? Or is there a rule that mandates that a Champion worship a deity?


I doubt that casters will be banned. If I get to play this on I will go with a churgeon alchemist.

My character is a war priest of Saranae, healing domain. For me the stone is valuable since I spend 1 to 30 minutes between encounters healing the party. During this time I get personal healing. Win-win as far as I can see.

Does the Aeon Stone (Pearly White Spindle) require a boon even though the character had both the funds and level for it?

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Really cool options. I love Faith Healer, that would be perfect for my PFS Cleric. Hopefully Paizo does something similar. If I get to play in a home brew I will push to get these approved.

Have you seen the Dune movie?

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Selene, it has been a while since I asked you any questions but I just want to know how you are doing?

My own life has gotten a little more complicated so I don't have as much time to spend on the boards.

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Just got the PDF today. Absolutely brilliant. There are a lot of items I want to get for my PFS characters. An excellent replacement for Ultimate Equipment.

I agree with your analysis. I am still going with a dex based Laughing Shadow wielding a rapier.

captain yesterday wrote:
Nope, nothing for clerics other than spells and magic items.


Did clerics get any more doctrines?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I want a PR2 version of the Ultimate Equipment book.

Do you get to attend/participate in Paizocon?

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Please cancel all of my subscriptions.


Got the shipping notice late yesterday.

Just curious why my order is still pending. It should have shipped last week.


The order did arrive but I expected my side cart of Mythic Adventures to be with it. When can I expect the sice cart to ship?


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I am looking forward to any previews of the finalized magus. The playtest one was close but not quite right.

The tracking link for this order is not working. I need confirmation it was shipped and an estimate of when it will arrive.


Hi James,
Do you think the time will come in the development cycle where Mythic Adventures could be updated to PF2? Or is Mythic Adventure subsystem just to different from PF2 to be adapted to it?

Finally got my PDFs, books in the mail.

My order is still pending so it unlikely to ge to me by the street date. Just looking forward to the PDFs before Friday.

Still pending.

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