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Isthisnametaken? wrote: When I run the numbers on existing weapons, the vast majority of them are all around -2 (overpowered). Something may be off in terms of the weighting. Can you give me what weapons you used that are that underpowered? There is a chance that the excel sheet is wrong, as I'm new to that, but the rules themselves should be mostly accurate, with only a few exceptions. ![]()
oholoko wrote:
Yep, it can recreate about 90% of the existing weapons perfectly, but a few are off by a point or two, as Paizo tweaked somethings from their formula, so perfection is impossible (without being 10000% more complicated) ![]()
Mark Seifter wrote:
FIrst, Thank you for commenting here, I was not expecting a designer to see this. Second, do you mind posting that guide/ will a official guide be released. Third, other than finesse, are there other traits that have a ceiling/floor. And forth, if you any other inaccuracies you notice? I really appreciate all your work in making such a great system. Ps, as this is probably the only chance of me talking to a designer, will a option to replace vancian magic with other systems, like the Neo-Vancian magic D%D 5e in the DMG or later books? ![]()
Roonfizzle Garnackle wrote:
That doesn't work according to the rules presented in the document, the exel is just for ease of use, so I'm not concerned about people taking the same flaw twice (you could take 2 handed multiple times if you wanted, so this isn't a unique issue). thanks for catching the typo ![]()
Alchemic_Genius wrote:
How/where can I do that? Also, I have rules for gun traits elsewhere I can give to you if you want. ![]()
Rules here Excel to make creation easier here Hello, after really wanting to a chain whip ala vampire killer, I was inspired to do the math paizo did to make weapons balanced, have created a system that's about 90% accurate. Now, it's not perfect, paizo probably didn't have an exact formula like I do, and a few things like daggers are a point higher, and sawtooth sabres are 2 under, but for most of them, they're right on the money. The only major exceptions are advanced weapons, which other than the flickmace, are one point under. I'm ok with this, as I think the opportunity cost to use advanced weapons should mean that they need to be on par with the flickmace, but if you don't that's fine, simply reduce the points advanced gives you by one. Any feedback or ideas would be appreciated, thank you. |