I've always wanted one of my threads to be necromancied.

Off-Topic Discussions

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Who showed them?

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Oh, all cats do that? I thought mine was special...

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Crap we almost went 9 days focus people we have the skills keep this thing alive we don't need more zombies.

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S!@&, you're right. Quick, let's start a rules debate!

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Yes... Should a paladin fall if someone animates dead and closes their eyes while invisible?

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Should a paladin rise if you fill her/him with iron filings and fly overhead in a magnetic dragon?

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If a paladin falls, but there's no messageboard to complain about it, does she lose her powers?

Grand Lodge

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You all delay the inevitable. One day this thread will reach the second page, and I will be there.

If a Paladin doesn't use Whistling Arrows is it a dishonorable ambush?

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Someone stab IDTheftVictim and animate his body. We need some irony to liven this place up.

Grand Lodge

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I'm on it chief!

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Does the Paladin fall if a demon lord exists over 30 seconds within 10 miles of it?

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If a paladin falls but no GM's are around, do they lose their powers?

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If a paladin has more than two legs, do they get to use their bonus against trip maneuver attempts to also resist Falling?

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It's December, come back MageHunter!

Should a paladin fall if he is in a reverse gravity effect and an arcane archer uses his bow to fire off an arrow with anti-magic field on it?

Or what if he's in a reverse gravity inside the astral plane?!

Or what if a paladin a burns an orphanage to the ground - or otherwise destroys it utterly, as it's taken special action to defend itself against errant adventurers and the like - and slaughters everything that was living inside and salts the earth behind him?!


* Pretty sure they have plenty of socks by now.

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I could always use an extra pair of longjohns.

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Would a longjohns-wearing paladin prefer: 1) golden pantaloons, b) silver pantaloons, or π) bronze pantalettes?

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If a paladin Falls in winter, do they spring ahead forward through time to the next autumn? Or do they travel backwards to the previous autumn?

All Yesterday's Parties wrote:
If a paladin Falls in winter, do they spring ahead forward through time to the next autumn? Or do they travel backwards to the previous autumn?

What you're basically saying is that every year to the day, all the paladins either fall from obeying orders or fall from failing to uphold the tenets of just societies?

DARN THOSE GMS SOMETHING ELSE ('cause they got too much of the other stuff)~! D:<

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Tacticslion wrote:
Or what if a paladin a burns an orphanage to the ground - or otherwise destroys it utterly, as it's taken special action to defend itself against errant adventurers and the like - and slaughters everything that was living inside and salts the earth behind him?!

To be fair, it was a "demon orphanage" created by demons for demons whose parents had been smote by (probably now-fallen) paladins, filled with orphan demons that were created by fiends mating with each other to produce full-fledged sentient demons at slightly reduced strength (-1 CR until they "grow up"). It was basically there to make sure the demons all gained their full strength and then the advanced template, and hated good and law even more than normal demons. And the salt was holy undead bane salt meant to ensure that the demons didn't rise as undead thereafter.

Heh. I knew a guy...

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MageHunter wrote:

I can't say I didn't try... *sigh*

I'll check back in December.

I just want to note, the thread was supposed to be dead between then and now.


I don't care if I fall, I'm smiting all of you!

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If a MageHunter is denied glory, have we been doing our job right?

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Sissyl wrote:
If a MageHunter is denied glory, have we been doing our job right?


Let that serve as your warning...

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Go tell it to a martial-caster disparity expert, buddy.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hm...y'know, guys, if this thread becomes locked, it never can be necromancied...

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Go tell it to a martial-caster disparity expert, buddy.

Five words... Readied Vital Strike Combo Lock

Are you still jealous over the time I won initiative?

As long as we persevere we can destroy those elven mage bastards! May we send an arrow through every Wizard's eye!*

*Sorry, I get a little preachy when someone attacks my honor. I am LE after all...

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Hm...y'know, guys, if this thread becomes locked, it never can be necromancied...

We tried calling Chris Lambertz but her hit die count is too high to be bound.

No dark magic for us...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Damn you!

I mean, you just Vital Strike'd one of my six mirror images, but I hate losing initiative!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
MageHunter wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Go tell it to a martial-caster disparity expert, buddy.

Five words... Readied Vital Strike Combo Lock

Are you still jealous over the time I won initiative?

As long as we persevere we can destroy those elven mage bastards! May we send an arrow through every Wizard's eye!*

Do I look like King F$!$ing Harald to you, sunbeam?

Three words: Protection From Arrows

Three more words: Pound Of Cheese

Another three words: Slippery Brown Ladder

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*Surges out of bed at 2 in the morning*

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

For a thread to be necromancied
First you must let it die:
Wait 'til it's gone past page two
And then just let it lie

After some lengthy span of time
However long you fancy
Some enterprising thread wizard
Will start their necromancy

A post replying to some thing
That everyone's forgotten
Probably barely related
And oftentimes quite rotten

Occasionally some lucky thread
Will see a new insight
But most of the time the necromancer
Doesn't get it right

The thread will then creak back to life
As others post once more
And, shambling forth all zombie-like
The thread attempts to soar.

It doesn't matter all that much
How you wake it from its rest
Animate thread can do the job
But create unthread is best.

Until some forum paladin
Comes along to smite
And so the thread falls down again
I'm not sure if that's right.

You see on Paizo (where we are)
Necromancy's not evil at all
So smacking down upon it could
Make that paladin fall.

So let's avoid that happening
Sustain, that's our assignment
To stop those forum paladins
Worrying 'bout their alignment.

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Guys... I think I found the 'Do Not Resuscitate'Form.

Just... let it go...

8 people marked this as a favorite.
MageHunter wrote:
let it go...

can't hold it back anymore

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You people make me sick!

jams a bunch of dead bodies in the crevice.

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Jammed... {tastes jam} Raspberry. There's only one person who would dare give me the raspberry! {closes mask respirator} Doge Shibe! {walks into the fourth wall, falls over}

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Why does a cat require a monocle?

Tell me now. I demand to know.

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Limeylongears wrote:

Why does a cat require a monocle?

Tell me now. I demand to know.

Because mutton chops are so 1883.

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He's a rat, actually.

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In that case, I have no further questions.

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
He's a rat, actually.

I tried. It was the closest I could find to an avatar of Grumpy Cat as a Sith Lord.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
He's a rat, actually.

I'm pretty sure the correct answer is always Dom Deluise.

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Why not Vincent Price?

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Why not Zoidburg?

6 people marked this as a favorite.

HOORAY! People are paying attention to me!

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Who will claim the proud title of 200th post?

Next week, on Thread Torture

Seriously, it's like a Kyton is up in here.

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Well, it's hard to say.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It might be random who gets it.

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Or someone might work hard to get the distinction.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

But spamming a thread to get a post number would indicate a certain level of immaturity, and I don't think anyone here is so

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